The Master - Candy and Terry's Paradise!

A Candy Candy Fanfic
Conceived and Written by: Lady Gato
Webmistress, Candy Candy Nation
Candy Candy Nation©, 2004-2005
Candy Candy Characters© and Story Kyoko Mizuki and Yumiko Igarishi
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
Table of Contents
What Once Was and What Now Is…
- Terry’s Story –
- Candy’s Story –
- A Moment in Time –
Lakewood, Spring of 1934
– Bundling and Unbundling –
– A Weekend Amongst Family –
– Passages –
Scotland, Summer of 1934
- Scottish Lochs and Hidden Locks – The Master –
–The Muse’s Home –
– A Hearth from the Past –
– By Royal Command –
– Two Princesses and a Play –
– Le Bal d’Eté –
– The Shooting Star –
– The Second Afternoon –
- Return to Innocence –
- The End of the Second Summer –
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
What Once Was and What Now Is…
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
- Terry’s Story –
The tall, masculine figure turned away from the ancestral mausoleum located on the
grounds of the private family chapel of Grantchester House, in Grantchester,
Cambridgeshire. He was only 33, but felt twice his age.
“My life is one long Shakespearean play…” he thought, not amused. Too bad the Bard
wasn’t around to chronicle it.
Born a bastard of one the highest ranking members of the English Aristocracy. Torn
away from his mother, left in an elite, cold English boarding school devoid of any
warmth and camaraderie and kept from any filial love, albeit not unlike his peers.
Engaging in behavior that was rapidly cementing his angry, morose and lonely existence.
Meeting the only true love he had known and that finally redeemed him, which was then
cruelly taken away from, with the same game of fate he had once pledged he would not
emulate. Falling so deep into despair and self destruction, only to be redeemed by one
single, deeply haunting gaze from his true love. Returning to the fate he was avoiding to
fulfill, though on his terms.
Yes, from that moment he had tried to live life on his terms. If his destiny was stopping
and curtailing him from what he truly desired, then he would strike an unholy bargain.
Yes, he would marry Suzanne, be kind and gentle to her, but no more. She could not ask
what was not his to give, for his true love owned his heart and soul. And that he was not
willing to ask back.
Yes, he would come back and claim his art…but only because this was the only way he
could honor his true love and the deep feeling they had once shared. She was the only
Muse he had ever had; she was the only one he acted for…even if he knew she would
never witness his impassioned soliloquies, his earnest deaths, his heartfelt speeches. As it
had been his right as a leading actor, he always reserved and kept empty the best seat in
the house. It was there where his Muse sat, and where he delivered his lines to. Once,
when he had been at the lowest point, the most desperate point in his life, her eyes had
shone at him, shone the light on him that he so desperately wanted to keep forever by his
side. He had then hoped to see them again, but they never came back. Ephemeral, she
was…just a moment in time of his life…and he had come to accept that. But on his
Success and fame weren’t a substitute for what he had lost …it brought him wealth,
prestige and a public profile that he was always uneasy with. But he had always been a
master of presenting himself differently to the world than whom he really was…only she,
the Muse, had ever seen the true Terrence Graeme Grantchester, and no one else would
ever see him again thus. Those walls and masks he used were there for a sole purpose,
and that was to protect him from attacks, disappointments, hurts and the entire world at
large. Not even the woman he married knew who he really was. Her version of Terrence
Grantchester wasn’t much different than the one she had come to know when they were
acting colleagues, other than he was a bit more friendly to her.
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
Not even his mother, whom he had finally had a rapprochement with, could crack that
shell; although they had a relationship of sorts. He always felt that she wanted more but
he was not willing to give it to her. They did become friendly and cordial…over the
years she was a bit of mentor, much the same way Robert Hathaway, his director at the
Stratford Theatre, had become for him.
He was described as maddeningly handsome, gifted and charismatic; but phlegmatic,
aloof and ill-tempered. He was baptized with the moniker “Greatest Shakespearean
Actor of Our Times”; lauded as a genius. All his plays were sold out successes. But
there was only one role that he dearly wanted to play and one sobriquet he desperately
cherished, and that was never to be…the one of Her Husband. No, not hers, not the one
he married. No…only hers, his one true love…the Muse.
His wife died after 15 years of marriage. She had never been strong of either
spirit or body, and perhaps it was strangely poetic that she had started to die the day she
lost her leg, when she lost a part of her body in order to save him; binding him to her by
duty. A long term, debilitating physical illness with no cure had finally claimed her. He
buried her…he was sad, but not inconsolable. He had always been lonely, even by her
side. He mourned the loss of a human life, but not of his believed lifemate…no, someone
else had that honor, even if he would never be together with her. Anybody who really
knew how he really felt would perhaps call him cynical or a hypocrite…but of course, no
one ever knew what really lay in him. Oh yes, he appeared to all to be sad, but that was
just another acting job for him, one all too easy to call up from his repertoire. Only his
mother suspected something else; but as it was between them, she never dared to ask. So
he now carried the name of widower…’imagine that’ he would think bemused, a
widower in his early thirties. He should have had a full head of gray hair and a few
wrinkles…that was the stereotype of a widower…he looked 25, according to what was
being printed of him. Still in the strength of his adulthood, he was young enough to have
the vitality and the vigor of a young spirited tiger, and old enough to have the experience
and some hard earned wisdom of an old, wizened and battle-scarred lion.
But another title was thrown unto and onto him, a title he had turned his back on when he
left St. Paul’s in order to save his true love…where, in looking back, that separation had
the been the beginning of the end of their doomed, star-crossed relationship.
There had been a terrible accident, and the entire family died…that family that never
wanted or loved him…that family and all their responsibilities and duties he had tried to
evade and escape, now….he was now the new Duke of Grantchester, with all the
entitlements and privileges that it carried. He now was at a crossroads…what to do?
Had he had enough of the theatre, even if it was the only altar he prayed to the Muse to?
Or should he ‘retire’ from Broadway and make a second career elsewhere, elsewhere
where once he had been truly blissful, elsewhere where he had dared to dream and give
his heart and soul to the Muse? Wasn’t he being called the master of his craft? Perhaps
now he could return the gift bestowed at birth unto him and do it in the place where he
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
had once known true happiness and love with the Muse…that Summer in Scotland…so
long ago…
He owed nobody and no one anything or any explanations. Only to her…the Muse. But
she had been physically long gone out of his life, and that had been by his own foolish
and stupid lapse in judgment made in an overwhelming split second. He could only
silently love and honor her in his mind, in his heart, in his soul and in his art. Therefore, it
did not matter that he would leave the United States and return to his ancestral
home…the home that he had dearly wished she would stay in, forever…she would be no
closer or no farther than she had been, since that cold, unexpected winter day in late
1914. That day that he had let her go, against his full wits and his most fervent
wishes….but in the end, who was to blame? Had he let her down, let her go without even
trying, flying in the face of his own bravado and determination? Or had she impetuously
decided to leave, turning her back on him forever? And what about that time, six months
later, in a rundown traveling theatre…had that been a mirage? Had the tearful, sad beacon
of her emerald eyes that begged him to take hold of his life again been real or not?
Where was the courage to find out if that episode had been a figment of imagination or
the Muse in real flesh and blood? Who was to blame? Or was either of them to blame?
Was there an invisible, capricious author who toyed unmercifully with their lives…was
life and destiny to blame? Had life let them down, forcing them to let each other
go…and if that was so, why? Why??
He got into the waiting car that would take him to his new life. The chauffer spoke to
him, but sounds of his voice seemed faraway…he was lost in thought. He absently
replied, his mind elsewhere…
A sparkling loch1, a fine, warm breeze…a sweet, nubile kiss…A lovely summer, long
ago, with my Muse…the only time in my life when I had been completely fulfilled,
corresponded and happily in love with the woman I adored…
“’Your Grace’ I am called now…” he smiled wistfully. “…Duke of Grantchester….Your
Grace…”. A title by which I had called my father, and not in the best of ways over the
years…the years…how the years have revealed many things to me….how much I
continue to ache and long for her…how much I deeply and truly love her…to love her
until the end of my days and thereon, to wherever it is we go to when we pass…how
many things I knew when I was a young man with great certainty are still true…
No Father, in the end, I did not love the way you did…at least I somehow managed to
keep my love for her alive and eternal, inside of me. I never once spoke ill of her, the
way you did of my mother. That is how I came to know that you did not truly love
Eleanor Baker. Even if I too had to choose duty over my true love, I at least never spoke
ill of my true love…no, everything that was good in me, everything that was best of me,
was because of her…it was because of her and what she inspired in me that I endured
This is how Lake is said in Scotland, from Gaelic. Loch Ness, for example, stands for Lake Ness
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
and kept going on…That is how I came to understand that I did not love the way you did,
even if I spent the better part of my life up until then believing so. Nothing tormented me
more than the thought of having abandoned my true love because of duty, the same way
you did…I did not want to become you!!
No, I did not love the way you did. I loved and still love her, in the quiet recesses of my
awake and conscious mind, and more so in the world of my dreams and
subconscious…the only world I am truly happy and free in now. There, I am hers, she is
mine, and we live our lives as surely it had been intended to.
Yes, perhaps I had been happy, in the way I promised her…but only truly happy when she
and I are together in my dream world and we are free to love each other with abandon…
…Those were and still are my terms…
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
- Candy’s Story –
Little girls grow up listening to stores about princesses, brave and valiant prince
charmings and gallant, romantic knights on white horses…at some point, we are led to
believe, they come together and live happily ever after. Correct?
Nothing had been farther from the truth for Candice White Andrew.
Abandoned as a baby at Pony’s Home, yearning for a family of her own. Meeting her
first prince at the age of 6 in a strange, dream like event…the Prince of the Hill, he was.
Taken in as lady’s companion six years later, only to be relegated as the most menial of
servants. Living a life so pitiful and awful, save for the friendship of three gentlemen and
the love of a second prince, her Prince of Roses. Adopted by the second prince’s family,
yet never fully accepted. Witnessing the horrible death of the Prince of Roses. Sent to a
cold and foreboding elite boarding school in a far away land, where she met her Knight
of Cups, complete with white horse and Shakespearean quotes. Finding a love so pure,
so deep and so passionate with him that she never knew it existed in her. Being separated
from her Knight in a heartbreaking way. Finding her way back to her homeland,
becoming a nurse. Encountering her Knight again, only to be separated from him in the
most cruel and final of ways and with the biggest sacrifice she had ever made in her life.
A big part of her died that night, and was finished off the night she saw her fallen Knight
in a place where he did not belong, drowning himself in a pit of despair. Somehow her
eyes had made contact with the Knight, and as far as she knew, he had pulled himself out
of the deep mire he had fallen into…she had willed him to do so. Later she had heard he
had returned to the rightful place that was his to claim and conquer and to the broken
woman she had given him up for.
She thought that love was not for her…every man she harbored feelings for had been
taken away from her. Her Prince of Roses, Her Knight of Cups, and her beloved cousin,
the Inventor. Only Archibald, her dear cousin, whom she only gazed at with sisterly
eyes, and Albert, whom she saw as her older brother, remained.
But after she found out who Albert really was and that he was her Prince of Hill, she
viewed him differently. He also viewed her differently after he revealed himself. And
after a couple of years, she had accepted his invitation to go traveling. There, traveling
together, it was as if an unacknowledged, hidden restraint on his behalf had finally given
way to something else…Had he not always been there for her, in the worst of times? Had
he not comforted her, cared for her, given her a safe haven? Wasn’t he uncomplicated,
close to nature, an even keel where her Knight had not been? Never an angry word,
never a jealous remark, never unpredictable, never moody or glum. Yes, Albert was her
true Prince. He did not have to ask her if she loved him, because she knew she did and
she told him so. Perhaps not in the same, deep and unabiding way she loved her Knight,
but she did care for the Prince. Perhaps she had to love and lose her Knight so that her
eyes could be opened to the love that had been awaiting her all her life. Yes, that had to
be it. But…what was this gnawing feeling in her, that was questioning her, never laying
the doubt to rest. Was her Prince her soul mate? Yes, she did love him, and her capacity
for love could possibly harbor love for him…but was it her one true love? Or was her lost
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
Knight her one true love and soul mate? Why did he come back to her in dreams,
pleading to her, playing with her, arguing with her…loving her in full and fully? If the
Prince was her true love, why weren’t the memories and the feelings she still harbored for
the Knight obliterated and obfuscated? Why did sometimes in her blank stares did he
appear with those deep, soulful and passionate sapphire eyes of his and her heart ached
with so much pain that it prompted wistful tears from her eyes? No!! The Knight was
gone! Unavailable to her!!…Her Prince was her love now…she would say, as she shook
her head. Her Prince was her life and love now…
So she married her Prince, who quickly made her his Princess. At the altar, speaking her
vows, she buried deep in her heart, her soul and her mind the Knight. He had to be gone,
cast away, like the maidenhood she was about to leave. The Prince was an endearing,
tender lover; nothing was enough for him if it was for his Princess. They grew closer
together and reveled in their union. Yet sometimes, in the stillness of the night, when she
lay awake after their intimate games she would unconsciously think about the
Knight…what was he doing? Was he happy? Was he…yearning for her the way she
sometimes yearned for him? Would the Knight think about her when he was loving his
wife, the way she would think about him when she was being loved by her Prince?
Would…would being intimate with the Knight be just as nice and pleasant as it was with
her Prince…or…would it be deeper, more fulfilling, more passionate and more
complete? But soon enough, the Knight was finally pushed away with another all
encompassing thought…a child…a child of love, conceived from the Prince and his
Princess. Yes, her fairly tale had been fractured, but now she could say her happiness
was complete and that she would live with her family happily ever after…the little
nuclear family she so long craved and waited for.
But she had briefly forgotten how cruel and merciless life had been with her, and that it
still was going to exact her with a few more trials.
A few weeks before the birth of the baby, she and the Prince were delivered with terrible
For some time, since returning from their travels, the Prince had been ill. He was brave
and go lightly, but one day he collapsed without warning. Tests were run, many top
doctors and specialists consulted…no money or effort were spared…no one could tell
them what was wrong…then…the final conclusion came in from a specialist in rare
diseases…a terrible viral infection, possibly caught when he had been in Africa, a few
years ago. No cure and entirely fatal.
So, while she was giving birth to the baby that would become the new Prince of the
family, the elder Prince lay dying. One life about to start, another about to end.
Despite her exhaustion, the princess went to show the new prince to his father who
smiled on his deathbed.
“I leave you now, sweetheart, but he will take care of you and be your
comfort…please…be happy again…you are always more lovelier when you smile than
when you cry…and …” he gasped for air.
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
“And?” she asked, tears streaming down her face.
“I always knew you loved him more, because I knew he was your soul mate…he was
your one true love…but you still made me happy…I tried to make you happy…so
please…now…now that I leave you…please be happy…I will always look out for you
when I am gone…”
And so, the Prince of the Hill passed from this world to the next.
The Princess was despondent. Why was life so mean to her, when all she had ever done
was to be kind, loving and gentle to those around her? When she thanked the heavens for
being alive and was grateful for everything? All the men she had corresponded their love
for her had been taken away from her. To be happy? How? When she felt there was a
proof of some sort of curse…any man she loved she could never have to a happy
conclusion! The only one that still lived, the Knight, would never be hers. She finished
his memory off, forgetting him….she feared that if she even deigned to think of him and
recall their memories together, the curse would continue to plague him, as it had when
Suzanne had forced herself into their relationship with the accident…and that something
more terrible would happen to him, and that thought she could not bear. No, it was better
to forget him entirely. For his own sake, and for her own sanity.
Whoever Candice White Andrew had been, was no more as of that day. No more
Princes, no more Knight…no…and life, if it had been so ruthless to her, despite her best
efforts, then she would turn her back onto it. That strength of spirit she had once had and
called up innumerable times morphed into a detached hardness and sharp sullenness,
meant to shield her from any further hurt. She was tired of being beaten down by life and
stupidly putting on a happy face, when inside she was broken hearted and mournful.
Only one person merited her whole self…little William Albert Anthony Andrew. Only
he would see glimpses of who she really was and what she had been. She retired from
life to devote herself to raising her son, and she was going to do it in the only place that
was truly her home all those years.
Happiness? That was for stupid, fanciful stories told to unsuspecting little girls, like
she once had been. Nothing could be a bigger lie than “happy ever after”…
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
- A Moment in Time –
William Albert Anthony Andrew ran up the hill, his child’s legs not going as fast
as his mind…when he was older, he wouldn’t have this problem he thought. He had
managed to finish his chores and his mum had let him go out to play, in solitude.
Sometimes he just wanted to be alone to commune with nature. His mother always
understood and indulged him. “Your father was the same way, William…so sensitive to
the world and to those around him…” she would sigh, with a hint of sadness. Mummy’s
eyes always seemed sad. There were a beautiful shade of dark green, but they rarely
sparkled or shone…they only did so if he did something that pleased her. Other than that,
they were usually somber and quiet. One time he had heard Auntie Annie whisper to
Uncle Archie, “She was always the happy, gay one…what happened to her? Only little
William lights her face up…” He didn’t know what that meant. What happened to
Mummy and when? He so loved his Mummy. She was a hard worker, and perhaps she
rarely smiled, but he was so adored by her and taken so well care of that he didn’t know
any better. As far as he knew, his Mummy was the most wonderful person in the world.
She said he was the exact copy of his Father, save for the scattering of freckles across his
nose and the green eyes that she said were hers. But one thing was different. His eyes
were bright and shining, hers were not so. But maybe that was what happened when you
were grown up…he didn’t want to grow up…not yet….
He reached the hill, a bit out of breath, and was surprised to see someone else there.
Someone strange. He stopped. His Mummy had always told him not to talk to strangers.
Quietly, he turned around and started to backtrack when a deep, masculine voice, with an
accent he had never heard of, said, “Who goes there? You need not be afraid, young
The voice sounded kind so he stopped and turned to see who was addressing him.
He was a very tall, handsome man with eyes the color of deep blue sapphires. There was
a strange twinkle to them; a mixture of arrogance like he had seen in his Auntie Eliza’s
eyes once, gentleness like he had seen in Auntie Annie’s eyes , nobleness like he had
seen in Uncle Archie’s eyes and…the same thing he had seen in his mother’s
eyes…sadness. A deep sadness.
He knelt and said, “I won’t hurt you, young man…come here…” His voice was warm
and magnetic.
William somehow knew he could trust this stranger. So he went.
The man looked at him languidly, as if searching to find someone else in him. He gently
touched the child’s face with his large masculine hand. His hands were manly with long,
fine, and impeccably manicured fingers…the skin of his hands was soft.
“What are you doing here, on my hill?” William finally asked.
The gentleman laughed, deep and heartily. “Your hill, eh? Well, can I tell you a secret?”
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
“I’ve only been here one other time, but I think of it as my hill as well…because it is my
true love’s hill…” he said, looking deep into the boy’s eyes.
“Your true love?” William asked, perplexed. He did not understand.
“A lady most dear and special to me…” the man said, comprehending that the
youngster’s mind didn’t think the same as an adult.
“Oh, I see! And where is she? Can I meet her? Is she pretty?” William smiled.
“Yes, very pretty and no, son you can’t meet her…you see, she had to let me go…and I
haven’t seen her since…that was a long time ago…”
“Why would anybody do that?” the boy asked.
“Because when you really care deeply for somebody, sometimes you have to do what
hurts you the most…”
“Hmmmmm….” The boy pondered. This stranger was really odd. He noticed he was
still looking at him.
“Mister, why do you look at me that way?”
“Oh, please excuse me…I apologize…it is as if you are somebody I knew a long time
ago…but…you live at Pony’s Home?” he inquired.
“Yes, I do…there are a whole lot of us…” This stranger seemed to know a lot…how did
he know the name of the home he lived in?
The gentleman took one last look around and said, “I have to go now…this is a special
place, young man, you should feel blessed…I don’t think I will ever come back, so I
wanted to etch it in my mind forever…”
This man made less and less sense to him. But he was so…fascinating! He seemed like
someone he could have a lot of fun with.
The stranger looked at him one last time and said, “Godspeed, young man…you have a
wonderful smile, don’t ever lose it…”
“Mister! Where are you going?” William asked. He felt comfortable with the man and
didn’t want him to go…he missed not having a father…maybe if he was nice enough this
man could stay and be a father to him.
“Oh, to where my destiny carried me to…” he tousled the boy’s curly blonde hair. His
half smile was wistful.
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
It wasn’t until the gentleman had left that he noticed something. It was a handkerchief.
It seemed to be a little wet in the center. It had some lettering that he could not
understand, after all, he was only 4 and did not know how to read yet. Why was the
handkerchief wet? William shrugged and pocketed it. Someday, I’m going to be as tall,
elegant and handsome as that strange, mysterious gentleman! he thought.
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
Lakewood, Spring of 1934
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
– Bundling and Unbundling –
William Albert Anthony Andrew was arranging the personal effects he was going
to take with him to St. Andrews, Scotland. Despite his mummy’s protestations and
arguments to the contrary, he was dead set on studying there. It was one of the most
hallowed and oldest universities in Europe. He had decided to study a double major;
economics and business management, as well as minoring in art. He figured if he was
going to have to run the family’s empire and have to acquire the skills to do so, he might
as well do something that interested him, and that was art. Doing a double major was
going to be a welcome challenge for him. Young William was a bit of a genius, with a
quick intellect and capacity for learning that went beyond normal.
But his Mummy wasn’t so happy.
“Scotland, of all places? Why can’t you go to Princeton, Yale, Columbia or Harvard,
William…Harvard2 was your father’s alma mater!” she sighed as she watched him,
voicing the same complaint she had made when he was applying for admission.
“Yes mum, but Scotland is our ancestral home…I want to go there…” he said, intent on
his packing. Even though they had several servants at their disposal, William had always
been very hands on with household work. He had always professed an interest for all
things Scottish. Uncle Archie was amazed at his ability in playing the bagpipes, he had
learned from a very early age and was a gifted player, learning difficult reels and skirls.
He had also become the family genealogist and historian. He alone was able to piece
together, from various sources, the long and illustrious history of the Andrew Family in
America and the United Kingdom. They descended from the ancient and grand Marquis
of Cumberland, the most northwest of the English counties and which included some
territories in the Scottish lowlands. It had been one of the most powerful and oldest titles
in England…dating back to William the Conqueror. Around the reign of James the 1st,
(he who succeeded Queen Elizabeth the First) a William Andrew, backed by the family
fortune, had made his way into America and started the branch that became the Andrew’s
of America. At some point, the English based Andrew’s were lost, and the corresponding
titles and lands were transferred to the then head of the American Andrew’s…but
curiously enough, never exercised. Later however, the contact with the Northern
Territories and Scotland was resurfaced…hence the interest in all things Scottish, and the
purchase of the Andrew House in Scotland during the reign of Queen Victoria by
William’s great-great grandfather.
When Candy had asked William why such the deep and unabiding curiosity over the
Andrew ancestry, he had responded, “To know what one’s destiny is, mum, sometimes
you have to look into your past…”
The past…the past, always trying to resurface and disturb me…I have been tormented
enough by it!
Author’s own idea. First exposed in my first CC fanfic, Rock Bottom
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
Candy continued complaining out loud as she watched over William’s busy packing,
“George, he’s impossible and stubborn…where did he get it from…his father never was
like this…” she carped to George Johnson, their faithful consigliere. He had become a
father of sorts to William after William Albert’s death. He had also skillfully managed
the Andrew empire with Archie. Even though the country was in the throes of the worst
economic depression in fifty years, the family’s wealth remained steady, if not
increasing. Their legendary philanthropy was helping hundreds of families survive.
Diversification of the Andrew wealth in the earlier part of the century had helped buffer
them from the stock market crash of 1929.
“Mum, I understand from the other family members that you are the stubborn one…so...”
“William!” she scolded. Who had dared to say that? She wondered.
“You had to be stubborn…you basically locked us up in Pony’s Home after father’s death
up until recently, when you finally turned it over to the Foundation…” After many years,
Candice had finally created a Foundation that took charge of the running and
maintenance of Pony’s Home. It now had a new building, complete with the latest
facilities, a school, and a clinic that served the children in the home and the people who
lived around it, for free or a small sum, depending on the type of service. She couldn’t
keep herself and William there forever, although she loathed leaving it. Miss Pony and
Sister Lane had passed away a couple of years ago, within a year of each other, and with
her two mothers gone, some of the place’s original pull had been lost. She realized it was
time to leave that sheltering nest, for William’s sake. She could have remained a virtual
hermit, but she knew it would be clipping William’s wings if she did so…and she could
not be as selfish as that.
However, whenever he brought up the years at Pony’s Home, she always felt defensive,
even if that was never his thought. “Are you criticizing me, young man?” she snapped.
“No Mum, of course not…I was happy in Pony’s Home with you…but…why couldn’t
we go anywhere else, with the huge Andrew fortune at our disposal? Now, that I am of
age, I want to see the world…there is so much to see, far away from here…” he said,
going through his treasure chest. There, he kept his most cherished childhood toys,
rocks, books and other things he had collected over the years. He found his old Pooh
Bear, which he had always called Pooh-peh, a name he had heard once from his
Mummy…she had recalled the name of a pet his Father once had. Pooh-peh was well
worn out in some spots. Pooh-peh would come to Scotland with him, he decided. He
didn’t care if he was setting himself up to being teased…unless it came from a pretty
“Just like Sir William...” George smiled.
“Very well, I can’t argue with you, William…” Candice said. She sighed. Why did she
feel so old at 36? Old, weary and tired. Truth was, she feared the day when William was
leaving…she would truly be all alone then. What would she do without him?
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
“Mum, I know this has to do with leaving you here after I depart…like I said, why don’t
you come live at Andrew House while I am at St. Andrews? That way I can come home
on the weekends and we can still be together.”
“I don’t want to go to Scotland, William...” she said, curtly.
“So you would prefer to stay here, all alone in America? Who’s stubborn now?”
“William, I will not allow you to speak to me that way! And I won’t be alone, I have
Archie and Annie to keep me company…”
“Mum, you see them once every few months, at best…don’t kid yourself…” he
“William Albert Anthony Andrew…what disrespect for your elders is this!” she
“She’s right, Madame, if I may…” George said. He could not remain on the sidelines,
watching, any longer.
Candice turned and looked at him, her eyes flat. ‘George! The last thing he needs is
“But it is true, Madame…”
Candice sighed and sat down. She had to think this one out.
Scotland…Scotland….Scotland…once I had a glimpse of true love there in
Scotland…once I had been truly happy… the Knight once stole a kiss from my young,
nubile lips in Scotland…the Knight…the only one I have ever truly lov…
“No!” she reprimanded herself. It was the older, cheated Candice talking to the younger,
enthusiastic Candice. The one she had buried deep within her, a long time ago.
“Why should I go back to Scotland?” The older one mentally asked herself. She helped
smooth William’s fine, monogrammed shirts.
“What are you afraid of, your past coming back to haunt you?” came the taunting reply
from the younger one.
“The past…it should stay there where it belongs…”she blurted out, angrily.
“Mum?” William asked, surprised. His mum was a strange creature sometimes. She
sometimes would stare off into space, and even if one spoke to her, it didn’t register.
Then some curious things would come out of her mouth, things that made absolutely no
sense to him. “It is what it is…” would be one of them, “I am not life’s fool anymore..”
was another and this one she just emoted.
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
George had told him many times over the years, that his mother had been the happiest,
full of life person he had ever met. “Nothing could hold her down, so great was her zest
and ebullience. She captivated many with her dazzling smile and bright, shining eyes.
But that all changed when you father died…It was as if someone turned off the light in
your mother’s eyes and erased the smile from her lips forever…she never was the same
again…I hold your mother in the highest esteem; she still is one fantastic lady…but I
miss the girl who somehow was lost to us all and to her own self…” George had said,
“Ah, Father must have been Mummy’s true love…” William came to realize a couple of
years ago, when he was old enough to finally understand what that stranger had said to
him so many years ago. He had never forgotten that conversation or that gentleman.
Who had that fascinating man been? He missed him, even though their meeting had been
so brief.
He moved out a set of books from his chest, works of Shakespeare and Robert Frost that
he wanted to take with him, when a square piece of fine linen fluttered down. It had
yellowed a bit with the passage of time.
“What’s this?” his mother asked, intrigued that his son had such a garment amongst all
his toys and books and what not. She picked it up.
