la fiche projet

Electronic and Optic e-Learning for Embedded Systems (EOLES) bachelor’s
Written by G. Andrieu, D. Barataud (University of Limoges, France) and A. Benachenhou (University of
Mostaganem, Algeria).
E.O.L.E.S is a project which aims to create an English-spoken bachelor degree in blended
learning entitled “Electronic and Optic e-Learning for Embedded Systems” for students already having
a 2-year university degree in physics.
The project, proposed to the European Union (EU) thanks to a TEMPUS call for proposals, will
group together 3 universities belonging to the EU and some universities belonging to the Southern
Neighbouring Area (including Mostaganem University, Algeria) as defined by the TEMPUS program.
This project is particularly original as blended learning courses are relatively rare in physical
sciences and particularly in electronics and optics. Thus, most of the existing courses are fully realized
online without giving the possibility for the students to acquire practical skills.
The blended learning solution proposed in this project is made possible by the University of
Limoges e-learning experience.
First, its virtual campus has been launched in 1997. In particular, the opening in 2008 of the
ARTICC professional Master (“Architecture des Réseaux et Technologies Induites des Circuits de
Communications“ in French) provides a good experience of blended learning in telecommunication
domain. The development of this course can be illustrated by the joint degree with the University of
Mostaganem which is currently running a certification process to open in september 2011. Numerous
e-learning essential resources (virtual classroom, webinars, forum, chat, videobroadcasting,…) are
already available at the University of Limoges thanks to a Moodle virtual learning environment (VLE).
Consequently, the ARTICC master will offer a natural opportunity for graduated students of the
EOLES bachelor degree to continue their studies.
Second, the virtual laboratory [1]-[6] (LAB-EN-VI: “laboratoire d’enseignement virtuel”) of the
University of Limoges allows some practical works in the electronic domain to be realized online. The
development of this virtual laboratory benefits of an important local financial support from Region
Limousin. It gives to students on one hand the possibility to control generic instrumentation devices
(network analyzer, spectrum analyzer, oscilloscope,…) and on the second hand to use famous
professional softwares (Matlab, ADS, HFSS, CST, Labview, …) thanks to a devoted professional
server. This tool is an efficient solution to the lack of computer and technical resources observed in the
countries belonging to the Southern Neighbouring Area. In the EOLES project, the development of a
common virtual laboratory from the existing LAB-EN-VI virtual laboratory will permit to highly reduce
investment and maintenance costs of each partner university of the project.
EOLES project perfectly fits the TEMPUS program objectives defined by EU for the modernization
of the higher education:
 Improving the quality and the relevance of the priority academic subjects defined by EU;
 Accelerating the higher education development via Information and Communication
Technologies (ITC) in EU partner countries;
 Strengthening the cooperation between EU and partner countries.
Moreover, this project is well-adapted to the national priorities of countries belonging to the
Southern Neighbouring Region.
Finally, this course will offer a new diploma and large job opportunities to graduated students while
leaving the possibility to continue in Master. Indeed, embedded systems are used in various domains
of industry as telecommunication, transport or space.
This course is oriented towards students having a 2-year university degree in physics and
particularly in electronics and optics.
This bachelor degree could be followed by students in initial formation and also by adults in
continuing education. For students desiring to follow this course in parallel with their professional
career, the EOLES degree will be spread over 2 years to take into account their professional
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constraints. This offer answers the will of more and more workers who want to resume their studies
thanks to e-learning.
The course being made in english, so a minimum english level checked by a TOEIC or TOEFL
test will be required. In case of test failure, training (through one semester) into an english-spoken
project partner university will be proposed to the motivated students in order to improve their skills.
The student selection process and the graduated student monitoring will be handled thanks to
online applications.
The EOLES provisional timetable is presented in the following:
When ?
of the
project (t0)
Implementation of a
steering committee
and of a project
Selection of the committee members
 Development of the bachelor degree leaflet (including the
Training course
contents elaboration
detailed options)
 Allocation of each course to a teacher
 List of practical work to realize
 Inventory of devices hold by each partner
 Inventory of devices to purchase for practical work
Year 1
(t0 - t0+12)
Assessment of the
required resources
 Inventory of required computer resources (virtual learning
environment (VLE), server, …)
 Realization of the website requirements (with quotation
Teaching team
training preparation
Teaching team
Realization and
translation of
educational contents
Year 2
(t0+12 t0+24)
 Writing the VLE user manual
 Training the VLE administrator computer engineers
 Training the teachers for English teaching developments
 Training the teachers to the use of the VLE
 Training the teachers for the creation of practical work
Development of in-english pedagogical contents by
teacher team
 Quotation of devices to purchase for practical work
Launching of the
required resource
purchase procedure
Launching of the
 Quotation of computer resources to purchase (software
license, servers, etc.)
