Verbal Visual Essay Overview: For your novel project, you will be creating two main components for this assignment. You will create a visual representation of the major themes using the characters, ideas and images presented in the book. You will also be selecting quotes, creating statements and giving a rationale. 1. Visual Component: You will create a visual image using drawings, sketches, photographs, magazine clippings and or three dimensional materials. You may also present your image in a full digital or partial digital format. The expectation is that you use the skills that you have in the best way that you can. However, this assignment is not about art, it is rather about insight. Like any essay, you will need a clear thesis. The images you select are support for this thesis. So they should focus on the imagery created within the novel. Rather than creating separate and disjointed images, you should attempt to have your images work together to create one over all image or impression. Similar to how an essay when read in its entirely creates an overall impression. Ideas to consider: the total impression, the focus, symbolism, allusion, subliminal messages, integration of quotes, juxtaposition, foil, contrast, aesthetics, and form elements of design 2. Verbal Component Part A – Within the visual image you will incorporate; 5 Short quotations from the novel about one sentence in length 5 short statements of about one sentence in length which represent what you believe is important Like an essay, your work creates a greater impact if all ten of your verbal choices work together to enforce a coherent interpretation of the text. All statements should relate to the visual components of the piece. You will need to incorporate these ten statements into the image, do not just write them around the borders. Part B Include a rationale that explains your visual and verbal choices. This may be spoken or written. Remember: Interpretation is opinion + evidence. If you can explain your evidence, your opinion cannot be wrong. RUBRIC FOR VERBAL-VISUAL ESSAY STUDENT: ________________________________________ DATE: _________________ Categories Knowledge/ Understanding Understanding of the text through the selection of quotes, statements and images 50-59% Level 1 The student demonstrates 60-72% Level 2 limited relationship of pictures and text some relationship of pictures and text - limited representation of theme through ideas, symbols and images - some representation of theme through ideas, symbols and images - represents of theme Thinking/ /Problem Solving The student demonstrates - evidence of careful thought when choosing and integrating verbal components into the visual elements Verbal components are disjointed, hastily inserted, and/or seemingly out of place limited competence in classifying Communication some variety of pictures and ideas evidence of some thought when verbal components are integrated into visual image 73-85% Level 3 86-100% Level 4 considerable relationship of pictures and text thorough and insightful relationship of pictures and text - appropriate representation of theme through ideas, symbols and images - thorough and balanced representation of theme through ideas, symbols and images Verbal components are integrated into the visual image to reinforce a coherent analysis of the text. considerable competence in classifying The student demonstrates -clear thesis and supporting points limited clarity in thesis and support some clarity in thesis and support considerable clarity in thesis and support -creative presentation of ideas limited originality/colour in presentation of ideas some originality/colour in presentation of ideas considerable originality/colour in presentation of ideas Verbal components are seamless integrated into the visual image to reinforce a coherent and insightful analysis of the text thorough competence in classifying Insightful and clear effectiveness and detailed insight thorough clarity and insight in thesis and support thorough originality/colour in presentation of ideas Application The student demonstrates - explanation provides conclusion limited competence in summarizing message some competence in summarizing content considerable competence in summarizing and concluding content thorough competence in concluding content and showing insight