“Oh! Goodness…I forget I had that…I haven’t seen it in years…” William said, fondly
reminiscing. “I found that on Pony’s Hill when I was about 4 and…’ he stopped when he
heard his mother’s abrupt gasp.
“Will…William…wh…where did….where did you say you found this?” she asked, her
voice barely a whisper.
“On Pony’s Hill, mum….a gentleman I ran into there must have dropped it because right
after he left, I found it…are you alright?” His Mummy had paled considerably.
Candice couldn’t believe it. Oh, there was the possibility the same combination existed
in countless other monograms, but staring at her from the corner were the initials TGG.
Had HE gone to Pony’s Hill? When? Why? And had he seen William?
A familiar aroma seemed to waft from it and strike a chord in her senses…no…that was
just not possible! It was not possible that this handkerchief had been HIS!!
She shuddered at the thought of even asking William if they had spoken to each other. A
flood of emotions were about to rush out of her, but she hardened her face and threw the
handkerchief down. The emotions were held in check. She was their mistress, not the
other way around!
William looked at her…his mum could be so odd sometimes.
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
“Very well, William…I will go to Scotland with you…” she said, using the voice that
William knew well. It was the voice of her unwavering, stubborn determination, devoid
of any fear.
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
– A Weekend Amongst Family –
The Cornwell’s were spending the weekend before Candice’s and William’s
scheduled departure to Scotland at the Lakewood Mansion. Archie and Annie had
married in 1917, while Archie was in his junior year at Northwestern University in
downtown Chicago. Their only child, a daughter named Beatrice Anne, was born one
year later. Candy by then had recently widowed and had already retreated to the only
known refuge she had all her life, Pony’s Home. Despite this, she and Annie were still
very close, as the sisters they had always been, managing to see each other at least once
every two months. Annie would sometimes stay at Pony’s with young Beatrice for a
weekend; sometimes she came along with Archie. As a result of Albert’s untimely
passing, the young man automatically became the “regent” of the family until William
Albert was old enough to take his place as the head of the family. Luckily for all, Archie
was an astute, natural businessman, and George Johnson breathed a sigh of relief. He had
been worried that somehow Sarah Leegan, despite Albert’s airtight and intrigue-proof
will, would initiate a power play that somehow would convince Elroy, the defacto
doyenne of the family, that Neil was better suited for the task, even if that was the
farthest from the truth. In fact, Archibald Cornwell, whom as stated in the will, was to be
the caretaker in the case of his child’s underage until such child reach majority of age,
had turned out to be a better businessman than Albert been. He had the right amount of
focus with no distractions, other than his overarching concern for his little family, which
extended to Candy and William Albert. He too understood Candy well and never
questioned her desire to retire from the public and to be given the peace needed to raise
her son.
However, he realized the boy was to have a father figure in his life, and he gladly
took it upon himself to be that father, especially in those tender years. As much as a
tomboy that Candy remained, despite her drastic character change, it was from Archie
that William Albert learned gentlemanly codes, the vast history of the Andrew’s and the
family traditions that bound them to the British Isles, including playing bagpipes. Archie
had realized early on that young William Albert was extremely intelligent and quick
minded. He was a very nice combination of the best Candy and Albert had been: he was
gentle yet strong, friendly yet introspective, involved yet observant. He loved humanity
and all of God’s creation and had a natural inclination to the arts that went beyond
cursory. He also displayed good business skills, even from a young age…Archie knew
that this came from his wonder at how things are ordered in the universe, and whether
they be animal, mineral or industrial, life was composed of a series of interdependent
systems. There was no doubt in Archibald Cornwell’s mind that William Albert was a
most worthy and deserved heir, one that would steward the Andrew’s fortune and
heritage for many generations to come once he was ready to assume the title.
As the public figurehead for the Andrew’s, Archibald’s social life was doubly
occupied, a role that he and Annie enjoyed very much. In the years after Albert’s death,
The Leegans had been quietly neutered from having any power in the family. That had
started with Neil’s ill-advised friendships with shady characters belonging to the Chicago
Mafia, and that had landed him in several life sentences in jail during the Prohibition,
after being caught in a money laundering scandal. Eliza, who had charmed the pants off
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
(literally) from a mysterious, darkly handsome newcomer had found herself a sheltered
bride of a Bolivian Tin Emperor, and had been whisked away to La Paz so quickly after
the wedding (of course, an extravagant event that had been called the Society Wedding
of the Year in the United States) that the family didn’t realize what had happened until it
was too late…Eliza was rarely seen or heard from again, only scant letters and
photographs from her domineering husband, Don Francisco Gonzalo Raymundo del
Solar y Uribe told the family that they were happy with myriad children. Elroy died of a
broken heart, truth be told, after the family realized what fate had befallen Eliza. Archie
didn’t care; he felt that Eliza finally got what had been coming to her…and as now the
administrator of the family, he took the public role expected of the Andrew’s on the local
and national scene. In fact, many people mistakenly thought that he and Annie were the
Andrew heirs, and it was much to these misinformed’s surprise when told that wasn’t so.
Still, Candice never resented this…in fact, she was more than glad to have them be the
public face of the family. Even if over the years she had become adept at moving
gracefully in high society, she would rather have Archie and Annie go to the endless
balls, fêtes, dinners and charity fundraisers that the Andrew’s were expected to attend.
Annie, who had been groomed to live a life as a society wife by her mother,
blossomed…once she married Archie and gave birth to Beatrice, she had found a new
sense of confidence that made the raven haired beauty more enchanting. It was that
confidence that allowed her to be a comfort to her beloved Candy, and to understand why
Candy’s personality had changed over the years.
Annie had been as surprised as many when Candy’s attitude had changed after
Albert’s sudden ailment and quick death, but in her woman’s heart she knew why this
had been so…in fact, when she was younger she marveled at how her sister took the
terrible hardships in her life without too much complaint…it was just not natural, Annie
thought many times…when the cumulative weight of her personal trials, heartbreaks and
disasters had finally caught up with her, Annie just saw this change in Candy as a natural
reaction…still…she knew her sister enough that she had no doubt that one day the old
Candice, tempered with life’s experiences; yes, but the old, sunny and cheerful Candice
would one day come back to them. How and when that was going to happen, she didn’t
know. From their shared weekends at Pony’s home, she saw quick glimpses of the
youthful Candice, and every time that was triggered by some interaction with William.
Sometimes, Annie would see it when interacting with her little Beatrice.
Beatrice Anne Cornwell had turned out to be an interesting mix of Annie and
Archie. She had Annie’s coloring but Archibald’s fine features, and in terms of
personality, she seemed to be more Cornwell. Like both her parents, she displayed a
natural proclivity towards piano and fashion…however, enough exposure to Auntie
Candy had given her a refreshing dash of tomboyishness…Candy taught her to climb
trees, Candy allowed her to wear pants while at Pony’s home and Auntie Candy
encouraged Beatrice to go nature exploring with William Andrew during their weekend
stays. They would be gone for hours and sometimes return all muddied up with frogs,
snakes or other critters that would send the too-ladylike-for-her-own-good Annie
screeching and would get a rare smile from Candy.
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
Annie remembered with great fondness one rare episode, when Candy had been
her usual self. The children were about 7 years old. As it was usual, Candy had allowed
Beatrice to go out in the woods with William Albert, exploring, in a pair of wellies and
boy’s clothes. She had even done Beatrice’s dark black hair as she used to do hers, in
side pony tails. They had been gone for a while, and Annie was helping Candy out with
some chores, when there was sudden noise at the door of the home.
“Look at what I caught, Auntie Candy!!!” Beatrice yelled as she proudly thrust the frog
into Candy’s face while Annie screamed and recoiled in horror.
“Me too, mummy!!” William chimed in, thrusting another bewildered, muddy frog into
his mother’s face.
Candy laughed heartily with a merry twinkle in her eye as she took both of the frogs.
Annie couldn’t help but notice it had been years, YEARS since she had seen her like
that…not since St. Paul’s, if she so recalled.
Ribbit ribbit!! Ribbit ribbit!! The bactracians slid out of her hands onto the wood floor
and started making a half hearted attempt to flee. Ribbit ribbit!! Ribbit ribbit!!
Candy giggled, ”Let’s have a frog race!” The other children in Pony’s home, alerted by
the hubbub of William and Beatrice were now all pressed around them, eager and
“Candy, what in heavens…” Sister Lane’s sharp voice was heard over chaos. “Oh, by St.
Francis!” she exclaimed, “What now?” She had to shake her head. Candy, despite her
sorrows, was still a ringleader, even if she didn’t want to admit it. Even if in her aged
strictness Sister Lane didn’t approve; because of Candy’s now rare, exuberant outbursts,
she wouldn’t say a thing. She whispered to Miss Pony what was going on as the rapidly
aging matroness of the orphanage also came to see what the commotion was all about.
“A frog race! A frog race!” the children all chanted, delighted.
“Come on, William and Beatrice…you have to race your frogs…you have to become
frog wranglers!” Candy ordered. “You have to get behind them and make them jump!”
“How mummy…how?” William asked, excited. He loved it when his mother was like
“Like so!” Candy dropped on all fours and hit a spot behind William’s frog, which was a
bit larger than Beatrice’s. Startled, the frog jumped forward.
Beatrice, as quick as William was sharp, started doing the same. Her frog was a bit
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
There was such a ruckus after that…Annie, once she got over her initial scare, had to
laugh. William was winning from sheer skill and encouragement, but Beatrice was
tenacious…she willed that little frog to beat its long legged compadre.
“I won!! I won!!!” she shouted, picking up then kissing the frog.
“Oh, my word!” Annie cried, disgusted, but Candy didn’t blink an eye. “Well done,
Beatrice!!” she cheered. “Just don’t expect it to turn into a Prince…” she warned, the
melancholy that now was a part of her coming back.
It was in those very scarce and so few vignettes that Annie saw the old Candy
shine through. She wished that the old Candy would come back for good. But ever since
Candy had returned from that trip to New York in the fall of 1914, Candy had never been
quite the same…that event had been the start of the slow cessation of the Candice White
she knew…and Annie knew it was completely buried the day Albert’s body was laid to
rest in the Andrew mausoleum.
“Why, Annie…why? What great karmic debt does my soul have that I am destined to
lose the men I love in my life?” she had whimpered, exhausted from Albert’s funeral and
burial as well as the exertion of her baby’s delivery. They were in little William Albert’s
nursery. Candy was rocking back and forth, holding the sleeping child, who was barely a
few days old.
“Oh, Candy…” Annie said, as usual, crying more copiously than her steadfast friend,
who suddenly looked so emotionally fragile to her for the first time in her life. Annie
was also a few month’s pregnant, and the raging pregnancy related hormones in her body
didn’t help.
“I’m tired Annie…so tired…I’m tired of being brave, unswerving, cheerful…for once
perhaps I should to what everyone else does when in my situation….” she muttered, in a
voice Annie had never heard from her.
“What is that, Candy?” Annie tried to hide her anxiousness.
“Get angry…cry a river…complain acrimoniously…bewail my fate…shake my fist at
God…” her voice was bitterly heated.
“I’m fed up, Annie…the only thing worthy in my life is my son…but further from that…I
could care less about life…it has nothing in it for me but heartache, abandonment and
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
“Candy…Candy, you’re frightening me…” Annie couldn’t believe what she was
hearing…her lifelong touchstone, rock, pillar…the one who always said that life was a
blessing, that there was no greater gift than to be alive and to spread joy…
“Don’t be, Annie…there is nothing to be afraid of…I’m not…I’ve made up my mind…I
am going to go live at Pony’s Home…”
“What am I going to stay here for? To hear Aunt Elroy blaming me for Albert’s death? I
already overheard her tell Sarah Leegan as much. They are plotting against me…they
may even try to pull that stunt they tried a few years back, trying to marry me to
Neil…and Eliza…I can just hear her now: “Can’t keep hold of a man, can you, Candice?
You are a black widow in a sugar coating, aren’t you!”
“Candy…George Johnson and Archie won’t let them hurt you…”
“Annie…” Candy tenderly put William Albert in his crib, her eyes watering with the
knowledge that her husband was dead and wouldn’t live to see his son grow up. “George
is only seen as a highly paid servant by all of them, even if he was William Andrew Sr.’s
protégé and is the family consigliere…when Albert was alive, he was Albert’s voice and
he carried out his wishes…Albert considered him like a brother…just like…” Candy
couldn’t even mention the Knight’s name now, and changed the intention, “just like I see
him as a trusted, close family member…but now…he has no one to back him…and
Archie…if Archie doesn’t lose out in the bid for power that I am sure the Leegans are
going to go for, even if it defies Albert’s will and last testament, Archie needs to still
prove himself and solidify himself as the leader of the family until little William is old
enough…until then…I just don’t want to be around here…I have to remove myself from
here…I just want to be away…away from this world that has given me nothing but pain
and sorrows…”
“Candy…” Annie had tried to dissuade her, but one thing Annie knew…and that was
when Candy had made her mind up, that was final. There was never any looking back.
Annie always wondered how life would have turned out for Candy had she stayed
in New York and married Terry…When Annie later found out what had happened, she
could only admire in wonder what Candy did, that honor sacrifice at the expense of her
own happiness, and of Terry’s, for a woman she didn’t know and who perhaps didn’t
grasp the enormity of the gesture Candy had gifted her with. Yes, maybe if Candy had
thought a little more of herself then, she would have spared herself from so much
sadness…perhaps Candy was a little right to be angry, with the pointless knowledge
hindsight gives.
At the time Candy had left to go back to Pony’s Home, neither Annie nor Archie thought
it would be for more than a couple of years…the same thing she had done in the wake of
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
her breakup with Terry, her job loss and in discovering who Mr. Albert really was…but
two years turned into four turned into eight…turned into sixteen…it was then that they
finally got the news that they were reincorporating themselves back into the family, in a
way…Candy had announced that William was applying to colleges and that one of them
was St. Andrews in Scotland. They were all glad that the self-imposed exile had come to
an end, although the sadness was still there in her eyes and the old Candy didn’t show
signs of ever coming back.
Annie was sad that Candy was leaving, yet in her secret heart she knew that perhaps the
change of ambience would help her dear sister and closest friend. Perhaps this trip would
succeed in what the passage of time had not, so far: to return the old Candy back to
herself and to her loved ones.
Archie stepped out into the rose garden, in search of her. The air was starting to
carry warmness in it and the rose blooms perfumed the air deliciously. He shuddered
with a memory, first of Rosemary Andrew Brown, lovingly watching him, Anthony and
Stear play in the garden…then of the three of them playing in the garden…then of the
four of them, Candy being a welcome addition to the trio…then of the three of them
again, this time Uncle William being the third, then of the two of them, shortly after
Uncle William Albert’s death. He sighed sadly. He heard some activity in the corner
where the Sweet Candy bushes were, and walked over. There, dressed in jeans and one
of his Uncle William’s old monogrammed shirts, was the woman he still carried a torch
for, deep in his heart. Even though he had grown to love and adore his wife, a part of
him never gave up the unrequited love he had for Candice White…even when that girl
had become lost to them under the weight of her personal tragedies, to Archie it only
added another layer of complexity in her wondrous personality. Archie was sensible
enough to channel that love into brotherly devotion and protection, but every so often he
would look at her fondly, admiring her beauty, which grew lovelier as the birthdays went
by. He was never unfaithful ever to his dear Annie in either body or mind, and when it
came to Candice, it was a fine line that he took care never to cross.
Candy was so focused on her chore that she didn’t hear him behind her. It seemed to him
she was pulling out a couple of young bushes of Sweet Candy and was placing them in
small cloth sacks.
Candy didn’t look like a woman in her mid thirties…she looked still in her early twenties.
Her figure was more womanlike, as it would be having borne a child, but she maintained
her good physical shape very well. While she wasn’t a slave to fashion and trends like he
and Annie were (Annie had adopted the short bob and flapper dresses very early on,
whereas Candy never did) she by no means dressed out of style. It was just her own
particular way…in fact, she seemed to wear pants and tailored men’s shirts more often
than naught, paired with a satuoir of pearls. It was very fetching and forward, Archie
thought. Also, very bold…the only other persons he could think of who espoused this
manner of dress was Marlene Dietrich and Kate Hepburn. But to him, it made
sense…Candy, all woman as she was, was still a bit of a tomboy, even in this period of
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
her life. He could see where she would rather dress this way. It nicely summed up her
stubborn independent self.
“Candy…” he murmured gently…he started to feel his mind wander where he didn’t dare
go, so he held himself in check.
She turned and looked at him, her eyes warmly receiving of him. Archie was still spryly
handsome and impeccably dressed to a fault, as usual. But the shouldering of the
Andrew empire had started to manifest itself in the slight graying of his temples and
sideburns. “Archie…I wish I was better dressed…I’ve always been such a slouch when
it comes to clothes…” she apologized, standing up and shaking the dirt off her blue jeans.
“I see you are working with the Sweet Candy…” he said, embracing her. When he was a
youth, this very action would have sent his heart racing and his palms would have gone
moist with anxiousness at having her so near, but now it was a warm, fraternal exchange.
Her gardening hat fell onto her shoulders. “Anthony was around long enough to show me
how to garden...” she said, somewhat sadly. “I’m surprised the Rose Garden didn’t go
by the way side after all these years…it has not been very well tended to…”
“Roses are hardy plants, from what I understand…” Archie said.
“Yes, they are…they seem delicate but they are resilient…and the particular Sweet
Candy variety seems hardier that most of the ones here in the Garden…” she said,
melancholy. “But we shall put them to the test…we shall see how they fare in
Scotland…” she announced, proudly.
“So, Scotland it is, eh? You will love the house…” Archie said, restating her decision.
Annie, Beatrice and he had spent many happy summers there.
“It will be strange, to return there, as the mistress of the house…I wonder if things have
changed much over there…” she murmured.
“How so?” he asked, not sure what she meant.
Candy had a far away look. Archie felt his heart twinge. The last time that had
happened…was when Grantchester was the man in her life and he had been insanely
jealous of the comely, haughty aristocrat turned actor that had captured his beloved
Candice’s heart…and ended up breaking it, just as he had predicted, tragic circumstances
“Maybe the only thing that has changed is me…I am not a young girl anymore…I am a
cheated, bitter widow, who’s only joy in her life is her son…”
“Oh, and we are nothing then?” Archie said lightly…he knew where this conversation
was heading and wanted to steer her away from there.
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
She sadly smiled. “Oh..Archie…you, Annie and Beatrice are my only family, after
William…I am sorry, I didn’t mean it that way…I will stop moping about…and start
thinking about enjoying these dear moments this weekend with all of you…you will
come to Scotland soon, I hope?” her mood improved a bit.
“Certainly…it will be fun for all of us to be there…I just wish I didn’t have so much
work right now…we could all go over together…I gather William Albert would like to
have Beatrice with him for a while…those two are a pair…we can surely plan for next
“Yes…” she replied. Her gaze was sad again. She sighed quietly.
“Candy…what is it?” he took her by the shoulders.
“Sometimes I wonder…what could have been…what could have been if Anthony were
alive…if Stear were alive…if Albert were alive…” she murmured. Archie knew there
was one name missing, but he was not going to say it. Besides, Grantchester was alive
and well, as far as he knew.
“Perhaps you would be Mrs. Brown and not Mrs. Andrew…” he said, not knowing what
else to say.
“You know…sometimes I feel that Albert was a lot like Anthony, and not just physically
speaking…they were almost like twins…their temperaments were almost the same, their
personalities were about the same…I guess Anthony was into his garden in the same
manner Albert was into his travels and his animals…”
“Do you think you loved them the same way?” he was curious now and felt this was
going to be his only chance to ever ask her this question.
A slight breeze went through the garden, and some of the petals released themselves into
the wind.
“No…I loved them differently…I loved all of them differently…” she whispered.
Archie had the feeling that somehow that statement included his brother and that damned
Englishman. But then he said in sincerity, “You have a gift Candice…a wonderful gift of
giving people what they need the most and how they need it…your heart is so big that
you can care and love deeply…and you were loved in return…”
But one love…one love was above all of them…one love that was never to be…my true
love…the one love that I knew was different from all the rest…the one love that I had to
give up, not because he died, but because of duty and honor…
Tears welled up in her eyes. “Oh Archie…that was whom I used to be…I am not that
person anymore…” Yes, she had a big heart, and that heart paid dearly in the end for its
altruistic generosity.
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
“Don’t cry…my beloved, sweet Candy…that is not true…you had to face life as you best
saw fit to do, but I know the person I just described is still there…you know…sometimes
you have to make a voyage to find who you are…or who you were...” he said, taking his
handkerchief and tenderly wiping her eyes. “Maybe you are coming back from that
voyage or about to embark on one, literally…”
She appreciated the gesture, took his hand and pressed it against her cheek. “You
sounded just like Albert…” she said gently. “Isn’t it sad he didn’t live to be our age?”
“He would have been a Confucius by then…” Archie laughed a little bit. His uncle had
been wise beyond his years, a result of a lonely upbringing in the wake of his sister’s
death coupled with his natural sensitivity to the world around him. He was the most
spiritual man he had ever met. Where Candy’s spirituality was more evident in her
gestalt, Albert’s was a quiet storm. Both equally inspiring and elevating.
Candy had to smile at that. “He taught me so many things and encouraged me…he was
my centering force….he was taken away from me too soon…”
“But he made you happy during that time, did he not?”
“Yes…very much so…” Her eyes seemed to glow prettily at the memory.
They started to walk toward the greenhouse. Archie helped Candy with one of the sacks.
“You know what’s odd, as well? William Albert is very much like his father…he’s got
some wisdom beyond his years that is astounding to me…” Candy mused.
“He seems to have a bit of the traveling bug as well…it certainly is being manifested
now…” Archie observed.
She accommodated the Sweet Candy in the green house. As they walked back towards
the main house she asked, “Archie…are we doing the right thing…by going all the way
to Scotland?”
“Why yes, by all means…it will be good for him, and good for you…in fact, I think,
rather I feel, that somehow this will be a very good change for you…and now Andrew
House will finally have some Sweet Candy of its own…” he winked.
Two youngsters were by the Lakewood Mansion’s access to the lake. They were
snickering smugly like thieves who were marveling at not being caught. As far as the
adults were concerned, they had gone out for a nice walk along the lake. But they had
other plans. William and Beatrice, lifelong accomplices, were up to a secret caper.
“William, I’m telling you…this isn’t going to work?!” Beatrice scolded, good naturedly.
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
“Beatrice…let’s just give it a try…I’ve been working on it all week!” William retorted, in
equal tone.
“Oh, and that was enough to fix this hunk of junk?” Beatrice, despite being ladylike, was
always quite direct. “This should have gone to the scrap heap ages ago!!”
The mechanical swan boat creaked tiredly as Beatrice jumped in, while William gave it
another shove from shore and then jumped in as well. “It’s an ugly duckling now, but no
reason it cannot be a swan again…and even in junk there is beauty and a rhyme and a
reason…” he continued, joining her.
“If you say so…you sound as dogged as the famous Uncle Alistear with your mechanical
confidence!” she said, playfully punching him.
“I’d be honored to be half the man he was, if what I’ve been told about him has been
unembellished…” he declared proudly, looking at Beatrice directly in the eyes.
The two youths looked at each other, then suddenly, they both adverted each other’s eyes.
The mid afternoon sun gave a special light to everything around them. The water was
like a mirror in its stillness. They floated placidly, just enjoying each other’s company,
and the tranquil sounds of nature around them. As it was with them, there was a most
serene communion between them.
“I wish you weren’t leaving…” she finally said. “I feel like you were finally coming
back to us, instead of being away at Pony’s Home…and now…now…” her voice
William steered the boat, looking at Beatrice intently. “Beatrice… I never thought this
would upset you so…” he said.
She wiped the tear with the back of her hand and smiled prettily, “Oh, I’m being horribly
selfish…maybe because I am an only child as well and …” she was going to say “you
are my brother” but somehow that sounded funny to her now, so she continued, “and
besides, I’ve been to Scotland many times and you have not…it is only fair you get to
go…I just wish…” her smile curved downwards again giving her mouth the slightest hint
of a delicious pout.
“So…why don’t you come? Let’s both go to St. Andrews…it is just as good a school as
any here…” he invited.
“Well, you seem to forget that I am not in the same year you are, Wills…” she called him
by the pet name she had given him, since they were children. He called her Trixie.
“Besides, I am not as smart as you are…I don’t think I can go into some fancy
university…mother is even horrified to hear me talk about going to university…”
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
“Oh, come now, Trixie…” William huffed gently, “those days of not allowing ladies to
go to college are long gone…so Victorian close-minded…” The boat started creaking in
a funny way and he cocked his ear.
“You forget who my mother is…” Beatrice reminded him.
“So…what does Uncle Archibald say?” William asked, interested.
“Daddy is more pragmatic…he says I can do anything I want…to take a cue from Auntie
Candy and what she did with her life…until…” Beatrice stopped. She knew was going to
tread in an area she knew a lot about, but that was kept from William. Partly because it
was not relevant to him, and partly because she had eavesdropped and she knew that she
was not supposed to…
“What are you saying, Annie…that she would have been better off marrying
that…that…Terrence Grantchester!” Archie was heatedly talking to Annie. An eleven
year old Beatrice had come down to the first floor; it was midnight…she had felt the urge
for a glass of warm milk and some gingersnap cookies and could not resist…and instead
of ringing for her maid, she decided to go down herself.. Her parents had just come in
from another charity ball and were still dressed to the nines. They were in the parlor,
having a secret nightcap. Federal law notwithstanding, the wine cellar at the Andrew
Mansion was well stocked well before Prohibition.
Terrence Grantchester…the famous Broadway actor? She murmured to herself…like her
mother and father, she kept up with the society pages, local and national…why was he a
subject of conversation between her parents? Lured by this tidbit, she hid herself, her
ears pounding with anticipation.
“Yes…in fact they would have married when she went to New York…”
“How do you know that? They didn’t obviously!” her father spat.
“You never knew what drew them apart, did you? Candy gave Terry up because of
Suzanne Marlowe!”
Beatrice gasped….as far as she knew, Uncle William Albert, whom had passed away
before she was born, had been Auntie Candy’s only love…and Suzanne Grantchester, née
Marlowe…what was going on here?
“He made her unhappy, that’s all I know! Candice was better off without
him…everything around that bastard was drama, arrogance….complications! He didn’t
care an ounce for her if he made her suffer! She was better off without him…she had a
career and the undying love of my uncle!”
“A career that Neil stalled and a love widowhood finished off…really Archie…why do
you think she went and buried herself in Pony’s Home after Uncle William’s untimely
death! To get away from this family that had hurt her, were it not for you, Stear,
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
Anthony and William! She wasn’t going to allow William Albert to grow up in this
“What about us?”
“She knew you were going to have too much on your hands…Candy doesn’t like to put
people in that position…that is why she left Terry! Because Suzanne Marlowe, whom
apparently had a horrible, uncorresponded and unwanted crush on Terry, had intervened
in an accident that would have surely killed him, lost her leg in the process and then she
tried to commit suicide because she knew Terry loved Candy…this all happened right
before she went to see him…Terry was terribly caught up in all of this…he didn’t know
what to do…so Candy made the decision! I don’t know how she did it, Archibald…I
don’t know how she called up the incredible courage and integrity to do it!!! To give up
the man she loved and was surely going to marry for a woman who had plunged herself
in the middle of them!!”
There was strange silence. Archibald, astonished, looking at his wife…after so many
years, he had finally learned the truth…Annie, not believing she had finally told the story
she had inadvertently overheard from Miss Pony and Sister Lane one night at Pony’s
Home, when the two mothers were up worrying sick over Candy…and Beatrice, stunned
and feeling her own heart twisting funnily at hearing such a sad tale.
She no longer wanted the milk…she ran quietly back up to her room and cried herself to
sleep…it was so unfair! Yet, what a story!! She admired her Auntie Candy even more
from that day…she somehow understood her now. …
“Until what, Trixie?” William Albert had been perplexed at seeing the far away gaze in
her eyes.
Suddenly, she screamed, “Wills!! The boat is sinking!!”
Water was seeping through at a fast rate…her feet were already covered.
“Uh oh!” The boat was going down fast. He grabbed Beatrice’s hand and said,
“Well…we will just have to take the plunge together!”
They both jumped off, and laughing, swam to shore. She was an expert swimmer, having
learned with him. The water felt refreshing on their skins.