 Communication for the students recruitment
 Inform the public widely about the innovative aspect of
this degree
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Year 3
(t0+24 t0+36)
Administrative work
Getting of the license authorization in each partner country
Launching of the
bachelor’s degree
First certificates delivered at the end of the project
Realization of an
external audit
Inventory of points to improve and implementation of an action
Pursuit of the EOLES
Organisation of a closing seminar (award ceremony,…)
The EOLES project main objective is to associate 3 EU partner universities (corresponding to
the TEMPUS project minimum number of required partners) and some Southern Neighbouring Area
partner universities (including Mostaganem University).
All the project partners must complement each other. The Limoges University teachers belong to
the well-known XLIM laboratory specialized in electronic and optic topics.
Thus, the project partner universities are expected to have microcontroller or microprocessor
programming, user interface development and embedded system reliability and safety skills.
In this project, it is conceivable that each partner delivers a specific degree including common
project courses and optional courses linked to its own field of interests.
The project will only concern public partners.
EOLES project is a blended learning project mixing 80% of online learning and 20% of
classroom learning. Indeed, this course will include two weeks of course made in a project partner
university. This period is considered as essential first to acquire practical work skills (for practical work
which are non-feasible at distance) and second to increase the relationships of students themselves
and also between the students and the teacher team.
The expected project will be running on 36 months. Consequently, the bachelor degree will be
implemented 24 months after the launching of the project and the first students could be graduated at
the end of the project.
An essential aim of this project is the improvement and the modernization of the European LMD
and of the Southern Neighbouring Area country higher education thanks an innovative bachelor
degree in an attractive field. Another objective is to fight against the worldwide disaffection of the
students for the physical sciences by using modern technologies.
This project will also contribute to highly decrease the course implementation costs for each
project partner university and the required costs for the students.
A project committee will carry out the project technical monitoring and will answer the strategic
questions. A steering committee will handle the administrative project and financial management
monitoring. Moreover, an external audit will be carried out at the end of the project in order to
underline the points to improve to ensure the durability of the project.
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[1] J.M. Nebus, J.P. Teyssier, D. Barataud, G. Neveux, T. Reveyrand et R. Quéré, “Caractérisation temporelle
de dispositifs microondes non linéaires par sous echantillonnage électrique.”, CCT CNES – Journée
échantillonnage – Toulouse – 22 Mai 2006 (in french).
[2] D. Barataud, G. Neveux, O. Tantot, C. Decroze, D. Rousset, L. Hagerman, P. Labanowski, J.P. Laine, R.
Foinet, V. mergnac, P. leproux, “LABoratoire d’ENeignement VIrtuel - Expériences et méthodes
pédagogiques de gestion de travaux pratiques à distance ?”, Université Vivaldi 2010 - UNR Poitou-Charentes
Limousin - Limoges - 17 Mars 2010 (in french).
[3] D. Barataud, O. Tantot, P. Leproux, “LAB-EN-VI ”, Projet d'innovation retenu au 4ème carrefour des possibles
en Limousin dans le cadre de la Fondation Internet Nouvelle Génération (FING). Présentation publique pour
la vulgarisation scientifique d’un nouveau concept et des usages autour du numérique - 24 Mars 2011 (in
[4] A. Benachenhou, S. Farah, D. Barataud, G. Neveux, “Réalisation de Télé-TP pour l’électronique”, Séminaire
International sur l’enseignement des TP – Mostaganem - Algérie - 24 Mars 2011 (in french).
[5] D. Barataud, G. Neveux, O. Tantot, C. Decroze, D. Rousset, P. Labanowski, A. Benachenhou, S. Farah, V.
Mergnac, P. Leproux, “Mise en œuvre de nouvelles pratiques pédagogiques pour l’enseignement à distance
des travaux pratiques en électronique radiofréquence pour les formations de Master?”, Séminaire
international Université Lille 1 & UMAB -Mostaganem - 23 Mai 2010 (in french).
[6] S. Farah, A. Benachenhou, G. Neveux, D. Barataud, “Design of a flexible hardware interface for multiple
remote electronic practical experiments of virtual Laboratory”, 1st Experiment@ International Conference,
Lisbon, accepted for presentation in Nov. 2011.
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