“I am going to have to sneak in to change now…” she gasped between her peals of
laughter, at the absurdity of what just happened. “Mother will be horrified if she found
out…that all her attempts at making a lady have failed…”
“Mummy would have us jump in again, just to vicariously watch the whole thing over
again…and I would love to make her laugh…” William winked.
Unconsciously, Beatrice shivered.
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
Instinctively, William drew her in an embrace “Here…let me warm you…” he said.
“Warm me? You’re also soaked to the bone, Wills!” her pretty, deep eyes made fun of
him. “I don’t need wet upon wet, I need some warm, yummy cashmere!”
They started at each other, somehow, with a new understanding.
Time seemed to suspend itself.
Bewildered, she continued to look at him. Whatever she was feeling at the moment, she
knew one thing was true…she liked the way he made her feel. As confused as she felt
about what had just transpired, the emotion was unmistakable.
“Let’s go home…” she murmured, taking his hand. “Before we catch a chill…I can’t
have you arrive in Scotland all snotty!”
They could hear each other’s step swishing on the new grass.
“Beatrice…I will write…” he said.
“As will I…” she replied.
“Beatrice…I…” he started, but she interrupted, softly placing her hand on his lips. “I
will come next summer…and then we can make other plans…” she said, looking at him,
Candice was getting ready to retire for the night. It had been a lovely weekend
with the Cornwell’s…there was no immediate sadness, just a lot of gaiety and well
wishes. She also thought she picked up on something new…something between William
and Beatrice…was it possible?
“Ah…to be that age again and to be in…” she started, then stopped. There was no use in
revisiting that time in her life.
There was a knock on her door and she replied, “Enter…” Annie, in her own dressing
gown and ready for the night, smiled sheepishly at Candy.
“Why…Annie...” she said, pleased at seeing her best friend and sister. Somehow she felt
six years old again.
“I just had to come say goodbye…tomorrow I think I will be too rushed…may I brush
your hair?” Annie asked, shyly, despite her age and relationship.
Candice, touched by the consideration, nodded. “I know what you mean…in all this
whirling about, I forgot to mention that I had a very nice phone call with Patricia…”
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
“Oh?” Annie asked, her eyes brightening. She was using tender strokes as she brushed
Candice’s beautiful, golden curly hair. It was shoulder length, but still full and luxurious.
“She’s doing quite well…her little school is doing quite well…she’s a lot better in her
career than I ever was…” Candice sighed.
“Oh Candice…don’t say that…you are wonderful…as you have always been…” Annie
“I should have been the nun, not her…she’s been spared a world of pain, other than
Stear’s death…” Candice mused.
Patricia, who had never gotten over Alistear’s death, had studied to become a teacher,
and then, after a few years, had joined the order of the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur,
who were dedicated to education. She was based out of St. Petersberg, Florida, having
inherited her Grandmother Martha’s estate.
Annie didn’t want Candy to go down that path, so she reminisced, “Remember how we
all had fun in Scotland that school holiday! Stear was so funny!”
“Yes…” Candice murmured. Stop, Annie…stop…
“Looking back, it was the most carefree, lovely time…” Annie
continued, her eyes starry. She was recalling how handsome Archie looked.
“Why did we have to grow up…why…why couldn’t things stay the way they were in
Scotland?” Candy muttered, under her breath.
“Eh?” Annie said.
“Oh, don’t listen to this old hen…” Candice chastised herself, cracking a faint smile.
Annie put the Tiffany sterling silver brush down. She gave Candy’s hair one last smooth
with her hand.
“Candy…I know we didn’t get to see or be each other much as we would have liked to
over the years…yet, I will miss not having you in the same area….Scotland is so far
away….” Annie murmured, her tears welling up.
“Come now, Annie! You will all come over next summer…and who knows, we may
bore each other to tears spending so much time together!!”
“Bored, with you, Candy…never…” Annie said, taking her dearest friend in her arms.
“You taught me everything I needed to know about how to be brave and strong…and
happy…you taught me how to live…”
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
“I should have saved up some for myself then, Annie…I wish I could say that about
myself now…”
Annie’s eyes looked at her, shining. “Candy…I don’t know if this sounds foolish or
not…but…I’ve come to trust my female intuition…I have a good feeling about this trip
for you…I can’t say what it is, but it will be all good, in the end…”
“God willing, then….” Candice replied, wishing it were true.
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
– Passages –
In 1934, the “Grand Old Lady” of ocean liners, the Mauretania, was in the sunset
of its illustrious, fabled service. Once the largest, fastest and one of the more luxurious
ocean liners ever built, it had symbolized everything that had been grand and good of the
now long gone Edwardian era…an era whose codes, mores and ideologies had come to a
rude awakening, starting with the unfortunate sinking and loss of the hubristic Titanic and
further cemented into oblivion by the horrors of World War I. Unwilling to die along
with her peers and with the era she had once embodied, she survived her service as a
hospital and troop ship during the Great War and a fire in 1921, shortly after resuming
passenger service. That fire had been a blessing of sorts, allowing for her interiors to be
lavishly redone with more modern accoutrements. She was converted to an oil burning
ship, a more efficient technology than the boiler-based one she had originally been
conceived as. She had been given a second life.
Passage of time notwithstanding, she was still the fastest ship afloat until 1929,
when the Bremen captured the speed record….her core competency, speed, was no
longer hers…and since the great waves of immigration that had swelled early in the
century had greatly diminished by the 1930’s, she was now seen as a way to cross the
ocean for leisure, not for urgency. She was even painted white to add a holiday, tropical
dash to her appearance. But the Great Depression hit the world economy hard, and
leisure passengers became few and far between. Cunard, the Mauretania’s owner, had
now merged with one time rival White Star and was forced to make changes, in order to
confront the dire situation at hand. It had to reduce the supply which was now was much
greater than passenger demand, and complete the orders for the newer, more modern
ships being built for them…such as the brilliant newcomer, the Queen Mary. With a
heavy heart, the liner that had been the Queen of Speed for over 20 years was slated for
retirement in September, 19343.
Candy shuddered as she boarded Maury…. the friendly moniker the Mauretania
was known as…this ship was inexorably tied to her own personal history that she could
not help but feel she was revisiting with an old friend. Even though she had lavishly been
The Mauretania was scrapped in 1935.
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
redone in 1921, everything about the Mauretania was still very familiar. She some how
felt she was going to have an out of body experience at any minute….she was going to
see a slip of a girl, tizzy with champagne, run into a despondent, voluble and handsome
aristocrat on the fog shrouded promenade at any minute.
The regal suite, one of two on the Maury, seemed pretty much the same as it had
in the winter of 1912. It was a self contained flat of sorts, with two bedrooms, a sitting
room, a dining room and private bath and lavatory…one did not have to leave the suite at
all, if that was the inclination. The regal suite commanded the utmost levels of first class
service and pampering the Cunard-White Star line prided itself in, the times
notwithstanding. It had the feel of an English country home, much like the one Candy
and William were now going to be based out of. They settled in comfortably for the five
day Atlantic crossing.
William Albert was entirely enthralled with the Maruetania, and even Candy felt a bit
like her old self: unjaded, wide-eyed and taking everything in. She actually felt a little
guilty, seeing first hand what a sheltered life they had live since his birth. Then again, he
never complained or recriminated her; he took everything in stride, taking great delight in
pointing things out to her and enthusing over small details, like the great meals with the
captain, and the fact that they had to dress for dinner.
“Mummy…this is so exciting…I feel like I am living a dream come true….”
Candice would smile and pat his cheek maternally.
He reminded her so much of whom she used to be, yet at the same time, he was the
carbon copy of his father. A quiet, dependable strength that many times could be taken
for an old soul…so much like her Albert…her Mr. Albert…
Candy could not exactly pinpoint when exactly she had looked at Mr. Albert with
other eyes. But it had happened shortly after she agreed to travel with him, early 1916.
She was still living at Pony’s Home and had not seen him in over a year. She had found
herself looking forward to the trip and was very excited to finally see him again, after so
many months.
Mr. Albert had always been very nice looking, but in his first year as William Albert
Andrew, he suddenly took on a patrician, formal air that was incongruent yet not entirely
at odds with the free spirited Mr. Albert. He was very tall, well over 6 feet, of thin yet
well proportioned build, and his golden, wavy hair was very fair. His eyes were light
blue and still sparkled merrily. He had come with George, his eternal confidant and
second hand man…more like an uncle to him than an employee; which considering that
Albert’s father had adopted him, made sense.
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
“Well, little one…are you ready for an adventure?” he winked. He seemed to look at her
a bit differently than he had in the past.
For the first time, she had blushed shyly in his presence. “I am ready to go with you, Mr.
Albert…William…I mean…”
“Candy…you need not be so formal…” he smiled gently.
“I’m sorry…sometimes I get confused as to who you are to me…”
“Don’t entangle yourself so…call me whatever you feel most comfortable with…after
all, you know me best…” he guided.
“Albert, then…” she settled.
“Albert it is….” he agreed.
Candy said goodbye to Miss Pony, Sister Lane and the children. She couldn’t tell them
how long she would be gone…she only knew she wanted to be with Albert and see the
world through his eyes. To her, it finally felt like a new chapter in her life; a new phase.
They headed out to the southwest, to New Mexico. Albert had said that he
wanted to work with the Indian Pueblos there…their plight, as a result of the reservation
system tugged at his benevolent heart. He felt that a living culture was being denied the
dignity of a free life and of the basic services they as humans needed…elemental things
like running water, medical care and access to schools. He had set up a foundation to
help a few of these pueblos and was eager to start the programs himself. Of course,
people would think he was the regular Joe coming to do the work, and he preferred it that
way. He would rather interact with people at their level, not at the echelon that being
known as one of the world’s richest men would immediately remove him too. Candy,
with her skills would provide an added level of help, especially with setting up the
The soft, rolling waves of the Midwestern plains gave way to a landscape Candy had
never dreamed existed in the United States….desert, scrub, mesas and canyons….the sky
had never looked so large in her entire life…even the animals were different: huge golden
and bald eagles with angry, swift talons; skittish long eared and legged jackrabbits; scaly
and mysterious rattlesnakes, comical coyotes that yapped and yowled in the night;
curious, strange armadillos with clever armor and the quick, darting roadrunner. Out in
New Mexico, it was hard to believe it was the United States...the primary language was
Spanish, and the majority of its inhabitants were either of Spanish descent or American
Indian. No wonder the Indian pueblos had Spanish names, like Santa Clarita. She was
exposed to new foods like tortillas, enchiladas and sopapillas. Albert even gave her a
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
taste of red chile once; the fiery jolting heat she disliked immediately but evoked a hearty
laugh from Albert.
They camped within the reservations, which Candy found great fun. Albert, having done
it so many times was quite expert…and, as it was when they had shared the apartment, he
was in charge of the cooking. Not that they wanted for much. The pueblos, grateful to
have them with them gave of their hearts and hearths. It was like a dream…a wonderful,
magical dream…and she was so glad of being with Albert in it. The Great War that was
still raging in Europe and had finally started to drag the United States into it. It seemed
so far away, so far removed…it was as if this charming, sunny and primitive state was
another world…their own world.
One chilly night, as they sat by the campfire, Candy thought the stars had never
looked so bright in the vast, inky heavens. As she had done in the past, she snuggled
close to him and he received her warmly and pulled the Navajo blanket around them
Yet, this time there was something else in the caresses he was giving her…something that
she had experienced once from a lover’s hand…the Knight’s.
“Candice…” he murmured.
“Yes, Albert?”
He took her hand, and kissed it gently. “Candice, I love you….”
“I love you too, Albert…” she said, as she had done so many times in the past.
The Enchanted Mesa, near the Acoma Pueblo, north of Albuquerque, New Mexico
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
He turned her face to his. “I meant, I really love you…I love you the way a man loves a
woman…and you have blossomed into a beautiful woman…and I want to love you…” he
Her heart beat uncontrollably…part of her couldn’t believe what she was hearing! Yet at
the same time, Albert’s earnest gentleness eased her mind of any anxieties.
“I…” she stammered.
“Candy…sweetheart…may I kiss you?” she had never heard his voice so tender and
gentlemanly. The voice of a lover, not of a brother or a friend.
Candy, slightly bewildered, but curious, just nodded.
She remembered his gentle lips taking hers, parting hers, tasting hers…it felt pleasant
enough…she recalled thinking in her mind that she had been kissed once, by the
impetuous, passionate Knight…and what that kiss that awoken and stirred in her. It had
been a roaring, ardent, fathomless ocean in comparison to the deep pool of tranquility she
was now dipping herself in.
The following days were a blur to her. The relationship between them had changed, and
she felt happy and blissful for the first time in many months.
Companionship, warmth, gentleness…her Prince was everything and more. He truly was
the most perfect of men. Even though they slept together in the same tent, next to each
other, he never did anything inappropriate. But the cozy closeness was most gratifying to
her, and to him. They truly seemed to be a married couple, except that they weren’t.
They continued their long journey through the state, visiting several Indian Pueblos that
Albert wanted to work with. Candy’s nursing experience was very helpful, and she once
again felt fulfilled by her calling.
By the time they had reached Santa Fe, New Mexico, Albert had said,
“Candice…sweetheart…I wish nothing more than to travel like this forever…but I
can’t…I will have to go back to Chicago and back to my reality…”
Candy’s heart froze at that…with all that had transpired between them, now what? If the
family had heaped scorn on her before, she could only imagine their deepened wrath
when they found out how she and Albert were secret beaus.
“I don’t want to go back, Albert…not now…not now that you and I…” she blurted,
unable to finish the sentence…she was frightened of the future.
“I cannot live without you by my side, Candy…you are the light in my life…come back
as my wife to Chicago…”
“You…you want to marry me?” she murmured.
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
“That is what people in love tend to do, sweetheart…besides, it is what I have always
wanted to do…I have wanted to since the day I met you on Pony’s Hill…I waited
patiently for you, to allow you to grow up…” He did not tell her how deeply afraid he
had been once Terrence Grantchester had entered their lives. Albert had recognized then,
even if they had not, what the true nature of their relationship was…and he knew that in
comparison, he would pale…and he had told himself that he would not step in; after all,
Candy was free to love whom she wanted…but life had tipped the scales towards him,
and once the disastrous New York visit had transpired, he knew that all he had to do was
wait a little longer…his little girl would be his woman.
He continued, “I just believe it will be easier for us to come back as man and wife…they
will be scandalized, but farther than that, there is little they will be able to do… I am
William Albert Andrew, and no harm will come to you…besides, you and I are adults
Candy shyly nodded and accepted. Finally, she would truly have a home and a life
partner. Perhaps now, all the drama of her life would be a thing of the past….to finally
live happily ever after with her Prince.
So, in the private chapel of the Bishop of Santa Fe6, with only George Johnson as their
witness, they pledged their love to each other, and took the vows of husband and wife.
Perhaps to some it was not the fabulously opulent and elegant society wedding many
would have expected, but in the simplicity of their dress and the earnestness of their
vows, no ceremony was better suited to their temperaments.
“Sometimes what is simple is what is the most complicated…and what appears to
be complicated is in reality what is the most simple…” Candy had acknowledged to
The Chapel at Bishop’s Ranch
In actuality, Bishop Lamy had been dead for a few years and by the Candy Candy timeline, his ranch and private chapel were owned
by the Pulitzer family (yes, that Pulitzer family). But as usual, the author has moved some things around to suit the story
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
herself, much later. Life never had a simple answer or solution; each situation required
its own approach. Perhaps if Candy had not been impulsive during the Suzanne Marlowe
dilemma, she would have married her Knight and lived a tranquil, wholly fulfilling life of
love and family with him.
Perhaps if Albert had never gone to Africa, he would have never contracted the disease
that claimed him so young, and they would be enjoying the little family life they had
Perhaps if she would have not shut herself out of the world, she would have overcome
her deep grief and disappointment in life sooner.
….Then again, it is hard to know the exact outcome of a ‘what if’ unless one made the
conscious effort to set it in motion…
Perhaps now, returning to Scotland, I may be able to set aside what has consumed me for
so many years now…
Then again, perhaps it was just better to leave things the way they are, and to continue
on…I had to do what I felt I had to do…
Maybe we are all just passengers on the great ship of life on the great sea of the
Or perhaps, we each are all captains of our own destiny, and in our life are the results of
the actions or inactions we take…
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
Scotland, Summer of 1934
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
- Scottish Lochs and Hidden Locks Scotland was in glorious form when Candy and William arrived. Andrew House
was eager to receive them and the summer had just started in the Highlands. Andrew
House was located in the vicinity of Loch Leven, near the town of Kinross, in Kinrossshire, Scotland. Kinross-shire lies west of St. Andrews and north of Edinburgh. Kinrossshire County measures 15 miles from west to east 9 miles from north to south and is
ringed with hills; the Lomonds to the east, the Ochils to the west and Benarty Hill to the
south. The central feature of Kinross-Shire, of course, was Loch Leven, one of the most
beautiful Lochs in Scotland, and one of the most famous, for its castle in the middle of
the Loch where Mary Queen of Scots was once imprisoned.
Both Candy and William felt like little children, exploring the house and claiming it as
their own. It was the first time William had seen his mummy so happy and giddy…ever.
They had timed their arrival so that they could at least spend a couple of weeks together
before William went to St. Andrews, and they made the most of it. There were long
walks around the trails near the Loch Leven, fishing for salmon and a side trip to both
Edinburgh and Stirling Castle. Unfortunately for Candy, time passed so quickly and the
day came when William left for the start of his summer term at St. Andrews. There was
going to be a few days of orientation and social activities before classes actually started.
“I will be home on the weekends, mummy…don’t you despair now!” he said, as he
readied his new Jaguar to drive East, to St. Andrews.
“Of course not, son…just be careful…” Candy said. She realized now with the full
weight that she was truly separating himself for the first time in his life. She did not like
the empty feeling in her heart. Oh, there had been times when she had felt that, but a
child leaving a mother’s side was an entirely new emotion that she had never felt. How
she wished that Albert was there.
Albert…or…maybe the Knight, if things hadn’t turned out the way they did?
He hugged her and kissed her goodbye. The servants of Andrew House had gathered and
all said in unison “Best of Luck, Bonny William!”
He waved happily, jumped in his Jaguar, which had the top down, and sped off.
Candy’s heart emptied in his wake.
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
Later that day, she decided to visit a secret spot that had been calling to her from the day
she arrived at Andrew House. Now that William had left, she could steal away to it and
no one would be the wiser…
The hidden site on the shores of Loch Leven looked much the same as it had, that
summer of 1913….twenty one years ago…where had that time gone? Candice
wondered, almost aghast at how time had passed so quickly. It still shimmered and
sparkled in the same way. The heather, lavender and brier roses gently perfumed the air.
She breathed in deeply. Things looked the way they did, but everything had changed.
She was not the same as she had been the last time she was here…the passage of time had
left its inexorable mark on her. For the worst, some would say.
Life was so gay then…we had no troubles…that summer was when Terry opened himself
completely to me…I can see him now, telling me how he wanted to become an actor…I
spent hours here with him, listening to him read Shakespeare…he was so passionate…
“Candy, I want you to remember Scotland…”
“Remember Scotland?”
“Yes…have you ever danced by a Loch?”
“Well then, what are you waiting for, Lady Freckles?”
Loch Leven, Kinross-shire, Scotland
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
“A stolen kiss, a kiss that I should have reciprocated, because my whole being screamed
for me to do so, and I slapped him…I had the nerve to slap him…” she chuckled
wistfully out loud. She couldn’t believe she had thought about that, after so many years.
Her whole self tingled warmly at the memory.
Suddenly, feeling so fine in a long time, and feeling very young, she picked herself up
and started to dance. She smiled broadly, in a way she had not done in many a spell.
There, all alone, with nature as her witness, she could be herself again. She could be a
young, carefree adolescent, without a care or hurt in the world, relatively speaking. She
could be a young woman in love…in the throes of true love.
Terrence couldn’t believe his eyes. The female was graceful in her movements. But
this is no regular female…this is…this is…
“This is impossible!” he blurted, shocked. He would come to this secret spot every
afternoon to read. Now, someone else was there. But this was no regular someone…this
was…this was…
“Candy?” he asked out loud, incredulous.
She stopped her reverie the moment she heard the voice. It was deeper than she last
remembered…but…it had to be a mistake…it could not possibly be him!
She turned around and then felt as if someone had punched her in the stomach.
“Terry?” she barely managed to say.
Terrence was astounded….how many times had he hoped for something like this to
happen, and now…now he was tongue tied. But look at her… he said to himself …look
at her…so beautiful…truly a woman now, but what a woman…but what…what is this
coldness in her eyes?
“Candice White Andrew, of all places to find a Freckled Tarzan dancing by
herself…what, are you a sylph now?” he laughed. Then he felt so stupid. Wonderful,
Romeo…just wonderful…you are the Greatest Shakespearean Actor of your Time, are
middle aged and have the honeyed tongue of an adult, experienced lover, yet you address
the Muse like some snot-nosed youth!
“I see some people remained fools, even after all these years…” she shot haughtily back
at once, not flinching and immediately on the defensive. Her facial features hardened.
Unfortunately for her, he was much more handsome, manly and dignified than she last
saw him. The Knight was regal now, moreso a King than a Knight. It was hard not to be
taken up by the image of the Knight in front of her.
They both looked at each other, still bewildered. Even though they were clearly adults,
their eyes did not seem to register that fact. It was almost as if they were youthful
adolescents again.
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
“And I see you still are a little spitfire; I thought you would have become some great
lady, too grand for your own good!” he finally replied. Who the hell was this talking for
him? After all these years of yearning for her, of waiting for the moment to tell her how
much you love her, of dreaming of such an encounter, THIS is what you come up with?
“And what about you, hoity-toity silver-spooned-snobbish famous actor…you are still a
miscreant, Grantchester!”
Ouch! The way she bit my name when she said it!
She started to walk away.
“Wait!” he said, reacting, running after her.
“For what?” she snapped, turning to face him. Her eyes bore coldly into him.
Terry couldn’t believe it…could it be possible that…
“Don’t you remember…” he started, his voice more gentle and amorous. Finally, now he
was using the tone he wanted!
“Remember what?” she shot back, ignoring his attempts to verbally sway her with his
marvelous English accent, upper class and the way it meant to be spoken, with clear
diction; and with a rich, sensual tone.
“Don’t you remember Scotland?” he said, completing the thought. It sounded exactly the
way it had 21 years ago.
“No.” She said it with such finality that he stood stupefied. “Now, let me go, you
uncouth excuse of a man, or I will call for help…”
He was so shocked at her attitude. This was not the Candy he remembered…oh God,
was it true? That you idealized someone so much that they became something
unreal…something they were really not?
No, not her…not his Muse…she was the one who had brightened his life with her sunny
spirit. She was the one who had shed sparkling, life-giving light in the dark corners and
recesses of his tortured being and his lonely soul. She was the one whose eyes were
beacons and her earnest smiles and charming laughs safe harbors to his starved senses.
She was the one he had lived for in secret all these years, the one he paid homage to. He
refused to believe she was now some bitter, resentful and repressed grown up. Why the
tone and hardness?
But his own temper flared up as well, not allowing his pride to be wounded. He laughed
sarcastically, “Call for help? Well, Miss…”
“How presumptuous of you to think that I didn’t marry…that’s Mrs. William Albert
Andrew to you…” she minced, without flinching.
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
Mrs. William Albert Andrew?...Good God she married Albert, then? Yes, I recall when it
was published Albert was the head of the fabulously wealthy and powerful Andrew
family…one of the few times that I ever opened a newspaper and that was the news I
read...Well, who am I to talk, I married Suzanne…after Candy and my sense of duty
pushed me into her arms, I may add.
“Well, Mrs. William Albert Andrew, these are my lands, and no one here or over yonder
for miles around dares to cross the Duke of Grantchester!” his eyes were now equally
pitiless as hers. He had to, lest he continue getting hurt…
“Duke of Grantchester…” she murmured, unbelieving for a second, then… “Oh, well,
give my best to the Duchess, then!” she huffed, turning around again and leaving.
“The Duchess is sorry to inform you that she is quite dead, and has been for some
years…actually, I inherited the title after she died, so Suzanne never was the Duchess, oh,
by the way, since you are going to indulge in pretend social pleasantries, give my best to
Albert…he finally stopped wandering about like an errant vagabond, and settled down
did he!” he nipped. My God, what am I doing…I am ruining it!!! Why I am I speaking so
ill of Albert, he was the only true male friend I had...
She had stopped at the last sentence…Terry could see how she clenched her hands into
angry fists, and when she finally turned around to face him, hot, furious tears were
streaming down her eyes.
“Don’t you dare speak of MY Albert that way…he was a far greater man than you ever
were!!!” she said, then turning around and running away.
Jolly….just jolly. We are both widowers, and now we’ve managed to start getting
reacquainted off on the wrong foot!
But Candy…she’s changed…she’s not the same…what happened? It was as if he was
talking to someone who claimed to be Candy. No sparkle in her yes, her smile gone, no
light in her face, no wonder at the world, no fetching glances…she was an ice
princess…is that what Albert had turned her into? No, the Albert he knew loved the old
Candy as well…
A cold, ice princess….as cold as…as cold as….
Terry wept then. It was, as usual, all his fault.
“You loved me so much that you also died that night too, didn’t you Candy? That
terrible, cold October night, when I stupidly let my duty override my true love…that
night I let you go alone into that unexpected snow storm, that frigid, cold snow storm,
when we should have been basking in the warmth of our love and our mutual
caresses…when I was going to ask you never to leave my side…no wonder you look at
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
me so coldly…I let you down, in more ways than one…I let you down…I’ve answered
that question that has haunted me for so long now…”
Then, impulsively, something he had not done in many a year, he punched the tree trunk
closest to him. “God dammit!! Why!!! We were the most worthy of lovers, and she the
most virtuous of women…she deserved and deserves so much…” He let his angry tears
flow. This was the Terrence Grantchester of his youth coming to surface. The
impetuous, angry and hot tempered Terrence Grantchester, fighting for what he wanted.
Ready to surmount the hurdles life presented him, inflamed by the light and the love of
his Muse…the Muse in his life. The happiest time of this life…the time before the final
separation from his Muse.
But now, there were no hurdles or obstacles to finally get close to his Muse
again…except for….
…Except for whoever this Candice White Andrew was….
“No, Candy…this time…our time has finally come...” he promised to himself out loud.
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
– The Master –
St. Andrews University, located in St. Andrews, Scotland, has the distinction of being the
oldest University in Scotland and the third oldest in Britain, after Oxford and Cambridge.
It was founded in 1413 and its core set of buildings are still the original medieval
edifices. The town it owed it name to was also famous for two things; one, for being the
historical resting spot of the bones of St. Andrew, and two, for having the most venerated
and famous golf course in the world, St. Andrews.
It was here that William Albert Anthony Andrew had decided he would pursue his
university degrees in economics, business management and art. He felt honored to have
joined the student body of such a historic university and was eager to start his classes.
He had planned to stay in the men’s dormitory during the week and go home to his mum
to Andrew House in Kinross-shire on the weekends. As time passed, he had planned to
start receiving updates on the Andrew corporations; as the heir he had taken it upon
himself to gradually start assuming the reins of the vast empire he was to fully command
one day. Pragmatic as always, he felt there would be no better business case to present
and work on in school than the pulse of his family business.
Not all his time was going to be devoted to business, numbers, strategy and macro/micro
economics…no, as a bit of a renaissance man, he also wanted to cultivate his interests in
the arts. Like his father, he loved literature and nature, but William had taken this one
step further and cultivated himself in the area of soft skills with scholarly self-discipline.
But he wanted to be further challenged in a setting of peers and professors to expand his
current thinking….William Albert was curious and mature enough to realize that true
knowledge was acquired when current understandings were contested and expanded to
incorporate new concepts. Therefore, out of all the modules he was going to take in his
first semester, which was the daunting and compressed summer schedule, the master
class in Elizabethan drama was the one he wanted to attend the most. He was supposed
not have been allowed to have taken this in his first year and certainly not as an
undergrad student whose major was neither English nor Drama; however he had sent to
the School of English out of his own initiative an essay he had composed about
Elizabethan-era English Literature, and the influence of the cult of Queen Elizabeth the
The Quad at St. Andrews
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
First in the works that playwrights and poets such as Shakespeare composed during that
The admitting office had been impressed with his level of work and scholarship, had they
not known who he was they would have thought he was a graduate student of
English….therefore, they allowed him to take the master class, although they cautioned
William that he would still have to prove to the professor that he would be a worthy
student, especially since he had no real schooling or experience in this area. He had been
also forewarned that the professor was famous for being a hard driving, inscrutable task
master who would fail or remove students from the class if he so felt, even if the student
was mid-term or close to term. That had been a condition of the professor to accept the
position that had been offered to him and the school had no choice…in fact, the professor
was one of the most renowned teachers amongst the elite body of professors in the entire
university. The University had been delighted that the professor had accepted the post at
their school, and not the positions offered to him at Oxford, at Cambridge, at Sorbonne,
at Princeton, at Harvard, at Yale…no, the professor had chosen hallowed St. Andrews as
the place he wanted to teach and the governing board at St. Andrews was beyond pleased
at his acceptance.
So it was with some excited trepidation that William Albert attended his first session. He
decided to sit in the rear of the classroom, in part not to stand out, and in part to be able to
observe the class as a whole. He was also so tall that it would be more comfortable for
him. As he arrived first, he was interested in seeing those who came in. The class was
small, no more than 15 places for the students. He immediately noticed that most of his
class mates were definitely not business and economics majors. As they trickled in, he
noticed that they seemed like bunch of old friends getting together on a social outing.
“Thomas! I didn’t expect to see you here…I thought you were still with the Old Vic?
You had such fabulous reviews!”
“Oh, I just finished my master’s in English at Oxford, but when I heard about this class, I
just had to take it…”
“My company just came back from a South American Tour of Hamlet…we were sold out
every night and had to extend…I of course begged to be released, how could I miss the
opportunity of taking this class…”
“The whole theatre world is still reeling from this news…imagine, he’s now a Professor
here at St. Andrews!”
“My Othello had 10 curtain calls the night it was announced I was leaving on
“I had an offer from Hollywood to do a talkie with John Barrymore…we were to do
Romeo and Juliet for DeMille…but I didn’t accept it in order to take this class…”
“I heard they turned away hundreds of applicants to this class…”
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
“I heard they allowed someone in this class who has no right to be here.”
William could feel the eyes on him, sizing him up. He stood out like a sore thumb
amongst those who clearly did this for their livelihood, even though he tried to dress a
little bohemian. He realized there must be some sort of sign on him that read
Suddenly, there was a hushed silence that descended on the room and the students took
their seats.
There, standing at the door of the classroom, was a quite distinguished looking and very
handsome gentleman. His superbly tailored bespoke clothes were from Savile Row in
London and he was impeccably groomed. Such was the force of his presence that even
though he did not speak he commanded the room in silence from where he was standing.
He was looking at each and every one of them; then, his gaze riveted on William.
William had not given credit to what his eyes registered the first moment he saw the
infamous professor. There, standing as if he owned the world and everyone in it, was the
man he had seen at Pony’s Hill, so many years ago. He had seen him stand there for
quite some time, watching the proceedings, with what William thought was a look that
clearly conveyed his annoyed amusement at what he was hearing from the mouths of
those present. Then again, the face of the professor was clearly a poker face, not giving
away anything that he might be thinking. William knew that he could sometimes see or
feel things that people tried to hide; therefore he was positive he could to with this most
skilled actor. He wondered if the other class mates saw the same?
“That is Terrence Grantchester, English Duke and the greatest Shakespearean Broadway
star of his generation?” William said to himself, under his breath, in disbelief. He had
never thought a man with such a pedigree and stature would be so young…he also felt
foolish, for as a result of living so cut off from the world all his youth, he had realized he
never had seen a picture of the famous actor. Goodness, what was the connection that
had brought such an illustrious and famous man to his Pony’s Hill?
Professor Grantchester walked towards his desk. If having seen William had jagged their
shared memory in his mind, William could not tell; his intuition failing him this time
around. “Good morning, my fellow students…” he said in that wonderful, cultured and
deeply masculine voice that William recognized from that childhood episode, “I see that
you have chosen to spend your summer with me instead of going off on some
holiday…very well, you are either quite dedicated or quite foolish…I shall see to it that
this is either the best summer of your pathetic lives or the worst one of your boastful
A nervous laugh went up to which the professor snapped, “So, comedic am I now? You,
what is your name?” he said pointing to the Oxford graduate. William was enthralled by
this man’s energy…his movements were strong, determined yet graceful, like a feline.
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
“Edmund what, or are you one of these affected artistes that go around with one name
only like some self proclaimed God’s gift to mankind…”
“Edmund Loxley, your Grace…”
“You can dispense with elitist classism here…in this room and on the grounds of this
school you are to call me Professor Grantchester, is that clear?”
The classroom was on edge now, his reputation was what had been said and clearly
“Yes, your Gr…I mean, Professor Grantchester…”
“Why are you here, Edmund Loxley?”
“Because…Because…I…” Loxley was tongue tied!
“Are you sure you are a Master of English by way of Oxford? You’re doing your
damndest to mangle it!...You!!” he said, pointing at one of the two women who were in
the class.
“Yes, Professor Grantchester?” she answered, flattered. She had been taken by his
striking masculinity the moment he stood at the door. Secretly, she wished she could
have an affair with him. It would not be the first time she artfully seduced a famous
“Name, Miss?”
“Anne Waterford…” she said, a bit coquettish. She was a pretty brunette and had played
Juliet once already with the Shakespeare Junior Troupe of London.
“Miss Waterford, if you have come to stare at me, I advise you that I do not appreciate
it…if you had wanted to stare at me, you should have paid a ticket on Broadway and
stared at me like the rest of them. That goes for everyone in this room. I do not tolerate
Miss Waterford blushed, crestfallen. Now she knew she was going to have to work twice
as hard to prove she wasn’t some star-struck harpy. There was no way he was going to
be charmed by her seduction skills.
Professor Grantchester’s sapphire eyes looked at William. William immediately stood up
and without further prompting said, “William Albert Anthony Andrew, sir…and yes I
have no business here…”
Terrence blanched internally when he heard the last name, but continued so as not to
disrupt the class, “Well, finally some sanity in this room…” he said, pleased that young
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
Andrew had taken the initiative instead of waiting…good, that showed the kind of spark
that only the highly intelligent and motivated had. “So, then, young Master Andrew, tell
us, what are you doing here?”
“I’m here because I love the arts, I love the English language, I love Shakespeare…” he
replied, still awed that the kind gentleman from his past was there. He still felt that
warmness and consideration in him, even if he was coming across as stern and nononsense at this very moment.
Terrence laughed, and the rest of the class, not knowing the Professor well enough,
followed his cue. That man had a wonderful timbre to his laugh, too… William noted.
“I didn’t say you all could laugh, that is my privilege alone…” he scolded, then sobering,
“Young Master Andrew…you are just parroting some statement to me…every one of
these fools in this class is going to say the same thing; quite obvious, don’t you think?”
“Excuse me?” William was now a bit taken aback, but he stood steadfast.
“It’s obvious all of you are here because you all love Literature, you all love English, you
all love Shakespeare…bla bla bla…I had higher hopes for you, young Master Andrew…”
he goaded.
“Professor Grantchester, are you here to taunt or to teach us?” he retorted, not
intimidated. William’s voice, although strong, had a gentleness to it, although one would
never mistake that gentleness for weakness.
A gasp went through the room.
But Terrence had been able to size the young man up during this whole episode. Here
was one worthy of the class. “I’ve come to teach those who want to learn…to really
learn…now tell me, what really brings you here…”
“Because…” William hated to expose himself for what he was. He knew it would
immediately create the impression he so hated. He, like the professor, hated sycophants
too. He realized that he may have more in common with Terrence Grantchester, Duke of
Cambridge, ex Broadway Star, Greatest Shakespearean Actor of his Generation and
Professor of English at St. Andrews than he would have thought otherwise…not for
naught he had felt the connection with him at that chance meeting on Pony’s Hill. So, he
carefully chose his words. “Because in business, I believe one needs to have a hand in
the beauty of the world, so as to remember what we are on this Earth for…I refuse to
participate in the creation of wealth if it is going to shut me off from appreciating the
perfectness of the design of a rose, of admiring the sun rise and set, from listening to the
cadences in a sonnet, from watching a play acted out by skillful artists, from appreciating
a masterful work of art…we are created out of love and for love; to deny loveliness in our
lives is to deny the very core of ourselves…the arts bring out all that is beautiful and
creative in us and exalts us to appreciate the divine and mysterious in our life…”
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
“I presume you did not go to Oxford?” Terrence smirked, spending a joke on Edmund.
“Well said, Master Andrew…I hope that is the same reason your classmates are
here…now, let me finish taking roll call and then let us move on to today’s lecture…”
William waited until the classroom emptied, gathered his books and stopped at
the desk. Terrence had been waiting for this moment the whole period. From the first
moment he had seen the young man, he knew exactly whom he was…the young boy he
had met on Pony’s Hill, what seemed to be a lifetime ago for him. A face he could never
forget, for what it evoked in him.
“I am honored to be in this class, Professor Grantchester…” William said, earnestly.
Even for the first day, the class had exceeded his expectations. Clearly, with Professor
Grantchester, you either got it or you didn’t and he pushed the limits. Exactly what
William wanted.
“No, the honor is mine, young William…” Terrence said, warmly. His first impulse was
to hug the young man, whom he had felt a connection with the day he met him, and
whom he was now positive was the son of his Muse with the man she had married. He
could be the beloved son I would have begot of her…and to top it off, he’s got her old fire
and spirit!
“Do you remember, then?” William asked. He was very happy at this.
“Most certainly…I never forgot that encounter; it is one of my favorite memories…now
tell me, how long have you been in Scotland?”
“My mum and I just arrived a few weeks ago…I will be studying here for the next few
“Did you say you came with your mum?” Then, his hunch was true. That was the reason
why Candice was there!
“Yes! I didn’t want her to stay alone in America, so I finally convinced her to
come…she is going to stay here in Scotland with me…oh, Professor Grantchester, I…”
William could hardly contain his excitement.
Alone in America…that meant there was only one child from Candy’s union with
Albert…and it is this comely, admirable and special young man…so much expected of
him already, if he is the heir of the Andrew empire…“You can call me Terry, son…you
can call me Terry when we are alone or off campus…” Terry dearly wished the youth to
be his own son, his own flesh and blood commingled with hers.
“Oh! Mr. Terry, I couldn’t…”
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
Terrence laughed and William further admired how wonderfully deep and manly it
sounded. No wonder Miss Waterford was enthralled with him, he himself was charmed
with him and he was a man…imagine being a woman in this great actor’s presence?
“Now that is something no one has ever called me…but you can call me that, if you
“I really hate to leave, but I have to go to my next class…”
“Are you staying at the dorms on campus?
Yes, just during the week…weekends I will be going to our family home…would
you…would you like to come with me for lunch, this Saturday…mummy will be so
pleased that I have a friend already…” Other than Uncle Archibald, Cousin Beatrice and
George Johnson, William had no close friends that weren’t family. Despite having
grown up at Pony’s Home, he did not form a sibling bond with any of the other children,
like his mother had with Tom and Annie when she was growing up. This worried Candy,
as she had always realized the value of having friends.
“Lunch? Thank you, William…that would be wonderful….so wonderful….” Terry
couldn’t believe his luck and could hardly wait. And more so, that William Albert had
called him friend.
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
– The Muse’s Home –
The drive over the following Saturday morning to Andrew House was quite
pleasant. William Albert commanded his Jaguar very naturally and was a good driving
companion. Since both their houses were in the same vicinity, Terry left his Bentley at
St. Andrews, and would ride back with William Sunday afternoon back to the University.
William had promised to take him home after lunch and then come pick him up on his
way back to school. Terry found himself more and more comfortable in the youth’s
presence. Both his house, Grantchester Manor, and William’s and Candice’s house,
Andrew House, were located in the same vicinity of Loch Leven, near the town of
Terrence recalled having heard about Andrew House, years before, during the St. Paul’s
Summer Vacation in Scotland of 1913. He distinctly remembered Candy being excluded
from any activities there and from residing in the house during the vacation, much to the
chagrin of her two besotted cousins, who were unable to do anything about it…Terry
chuckled to himself…Stear, God rest his soul, and Archie, as much of a hot head that I
was…and maybe I still am…I would have wagered that if I was a besotted cousin of
Candice’s, I surely would have told that old hag of the Great Aunt off, anything to give
Candy her rightful place…well, I guess things even out, don’t they…Candy married
Albert and after that, I am sure that crone didn’t bother her anymore! And I had an old
hag of my own to bother me…Mrs. Marlowe bullied me to no end…and I did nothing to
stop her…I, who never let anybody tell me off or push me around…I let duty turn me
into something that I pledged I would never become…and I lost my Muse because of
that…at that his stomach twisted, and then Terrence preferred to move away from that
thought and concentrate instead on the approaching Andrew House. It was one of the
most famous historical houses in Kinross-shire, and perhaps more so that his own
ancestral house, Grantchester Manor. Not only was it one of the most architecturally
stunning of the Georgian period houses in all of Great Britain. Terry knew it housed an
impressive art collection, as well as having a fine English Garden with a wonderful view
of Loch Leven.
With all due respect to the Honorable Montgomery family, present owners of Kinross House, whose
images I am using as the fictional Andrew House.
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
“So, tell me William, did you spend many holidays here, at Andrew House?” Terry
asked, noting that they were closing in on the address. The conversation on the way over
had centered on class and to Terry’s delight, William’s observations on some of his
classmates. Terry of course, would never let the gossip taint grades, but it was great fun
for him. William was an expert detached observer, much like he was. William was like
Terry in many ways; he was an introvert who loved to observe the world around him. He
wasn’t shy, but he wasn’t overtly gregarious either.
“No, Mr. Terry…this is the first time we are here…some of our other family members
have come here to spend holidays, but this my mother’s and my first time here in
Scotland…we rarely left Pony’s Home, the place where my mother grew up, when I was
young…” William started downshifting as they turned into the private driveway.
Did he say their first time here…what, has Candy never told him about her Scotland
“Which is funny…” continued William, “Because I have become the most
knowledgeable person in our family regarding our ancestry…I won’t bore with the
details, but as a Duke, you know how much family history you have to know by heart…I
suppose it is worse for you, since you are in the upper echelon of the English
nobility…whereas we Andrews have not exercised our ancestral title of Marquis for a
few generations now…”
“Yes, unfortunately, that is so…people not in the know make it sound more glamorous
than it really is…your ancestors were probably very astute to let it lapse, especially if
there were all based in the States…” Terry said, his mind still swirling with what William
Albert had said. Had she tried to forget everything? No…it can’t be…I refuse to believe
The Jaguar came to a crunching halt on the gravel in front of the house. Terry was now
able to view the house up close. The front door opened and several servants came out,
ready to help them. And then…there she was again…the Muse, in all her glory. Simply
elegant, beautiful and every inch a lady.
“William! Oh, my son…how was your first week?” she said, excited. Her eyes shone
with maternal love and devotion for only her child. Terry didn’t alight from the car right
away, since he did not want her to see him just yet. He waited until William was
standing right in front of her, then exited.
“Fine mum…very hard work but very rewarding! Please, I want to introduce you to my
guest…Mum, may I present Professor Terrence Grantchester to you…Professor
Grantchester, my beloved mother, Mrs. Candice White Andrew, wife of the late William
Albert Andrew…”
Candice stood stock still. THE KNIGHT WAS WILLIAM’S GUEST???? Terry was a
professor? Teaching? At St. Andrews??? AND WILLIAM WAS IN HIS CLASS!! She
thought the reason he was there when she ran into him was that he was spending a
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
holiday at Grantchester Manor. She felt her knees ready to buckle, but she stood ramrod
straight. This was not going to get to her!!
“Enchanté, Madame….” Terrence said sincerely in the most courtly of his voices, taking
her frozen, outstretched hand and kissing it. He thought he felt a tremor through his lips
coming from her. But when he looked up into her lovely dark green eyes, there was
nothing that told him what was going on in her mind.
“Indeed…” Candice said, coolly. “Welcome to Andrew House…won’t you please come
to our sitting room…Terrence Grantchester…. the Duke of Grantchester? Well, your
Grace, we are very honored to have you with us…lunch will be served shortly…” she
said, leading them into the house.
The meal was served in the formal dining room, which was set towards the back of the
house, with a view of the Loch. There was a chilled tomato soup, a salad of mâche
lettuce with stilton and walnuts, scalloped potatoes and a lovely braised salmon in white
wine sauce. Dessert was trifles with lots of fresh strawberries. During the lunch, Terry
tried not to stare at Candy, who was too engrossed with William’s recants of his first
week at St. Andrews. It seemed to Terry that she was doing her best not to speak to him
and certainly not to even glance at him at all.
“So tell me William, which one is your favorite class so far?” Candy asked as they
finished dessert.
William looked over at Terrence. “Why, that is easy mum…Professor Grantchester’s…”
he said, admiringly. “Did you know he is a famous Broadway star and has just retired? I
wish we could have seen him in Hamlet…”
Candy avoided responding to that. Terry jumped in, “It would have been an honor,
young William…you know, there is nothing more rewarding than performing for close
family and loved ones…it makes you excel, it inspires you…to impress those you love
with your art…” he looked directly at Candy.
She blinked in an effort to stave off the great quagmire going on in her. “We shall retire
to the solarium for Tea…” Candy said with a start, getting up. The men, as etiquette
dictated, got up to follow the mistress of the house.
“That being said, I would read to you, if you wish…” Terry managed to edge in.
“Oh…that would be too much of an imposition….” William said, his eagerness evident
“Mummy, wouldn’t that be splendid to hear during tea?”
“It would be…pleasant…” she replied levelly, although deep inside, her heart was
beating wildly. The moment Terry had said he would like to read, she had a flashback of
them, sitting by the Loch, on a warm summer afternoon, Terry reading Shakespeare’s
sonnets to her.
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
Terry felt her mood. “On the other hand, that may be too much drama for one
afternoon…why don’t we leave it for another occasion…when you come sup at my
home…how about a week from today…” he said, making an invitation. He thought he
saw her eyes widen at that.
“I would be so honored! Mummy, isn’t that a wonderful invitation? Can you imagine,
being able to visit such a historic home?”
“I can only imagine…” she replied, devoid of emotion.
“We would be most obliged, Mr. Terry…thank you!” the youth said, not wanting to
To go to HIS house…again!!
Terry and William made small talk during tea, but the entire time Candy limited herself
to “yes”, “really?” or nodding her head. It was tortuous for Terry: to have her so close,
yet so far, with an insurmountable moat around her. They were about finished, when
Angus, the butler, discreetly came in.
“Excuse me, Madame, your Grace…Master William, George Johnson is on the telephone
for you…” he said to the young heir.
“Oh, by all means…if you could excuse me…Mummy, perhaps you should show Mr.
Terry around? I am probably going to be a while….” he said.
Candy and Terry nodded their release and the young man went out, towards the study.
Candy flinched internally. She did not want to be alone in Terry’s presence.
“Well, your Grace, where should we start…I presume you have heard about our art
collection? Or perhaps you would like more details about our house? William is actually
more knowledgeable about it… ” Candy said, getting up, as if she were addressing
nobody in particular.
“Candice…” Terry said, still stunned at her detached, cool demeanor the entire afternoon
since his arrival. “you don’t need to call me that…”
“I prefer to keep things in their proper space and place…” she said, icily. “Now then,
your Grace, would you like to see the Rembrandts…or perhaps the Leonardo Da Vinci
“I only want to see you…I only want to look into your beloved face, Candy…” he
whispered pulling her close into him. “Why are you treating me like this?”. His voice
almost broke at the end.
“And how should I treat you?” she stammered, taking a step back.
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
“Like an old friend…weren’t we friends once?” he replied, realizing that she was
unwilling to be even that.
“You said it yourself…once…”
“Why can’t it be so now?” he remonstrated sadly.
“Because…what’s the use…you and I have nothing in common…and besides, I don’t
want to be your friend…”
Terry laughed, although the last line hurt him terribly. “Nothing in common? We have
many things in common!”
“Oh, really? Name one thing in common we have right now…”
“William?” she repeated, puzzled.
“My love for William, believe it or not…I love him as my own flesh and blood…” he
declared, impassioned.
“You are a fool, Grantchester…he is not your flesh and blood, he is Albert’s…how can
you say you love him, when you just met him?”
“I…I met him once before and never forgot him…I met you once and never forgot you
either…I loved you from the moment I laid eyes on you…” his eyes looked directly into
hers, reinforcing what was coming out of his mouth.
This last was news to her, completely obliterating the registering of why William had the
handkerchief. I loved you from the moment I laid eyes on you…it echoed in her ears, and
it struck her like lightening bolt. Why didn’t he ever tell me that before? Still, she did not
sway. “Oh, is that so? Only fools claim to believe I love at first sight…” she crossed her
“And only hard-hearted cynics don’t believe it can happen…” he accused.
“Who are you calling a cynic? I seem to remember you were the cynical one…” her
voice started to raise itself.
“As I seem to recall you were the bright, cheerful one, with a ready and engaging smile
for me at every turn!” he charged.
“How dare you!” she raised her hand and was about to lunge at him, in a way she had
only done during their early times…she then stopped herself, horrified at the childishness
of the action.
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
“Well, sorry about that…it was a pressing decision that could not wait…George is
priceless to this family…I apologize for leaving you for so long…” William said, joining
them. He looked at them quizzically. Both their eyes were snapping sparks wildly, as if
they were in the heat of some quarrel.
“No worries, William…your mother was pointing out the works of art in this room…”
Terry said, glossing over what had just happened.
“Yes, son, no worries at all…” she added, having regained her composure. “Would you
and his Grace like to play some billiards?” Candy offered, wanting to get away from
Terry as fast as she could. The interchange had stirred something troubling in her,
something she had not felt since 1913.
“I wouldn’t mind a round or two with you William, since I’ve done nothing but kiss out10
recently…” Terry said.
Kiss out, in billiard terminology, stands for the accidental contact between balls that causes a shot to fail. So Terry is trying to use
metaphor, which is probably going to go over Candy’s head, to say that the attempt to engage Candy in a more intimate conversation
has failed.
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
– A Hearth from the Past –
Candy almost feigned a migraine or a fit of the pip, anything not to go to
Grantchester Manor that following Sunday for luncheon, but seeing William so eager in
anticipation of the visit made her realize she was going to have to oblige, in order to
please him. She promised herself that she would go with him only for that, and to not to
try to appear too cold with Terry, so as not to tip William off of anything. Her son was
very perspicacious and avoiding her past was going to be more difficult if he caught on.
As they approached the house, Candy could feel herself get more and more jittery. It was
as if she was taking a trip to a place she didn’t want to go to, a reminisce she did not want
to make.
The Manor had not changed much since she last saw it. William, however was much
pleased upon seeing it. “Now this is a country estate, worthy of a Duke!” he whistled
underneath his breath.
“I take it his Grace goes throwing his title about at St. Andrews?” Candy remarked, a bit
“Not at all, mum…he actually will scold anybody who dares to address him that
way…he’s quite down to earth, if you ask me…he doesn’t even let anybody get too star
struck with him….” William was slowing the car down.
“Oh, is that so?” Candy murmured. She seemed to recall this was very much in character
of Terry…why would he change?
Why do we all change, anyway? Or is it that the more things change, the more they stay
the same???
Will all due respect to the 4th Marquess of Linlithgow, present owner of the historic Hopetoun House, whose image I am using as
the fictional Grantchester Manor. Unlike Kinross House, Hopetoun is located closer to Edinburgh, on the Northwest side, and does not
have a view to any Loch. 
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
“That said, Mummy…” William continued, downshifting the Jaguar into second, “He
does have a quiet air of haughty aristocracy about him…he can command it by just
standing...not saying a word…and if that doesn’t snap you to attention, then his piercing,
proud gaze does!” he remarked in wonder.
"Arrogant and conceited to the end, then…” she muttered under her breath.
If William had heard her, he paid no attention, for they had come to a halt.
Candice felt herself take a deep breath.
Terry appeared at the door, and she was shocked to see him come out and embrace
William in a bear hug…as if they had known each other for years!
“Lovely morning for a drive, eh? Glad to see you came topless…” Terry said, all the
time looking at Candy.
“Yes…grand and very refreshing…the summer here is so pleasant, I’d be hard pressed to
want to spend it anywhere else!” William agreed.
“I trust you enjoyed it as much as William, Mrs. Andrew?” Terry asked Candy, taking
her outstretched hand and kissing it in greeting.
“Enjoyed it enough…” she replied, tartly, looking at him directly. She controlled the
shudder that had unleashed itself in her.
They looked at each other for a split second. A flash of them, running around laughing,
when life had been kinder to them, when the earth’s colors had never seemed so brighter,
seemed to echo in their minds at the same time.
Terry blinking, came back. “Please do come in…William, I hope the Manor exceeds
your expectations…I will be glad to give you a tour later on…Mrs. Andrew?” he said
offering his crooked arm to her.
She had to oblige, etiquette was just like duty…many times one didn’t want to capitulate,
but a given circumstance forced you to accept it.
Candy felt a surge of emotions rush through her as they passed the door and entered the
grand hall. The whole place triggered a cavalcade of memories that she could not shut
out. Somehow she felt that this very moment, and this very action of her walking on
Terry’s arm was the way things had to be. There was just a sense of all being right the
world at that very second, even if in her mind she was denying it.
“I hope the morning air has whet your appetite, for I hope to assuage it in the best
Scottish style…” he said, as they headed towards the dining room.
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
There was an awesome display of wonderful food, lovely fruit and beautiful, newly cut
flowers. Tantalizing aromas of freshly brewed coffee, tea and squeezed juices greeted
them. There was several displays of cheeses, soft and hard; cold meats and smoked
sturgeon, salmon, venison and pheasant. There were condiments that included flavored
mayonnaises, various types of mustard, sweet and savory relishes and chutneys, thinly
sliced red onions, gherkins and capers. There were all sorts of breads and scones, and
round breads that looked like doughnuts. There were several mixed salads and a
generous display of pastries and baked goods. At this, Candy felt her mouth water…she
had a tremendous weakness for baked goods and pastries…had Terry gone a little too
overboard with the monumental display of food for just the three of them?
“This looks marvelous, Mr. Terry!” exclaimed William, pleased and starting to feel
“I hope you didn’t expect liveried servants to attend us, we will serve ourselves…” he
apologized. “I tend to run a relaxed household, except if any members of the Royal
Family come calling…”
“I wasn’t expecting it…” Candy said, releasing herself from him. “In fact I don’t
remember…” she started then she stopped.
“Remember what, Mummy?” William asked, perplexed.
Candy saw Terry looking at her, goading her to say it.
“Oh, nothing William...”
Terry was disappointed, but this was not unexpected. “Please, Mrs. Andrew, after
you…” he indicated, politely. He was wishing he could say her name, to delight in how
it sounded rolling off his tongue and resonating with radiant vibrancy in the space around
them…between them.
They started the meal, although Candy was curious about what Terry did next. He took
one of the doughnut shaped breads, and opened it…it had been previously split open and
toasted. He took some sort of soft white creamy cheese, spread each half with it, then
added a slice of smoked salmon to each one. Then he took some of the thinly sliced red
onions, put some on the salmon, and finally took some capers and placed some on each
half. He continued to a tray of what looked like hashed potato browns, except that these
were round and crispier. He took one, added a dollop of sour cream on top and then a
spoonful of apple sauce over the sour cream and sprinkled it with finely chopped chives.
He then stopped when he felt both William’s and Candy’s eyes on him.
“Oh, this?” he asked, non-chalant.
The two Andrew’s were embarrassed. It was bad form and manners to show such wide
eyed curiosity about something, even with close family members.
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
“I hate to ask, Mr. Terry and you will call us terribly unsophisticated, but what exactly do
you call that?” William asked, earnestly.
“I apologize, I should have told you what I was doing…there is no way you would know
what this is unless I had done so…in fact, I was just as perplexed the first time I saw it
William took Terry’s lead and built a similar dish, going about it the same way Terry had.
Candy, unsure, made only a half with the top part of the bread and took a small potato
“This is a Bagel…it is a type of bread…the Jews from Eastern Europe eat this. It is
shaped like this so that the baker could stack them up on a rod and then go around selling
them…and the other is a Latke, a type of potato pancake made with shredded potatoes
then fried.”
Terry felt both stares on him. He realized now they were curious as to how and where he
got this information and exposure to the terribly exotic food items, for them.
He continued explaining, as they all added other items from the displayed food to their
plates, “In the New York theatre world, one comes in contact with a lot of people of the
Jewish faith…writers, producers, lyricists, even actors and players…I made many
contacts there…well, as you can imagine, I had never had any contact with any Jews until
I arrived in New York, and I wouldn’t have, of course, were it not for my career choice.
Anyway, I shared a few meals with them, and this particular item won me over the
minute I tried it for the first time…Bagels and Lox…so simple, yet so new and
unexplored for me at the time…the Latke is a little more straightforward, but the Bagel
with this particular dressing was entirely new for me…”
“But where does one find these Bagels here in Kinross?” William was astounded.
“London would be the closest thing we have to a sizeable Jewish community, and I think
even then you would have to go to the Jewish quarter of London Town to find them…I
just had the local baker in Kinross make them…of course, he doesn’t have a clue as to
what these are…I just told him what to do and how to make them and had them delivered
here…as far as he’s concerned, it a doughnut gone mad and a crazy fancy of the
impossible Duke of Grantchester!”
William and Terry laughed, the last bit of humor even made Candy smile a little. They
both found the new food experience very pleasing and quite satisfying.
After lunch, Terry decided to take William on a tour of the house. He knew of
William’s fondness for history and had a feeling he would love the Armory.
His hunch proved correct.
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
“This is fabulous, Mr. Terry!” William gushed, breathless. “Just like going to a museum”.
Terry proudly showed him several weapons and then said “Here is the pride of the entire
collection…a set of armor belonging to Henry the VIII…”
Even Candy had to admit interest at that point. He had not shown this to her the last time
she was there.
“How is it that your family came into its possession?” William asked, astounded at the
historical significance of the piece. It clearly was the armor of the young Henry, when he
was still considered the handsomest prince in all of Christendom. Only a slim, fit and tall
man could fit into the armor.
“The Grantchesters have always served the English crown, regardless of what dynasty
was on the throne…since the time of William the Conqueror….I believe the same applies
to your Andrew ancestors. Anyway, the Grantchesters must have been wily enough to
survive so many changes in the reigning families over the centuries…as to how we ended
up with this particular piece of armor, it was one Richard Grantchester who saved Henry
while battling the French, as usual. Richard took an arrow in the leg as a result and was
lame evermore after that…in return, Henry made him Marquis, which was the highest
level of the nobility that could be granted to a non-royal at that time and gave him this
armor in commemoration….we didn’t receive the title of Duke until the Revolt of the
Colonies…” he added.
“The Revolt of the Colonies?” Candy asked, perplexed.
“Our wars of Independence, Mum…the English don’t like to admit they lost us over a
cause much nobler and higher-minded than the English one…” William explained.
Terry continued, nonplussed, “In any case, we’ve managed to keep this armor in our
family since then…in fact, many historians don’t know of its existence…”
“Fascinating!” William said, touching the armor.
Candy had always found this area of the house sinister and scary and could not wait to
get out of there, but to her dismay William continued, “Do you have more armor? I’d
love to see it…”
“Certainly…in the next room…although when I was younger, I was told the room was
haunted…” Terry looked straight at Candy who despite herself gave him a firm, unafraid
He opened the medieval looking door which creaked open. A peculiar, ancient smell
curled out, which immediately reminded Candy of a particular afternoon. Terry said, “I
rarely come in here, it helps with the preservation of the artifacts…” he went to pull back
the heavy curtains to provide some light. William followed, muttering admiringly under
his breath.
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
Candy looked around, feeling like she was 15 again. As it was then, the entire room was
full of armors of Knights long past, their ancient war carpaces silent veneers that had
once protected their now perished bodies in the heat of a now forgotten battle. They stood
like spectral shells of a time long gone, yet ready to swing into action at a moment’s
“This is creepy, if I may say so myself, your Grace…” Candy said, unable to hide it any
There was silence in the room.
Candy’s heart thumped. Did they leave her there?
“Your Grace? William?” she called out in a small voice.
“I guess you are scared of ghosts, after all….”
“Who, me?”
“Boo!” William said, which made Candy scream at the top of her lungs and run towards
the first set of arms in front of hers…Terry’s.
He received her, secretly delighted, but politely saying, “Oh, my dear Mrs. Andrew!”
They both stared at each other for a few seconds. They could almost hear the dialogue
from back then.
“What a way to get a girl into your arms! Works every time…”
“I’m not scared! I just lost my footing…”
“Oh no? Oh ho! I can feel you tremble with desire, Freckles…”
“You are incorrigible!! Unhand me!!”
William was laughing, but Candy didn’t find it very funny. She extricated herself from
Terry’s embrace.
“William Albert Anthony Andrew! You are not a little boy anymore, so stop acting like
By the tone of her voice, William knew he had embarrassed her and she was now
mortified. And, she never used his full name unless she was horribly cross with him
“He should be allowed for a few larks here and there, no harm done…” Terry interjected,
knowing exactly what was going on. “He’s a very mature and responsible young man for
his age…”
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
“This is no matter of yours, your Grace!” Her green eyes snapped at Terry.
“I am interested in his welfare, very much so…” he replied, controlling his tone of voice.
He felt the familiar rise in him…he told himself he was not going to quarrel with her, not
in front of William.
But Candy was furious, offended that Terry was getting in the middle of this.
“I SAID, THIS IS NO MATTER OF YOURS!” she stammered, aggravated.
“Mummy!” William was astounded. His mother, whom was always so polite, was
actually fighting with the Duke of Grantchester…his Mr. Terry…and what’s more…there
was something in her tone of voice that made it seem as if they knew…no it couldn’t
be…she had just lost her temper, that’s all. But she never had lost her temper with a nonfamily member.
Candy immediately acknowledged her fault, and said, “I am sorry, your Grace…I am not
feeling well today…I should head on home....” her voice was modulated again.
“No worries, Mrs. Andrew, quite understandable...” Terry replied. He was crestfallen
how the innocent tirade, which he had instigated and that William gleefully had followed
had taken a bad turn. And how she wanted to leave. To leave the place that Terry once
had hoped would be their conjugal home.
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
– By Royal Command –
Dearest Wills,
You don’t know how much I enjoy reading your letters…your gift of imagery has
transported me to St. Andrews…I feel as if I am walking those hallowed halls with
you…Oh! and to be so lucky to have a class with Terrence Grantchester! Tell me
more! It sounds like you don’t miss us much, and rightly so…your life is so exciting,
compared to mine right now…why would you miss backwater old Illinois? I’m bored
out of my mind here…. Mother is all aflutter trying to prepare my presentation at the
Crillon Cotillion in Paris next summer…I told her I’m only going if you escort me.
I really want to go to college now…if I can’t go to St. Andrews, then I want to go to
the Sorbonne…at least it would be closer to you than some Ivy-League here in the
I miss you terribly…I miss you more than I ever thought imaginable. If you miss me
even a sliver, then that thought warms my heart.
P.S. Write soon.
William read the letter for the umpteenth time. He had found a spot he really enjoyed,
under an ancient oak in next to the Chapel of St. Salvator at St. Andrews. Legend had it
that Mary, Queen of Scots had planted it.
“There is nothing more heartening than seeing a man in love…”
William turned his head up to the voice and smiled sheepishly.
“And how would you know that, Professor Grantchester?” he asked, jocularly, folding
the letter into its marked creases and putting it back into its envelope.
“Well, I knew the moment I chanced on you…am I not supposedly one of the world’s
best actors? I know plenty about reading people. And secondly, you just about admitted
it to me…” he smiled candidly. “May I sit with you?”
“Certainly!” William smiled in return. He so much enjoyed this man’s company.
“Tell me, have you told her you love her yet? I would suppose youngsters these days are
a bit more forthcoming than I was in my day…”
“Well…er…no…but you see…” William started, then he told Terry the story of how it
was on the eve of his trip to Scotland what had happened between him and Beatrice.
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
Cornwell is going to get close to Candy, in the manner he wanted to, in a way… Terry
thought to himself, amused.
“Well, take it from this old man, who unfortunately learned the hard way, when you have
found the woman who has captured your mind, heart and soul, you need to tell her…tell
her before it is too late…” the thespian aristocrat advised. There was a thread of longing
in this, William noted.
“Did…didn’t you ever tell your late wife you loved her?” William was surprised that this
was even possible…how could you not tell your wife that you loved her?.
“Ah! There’s the rub, young William…I didn’t marry the woman I loved...” Terry’s
whole visage and voice were terribly melancholy now.
“But…” William was mystified.
“I have been blessed and cursed at the same time, William…blessed with meeting the
woman who was capable of saving me from myself, of inspiring me to be the best man I
could possibly be, of allowing me to love her…a woman worthy of becoming an ideal to
fight and die for, a woman who became my very own piece of heaven on earth….my own
goddess to worship and to devote myself to…she was and still is my Muse… a woman so
kind of heart, so generous of spirit, so pure of soul, so loving of all, friends and strangers
alike, and so unselfish in her actions…a true woman in every sense of the word, an angel
far too good for the likes of a mortal, miserable man like me…a woman who could
redeem me, save me with one look from the profound emeralds of her eyes…and yet, I
was cursed, damned…burdened…I could not live with her the way I wanted to, as her
husband…another woman, uninvited, crossed my path…a woman that I could not
abandon after the sacrifice she made for me…and my darling Angel, who could not bear
to see me suffer under the weight of my moral dilemma, allowed me to stay with the
broken woman …yet, that very action of hers only cemented my unyielding, everlasting
devotion for her, even if I could only love her from then on in the stillness of my soul and
the quiet corners of my mind…”
William was dumbfounded, astounded and shocked. Clearly, this was a tale Mr. Terry
was sharing with someone for the first time…the depth of emotions he saw, the
profoundness of feelings…the very evident love he still felt for this woman…the Muse....
He felt honored at this, yet at the same time he could feel the immense pain and sorrow in
the story…no wonder Mr. Terry was such a good actor…he had drama to spare in his
own personal life!
Then, the realization hit him.
“And you never told the Muse that you loved her?” he gasped.
“You are wiser than you realize or let on, young Andrew…you are an old soul ...” Terry
halted himself before he made a mistake by saying like your father “I don’t know if that
would have made a difference to the terrible fate that insisted on splitting us apart, but at
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
least I would have been able to say it, instead of harboring the utterance to me in vain all
these years…”
“I don’t know what to say…” William said, putting his hand on Terry’s shoulder.
Terry smiled at him, his deep blue eyes gratefully acknowledging the gesture. “Your
very action of listening and comprehending is enough…nothing needs to be said, young
William…just promise me that if you feel this is the woman you want to spend the rest of
your life and bound yourself to her for all eternity, say it…say it…don’t let your fears or
hesitancy hold you back…they are bad advisors, in the end…go with your heart, go with
the pure feelings in your heart, which is humanity’s true barometer…”
William nodded, serious. He made up his mind that when he answered Beatrice’s letter,
he would say so.
“Well, then…I didn’t come to burden you with my sob story…I came to tell you about a
project I am working on…” Terry’s mood shifted so quickly that William was amazed at
how effortlessly he could move in the emotional world.
“A project?” he asked.
Terry handed him a letter. It was on heavy vellum, with the cipher of the Dukes of York.
He read the letter with great interest. It was addressed to Terry, signed by the Duke of
York’s private secretary and it requested that Terry stage a play in honor of King
George’s birthday, which the Duke and Duchess were going to celebrate at Glamis
The words that struck him were BY ROYAL COMMAND.
“But…they want this done in one week?” William gasped.
“Well, if any of these ne’er do wells I have for students don’t know Shakespeare’s
Twelfth Night, then that is reason enough to fail them…” he said with a slight mocking
sneer. “However, I will have them audition for the parts in class this afternoon…and I
want you to audition for the part of Sebastian…”
“Me? Audition? Mr. Terry…as much I love your class and enjoy theatre, I know
nothing about it…how could I compare with the experienced actors in the class?”
“Listen William, raw talent will always outshine any mechanical experience…if you do
it, and pass, I will make sure you will give the performance of your lifetime…”
“But the others…”
“I will handle the others, not for naught I know plenty about the bitchiness that goes on
behind the scenes…”
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
William mediated on this for a minute. He couldn’t help but notice that even when this
man swore, his voice still sounded beautiful.
Interesting choice of play, if I say so myself…he thought he we were, talking about lost
love and the remorse that follows, and here is a play, that as I understand it, is a
cautionary tale about making sure you don’t let your true love get away from
you…because life is fickle and will do its best to tear you apart, if you wait too
long…how the pursuit of personal happiness is a duty, and a gift that needs to be claimed
before another can take it away from you…
“So what happens if you don’t ‘obey’ the Royal Command12?” William asked, interested.
He had never seen or heard of such a thing.
“Well, I probably will get thrown into the Tower in London, never to be heard from
again…” Terry kidded a puckish gleam in his eyes.
William laughed as well, knowing it was a joke.
“Seriously…a Royal Command is a Royal Command…unless you want to commit social
suicide here in the circles I move in, you obey it…as much as I don’t care an inch for
those sort of things, I’m not that imprudent…” Terry sobered.
William nodded. Maybe back in time, if you didn’t obey the “Royal Command” the
current monarch would send for your head. How glad he was that he was living in the
20th century!
“I do have one question, Mr. Terry…” he asked.
“Yes, young William?”
“Are you going to play a part as well as direct?”
“But of course…it is my prerogative….I will play the part I have always played well
during my life…“ Terry’s voice had a strange mixture of arrogance and sorrow in it.
“Which one is that one? “ William asked, curious.
“The Fool13…”
As he had expected, Professor Grantchester made the announcement at the start of
class about the Royal Command performance. The entire class was abuzz, excited. To
perform in front of the British Royals was a stupendous career enhancing opportunity.
Nowadays, the British Royals use this to get an artist to perform for them. A famous example were when the Beatles had a “Royal
Command” to perform at the Palladium in the fall of 1963. It was there when John Lennon famously said “Those in the cheaper seats,
clap…those of you in the balconies, if you can rattle your jewelry…”
In this particular play, that would be Feste
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
To the chagrin of many that thought that the Professor would simply assign them parts,
given the short notice, he advised that he wanted readings, right then and there. Of
course, for Viola, there were really only two possible choices: Miss Waterford, and the
other female student, Miss Jane Smythe. Whoever didn’t get Viola, would play Olivia,
but as expected, most actresses wanted to play Viola, the more central, virtuous and
challenging part. Terry of course, announced that he was playing Feste, so the other key
male roles left in the play were Orsino, Malvolio, Antonio and Sebastian. The other
secondary characters included male and female characters, but as it was back in the
heyday of the Globe, men would play women.
One by one, the students stood up and read the parts they felt should be theirs. William
waited until the end to read for his part, which he knew Mr. Terry wanted to be Sebastian.
When the rest of the class had gone past, there was a dead, uneasy quiet. William was so
nervous he didn’t even know where to begin.
“Master Andrew, are you going to sit there and regale us with your silence?” Professor
Grantchester derided. In class, he played no favorites.
“William Andrew certainly has no place in our play!” gasped Edmund Loxley.
“I advise you keep your counsel to yourself, Loxley…” Terry snapped. “I am the
director here….well, are you going to let Loxley prove himself a competent judge of
character or not, William Andrew!” The impatience was unmistakable.
“No, professor…” William said, trying to steady his voice as he stood up. He had found
the passage he wanted to read.
“Which part would you like to read for?” Terry softened his voice a bit.
William could feel the cold eyes of his fellow classmates bore into him. This incensed
him. Who were they to tell him he wasn’t capable?
“Sebastian…” he stated.
He could hear a few gasps and a back handed, “What, he thinks he is going to secure that
plum role just by looks alone?”
A stillness descended mightily on the group after that.
“Right, then…” Terry said to William, with a slight nod.
William cleared his throat, then spoke,
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
“This is the air; that is the glorious sun;
This pearl she gave me, I do feel't and see't;
And though 'tis wonder that enwraps me thus,
Yet 'tis not madness. Where's Antonio, then?
I could not find him at the Elephant:
Yet there he was; and there I found this credit,
That he did range the town to seek me out.
His counsel now might do me golden service;
For though my soul disputes well with my sense,
That this may be some error, but no madness,
Yet doth this accident and flood of fortune
So far exceed all instance, all discourse,
That I am ready to distrust mine eyes
And wrangle with my reason that persuades me
To any other trust but that I am mad
Or else the lady's mad; yet, if 'twere so,
She could not sway her house, command her followers,
Take and give back affairs and their dispatch
With such a smooth, discreet and stable bearing
As I perceive she does: there's something in't
That is deceiveable. But here the lady comes….”14
Terry thought William had chosen an interesting passage to read, and one of the most
challenging parts in the play. For Sebastian had to exude innocence convincingly, or else
he could be taken as an opportunist and lose the support of the audience. And that would
make the character fail and one of the key plot twists in the entire play fail.
“Thank you…please take your seat…” Terry said. William did so and realized that his
knees were knocking once he sat down. Nothing in Professor Grantchester’s face told
him if he had been well received or not. He could not bear the thought of letting Mr.
Terry down.
“I will announce who secured what part at tomorrow’s class…in the meantime, I want all
of you ready to recite tomorrow by memory…we will start rehearsals then and I will
advise you of the preparations and logistics at that time…”
With that class was dismissed. Terry left the room first, and William knew that he did
not want to be bothered.
The next day, Professor Grantchester came to class with the deadpan face William
was expecting.
From Act IV Scene III
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
“Well then, as discussed yesterday…” he started. The eagerness could be felt in the
room. “We will be performing in the gardens at Glamis Castle, so we don’t need
elaborate sets…” he explained. Terry could feel the anticipation and he relished the fact
that he was going to make them squirm for a bit. “I have secured stage hands to help us
with the changes required for each scene, but we will use a minimum of props. I have
also secured the costumes, these will be assigned to you tomorrow and fittings will
happen at that time. From this evening, until Saturday morning, we will run through the
full play. Full dress rehearsal will be Friday night. I want you on the grounds of Glamis
by 1 pm sharp. Do not use full stage makeup, as we will be performing in natural light.
I’ll scrub your face clean if you show up garish…remember, you are performing in front
of their Royal Highnesses and the cream of English aristocracy, other minor royals and
illustrious members of society…don’t let yourself, your audience, the Bard or ME
down…” this last sounded like a do or die command.
With that utterance, the class was stock still. For many, they knew this could make or
break their return to the stage after the summer. Terrence Grantchester would surely see
to that.
Finally, Terry got to what they all were waiting to hear.
William’s mind was in a fog as he heard the names roll by. The next thing he knew, the
class was getting up, for it was dismissed until later that evening for the full rehearsal.
Terry also left before William could engage him.
“William Andrew!” smiled Anne Waterford, who was to play Viola, “You’ll make a fine
Sebastian!! Congratulations!!” When she had heard him read yesterday, she could barely
believe it…a man whom she would have never thought had any acting fire in him,
sounded like he had been doing it all his life…she knew then that he was capable of the
“What?” he said, unbelievingly.
“You didn’t hear Professor Grantchester? You got the part of Sebastian!” she gushed,
“Oh…” he murmured.
“You don’t seem very happy…” she noted.
“To be honest, I’m scared witless…” he admitted.
Her face was warm. She found him quite handsome, she realized. “To acknowledge that
is the sign of a good actor…” she encouraged, “Is this your first title role?”
“It is my first time doing anything of this sort…”
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
“Oh!” she sounded surprised, “Well then, have faith in yourself, and in your director…he
will pull the performance out of you…and from your fellow players…we are all in this
together now…just be prepared!!”
Trixie will never believe this!! I’m in a play with Terrence Grantchester and a cadre of
world class Shakespearean actors!
William was grateful for her sincere support. “Thank you…” he said. They both shook
“So, be on time tonight and ready to go…a director like Professor Grantchester is a hard
driving taskmaster with no mercy!!” she winked.
Candy read the invitation over again. It had been delivered by a white gloved
messenger and placed directly in her hands. It was addressed to both her and William
Their Royal Highnesses
The Duke and Duchess of York
cordially invite you
to the events to be held at Glamis Castle
On Saturday, the Twenty Third of June
Nineteen Hundred and Thirty Four
In honor of the birth date of his Majesty
King George the V
By the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain
and Northern Ireland, and of his other Realms and Territories,
King, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith
and Emperor of India
A matinee of Shakespeare’s
“Twelfth Night”
to be presented in the Gardens
by the St. Andrews Shakespeare Players
under the direction of
His Grace, the Duke of Grantchester
at Two O’Clock in the Afternoon
Followed by Dinner and Surprise Entertainment
in the Great Hall
at Seven O’clock in the Evening
The honour of your reply is requested
Garden : Afternoon Dress
Dinner: White Tie
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
The event was that Saturday…but this short notice paled to what her eyes were
registering…Terry was going to present a play?
“Oh yes, Mummy!! Can you imagine! And I get to help!” prattled William when she
called him that afternoon.
“Help? How so, son?” Candy asked. William and Terry were inseparable, she sighed
ruefully to herself.
“I get to help Mr. Terry with the play!!” he replied. He wanted to surprise his Mummy,
so he gave her no further information about the nature of the ‘help’.
“Did you realize there will be a dinner afterwards?” she asked.
“No…but that sounds like a perfect ending to what is going to be a wonderful day!” her
son’s voice was so animated, Candy knew she could not say she didn’t want to go. In
fact, she knew very well that she could not say no to such an invitation…to her
knowledge no one in the immediate history of the Andrew family had received such an
invitation before. She had to put her own personal thoughts aside. The family honor was
at stake now.
There was only one arbiter of such things in the family and she called him immediately,
even though she knew what the answer was going to be.
Archie could barely contain his excitement.
“Goodness, Candy!! This is something you have to attend, even if it is short notice. Such
an honor!! Such a marvelous opportunity!!”
“Oh Candy!! How amazing! The local social page will probably run a special!!” Annie
beamed. “Imagine, a Bal d’Eté at Glamis Castle with the British Royal Family!!”
“I wish it was you two going and not me…” Candy sighed.
“Nonsense, Candy! Don’t feel any trepidation about this…you and William will do us
Candy decided to leave the part out about Terry directing the afternoon’s play. She
didn’t even want to let them know he was also in Scotland.
Since her attendance was inevitable, she started thinking about what to wear. For once,
she felt interested in making a fashion statement.
“I won’t disappoint you, then…but what should I wear? I mean, I think I know what to
wear, but you two have always been better at this than me…”
“Oh, pshaw, Candy…you have a very unique style…you just don’t realize it…” Archie
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
“You have always dressed true to yourself Candy, no reason to change it…” Annie
“Archie…Annie…help me out! I don’t want to wear anything outlandish, like a
Schiaparelli…I don’t think it would be appropriate for the event I am attending…yet, I
want something a little more forward than Worth…” Even if she was not a fashion
maven like her cousins, she knew enough.
“There is this new designer we found during the past spring season show…her name is
Alix Grès…” Annie offered, sounding enthusiastic. “She has the most wonderful clothes
with beautiful styling, rich fabrics and just forward enough to make you stand out…she is
a trained sculptress and from what I saw, she can make you look like a Greek
Goddess…truly marvelous Candy!! It’s like dressing up, only better…because it
absolutely transforms you!!”
“This would be the perfect excuse to go to Paris, but you don’t have the time…since we
are founding clients of Madame Grès, let me contact her…I’m sure she will go to
Kinross…” Archie said.
“She would?” Candy was surprised.
“Annie became one of her largest private clients, Candy, and she is anxious to have the
exposure…of course she will go! Don’t you worry, I will make all the necessary
So it was done. Within two days, a delightful, chic Parsienne showed up at
Andrew House, with a model in tow. The young girl seemed to be of Candy’s height
and complexion.
“Madame Grès 15 is here, Madame Andrew…” Angus announced ceremoniously.
Candy received the woman very graciously and they immediately made small talk over
afternoon tea. She was, as usual, wearing one of her habitual pantsuits, this one in soft
A Jew, Madame Gres’ real name was Germaine Emilie Krebs. She originally went to market with the name Alix Barton, and her
first shop, opened in 1934 on Rue de Faubourg St. Honore, was under the name ALIX. She didn’t go by Madame Gres until 1939, but
as most of my readers know by know, I tend to play with dates to suit my CC fan fiction purposes…It was said of her, “Hers was an
individual, uncompromising style which seemed to have a liquid effect on the drapery and turned fashionable women into living
statues”. She was an innovator, an early adaptor of the bias cut and also the use of delicate draping and pleating in dresses. The photo
is of Madame Grès in the 50’s-60’s
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
bone linen, with spectator t-strap shoes in two tones, a cashmere knit top in camel and a
satiour of pearls. Madame Grès immediately acknowledged her client’s spirit, fashion
sense and deep internal fire…she struck the designer as a Muse of sorts…something
about the eyes…
“Madame, based on your beloved cousin’s indications, I have brought several dresses that
should fit you…my model will demonstrate them to you…of course, once you choose, I
will tailor it to your physique…” Madame Grès said, in her charming accent.
Candy was excited…her own private fashion show! She didn’t realize Madame Grès was
just as excited…she knew the Andrews were one of the wealthiest families in the world,
and so far, from what she had seen of this mansion and the works of art in it, it was like
walking in a museum…a comfortable, homey museum. And this Madame Andrew, even
though very dignified, seemed very congenial and accessible.
Madame Grès’ model demonstrated several outfits and dresses…Candy loved all of them,
but clearly Madame Grès had saved the best for last.
“This is my signature style, Madame Andrew” she started explaining, “but once your
cousin Monsieur Cornwell told me a little about you, I took the liberty of making some
modifications…therefore, this dress, if I may say so myself, is the one you should
wear…this dress will be yours alone, Madame Andrew, if you choose it…I shall not offer
it to any other client…” With that, the model came out. Candy felt her mouth open
agape for a split second. She had never seen a dress like it before…she had never felt
the desire to posses a garment at all costs, like the dress presented to her at that very
My apologies to Ralph Lauren, this is from his Spring 2005 collection…BUT this is definitely inspired by the legendary Madame
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
“How beautiful!” she gasped. Madame Grès looked pleased, as if that was what she had
expected to hear. Then, somehow Candy saw herself wearing that dress, and flaunting
before the wide eyed Duke of Grantchester…Terry.
What’s he got to do with all this! She scolded herself immediately. But somehow that
fleeting thought had given her a strange rush. It was as if she had discovered she had a
hidden power that she had never exercised on anybody.
“This one, this one I want to wear to the Bal d’Eté…” she murmured, touching the
luxurious, heavy silk; the sheen and feel of it richly coming through her fingertips. “I
would wear kid gloves with it, of course…”
“Certainly, considering the event…would you like to try it on, then? I will make the
necessary adjustments…” Madame Grès was glad Candy was truly enchanted with the
Candy nodded.
Shortly, she was in her boudoir, and the designer was expertly fitting the dress to Candy’s
body. She loved to feel the fabric on her…it was the most forward dress she had ever
worn and she felt bold in it…the color of the silk, of buttery cream, had enough rose tint
in it and this enhanced Candy’s coloring perfectly. Where one would think it could wash
her out, in fact it gave her alabaster skin such luminosity that it seemed she was
alight….it was as Annie had said…she was transformed….she really felt womanly and
divine in it.
“Your cousins are quite delightful…especially Monsieur Cornwell…” Madame Grès
complimented, as her expert fingers worked, placing delicate pins in the right places. “He
knows a lot of things about fashion…I’m surprised he’s such a successful business
man…I was almost ready to ask him to apprentice with me…”
“Would you believe he was always that way? Even when we were youths?” Candy
offered, remembering those early days in Lakewood with him. She steadied the twinge
her heart gave, for the sudden onset memories flooded her…Anthony…Stear…and her
“He would be a natural…I’m glad he thought of me enough to recommend me to you,
Madame Andrew…I promise no one will remain jaded in your presence when you wear
this dress…”
Candy looked at herself in the full mirror. She was back in the present.
Unfortunately, the one person I’m trying to avoid will probably be more inflamed…
Candy sighed to herself.
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
– Two Princesses and a Play –
Glamis Castle, located in Angus County, Scotland, had been the family home of
the Earls of Strathmore and Kinghorne since 1372 when Sir John Lyon was granted the
thaneage of Glamis by Scotland’s King Robert II. In 1376, Sir John married the King's
daughter, Princess Joanna. Since then, Glamis had been visited and lived in by many
members of the Scottish and British royal families. And curiously, Glamis was the same
Glamis that Shakespeare mentioned in Macbeth…linking the two together forever. So it
was fitting that it had been the home of the Duchess of York, whom before her marriage
was the Lady Elizabeth Bowes, and that it would now host the festivities in honor of her
father in law, King George the V. His actual birthday had passed earlier in the month,
but the date chosen gave enough time for all the society whom had summer homes in
Scotland to arrive and be settled in.
Glamis was truly a fairy tale castle that was rooted in reality…the magical ancestral home
of princesses and reigning royalty. Candy had never been in a place such as this.
She and William had arrived in separate cars, William having left Andrew House early,
on the account that he had to “help Mr. Terry out…” Candy was being driven by
Angus and was accompanied by her personal attendant, who would help her dress. After
she had confirmed their attendance, she had been told to bring whatever was necessary to
spend the day at Glamis, as a suite would be ready for them, so that they could change
clothes at their leisure and ready themselves comfortably for both scheduled events.
No, the red car in the picture is NOT Terry’s, he he. Glamis Castle, Angus. Queen Elizabeth, the Queen
Mother grew up here. Prior to becoming Queen, then the Queen Mother, she was the Duchess of York.
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
Once they arrived, she even noticed the degree of formality pervading the entire
atmosphere. It was subtle, but it left the visitor without a doubt that his was a royal
residence and that certain deference was accorded as well as expected by those present.
She was delighted with the suite shown to her. It was wonderfully decorated with lovely
antiques, a mixture of regency with a couple of very old tapestries and heavier medieval
chests and chairs. Thoughtfully, there was a butler’s service of BLT18, light cucumber
salad and petit fours. Once she had the light meal, she bathed and changed into her outfit
for the afternoon. It was loose set of jodhpurs in crisp fine linen, low heel t-strap pumps
in silvery white and a gossamer chiffon blouse with a high neck, over a slight silk top.
She wore her hair in a loose chignon, allowing for her curl to show.
She decided to walk around the grounds of Glamis. She knew she was early, as the
garden was bare. Only the stage, the two side tents and the opera chairs lined up were
present. She thought she could hear something coming from the tents, and not wanting to
chance on the troupe, she started heading the other way.
Suddenly, two corgis bounded and bounced in front of her, chasing a red rubber ball and
yapping merrily. Then, the laughter of two girls burbled in the air. Candy smiled…she
had always loved children and always felt that she could have been mother to many more,
had Albert not passed away so soon. Two darling girls, dressed primly in white,
appeared; followed by an older woman. Candy then realized that the dogs were running
circles around her, chasing the ball and even she had to join in the gaiety.
“Tibbs and Kipper really like you…” giggled the youngest, looking up at Candy with
large saucer eyes of blue.
“Bud, that is very impolite of you to address the lady that way without introducing
yourself…” scolded the older one, who seemed a bit more sober than the younger one.
Candy was impressed…the girl could not be older than 8 or 9, but behaved as if she were
an adult.
Bacon Lettuce and Tomato sandwich. Usually served on toasted white bread. Very yummy!!
Let’s just say it kind of looks like this…courtesy Ralph Lauren!
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
“Aw…Lilibet…stop being so serious! Madame, my name is Margaret Rose, and that is
my sister Lilibet…I mean, Elizabeth…” she said, curtsying daintily.
Candy immediately knew who the children were.
“So honored to meet you, your Highnesses…I am Candice White Andrew…” she smiled.
Candy curtsied slightly to the youngsters.
Both girls were immediately taken in.
“You are American!” the younger one, Margaret Rose, exclaimed.
“Shhh!! Please excuse her, Mrs. Andrew…she’s only four…” Princess Elizabeth said.
“Margaret Rose, what manners are those!” the older woman chided.
“Oh, Crawfie…”20 pouted the young princess, making her even more charming in
Candy’s eyes.
“No worries, your Highnesses…yes I am American and I am glad to be here…are these
your pet dogs?” she said, wanting to put her at ease again.
“Yes…we decided to play a bit before the performance…” Princess Elizabeth said.
“Do you like dogs?” Margaret Rose asked.
“Yes I do, may I?” Candy asked, motioning to pet them.
“Please do…they love to be petted and played with…” the elder princess said, warmly,
yet with a bit of detachment, Candy noted.
Candy talked softly to the dogs who responded to her.
“Have you come to see his Grace, as well?” Margaret Rose inquired.
“His Grace? Oh, the Duke of Grantchester?” Candy said. She realized that they had
meant Terry.
“Oh yes…isn’t he dreamy?” Princess Margaret sighed; her upper class accent stretched
out the e.
“Margaret Rose, what language is that!!” Princess Elizabeth chided.
“The Americans use it! Why can’t I use it!!” the younger princess sassed.
Mrs. Crawford, the princesses’ governess, whose nickname, even when they were grown up, was Crawfie.
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
“Your Highness, that is enough…” Crawfie said, trying to settle down the young girl.
“But he is!! He’s so dashingly handsome…Mummy said that…”
“That will keep, Margaret…” Princess Elizabeth stopped her cold. “My sister is too
excitable, she hasn’t quite learned to behave herself properly…”
“I am sure that she will soon learn from your example, your Highness…” Candy said.
Princess Elizabeth almost looked pleased at that comment, but she still had a deadpan
“You are very kind, honest and warm, Mrs. Andrew…I am glad to have made your
acquaintance…” the girl said, solemnly.
Candy couldn’t believe she was talking to such a young girl…it was as if she was already
being groomed to a role greater than a Royal Princess of England.
Duty…not even these young girls were going to escape it. Their whole lives were going
to revolve around placing duty before their desires first.
“It was an honor, your Highnesses…” Candy slightly curtsied to Elizabeth, then to
Margaret Rose.
“On, girls, then…” Crawfie said, as the dogs took off, barking.
“They rarely engage others, they are so shy…I must say, Mrs. Andrew, you must have
inspired a great deal of trust in them …thank you for allowing them to visit…” Mrs.
Crawford, said, thanking Candy.
“It was charming…and I thank you for permitting them to visit with me…” Candy
replied. She almost wanted to tell the woman that she should have thanked them for
allowing her to visit with them.
Soon, the garden started to fill with the other guests. Candy effortlessly milled
around, although she noticed that there was a slight interest in her. She obviously was
American and that accounted for the attention. A lady who was not much taller than she
but not as thin with merry eyes stopped and said “Mrs. Andrew, I am pleased you could
join us…we understand your son is studying at St. Andrews with his Grace…” Candy
for a moment wasn’t sure who the woman was, then she realized it was the hostess. “It is
an honor to be here, your Highness…” she curtsied slightly. Again, even though she was
not obligated, Candy still felt it was courteous to do so. “At least she isn’t vulgar, like
the other one…” she heard out of earshot from behind her. The Duchess of York nodded
and said, “The play will start soon…Mrs. Andrew, please feel free to sit in the first
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
row…” Candy thanked her, wondering whom the person who had made the comment
was referring to.
However, she pushed this thought aside as the guests started seating themselves in the
chairs. The Duke and Duchess of York sat dead center, and the young princesses sat at
either parent’s side. Candy took up the offer of seating herself in the front row…how
many times she had wanted to see a full play of Shakespeare’s and had been denied…this
time she wanted to accord herself a little selfish indulgence. The slight din subsided as
the audience settled into their seats. There was a curious silence, then musicians struck
up. Period music resonated gaily. The play was starting! The music went on for a while,
serving as an intro and setting the mood.
Several characters then entered the stage, speaking amongst themselves. The one that
Candy surmised was Duke Orsino spoke,
If music be the food of love, play on…
Candy was immediately immersed in Twelfth Night. She suddenly realized that she was
looking out for Terry, but he had not made his presence known.
The play was moving along, and it was so masterfully done that all present felt
they were truly in Ilyria, chancing upon the lives of the characters. The gardens of
Glamis Castle provided a wonderful backdrop to the performance and the afternoon sun
bathed the area in natural, vibrant light.
New characters kept emerging, engaging the audience with the storyline…Candy was
still curious…where was Terry in all this? Or perhaps he just directed? She realized she
felt disappointed at that thought…despite herself, she acknowledged that she wanted to
see him act, at last, after so many years.
Then, a comical figure appeared…a middle aged man, dressed ridiculously with a
somewhat hunched back, hooked nose, frizzy salt and pepper hair and with a naughty yet
wisely forlorn gleam in his eyes. Candy was taken aback for a minute…something about
his eyes reminded her of…no, it wasn’t possible…this man was much older….even his
voice had the tinge of age. It was the character of Feste, the Fool.
Candy, like those present, was drawn into Feste’s comic timing and his sardonic subtlety
…it was a guilty pleasure, although he was strictly straight-faced. What was coming out
if his mouth either made one laugh or ponder his wisdom…perhaps Feste was treated by
others as a fool, but he was not one.
Well, God give them wisdom that have it;
and those that are fools,
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
let them use their talents.21
Wit, an't be thy will, put me into good fooling!
Those wits, that think they have thee, do very oft
prove fools; and I, that am sure I lack thee, may
pass for a wise man: for what says Quinapalus?
'Better a witty fool, than a foolish wit.'22
Act one finished, there was a slight change of scenery while the music played on, and a
couple of hushed “Where is he? I haven’t seen him at all…” curled around her. Candy
realized they were talking about Terry.
“I have to agree…where is he??” she wondered to herself.
The second act started, and Candy just about jumped out of her skin when she saw who
came on stage.
“Will…William!” She gasped, under her breath, surprised and delighted. Her hand went
to her mouth and she felt her eyes moisten…this was the last type of “help” she was
expecting…William was in a play with Terry? And performing one of the key parts?
How did this happen? But as she listened to her son’s voice, she was amazed. He was
transformed…he was delivering his lines with confidence, clarity and with great
naturalness. It was not her son playing on the stage…it was Sebastian.
Then, a line he said sent a shiver down her spine and she felt she was going to burst with
Fare ye well at once; my bosom is full of kindness
and I am yet so near the manners of my mother,
that upon the least occasion more mine eyes will
tell tales of me…23
“Oh, Albert…are you watching this? Can you believe this? What a most wondrous
surprise this is…and it is Terry’s doing…” she murmured to herself, holding her happy
tears in check.
Scenes where Feste was at his wittiest were coming on hard and fast. Candy
wondered who this actor was…he was truly a masterful interpreter. He started to sing for
Olivia, and Candy was marveling at his singing, when suddenly Feste the Fool feasted his
eyes on her, and she then realized why she had been intrigued with him the whole time!
He sang, in a clear, sweet voice,
Act 1, Scene 5
Act 1, Scene 5
Act II scene I
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
O mistress mine, where are you roaming?
O, stay and hear; your true love's coming,
That can sing both high and low:
Trip no further, pretty sweeting;
Journeys end in lovers meeting,
Every wise man's son doth know.24
Somehow, she felt those very lines were being said directly to her….How great of an
actor was Terry, she had to acknowledge…he embodied his character so well that she
could not recognize him…until he wholly fixed his eyes on her.
“One is born into their lot in life, Candy…but in the theatre, magic happens…you can be
a pauper, a king, a saint or a sinner…or a man in love or the devil out to corrupt nubile
“Aaagh!! Terry, stop it!!”
“Very well then! But seriously…I can dream, can’t I Candy? I can dream that I can
make a role my very own and make the audience believe I am the character I’m
embodying…to draw them into what I’m creating…and for a minute, make them forget
who I really am…”
She recalled the sentiment they had shared when he had told this to her, so many
summers ago, and it came back in full force. She felt warm and pleasant then, and she
realized she was proud of him. For the duration of the play, she was immensely proud
of him.
Twelfth Night came to an end, and Feste sung the memorable end song. He got
down from the stage and started walking around, singing the lines to those in the
When that I was and a little tiny boy,
With hey, ho, the wind and the rain,
A foolish thing was but a toy,
For the rain it raineth every day.
He went around, jesting and singing, adding to the merriment already laden in the air.
Candy watched him, fascinated, still in awe of his magnificent talent. She felt sadly
bittersweet, this was probably the only time she would ever see him in a complete play.
He was probably magnificent as Hamlet…as Petruchio…as…as…Romeo…
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
Then, he was coming towards her, singing gaily. He stopped in front of Candy and
A great while ago the world begun
With hey, ho, and then some
But that's all one,
our play is done,
And we'll strive to please you every day…
He touched the crown of her head with his jester’s scepter, flashed her an impish smile
and then nimbly jumped back onto the stage, as the orchestra’s last notes strummed out.
Feste The Fool took a low, courtly bow as only a jester could make…comical and
ceremonial at the same time, and the applause rippled heartily throughout the Gardens.
It continued on and on for a great many minutes, with the assembly finally rising to their
feet, their palms continuing to laud the command performance of the consummate and
superb artist in front of them.
Terry, who had remained in his bow, looked up and gazed lovingly at his Muse. This
time, she had occupied the seat, and had received the full force and measure of his acting.
For once, he felt his art was wholly complete.
The company came out and one by one, joined Terry at the center of the stage. When
William came out, there was a loud clapping coming from the front row…a very
surprised, pleased and proud mother was smiling. William smiled sheepishly, seeing that
the other members of the audience had also joined her. Then, the line of players stepped
back, leaving Terry alone, and the continuous applause reached a thunderous crescendo,
this time punctuated with “bravoes” and “good show!!” It went on for a long while.
Terry seemed to take this in, grateful, and bowed low again, whispering thank you,
catching her eyes on his way down. She smiled warmly…it had been a spectacular
performance, and she felt he needed to know that.
Shining in her eyes was the one thing he had yearned to see for so many years, after so
many performances on so many stages…the delighted emotion of sincere, deep
admiration and devoted appreciation of him …of who he really was. It was for real this
time, instead of imagined.
It was only then that he felt that he had reached the zenith of his career.
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
– Le Bal d’Eté –
Terry exhaled with pleasure as he sunk into his hot bath. It had been a marvelous
afternoon…the play was well received and superbly acted and he had been able to see the
Muse unchallenged to his heart’s content. Even young William had surpassed himself,
much to his delight.
Charles Gardel warbled from the phonograph he had set up in the bathroom…he had
been quite pleased at his accommodations at Glamis, for the view from both the
bathroom and the bedroom were spectacular. He could see the sky shift from azure to
dusty rose. Nothing soothed him better than a hot bath…he relished taking them. In the
days when he was married, it was one of the only places where he could escape his
clinging wife when he was at home…”Oh Suzanne, please forgive me…” he asked again
in silence, “I was the worst possible husband…I cared for you, provided for you, but I
never loved you…” He recalled how he would purposefully spend hours at the theatre
instead of going home, or once he was home it was either locking himself in his study or
escaping to have his daily bath that he could be away from his wife.
Suzanne Marlowe had nothing that appealed to him in the way Candy had captivated
him. Suzanne perhaps was physically prettier, taller, more polished and stylish in her
youth than Candy was, but Terry had always known Candy was a diamond in the rough,
and time had proven him right. He never knew why Suzanne had become so infatuated
with him, other than what he suspected…his good looks and his passion for theatre.
They could talk, but never connect in the way he had with Candy. And where Candy had
always been sunny, focused, resourceful, determined, Suzanne was sullen, demanding,
self righteous and a helpless auto-victimizer…the only one thing they had in common,
their love of acting, never came back to her after the accident. Terry would try to engage
her at times, asking her to help him study and read parts, but she was so dull and wooden
that he might as well have asked anybody who didn’t know anything about their art to do
it. Her whole life was centered on being Mrs. Terrence Grantchester and the right to call
him her husband. Perhaps, he realized, she wasn’t that different from her contemporaries
who were brought up to think that…that their identities were whomever they married, so
they had better marry well whenever they got the chance.
Ah, but the Muse dared to defy convention…she was independent, owned her own mind
and broke the rules…even from the bits of her life when she widowed that he had picked
up from William Albert, she displayed this…she could have just given up, but she didn’t.
So even if the current Candy he was dealing with somehow had transversed herself, the
spirit was still there…that same spirit that had reached out to him on that New Year’s
Eve…that moment when he had realized he had met the woman with whom his heart had
been affianced and married to, even before he knew it. Strange, how could one take a
vow in public yet know that in private it could be otherwise.
He recalled the day the day he married Suzanne. It was a small ceremony with only
Hathaway, his mother and her mother, by the Justice of the Peace, in the sitting room of
the luxurious flat he had purchased for them in the Upper East Side.. He had promised to
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
cherish, care and protect her…he had previously told the Justice he would not commit to
say Love or Honor, because he could not possibly do it.
“What do you mean…those are the two strongest vows and they should be said!!”
“Because, only the woman I truly love is the only one who should ever receive those
vows…and I cannot say them to Suzanne…I can only vow for what I can wholeheartedly
do for her…”
To Love, to Honor…I loved and still love only her…the Muse…there was no way I would
ever honor Suzanne, loving Candice….
Gardel’s song “Mi Buenos Aires Querido…” suddenly brought back a pleasant memory.
Not long after he had run into the young William at Pony’s Home, he had embarked on a
South American tour. He daydreamed endlessly on that trip, seeing himself traveling
with Candy, and enjoying the sights and sounds of Argentina and of the cosmopolitan
Buenos Aires…in his mind, they had already been married many years, but their love still
burned ardently like newlyweds…as it is with those whose souls are in perfect harmony.
It was this sort of daydreaming that kept his mind sane and accepting of his awkward
One night, Gardel, who had enthusiastically attended his performance of Hamlet at the
Teatro Colón25, had come to his dressing room to invite him out.
“Voz, Pibe...vámonos de farra!!”26
He and Gardel had become fast friends a few months earlier, when the FrenchArgentinean had visited New York27 to much success. He had come to see Terry in his
full glory as Hamlet and had sought him out in his dressing room to congratulate him. He
had shyly asked him if he they could go to dinner.
“I generally don’t go out to dinner…” Terry replied, politely turning down the request.
“Ah, but you see, Pibe…I feel as if you and I should…we would have much to talk
about…” Gardel smiled beautifully.
“Oh…how so?” Terry inquired, intrigued by the singer’s insistence and
charmed by him. Sometimes fellow artists struck him as kindred, and
Gardel definitely struck him as such.
“Because you are my equivalent in the theatre…I felt it in your
performance tonight…in my case…it is not enough to have the most
melodious voice to intone the tango…no…in addition, it is necessary to
Buenos Aires’ most famous theatre, and quite beautiful at that.
Translation, into modern English slang: Hey, young man… let’s go party!!. Voz is Argentinean slang for saying hey or yo! Or
just plain “you”, Pibe is Argentinean slang for kid or young man.
Actually, Gardel first visited New York in 1933, but as usual…I’m playing with the dates.
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
feel it…one has to live in its spirit28…and you, Terrence Grantchester, are that to the
theatre…to Shakespeare…”
Terry knew then Gardel was a kindred spirit. Because of his friendship, he got to know
the Latin soul in a way that he would have never been able to experience on his own.
That night in Buenos Aires, Gardel, being Gardel, obviously wanted to go Tango. And
the only place to do it authentically was in the slums, the arrabales as they were called in
Buenos Aires. For Terry, it harkened the nights he used to escape St. Paul’s to go pub
crawling, so this did not faze him at all. The name of the place was El Porteño, and it
was a serious locale where tango ruled and perhaps some shady goings on were also
happening at the same time…Gardel was like a messiah amongst them but quickly he
blended in with the crowd, and was soon dancing away. Terry, whom was content to stay
in the dark corner table and just observe, had watched fascinated…all the time imagining
himself tangoing with Candy.
He would have to cajole her, for sure…
A tango was the most scandalous yet deliciously exciting dance anybody had ever
seen…literally, like being a voyeur on a couple in the most heated intimacy. And it would
have to be so…it was a dance that had started in the seediest of bordellos in the port
district of Buenos Aires in the latter part of the 19th century, but now in the roaring
twenties, it had seemed to strike a chord in the collective subconscious, and the elegant,
classy persona of Gardel gave it the respectability that made acceptable to the
population at large. It embodied many things...sadness, melancholy, frustration,
happiness, giddiness, euphoria. The very sound of the music could make you horribly
nostalgic or sweetly enamored. It was elegant yet raw, passionate yet
unmoved…intimate yet detached…the dancers could display power and vulnerability at
the same time…to truly dance a tango was to tap into what one tried to hide or deny…it
tapped into the primeval that society tried its best to keep under cover.
“What makes you think I’m going to dance a tango with you in front of everybody, Terry
Grantchester!!” she’d argue, flushing madly.
“Ah…the woman who still likes to climb trees and sail through the branches carefree is
Tarzan enough to Tango!!” he’d reply.
She’d pretend offense and he would have to drag her out, all the while she was muttering
protests, yet not doing much to stop him. Somehow, even during this affected struggle
onto the dance floor, with the instrumental tango music that was playing in the
background, it seemed as if they were already dancing a tango…
They would get out in the dance floor…their bodies would come so close together that he
could feel their hearts thump in unison…she would look into his eyes, still flashing her
complaint yet trembling with anxiousness and desire…then, instead of a full blown tango,
This quote ”it is not enough….” is an actual quote from Gardel.
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
the song that gently came along was being sung to them directly by Gardel29, who
irresistibly felt he had to have a hand in this…
It caresses my daydream,
the smooth murmur of your sigh.
How life would smile
if only your dark eyes would gaze upon me
And if only your gentle laughter
Were to give me shelter
like a siren song,
it would calm my wounds,
everything would be forgotten…
The day that you love me
The rose that adorns,
will dress in celebration
with its best color
And to the wind
the church bells
will declare
that you already are mine,
and the crazy fountains
will tell us about their love…30
Suddenly, Terry was back in the present. He sighed, wistfully; the vividness and passion
of the recalled daydream so exquisite. Yet, he knew, that the biggest event was about to
happen that night…at the Bal…that was no daydream…that was going to be for real.
Just the thought that she was in the same building, also getting ready for the evening was
enough to send his heart into crazy furor. He was so nervous he could hardly contain
himself. For he knew that the evening was going to provide him with a chance to
socialize publicly with her; and that she would have to correspond, in order to be polite.
Gardel was now speaking to him, and Terry momentarily was back in his daydream,
tenderly looking into her eyes…
The day that you love me
there'll be nothing but harmony.
The dawn will be clear
and the water spring will be happy.
The breeze will quietly bring
a rumor of a melody,
Sadly, Carlos Gardel, the singer who embodied the Tango, died in a tragic plane crash after the premiere of his movie “El Dia que
me Quieras” in June 1935.
Refer to the songbook for the version in Spanish
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
And the fountains will give us
their sparkling song. 31
Gardel’s speaking voice seemed to tremble in the same way Terry trembled internally
any time she was in his line of sight.
The day that you love me
the singing bird
will sweeten its song.
Life will bloom,
pain will no longer exist.
Then, retaking the melody, Gardel sung from the deepest chamber of his heart,
The night that you love me,
from the deep blue of the heavens
the jealous stars
will watch us go by
ad a mysterious moonbeam
will nestle in your hair,
inquisitive firefly,
that will see,
that will see,
that you are my only solace.
Candy looked at her reflection in the mirror. It was her, yet…it wasn’t quite
her…it was as if it was an alter ego of hers staring back. And this alter ego was like a
The dress fit her like a glove, yet it was in no way tight…it draped beautifully…the
middle section highlighted her slight waist, one that even a young woman would envy.
The V neck only discreetly insinuated the curve and fullness of her bosom.
As Madame Grès had suggested, she wore her hair in a French knot, just slightly
smoothed, allowing for some of her natural curl to wave sleekly in the front. But Candy
had done something that even Madame Grès had found quite innovative…from a
cabochon Emerald set that had once belonged to Rosemary Andrew Brown, Candy had
Refer to the song book for the Spanish version
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
placed and secured the necklace as a diadem in her hair32. The green of the precious
stones exactly matched her large, expressive eyes.
She wore a set of 2 carat rose cut diamonds in her ears, instead of the matching set of
cabochon emerald earrings, so as not to overload herself with jewelry. She wore the
matching bracelet on her right wrist, over the kid glove. Her shoes were gold colored
sandals. For the first time in her life, Candy wore a pair of shoes that showed her toes.
She even had painted her toe nails true red, another first. Her make up was not heavy,
just enough to add the right amount of color. It was in neutral palette, and her lips
matched the red of the nail polish.
Her scent, as usual, was Brier Rose. The only fragrance she had ever worn.
A knock rapped gently on her door, and after she responded, there stood her beloved son.
William looked dashing in white tie and the Andrew Kilt. Candy was surprised at how
much he looked like his father. He had grown up so fast…it had seemed like he was a
happy, bouncing baby in her arms just yesterday. That afternoon had cemented the proof
that he was a man.
He regarded his mother with awe…he had never seen her dressed up this way. He had
always believed his mummy was a pretty lady, but for the first time he realized she was a
very beautiful, very elegant woman with innate poise and dignity. She radiated the kind
of beauty that inspired artists and great men to achieve new feats and push the limits.
The necklace I’m using as the fictional Rosemary Andrew Brown necklace, is actually the Delhi Durbar necklace, property of the
Royal Family of Great Britain. Queen Mary (Queen Elizabeth’s Grandmother) had this piece made from the Cambridge emeralds
belonging to her grandmother, the Duchess of Cambridge. …The matching earrings are a Cabochon Emerald surrounded by
diamonds. As I don’t believe there is a matching bracelet the reader can visualize how they would look. Thanks to Mandy’s British
Royal Pages, for the picture!
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
Like a muse…he realized to himself, almost shocked by the admission he had just made.
A muse…
“Mummy! You look…you look…” he burbled, excited.
“I look?” she smiled prettily at him.
“You look like a million bucks!” he whistled, using a phrase that had become popular
during the 20’s. Golly, won’t Mr. Terry be impressed he thought to himself. Suddenly, he
wanted his mother and Mr. Terry to get along better than the present…better than just
acquaintances…he felt that the two of them would make an attractive couple.
William Albert kissed the back of his mother’s kid gloved hand. “Shall we then,
Mummy…the guests are probably starting to assemble…”
A slight tremor invaded her, but she did not let this trouble her. She centered herself and
tilted her head just a little bit higher. “Yes, onwards, then…” she murmured,
The very proper master of ceremonies boomed, “Master William Albert Anthony
Andrew and Mrs. Candice White Andrew!!” All eyes turned to see one of the few nonaristocrats attending the Bal. William Albert felt thrilled…this was his first ball and at
what a locale and company!!. Even his uncle had been impressed…to receive a personal
invitation from the inner circle of the English Royal Family, was a first in the Andrew
family. As he knew he had to, he held his mother’s hand in the correct position as they
descended the staircase, to the fanfare played for them. Even though he did not recall his
mother attending any balls in his life time, she was coming down with great presence and
aplomb. Her jewelry sparkled like myriad stars and her deportment had nothing to wish
from the gathered group of noblewomen. But beyond that, he could hear the gasps and
whispers…he knew they were for his mummy…because she was the most beautiful,
splendidly dressed woman attending that Bal.
“Oh…Shakespeare be damned…my Muse is descending from her pedestal…” Terrence
Grantchester gasped, thrilled, anxious and nervous at the same time, upon seeing her. It
was the May Festival Masque all over again. The cut of the dress made her look taller. It
was elegant, slightly daring and very very classic and chic at the same time. How she
had placed the jewelry was inspired. Her hair looked marvelous…he recalled he had
never seen her dressed for a ball before and it became her…it was exciting to see her in a
different light. She wore just a hint of makeup, which only accentuated her features and
beauty. Her smile had never beamed so dazzling…and she carried herself like a Queen.
He so wanted to rush to the base of the stairs and profess everything that he felt for her,
but realizing that was probably too gauche and most certainly out of character for him, he
decided to wait.
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
The Andrews started to mingle and talk and were being presented to their hosts, when the
most anticipated arrival of the evening was announced.
“His Royal Highness, the Prince of Wales and Mrs. Wallis Warford Simpson…”
Everyone stopped and looked. Aghast, the women who were present looked on. It was
Edward, Prince of Wales, who was expected, with his mistress, Wallis Warford Simpson,
who was definitely not expected.
The Prince looked very suave and most definitely besotted by the woman he was
descending the staircase with. She looked unlike any woman Candy had ever met in her
life. She would be considered neither pretty nor attractive, but she carried her trim figure
regally, was dressed fabulously and projected such confidence and savior faire that
Candy could not help but be fascinated by her.
“David33, how could you!!” Candy heard the Duchess of York hiss under her breath. She
had probably meant for no one else to her this, but Candy’s nurse ears, trained to pick up
the quietest of emotes from patients, heard it.
“Are you looking for someone, son?” Candy asked, a bit curious at William’s
searching eyes. She took a sip of the Louis Roderer from her champagne flute. Deep
inside, she had a feeling…
“Mr. Terry mum…he should have been here by now…oh! There he is!” William waited
and finally caught the eye of the Duke of Grantchester.
Candy braced herself…there he was, never more handsome, never more debonair, never
more dashing, never more masculine…and never more striking. His signature smile
flashed as he acknowledged them and made his way towards them, internally grateful that
young William had sought him out and therefore providing him the perfect out to finally
approach them. The past hour, watching her from afar, had been a sweet, yet sheer
She felt her heart flutter and the butterflies in her stir their wings. Why am I reacting this
way? As if…as if…
“As if it were a vision from the masters, Mrs. Andrew, you are….” Terry said, taking her
hand with both of his and kissing it very devotedly. But she felt the fervor emanating
from him like lightning bolt.
“You look very fine tonight yourself, your Grace…” she replied politely. His white tie
became him very well. Too well. A small, white eglantine on his lapel caught her eye.
The nickname the Prince of Wales as known and used by the Royal inner circle.
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
William watched the interchange with curiosity…he could feel a spark of something
there and he tried to hide his pleased smile, lest his Mummy caught on.
Terry gave her such a look then that she had to avert her eyes.
“Young William! You are looking very well this evening…the Andrew tartan, I
presume?” he shook his mentee’s hand very warmly.
“Yes! This is my first time wearing it at a non-family function….I was a bit nervous, but
I called up Uncle Archie and he reassured me!”
“Archibald Cornwell…as detail- oriented, loyal and noble as always…” Terry thought.
“I must congratulate you, your Grace…your play was excellent…” Candy said,
“As long as you were wholly entertained, then I’m satisfied…” he replied. He could not
contain himself in looking at her.
“I hope William was not too much of a greenhorn…” she commented, trying not to fixate
on Grantchester’s gaze. “You made this mother very proud…”
“Not a greenhorn at all, my dear Mrs. Andrew…he is a natural…he could make a go of it,
if he decided…but I’m sure the business world would mourn his loss; so I guess he can
only take it up as a pastime, if he so chooses…”
The master of ceremonies announced that dinner was going to be served.
“How do they work out the seating at these functions?” Candy asked herself.
“Well, Mrs. Andrew, I found out earlier that we are all seated with the Duke and Duchess
of York…” Terry replied.
Candy was surprised and a bit galled at Terry’s statement. “How so?” she asked, taking
William’s hand again to be led to the formal dining hall.
“Well, the private secretary must have surmised that since William was a part of my
troupe this afternoon and that he is also the Andrew heir and your son, they should seat us
together…really Candice, they have got this down to a science….” he replied, with just a
tinge of his old arrogance.
Of course, it would make sense she seethed to herself. Then, she realized nobody else
from the St. Andrew’s troupe was there.
”Where are the rest of the players?” she asked, curious.
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
“My dear Mrs. Andrew…only those with the proper connections and pedigrees are
invited to these sort of events…” Terry smiled.
They arrived at the Victorian Great Dining Hall, which was spectacularly aglow
for the evening. Terry led the way and three liveried footmen, complete with powdered
wigs and white gloves pulled the chairs out for the trio. They had to wait, standing, until
the Duke, the Duchess and the Prince of Wales arrived. They were seated first, as
protocol dictated. Candy noted that Mrs. Simpson was nowhere near her paramour.
“That must have been a last minute scramble…” she thought to herself, amused. Yet, she
felt for the Duchess…that was a damper on a planned evening, for sure.
Once the royals were seated, then the rest of guests were seated. The Duke of York,
stood and made a simple toast. “To his majesty, King George, many happy
returns…Long Live the King!!”
“Long Live the King!!” echoed in the room, with raised glasses.
Dinner commenced. There was Cream of Leek soup, followed by a salad of Friseé with
Lardons, a palate cleanser of Grapefruit34 Granita. The main course was Beef Wellington,
with roast Fingerling Potatoes in their skins, Creamed Spinach and sautéed Chanterelle
Mushrooms. There was a cheese course of Stilton, Cheddar, Hazelnuts and Apple Butter.
Dessert was a Sticky Toffee Pudding, a traditional sweet that was coyingly simple yet
amazingly decadent.
They were all lingering over their coffees, when the master of ceremonies appeared
again. “On behalf of their Royal Highnesses, the Duke and Duchess of York, and of his
Royal Highness, the Prince of Wales, we want to welcome Señor Luis Miguel Rey!” he
announced, providing the introduction for the evening’s entertainment.
A round of polite, anticipating applause rose. The orchestra was starting to assemble at
the far side of the hall that had the open space for the musicians and exposed parquet for
“Ah…so this is the surprise entertainer for the evening…” Terry mused, admiringly.
“Who is he?” William asked. Candy was making small talk with the Duchess of York,
whom she found quite amiable.
“A very accomplished, young Mexican singer…he sings boleros…” Candy thought
Terry sounded as if he personally knew him.
Pop Quiz…who’s favorite fruit is this??
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
In fact, Terry recalled that Gardel had once told him, “There is a young Mexican singer,
who goes by Luis Miguel…remember what I said about you the first night we met?
Well, if you ever have the chance to hear him sing, you will know that he too lives the
spirit of the songs he sings…”
“Boleros35?” William had never heard of that before.
“A style of romantic music in Spanish…he’s very gifted, despite his youth…” Terry
William saw the singer appear, with a friendly, charming smile…he could be no older
than he, yet he carried himself like a man who had seen and lived much already. He was
tall, of good build and with golden blonde looks…he was slightly tanned and his features
looked lavishly Latin American. Quite attractive. The cut of his tuxedo was custom and
he wore with a natural, unaffected sophistication.
“He’s quite a chap!” William said. The singer struck him as an enigmatic, mysterious
person, yet looking very at ease with himself.
“Who?” Candy asked, finally deciding not to ignore the conversation anymore.
“Luis Miguel…” Terry said, never tiring of looking at her.
The young crooner took hold of the microphone and said, “Your Highnesses, ladies and
gentlemen…it is my great honor and privilege to sing for you tonight…although I
perhaps will sound foreign to you, I assure you my melodies are not…” his English was
very refined and educated, and the slight accent made him even more charming.
These are not related in style to tango songs, although certain tango songs by nature (such as El Dia que me Quieras) can resemble
boleros. In fact, when tangoes went into decline after Gardel’s untimely passing in 1935, boleros rose and remained popular until the
60’s…until one Luis Miguel Rey made them popular in Latin America again in the 90’s.
Luis Miguel Rey was born in April, 1970, but I want to place him in this story as the famous singer who sung at the Bal d’Ete in
honor of King George, singing wonderful boleros, a song style that started to gain popularity in Latin America in the mid-thirties
through the sixties…only to be brought back in vogue again in the nineties by this fabulous young man!!
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
The orchestra swelled. The singer looked around, drew them in with his magnetic gaze,
and then he opened himself to his audience.
A bandoneón37 introduced the song and Terry immediately knew what the first song was.
A cover of Carlos Gardel’s El Dia que me Quieras. Even at this early stage in the song,
Terry noticed that the young singer had taken one of Gardel’s signature songs and made
it his own already. He could tell that Luis Miguel’s interpretation slightly quivered with
anxious, nervous desire, yet it had the slight patina of bravado…the confidence a man
needed to overcome his fear in telling the woman he loved her.
The Duke and Duchess of York rose to open the dancing for the evening. The singer was
magically transporting them to another place with his rendition. Soon, several couples
joined the royal pair.
Candy panicked…she knew that Terry, whom had wanted to get closer to her all night,
was going to ask her to dance…and she could not possibly come up with a refusal that
her son, whom she could not dance with at his event, would believe.
“Mrs. Andrew, may I have the honor?” Terry asked, gently. He had stood up, bowed
slightly to her and outstretched his elegant hand towards her. He had to steady the
nervousness that had now possessed him behind one of his walls.
William’s eyes shone at his mother.
“Yes, your Grace, you may…” she responded…it would only be for a couple of songs,
then I can make my excuses…she promised herself.
Terry led her out and when they reached the dance floor, he turned to face her.
Despite her reticence, Candy felt as if they were on Pretend Pony’s Hill all over again, on
that May in 1913. He bowed to her again, and encircled his left arm around her waist,
and with his right hand, he took hers. All the time, he was looking deeply at her, with
that same look from that day.
Candy felt her breathing change, and he pulled her close into him, until they were cheek
to cheek.
She closed her eyes with a hidden, shuddering sigh. In spite of herself, she felt as if she
was being carried away on a soft, warm wave to a spot that she had ached for so long to
revisit and had purposefully denied herself.
“Promise you won’t slap me this time around, Lady Freckles…” he murmured softly.
“Don’t give me a reason to…” she retorted with a muted edge.
A type of small accordion used by the Argentineans…probably Italian in origin. Heavily used in Tango songs.
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
They moved easily together. Even Rodin could have not done a better job at sculpting a
man and a woman who fit each other so perfectly.
“At least, your dancing has improved…you haven’t stepped on my toes yet…” he noted.
Candy stifled a laugh. How bold and insouciant she had been that day of the Festival!
She recalled every minute of that masque and it brought a smile to her face.
Where is that girl…that girl that life was so unkind to…she thought.
“I need to advise you that I’m not planning on dancing with you all night, your Grace…”
she made known to him…she had to focus on the present.
“Candy…you know what to call me…” he said.
“Oh…incorrigible fool?” she clipped.
Terry laughed, that same laugh he had given her on the Mauretania.
“Lady Freckles, you are quite an accessible, delectable Goddess, did you know that?”
El Dia que Me Quieras, ended. Luis Miguel went into his next song, Voy a Apagar la
“I am going to turn off the light,
to think of you
and that way I’ll let my imagination fly
where I can do anything
where there are no impossibles
who cares if I live off my daydreams,
if it is there where I am the happiest…”38
Terry had not let her go, and he mmmed fondly as he seemed to pull Candy closer into
him. His tall, well defined body felt so firm and so very masculine…she could feel every
inch of him…and it made her quiver uneasily…she wanted to flee…this closeness to him
was too primal for her tastes.
She looked at him, and his eyes were closed and a charmed look was on his face. The
curve that was drawn on his mouth was unmistakable.
“What’s so amusing?” she whispered, annoyed at his half smile, slightly tiffed. Yet like
steel, she was being drawn to his magnetism.
“How I will embrace you….
How much I will kiss you…
my deepest desires with you I will make reality…”39
Refer to the Songbook for the version in Spanish
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
“I don’t think Bertie and Cookie40 know Spanish very well…”
“I will nibble your lips…
I will fulfill myself in you…
so I am going to turn off the light,
to think of you…”41
“And you do?” she scoffed. She didn’t remember Spanish being a language he knew.
Luis Miguel immediately transitioned to the next song, Contigo Aprendí. It didn’t allow
her to separate from Terry.
“You’d be surprised, Candice…”
“With you I learned,
there are newer and better emotions…
with you I learned,
to discover a new world of dreams…”42
“Humor me…” she said, flippantly.
“...I learned
that the week has more than 7 days…
to make more of my few joys,
and to be happy,
I learned with you…”43
“I do speak some…especially with all the touring I did in Ciudad de Méjico and Buenos
Aires in the 20’s.” he said, impeccably pronouncing the two names of the cities with a
slight Castilian lisp.
“And the Duke and Duchess of York do not speak Spanish ?”
“…With you I learned
to see the other side of the moon…
with you I learned
that I will not change your presence
for anybody else’s…”44
Refer to the Songbook for the version in Spanish
The nicknames by which the Duke and Duchess of York were sometimes known in the Royal inner circle…in fact, Cookie
supposedly was given to her by Wallis Simpson, as the Duchess had a fondness for cookies.
Refer to the Songbook for the version in Spanish
Refer to the Songbook for the version in Spanish
Refer to the Songbook for the version in Spanish
Refer to the Songbook for the version in Spanish
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
“They are not very cosmopolitan, Candice…David might, but he probably is enjoying the
lyrics as much as I am…he may not speak the language either, but Luis is very good at
conveying sentiment…in fact, now that I see him, I believe he is…” they both looked
over at Edward, Prince of Wales, known in close circles by his nickname David, dancing
just a little suggestively with his mistress, Mrs. Simpson.
Candy then looked over at Elizabeth, the Duchess of York, who could barely hide the
disgust she had for the opportunistic, twice divorced and still married Wallis Warford
Simpson on her face. She felt sorry for the Duchess that she had to put up with her
brother-in-law’s blatant attitude, flaunting his mistress in public. She wouldn’t be as
magnanimous, she decided.
“I learned,
that a kiss can be
more sweeter and more profound…
that I could leave this world tomorrow…
all the good things in my life
I have already lived with you…
and with you I learned,
that I was born
the day
I met you …”45
“So what’s your point?” she insisted. He seemed to be surreptitiously leaning into her in
such a way that Candy felt her body responding to him in the subtlest of ways. But Terry
didn’t answer. He just looked languidly into her eyes, so much so that she had to look
away. She could not believe she was allowing herself to go this far with him.
Contigo Aprendí last strains ended and Candy finally separated herself from Terry,
relieved. She couldn’t look into his eyes, they were just openly adoring her. He’s trying
to break me down she huffed to herself.
Luis thanked everyone in his beautiful English with just a slight hint of his charming
Mexican accent and said, “Now, on a night like this, a night of celebration, let us not only
celebrate His Majesty, but let us also celebrate the beautiful sentiment of love, which is
the universal language that is immediately understood the world over; a language that
speaks sometimes with no words…sometimes with a light touch…sometimes with a deep
look…and sometimes, in that beautiful patois when destined souls speak to each other in
He started singing the next song, which had a lovely introduction with violins. Luis
Miguel was embracing them all with his wonderful performance.
Terry sung a little bit of the song then he leaned into Candy’s ear, pulling in to her so
close that she could feel his breathing caress her neck and earlobes…she could even take
in his aroma of amber and lavender in the intimacy of the space he had just created. “I’m
Refer to the Songbook for the version in Spanish
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
sure if Cookie understood what Luis is singing right now, she would immediately tell him
to stop…she’s probably is too caught up in the beautiful music…listen …” Terry said to
her in a deep, sensual voice, as he drew her even more close into him in and then started
translating the lyrics...
”from beneath the table,
I caress your knee
and I drink in,
sip by sip,
your angelic gaze
and I breathe in from your mouth
that marvelous blossom
of the nightingale full of desire,
that sings, takes flight and soars
and I’m dying to take you
to the darkest corner of my private lair,
where I’m hiding a kiss
under the veneer of an illusion
our cocktails have been drunk,
and I am unsure of what to do next
if I should hold my instincts back, or
if I should never let you go
you just don’t know what you make me feel.
if for only a minute you could be in me
perhaps you would melt
in the ardent river of my blood
and you would live here with me
and I would be forever in your embrace…
and you just don’t know what you make me feel,
there hasn’t been a moment
that I have been able to live without you
you absorb me in this space
and in this space you make me your own
and make me proud
and I just cannot be without you…46”
Candy caught her breath…it was the most suggestive song she had ever heard in her life!
She couldn’t believe she was dancing it with Terry…she looked over at Luis Miguel,
who was singing his heart out to those present, living the song. He seemed to have
observed them earlier, and it seemed to Candy that he was pouring his entire feeling and
lyricism to them only. Candy realized that only Terry grasped fully what Luis actually
was singing about and Luis had realized that, and hence his direct addressing to them…
When the song had ended and the dancing had stopped, Candice released herself from
Terrence’s embrace and walked away from him, in the midst of the room, amongst the
Refer to the Songbook for the original version in Spanish.
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
bravoes and the applause for Luis Miguel. She had to get away from him…she felt she
was on the cornice of a snowy, slippery slope which was about to come down in a
ravishing avalanche that would swallow her up and bear her away to a place she did not
want to go.
Terry, not wanting to let her out of his sight, followed her.
Luis Miguel was starting to sing his next song, Inolividable. It was on the song’s sultry,
thumping notes that she found the door out to gardens. She noticed her breath was a bit
heavier than usual.
“In life there are loves
That cannot be forgotten
Unerasable moments
That the heart always keeps
But what one day
Made us tremble with happiness…”47
She heard his footsteps behind her and this made her nervous. She walked faster.
“Go away, Terrence…haven’t you had your fun with me tonight?” she hissed out loud.
She couldn’t believe what Terry was trying to wrought from her in front of everybody.
“Candice, please…what are you talking about…”
“You know I do not want anything to do with you; why do you insist on ingrating
yourself in my life!”
“Candice…” he said gently, catching up with her, taking her arm and stopping her. If for
a moment he had thought he had been in heaven, dancing so close with her, he now felt
hell staring to open up to him again.
She spun around and bore her deep green eyes into his, angrily. The moonlight wasn’t
helping her in trying to cloak her emotions.
“That unforgettably live in me
Unforgettable, Unforgettable…. …48”
“Leave me alone, Terrence Grantchester!” she said, violently retiring her arm.
There was pause from inside the ballroom, then the music started again. Luis Miguel had
moved on to a new song. Sabor a Mi…
Terrence went on the offensive…now that they were alone, he was going to confront her.
Refer to the Songbook for the original version in Spanish.
Refer to the Songbook for the original version in Spanish.
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
“Why should I? What are you afraid of?” he challenged.
“Certainly not you!” she replied.
“Oh, is that so? You know what I think, Freckles? I think somewhere in there, in that
stubborn mind of yours, is the Candy I once knew, crying; no, DEMANDING to be let
out. You are afraid to call up the Candice White Andrew you once were…the optimistic,
sparkling, cheerful and fearless Candice White Andrew that somehow got lost along the
way…the Candice White Andrew that loved me and perhaps loves me still…and you are
afraid to find what was that we had in there, hidden deep in you after all these
years…well I least I know I never gave that love up and kept that fire burning…but
you…you obviously did! You buried it so profoundly within you that you don’t even
have the courage to call it back up, now that we have a second chance!”
“Our souls came together so
That I keep your taste
But you also carry
A taste of me…”49
Her heart was racing at how easily he had read what she tried to hide all those years, and
rushed even more frantically when she heard him say that he loved her then and loved her
still. But no, she wasn’t going to give in! “What nonsense are you talking about…second
chance! Huh! You gave that up the minute you released your hold on me on those steps
in New York!”
Terry was stunned. So she did remember all that was, then! She had to, why call up that
memory, the most painful of them all!
“Yes…I’ll admit that…I released you and let you and myself down, but I never stopped
loving you…but with your leaving and never turning back, not even once, you practically
threw me into Suzanne’s arms and I stupidly decided to honor your wish, instead of doing
what I should have done!” he rebuked, more to himself than to her.
She clicked her tongue, clearly displeased. “Courage, you say! You know what courage
is? Courage is having to say goodbye to the most desired wish of your heart, because you
can’t bear to see him suffer from the weight of a moral dilemma that neither one
wanted…Courage is having the gumption not to look back, because you know that if you
do, the resolve for what is honorably right will succumb to the power of what is true in
your heart! Courage is facing the emptiness of your heart and soul everyday, with your
best face forward, going on against the deck fate has stuck you with…it isn’t drowning
yourself in an alcohol-induced stupor, sliding fast on a downward spiral into the dredge
of wretchedness!!!”
Terry was momentarily taken aback by her declaration and admission…then he saw
himself, stone cold drunk on a stage that was beneath his gifts, but quite appropriate to
how low he had sunk…hitting rock bottom…and then…seeing those eyes…that split
Refer to the Songbook for the original version in Spanish.
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
second when he was resuscitated…it had been a delusion, a dream…he had thought so at
that time. “So, that was you!!” Terry said, surprised. It had been her for real in the
traveling theatre!!
“Of course it was, you fool!” she rebuked. He could not tell if the Muse was reproaching
the fact that he had allowed himself to wallow so low or that he couldn’t tell if had been
her for real or not.
He swallowed, the jagged pill tearing at him…how many times he had not acted on his
gut instinct…things would be different if he had obeyed the calls that his whole being
had screamed to him were true… the cry of hers at him amongst the throng after King
Lear in Chicago…the time in the traveling theatre in Rockston…those were the ones he
was aware of…but that was in the past…those calls required heeding them on the spot to
do something about them…now, it was too late to think about the “what if’s”…yet…“But
I pulled myself up again and made something of my life and lived my dream of
acting…you on the other hand, you just became a bitter old widow, shutting out
everything and everyone except your son William…you even stopped your nursing
career!” he defended himself while condemning her.
“…If you tried to deny
my presence in your life
I would only have to embrace you
and speak to you
So much life I gave you
That you by default have
A taste of me…”50
“Then why are you so doggedly pursing me now, if I am so bitter, unattractive and such
an old maid!” she argued.
How could she say that? The Muse, unattractive? When she was clearly was a beautiful
woman, belying her real age…did she not realize the power her beauty had over him?
And her beloved personality, even if it was hidden under the hardened carapace that she
showed now with bravado, still managed to escape in small slivers that she could not hold
back. “Candy!” he cried, looking at her. Could it be possible she refused to believe in
herself again? No…not the Candy he knew and loved. Not the Candy he knew was still
there, even if she wasn’t immediately accessible for one reason or another.
They stared at each other for a long time, not saying a thing. He was desperately
searching, reaching into the far chasms of her endless emerald eyes. There had to be
something there…something that he perhaps now had bring forward for her.
Then…a slight, a so very slight flicker. It was like a dim, faltering candlelight that was
about to be extinguished.
Refer to the Songbook for the original version in Spanish.
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
Before she could react, Terry pulled her in close to him and kissed her. It started out
gentle, like the one he had given her so long ago…but then turned into a hot, adult,
furious, passionate kiss, one that had been years in the making for him…and for her, he
thought…she was responding to it as a woman, not as a bewildered young maiden. His
ardor increased with her eager response.
“…A thousand years will go by
And many more
I don’t know if there is love in eternity
But over there, as it is here
In your mouth you will carry
A taste of me …”51
But, as it was then, as it was now, she was quick to slap him, tears streaming down her
“You have always been and always will be a rogue, an ill-mannered brute, your Grace
notwithstanding! Stay away from me, Terry…I hate you!” she shouted, as she turned and
ran away.
Terry watched her go and smiled, even if his cheek still stung from her smack.
Something about that refusal didn’t ring true to him…her engaging, loving mouth had
said another thing to him. For a brief moment in that kiss, he had tasted her again. It was
the same taste he had enjoyed that first time, that first summer….sublime and sweet…
And there was something else, just as he had suspected. Something that he had hoped
was still there. She had even called him Terry, the same way she did when they were at
St. Paul’s.
“Not this time, Muse…Candice…Candy, my dearest Lady Freckles…” he said “This
time, I won’t let you go…” he vowed.
Candy was brushing her luxurious hair with furious strokes. There, in the
stillness of her boudoir, she recalled that evening’s finale.
After her encounter with Terry in the gardens of Glamis Castle she had gone back
inside, looking for William, who was, much to her surprise, engaged in conversation with
the Prince of Wales and Wallis, the infamous Mrs. Simpson.
“Your Highness, Mrs. Simpson…” she had said, curtsying lightly to Edward. As an
American, she wasn’t obliged to, but she did so out of respect, and due to the fact that the
Andrews were in fact Marquis, even if they chose not to exercise the title. “William, I
would like to go home…” she said.
Refer to the Songbook for the original version in Spanish.
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
“Oh, so soon, Madame Andrew? Young William here is so charming and wonderful
company…” Edward said.
“I thought you were with Grantchester…” Wallis purred with a gleam in her eye, being
rude and brazenly confident in her lover’s presence not to use Terry’s proper title or form
of address.
“Oh…sorry if it came across the wrong way…” Candy said, trying to hide her fluster.
“How was it supposed to come across, dear?” Wallis jabbed, in a low voice. Edward and
William were engrossed in their talk and were oblivious to this interchange. Candy
thought she heard William invite the Prince of Wales to Andrew House.
“I don’t understand what you mean…” Candy said, with a hint of moral superiority.
Candy had not learned to navigate the high society of Chicago for naught. She had to
appear polite, clueless yet with enough disdain at the same time so as not to offend the
Prince of Wales’ mistress.
Unfortunately, Wallis Warford Simpson had the same upbringing as Candice and was a
more skilled and Machiavellian navigator in such waters…she was malicious where
Candice was honest.
“Oh, my dear, but I believe you do…”
“Mum, shall we go then? I’ve asked his Highness over for next weekend and he’s
graciously accepted.”
Candy’s heart sank. William didn’t understand that was how the Prince of Wales was
conducting his affair with Wallis…by finding guest bedrooms in the grand houses all up
and down Great Britain. Now, the Andrew’s were going to be on the Duchess of York’s
personas non gratas list for harboring them and enabling their encounters, if she found
“William, you forgot that you were coming to Grantchester Manor for the weekend,
remember?” Terry’s voice suddenly said from behind her. He gave an imperceptible
squeeze on William’s forearm to let him know he had to let him and his mother take the
conversation over.
Wallis’ eyes took a special glimmer and she directed it to Candy. She knew that
charming, handsome devil Grantchester and that cold, standoffish Madame Andrew had
something going on between them. They went back, way back, she was sure of it. And
that Mrs. Andrew was trying to be something she was not…there was a smoldering fire
underneath all that chilly ice!
“However, your Highness, as you know, Grantchester Manor has many guest
bedrooms…I would be honored if you join us…” Terry continued.
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
“That’s so! I must say, I never have visited! I don’t want to inopportune the Andrew’s
then, since they had accepted your invitation…I think we will all have a splendid time…”
the Prince of Wales said, accepting.
“Most honored, Sir…I will see to it my private secretary contacts yours then, for all the
proper arrangements…” Terry said, with a slight bow.
Candy had been left speechless…Terry had expertly pulled them out of the predicament,
but the same wrath that would have descended upon the Andrew’s as a result of hosting
Edward and Wallis was now going to be funneled towards Terry. Then, Candy
remembered with a small internal laugh, how Terry relished teeing the establishment off.
It would be harder to blacklist a high ranking English Duke whose history in the country
went farther back than the Windsor’s by way of the Germanic Saxe-Coburg-Gotha’s and
Hanover’s than the equally historically impressive, fantastically wealthy but now
American Andrew’s.
“William, you are such a noble and generous spirit but a bit nubile…next time, please
don’t commit yourself to such things without consulting me…” she had gently scolded
him on their way home. Even though Terry had walked them out to their car, Candy
gave him the most brief and coldest of goodbyes, which William had noticed. He had
been so happy earlier, when he had watched them dance. He thought his Mum and Mr.
Terry looked very fine together, as he had hoped they would. He felt they somehow were
for each other, although he knew that were at a bit of loggerheads at present…his mother
moreso than the Duke, for sure.
The ride home was very quiet. Upon arriving, they had gone to their rooms to retire for
the night. It had been a strange, curious evening for her.
Candy was still attacking her hair, as if trying to discharge what she felt in each
stroke, when she heard a knock.
“Come in…” she said.
It was William, in his own dressing gown.
“I’ve come to say good night, Mum…I’m sorry about the faux pas earlier, with the Prince
of Wales…”
He kissed her on the cheek, and Candy replied, “Oh William…alls well that ends
well…you were wonderful as Sebastian…I’m so proud of you…who knew you had that
hidden talent?”
“Everything turned out fine, thanks to Mr. Terry…” he said, his admiration evident.
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
Candy frowned somewhat. “Alls well that ends well, William…good night…” she
repeated, not wanting to acknowledge Terry’s influence that night. She got up from her
vanity and started heading towards her bedchamber. Her mind was still spinning with the
entire course of what had transpired that evening.
“Mum, may I ask you something?” William asked, following her.
“Certainly, my son…”
“Why do you hate Mr. Terry?” he said, disappointed and hurt.
Candy stopped, cold. Then she continued, nonchalant.
“That is not so, William…why do you say that…”
“Because I’ve seen how you looked at him from the moment I brought him to
luncheon…mum…I am really fond of him…he is the man I saw at Pony’s Hill when I
was four years old...He’s become a very good friend and mentor to me…like a father…”
Candy’s heart felt queer. Then, it was so. It had been him…that was his handkerchief
she had held in her hands!
“What has that got to do with whether I hate him or not?”
“I can tell when you are not nice to people, Mum…you treat him as if he were a leper…”
“William…” she sighed, “I don’t have to like your friends…I can be polite to them, but I
don’t have to like him…”
“But Mum…wasn’t he your friend before?”
Candy looked at William from the bed, where she had sat down. A cold, icy stab was
now piercing her.
Not only a friend…he was my one true love the young Candy wanted to scream out.
Shush, you fool! He does not need to know… the older Candy replied.
You are a fool…he already knows…he suspects, at least…how could he not…he’s your
son…and he is just as intuitive as you used to be…
As I used to be…
“William…” she said gravely, “That is none of your business…”
“It is Mum…when I know now he was your true love and Father wasn’t…”
“William!” she gasped, dismayed “What lies did he tell you?”
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
“He? He’s told me nothing, Mum…he’s a gentleman, and a very reserved, introspective
one, adept at hiding his feelings at that.... Only his eyes give him away…and your eyes,
when you let your guard down…where he tries to give you warmth, you give him nothing
but coldness …he’s told me absolutely nothing…but I know everything about the Muse,
as he calls you…and I now know why he went to Pony’s Hill that day…he said the Hill
was his True Love’s hill…and Mummy, there is only one person that fits his description
of the Muse…that’s you…”
Candy didn’t know whether to be angry at William or not. A silent tear rolled down her
“Mummy…maybe one day you will tell me what happened between you two…all I know
is that there is a saying that goes, if there is a great denial it is because there once was a
great truth involved…if you never cared for him then or didn’t care for him now, you
would not be acting the way you are now…”
“William…the only thing you need to know is that I dearly loved your father…”
“I am not saying you didn’t love Father. But I know Father was not your true love…I
know there is a difference…I don’t reproach you for it, mum…I just want you to know
that I understand…”
With that William kissed his mother on her cheek, turned and left the room. He had seen
her hurtful reaction to his question and figured that it was not the right moment to press
her for more.
Candy watched her only son leave the room, and waited until the door was completely
shut. Then she burst into tears. Deep, haunting, painful sobs that had been locked away
for so long in her, finally found their escape.
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
– The Shooting Star –
Candy had been so unhinged about the events at Glamis Castle that she absolutely
refused to spend the next weekend at Grantchester Manor. No amount of cajoling from
her son was going to change her mind. He went saddened, but called every night to
check in with her and to tell her about the weekend. He found the entire situation quite
interesting and further admired Mr. Terry’s aplomb at hosting the Prince of Wales and his
“William, I need it to make clear that I do not approve of what the Prince of Wales is
doing, even if he is the future King of England…” Candy sighed after hearing William’s
“Well Mummy, truth be told, Mr. Terry told me the same…yet he says he has to admire a
man who defies the duty imposed on him and who follows his heart…”
Candy felt her mouth go dry at that. What did she really know about Terry’s marriage to
Suzanne Marlowe? Had he not told her at the Bal that he was still in love with her and
had never forgotten her or the love they once shared?
Was all that pain and misery inflicted on each other on that dreadful day on the hospital
steps in New York all in vain?
She wasn’t about to go asking him, as far as she was concerned.
It was lovely, warm summer day in Kinross. It was Thursday, and Candy was
looking forward to seeing William soon for their weekend. She dearly hoped he had not
planned anything with Terry...she just wanted William entirely focused on her for once.
As she was accustomed to do since their arrival in Scotland, she was doing some personal
shopping in the town. Even though her army of servants could do certain things for her,
she loved window shopping in the charming main square and picking up things here and
there that touched her fancy. A tin of a lovely new mélange of tea, a bouquet of darling
fresh local wildflowers or eglantines, her new favorite type of rose which grew wildly in
the area, or other delicacies at the local farmer’s market like wonderful lavender honey,
tangy sweet lemon curds and buttery Scottish shortbreads.
A view Kinross…unfortunately the car gives the picture away as recent 8)
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
She was window shopping at the local bakery, her mouth savoring at the fresh pastries
and realizing it was almost tea time, that she had not noticed a pair of eyes observing her.
“Is it…Miss Candy….” A lovely, cultured voice said in its soft feminine tone. Candice
turned around…she recognized the timbre in the voice…a voice from long ago.
“Ms…Ms. Baker?” she asked, stunned. Eleanor Baker was the last person she was
expecting to see.
“Oh, dearest Candy!” she said, coming towards her, her face joyful.
Candice felt warm and happy. She had always admired Eleanor Baker and felt dearly for
her…as a mother now, she realized the great sacrifice and sorrow she had suffered when
her son had been taken away from her.
“Ms. Baker…what are you doing in Scotland?” Candice asked, then she started laughing,
realizing the obvious foolishness of the question. “I guess you can ask the same of me,
Eleanor laughed softly, taking Candice’s hands. “We seem to have the great tendency of
running into each other in the most unlikely of places…” She drank in the young
woman’s loveliness…what a beautiful creature, she thought to herself. No wonder my
Terry is even more besotted with her now. But it had always been this young woman’s
character and integrity that had always struck her as her most wonderful feature. Eleanor
knew all too well what beauty without any substance was really like…she had seen so
much of it during her career, and certainly with her ill-fated daughter in law, Suzanne.
How things would have been different for all of them if Terrence had married his Muse.
As for Candy, she was recalling in her mind the last time they had seen each other.
Another cold, desolate and heartbreaking night, this time in Rockston, Illinois. A night
she’d rather not remember, save for the shared conversation she had with this
woman…even then, she’d rather not dwell on the memory…a night when my heart and
soul finished breaking into infinite pieces, watching my fallen Knight on the stage…and
hearing from his mother’s lips how she knew who was the only one who had the power to
bring him back from the edge of unreason and self destruction…oh…sometimes that sort
of knowledge gave a bittersweet sense of satisfaction, yet it was never capable of filling
the gaping, empty void. On that night she walked away from the Knight again, only
being able to will him from where she was to snap out of his despair and misery…she
had to walk away, not turning back, once again.
“Indeed...” Candice said, hoping that her eyes would not give away what was now
internally trying to resurface in her. The ethereal Eleanor Baker! She did not look a day
over 35! She looked a little thinner than she recalled, but no less gorgeous.
“Candice, dearest…you still look like that wonderful young woman that I met, so long
ago…you look like a lady in her twenties! What is your secret?” she asked, equally
admiring the youth seen in the woman’s face, although she noted that there was a bit of a
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
hardness in the eyes and in the features, a hardness that wasn’t there before…Eleanor
knew right then and there that this young woman had suffered greatly during this time.
Candice blushed, a bit. “Ms. Baker…I could say the same of you! You look my age!”
Eleanor laughed. “I should be a grandmother by now, but as long as I don’t have any grey
hair, I can keep telling myself otherwise…” she smiled mischievously, as if sharing a
secret. “But this open space does not do justice to our need to catch up with each
other…would you honor me in having tea…I am staying at Terry’s manor…I arrived
earlier this week…” she invited.
Candice felt her blood freeze…go to tea to Terrence’s house? Was she stark raving
mad…she was doing her darndest to avoid him!!
“Oh…I…” she started, then continued, “Eleanor, I don’t believe you know Andrew
House…would you like come to and visit? I would be so honored if you did…”
Eleanor’s eyes glistened with anticipation. She had known of the famed Andrew House,
with its impressive collection of Rembrandts, Gainesboroughs and Davids. She had
heard from Terry that there was even a DaVinici manuscript.
“Oh, Candice…I would be so pleased! When would you like me to visit?”
“Well…now is as good a time as any!” Candice said, realizing it was about tea time.
“Would you like to come? I drove in to town today…”
Eleanor smiled again. “I also drove in…tell you what, if you want, you can follow me to
Grantchester manor…so we can drop off my car..”
“Eleanor…I’d rather not…” Candice said, trying not to sound curt.
Eleanor looked into Candy’s eyes and understood. She felt the pain in her chest and
unconsciously rubbed it. “Don’t worry, Candice…I understand …I will follow you to
Andrew House, is that alright?”
Candice felt better about that proposition. “Yes, of course!”
“Are you on hiatus, Ms. Baker?” Candy asked Eleanor as she served a cup of tea.
They were sitting on the terrace, overlooking the Loch. It was so pleasantly warm, both
the afternoon and the feeling between the two women.
Eleanor drunk in the lovely gardens. “More of a retirement than a hiatus, Miss
Candy…and please call me Eleanor…”
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
Candy smiled prettily. “Please call me Candy…retirement? How so?”. She daintily took
a bite of her cucumber sandwich.
The lady elegantly sipped her tea. “Well, everything is about talkies53 these days, and to
be quite honest, I find I don’t have the energy anymore…and when an artist no longer has
neither the energy nor the drive to give of themselves to the art or to the public, it is best
to say goodbye…”
But she is still quite young…how so about not having the energy? Candy wondered.
Then, she realized that a lifetime of studying parts, dress rehearsals, rehearsals and
performances could take a toll. Is that why Terry was teaching?
“I’m glad Terry has some company…I was surprised to hear he had come to teach at St.
Eleanor laughed, and Candy realized it was the first time she had heard her do so. It was
light, lovely and very feminine. “Oh…you should have seen the reaction from the theatre
community over that! It was madness, they all said. But you see, Candy…I think Terry
felt he had already given to the world what he could in his performances and decided to
leave at the top of his gift…there is nothing worse to see than an actor past his prime
trying to hold on to what was once their golden age…although Terry would have been a
magnificent older player…he was and is, one of the most exceptional actors ever to tread
the boards. He is also ethical and focused…and such a joy to watch on stage…”
Eleanor’s eyes shone with deep pride.
“I’m glad that he returned to his calling…and glad to hear he made his life successful,
overall…” Candy had a flashback of the terrible night in Rockston and it shook her sadly.
“Ah yes…that was entirely your doing, Candy…only you could ever reach him…do you
know that you are the only person he had ever entrusted his whole being to? I admired
him more for what he did for Suzanne, even if he never loved her…he sacrificed himself
for a cause that didn’t quite merit it…”
Candy felt her ears prick up at this.
Eleanor saw the questioning gaze and continued, “Oh, he tried his best and I think
Suzanne believed it….or just wanted to believe it…Richard trained him well to be the
quintessential gentleman…one who would ultimately put duty over anything his heart
wanted… but as I knew with a mother’s certainty that he was destined for greatness, I
knew that only one person had his true heart…only one person…the person who brought
him back from his dangerous tumble into desolate destruction…”
Candy felt a tear form but she held it in. She didn’t know what to say.
“I’m glad you are spending time with him…” she said at length.
Motion pictures where one could hear the actors speak. As the reader may recall, the first movies were
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
Eleanor smiled, not wanting to make the younger woman melancholy for what could
have been. “He was quite surprised…the last time I showed up unannounced, he didn’t
quite receive me with open arms…but thankfully, over the years, we were able to have
warm relationship…not as close as I would have liked it to be, but as a mother,
sometimes you overlook these things…to be honest, he was very glad to see me…we are
getting along so fabulously now…it has made up for a lot of lost years…but tell me, what
has your life been since I saw you last?”
Candy spent the next hour telling Eleanor about everything since they last saw each
“Ah…it warms my heart considerably to hear about you and your son…how blessed you
have been, Candice…no wonder Terry thinks so highly of him…” Eleanor admired.
“They are quite fond of each other, if I may say so myself…” Candy murmured. She had
to admit as much.
“Goodness! Look at the time!” Eleanor exclaimed softly, looking at her Vacheron
Consantin wristwatch.
Candy wanted to spend more time with her. “Eleanor, I know it is short notice, but I
would be honored if you stayed for supper…” she invited.
“Oh, I’d enjoy that very much…but you see, Terry comes home promptly every night, to
spend it with me…may I come calling another day?”
Candy nodded. “How about if you come for lunch and stay for tea next Thursday?
Something to look forward to?” she offered.
“That would be grand…”
Both women embraced and kissed each other on the cheek, like a mother would a
For the following Thursdays, Eleanor Baker came to spend the day with Candy.
Candy was enjoying her company very much, and she could tell Eleanor was enjoying it
as much, if not more. They became fast friends. Candy took great pride in sharing with
Eleanor the treasures of Andrew House, and the treasures of her heart, displayed in
family photos. She realized, upon seeing Eleanor’s wistful reactions, that she did have a
family life of sorts, even if it was truncated. Eleanor never got to live with her son as a
nurturer after he was taken away from her at the tender age of five. Yet Eleanor seemed
so grateful to have had reconnected with him as a young adult. Candy appreciated then
the great impact of her influence over Terry during that heartbreaking confrontation…had
she not intervened, the bond between mother and son may have never re-established
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
itself. As a mother with a son older than Terry was at the time, she could not fathom the
type of dysfunctional life that Terry had…no wonder Eleanor Baker was so fond of
her…she would be too, if she were in her shoes and situation.
On the third Thursday, after lunch, they were walking off their meal in the gardens of
Andrew House. Loch Leven shimmered as never before in the afternoon sun. Candy
somehow got on the subject of how she had met Terry.
“He was the most arrogant, aloof, taciturn and inscrutable person I had ever met!” she
laughed, telling Eleanor about how she had seen him on the Mauretania’s promenade,
lonely and crying, and then about the heated interchange they had. She also told her
about the first weeks at St. Paul, his boorish behavior at that Mass, but then how he had
been the Knight who had come to her rescue when Neil attacked her. “It was then that I
realized that he was not this toughie he projected…that he had a tender heart and
sensitive soul…even if he did end up insulting me again…”
“He did sound like a holy terror!” Eleanor said, curious to hear more. She had no insight
into this part of her son’s life.
“I came to realize that he was just crying out for someone to care for him, for whom he
was, not for what others expected or perceived of him…he was so lonely that he only felt
safe behind his walls…he was lonely for his father and mother…so lonely that he was
angry…but I knew by that summer how much he wanted to have his father’s love and his
mother’s love…that is why I had to step in when I chanced on you during that terrible
argument…I couldn’t let himself deny what he so wanted, because of his pained soul and
wounded heart…”
“Oh, Candy…I have probably told you this a thousand times already, but I will say it for
a thousand more…only you wrought the miracle, not once but twice…” Eleanor thanked,
her, taking her hands in hers and squeezing them lovingly.
She compared in her mind the difference between Candy and the woman whom Terry
had ended up marrying. Only Candy understood whom her son really was…Suzanne
could never see past her son’s dazzling gift and handsomeness. And because Suzanne
had never been a person concerned about others, she had no empathy. Everything that
concerned Suzanne was all about Suzanne, even when it came to Terry. It had been that
way in the beginning, and it had been that way at the end. Even though Suzanne had
removed Terry from impending danger and possibly saved his life, Eleanor never felt as
grateful to her as she did about Candice White Andrew. One had become Terry’s cross
to bear, the other his Angel and Muse. Only the Muse had saved Terry from himself, not
once, but twice. In Eleanor’s mind, that was a feat far greater than anything else that
could be called a life saving action. To inspire another in achieving greatness was only
accomplished by creatures who were on higher spiritual planes. Creatures who would
give of themselves, sacrifice of themselves without asking for anything in return.
And that was difference between what one called love and what was true love.
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
Yet, at some point, this creature too had suffered the injustices of the mortal world.
Eleanor hoped in all her heart that Candy one day healed from that hurt. That much she
Candy blushed a bit upon hearing Eleanor and at seeing and feeling the sincere sentiment
she was giving her. Eleanor’s hands felt a bit thin, Candy noted. They had stopped in
front of the transplanted Sweet Candy she had brought from the Lakewood Mansion.
Despite the tender size of the bushes, they were abloom with the fragrant roses.
“Oh…these are quite magnificent!” Eleanor admired, “I don’t think I’ve ever seen
anything like them…they must be a hybrid…where did you get them?”
Candy smiled with pride. ”A boy whose memory drove Terry insanely jealous created
them for me…my first love, who cultivated roses…he called them Sweet Candy, because
he said he wanted anybody who gazed and smelled them to be instantly reminded of
me…he was such a sensitive, loving and caring boy….” Candy recalled Anthony very
strongly at that minute and shed a small tear.
“Yes…I see…creamy white with a greenish tinge in the center…why didn’t you two stay
together?” Candy certainly had been lucky in love, not once, but thrice, Eleanor
marveled. And why not? She was the most generous, inspiring and lovely girl she had
ever met. To have been truly loved, love and then lost was better than living a life with a
simile of love.
“He died Eleanor…shortly after he gifted me with these roses, in a horse riding
accident…I loved him so much and I mourned him for a long time…it wasn’t until…”
Candy stopped herself and her voice cracked.
Eleanor need not hear more, she understood. She had realized that it was very difficult
for Candy to talk about Terry when it concerned what had once been. She bent over to
admire the wonderful Sweet Candy that Candy had so lovingly described and had started
to take in its marvelous perfume when she suddenly woke up in Candy’s arms. They
both were on the ground.
“What…what happened?” Eleanor asked in a small voice.
Candy helped sit her up. “I am not sure Eleanor, you had bent over to smell the Sweet
Candy and the next thing I heard is when you gasped, as if it was in pain, clutched your
chest and then fell forward…I realized that you had blacked out…thankfully I was so
close to you that I caught you…”
‘‘Candy…” Eleanor said, taking her hand. Her voice was soft, with a slight tremor in it.
“Eleanor…had I not been a trained nurse with experience, I would have been very
frightened…for a moment, when you gasped and took your hand to your chest, I thought
you were having a heart attack…but once I took you in my arms and quickly took your
vitals and looked for other signs, I realized it was not a heart attack, thank God…but tell
me, how are you feeling…maybe the sun is too strong right now to be out in the
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
Garden…” The hand felt a bit cold…perhaps her blood pressure had dropped? Candy
“Candy…” Eleanor said. Her voice sounded different.
Candice had heard that voice many times before…a voice that patients used when
wanting to say something else, something revealing….something said at a moment when
they were most vulnerable.
“Yes, Eleanor…” she replied, her voice soothing and gentle. She caressed the older
woman’s cheek, like a daughter would to a mother.
“Terry must never know….at least, he must not know until…until it is too late…”
Why would I tell Terry? If she only knew the lengths I have gone to not run into him!!
But there was something more, she could feel it. Something else Eleanor had to say.
“Know what, Eleanor?” she asked, using her calming voice.
“I’m dying, Candice…”
Candice felt her heart pull and fall backward into a void.
Dying? Eleanor Baker…dying!!??
“But…” Candy started.
“Terry doesn’t know…I have cancer…I’ve tried all the avenues and spared no expense,
but there is no help for me…it is too advanced…”
That is why she retired suddenly!!! That is why she looks and feels so thin! Goodness
Candy, have your eyes been blind?
“Eleanor…are you sure?” Candy was desperately seeking to hear that it wasn’t true.
“Yes Candice…there is no doubt…that is why I decided to come here…to spend my last
days with Terrence…but…I can’t bear to tell him…not yet…we have been so happy here
and we have gotten so close….I can’t mar this…not after so many years…even after
when you wrought that miracle, when he accepted me back into his life, he was still a bit
distant with me…over the years, since then, we have had a relationship, but never as
close as we have become now…never one where we were truly mother and son, enjoying
each other’s unconditional love and true companionship…I just can’t tell him yet…you
understand, don’t you Candice…you, now that you are a mother…you understand the
pain and tears of a mother, don’t you? How you would rather die than to see your own
flesh and blood suffer such a terrible news…until it was inevitable?” Tears were rolling
down Eleanor’s cheeks now. Even then, there was a quiet, beautiful poise in the older
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
Candice knew exactly what she meant.
“Eleanor…what can I do for you?” she asked, softly and heartfelt.
“Just be there for Terrence when the time comes…I know that life was not kind to you…I
know what is like for a woman to suffer thus….but one thing is certain….Terrence is not
his father…Richard never really cared for me….and I can tell you that Terrence is
certainly not his father…but my death will affect him more than he knows…he will have
no one left in the world who will care for him…and loneliness has been the most cruel
and constant of companions in his life…” Eleanor hesitated to tell Candice what she
knew, what she knew all along…that Terry had deeply and truly loved Candy, and deeply
and truly loved her still. She vacillated because she had seen how deep the hurt was in
Candy and did not want alienate her at this time.
“Eleanor…I…” Candy hesitated.
“Candice…I will not ask for what you cannot give…but I know you are kind, and will
reach out to another human being in need and in pain…it is your spirit and your life’s
calling…look how you have reached out to me these past weeks…oh…child…I know it
could never be, but you made me feel like your mother and for that I will always be
eternally grateful…just be there for him, because he will need you…he will need you
once the enormity of what is going to happen to me finally hits him…you are the only
person left in his life from the old days whom he can trust in…I know he has grown close
to your son, but the connection between you two had always been different…”
Candice could not refuse Eleanor’s plea…she herself already was devastated by the
news…yes, Eleanor was right…she felt as if she was Eleanor’s daughter…oh, to finally
have found some semblance of a maternal figure that wasn’t Miss Pony or Sister Lane,
and now…it was going to be gone, gone soon and gone forever.
On a Thursday afternoon, exactly four weeks after she and Eleanor had found
themselves again, a terrible summer storm had unleashed itself. With this weather,
Candy did not expect Eleanor to arrive as she would normally. It was a storm like she
had seen once, a long time ago, when she had spent the afternoon in front of Terry’s
fireplace. The whole dark grey atmosphere rumbled, shaking the windows. The rain
drops splattered angrily against the window panes. Lightning cracked furiously.
“What a terrible, sad day…” Candy thought to herself. The storm she had witnessed
with Terry didn’t seem this menacing…it was more exciting, she seemed to recall. Since
she was not really expecting Eleanor, she decided she would sit down to write some
letters to Annie and Archie and to Patty in Florida, something she could leave aside in
case Eleanor did arrive for lunch. She was about to go about this task when Angus
entered, barely knocking and said hurriedly, “Madame, his Grace, the Duke of
Grantchester is…” but Terry who was right on his heels, interrupted him.
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
“That will do, Angus, thank you…” he said, taking the liberty of dismissing the butler.
He clearly was in a hurry.
“Why…Terry…” Candy gasped, so surprised at seeing him that she unconsciously called
him by his nickname, not with the proper form of address she had been using… “your
Grace”. She tried not to sound cross at his unannounced arrival.
He was wet, dripping from head to toe.
“Candy…please forgive me, but I don’t know who else to turn to…I can’t find the town
doctor in Kinross and I know you can help me…” he too addressed her by her nick name.
“What’s the matter?” Candy shuddered….she knew something was terribly wrong and it
had to do with Eleanor. Why else would Terry not be at St. Andrews as he usually was
during the day?
“Its…its mother…please…Candice, I know I am not your favorite person, but she’s in
terrible pain…and I…” he choked as he started to cry, unable to finish.
Candy the experienced Nurse kicked in, and she assumed the role immediately.
“I’m ready to go at once, Terry…take me to her…no…wait, I will drive….” She said,
taking charge of the situation and realizing Terry was too mentally distraught to do much
of anything. Even though the weather was horrendous, she could not let Terry drive in
such a state. She quickly told her staff where she was going, to not expect her home any
time soon and told them to notify William Albert at St. Andrews. She knew he had
Terry’s phone number at Grantchester Manor and would want to come to him.
It was a strange drive over to Grantchester Manor, Candy commanding Terry’s
Bentley very well in the inclement weather. Terry’s words tumbled out of his mouth,
between heaving sobs, between angry tears…between sad tears…Candy just listened in
support, just adding quiet “yes” or “oh” at the right junctures. She realized it was one of
his internal monologues, like the ones she had seen him enter in so many times before,
but now this one was actually vocalized, and for the first time she was actually privy to
how his mind actually scrambled during one of them. The unreal weather crashing about
them provided a strange diorama to the unfolding soliloquy.
“I can’t believe this is happening to her…why?...she has been the unhappiest of women
living a life so empty up until recently…the stage was her only solace up until I came
back into her life…oh, the stage is a poor substitute for your beloved…it doesn’t matter
how famous you become, how adored and admired you are, if the single most important
person of your heart isn’t physically there to share and taste your successes, it is a
hollow applause that resonates with a sad thud within yourself…I should know…at least I
had a Muse, but she had nobody…just the memory of a son that was taken away from her
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
until I was returned to her, thanks to the Muse…but I was still a bitter and angry son…it
wasn’t until now that we have finally come really together…oh, why is life so cruel and
harsh with those who are in most need of succor and comfort? knew what was
wrong, didn’t you…why do women insist on hiding such secrets in their hearts…why do
they insist on denial? What the hell am I talking about, I have so many in my own, that is
my feminine side in full raging bloom…how can I reproach when I myself have done the
very same? We are mirrors, aren’t we, mirrors of each other…oh mother…why…why
you…why now…why such a terrible death sentence…when you are beauty and art
incarnate…doesn’t God realize how much we need Muses in our lives? So much pain
and ugliness in the world, and people shut off from beauty…shut off from being
human…sometimes someone like the Muse can jolt you to realize what beauty is…but
being a Muse, being divine…perhaps that is too much to ask of any mortal…we are all
mortal…death will come to us one day, and then what? What happens to the love we
make? What happens to the beauty we create? Does it just turn to dust like everything
else? No…it cannot be…love is ageless…beauty is evergreen, just like divinity…I
believe…I have to believe…I need to believe…that it is so…otherwise what a terrible joke
and mistake our whole existence is…”
The Bentley came to a ponderous halt. “Terry…we’re arrived…” Candy said, quietly.
She felt as if she was interrupting a Sunday sermon of the highest inspiration. The rain
had let up somewhat in this part of Kinross-shire, but the dark, menacing clouds were still
gathering, not quite finished with their tempest.
Candy was shocked to see how fast Eleanor had deteriorated in a week. She did
not need to hear about the terrible pain that was engulfing her, because she could see it in
the famous actresses’ eyes that fluttered open weakly when she heard them come in. She
couldn’t even speak. Still, she thought saw a spark of happiness when she saw who Terry
had brought back with her.
She will be here, with him, when it happens…Eleanor thought, closing her eyes again.
The mortal noise in her head was deafening, and the horrible pain she was in was
strangling the rest of her senses and body altogether. Still, she still exuded a quiet air of
dignity in this atmosphere of death.
“How long has she been like this?” Candy asked Terry, taking Eleanor’s emaciated hand
to comfort her, her voice a low whisper. She was sure Eleanor was slipping in and out of
consciousness now…if she didn’t talk directly to her, she would not tune in to what they
were saying. Candy had always been a believer that even at a subconscious level, people
could hear and register what was being said to them directly even if they did not reply or
visibly respond.
Terry replied in a low voice, clearly tortured and in grief, “I don’t know…she was very
tired last night and went to bed early…when I came to see her this morning before I was
to go to St. Andrews…this is how I found her…tell me…is she…is she…”
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
He didn’t have to emote it, Candy knew what he wanted to know.
“In pain? Yes, Terry…in terrible pain…and…”
“Is there anything we can do?” he interjected, the distress clear in his voice.
“No, Terry…she…she is going to die soon…” Candy replied, levelly. There was no use
in her telling him otherwise, and there was no use in waiting for a doctor to diagnose.
Candy had seen this descent into death one too many times before.
Upon hearing this, Terry collapsed again. Candy’s heart felt a stab of sympathy and
could feel her eyes well with tears, even if she maintained her professional visage.
“How soon…how much longer?” he asked, his voice pained with anxiety and
“Hard to tell, Terry…that I why I needed to know how long she has been like this…it
could be a couple of days since the onset…once the kidneys shut down, the blood is
poisoned and things happen very quickly after that, but if we don’t know how long it has
been…I can’t tell…she could linger like this for two more days…”
“Please, Candice…I do not want her to suffer…do you understand! I do not want to her
to suffer…not anymore…PLEASE, DO SOMETHING!! HELP ME!!” he begged,
frantic. The immensity of the pain, hopelessness, misery and grief in his request broke
her heart.
“Terry…we can give her morphine…” she said, her voice infused with the tranquility she
knew he needed.
“Will it help?” he sounded much calmer after the outburst, the tone of her reply having
helped him center himself; although there was still a slight thread of hysteria in it.
“If I administer the right dose, she will not feel any more pain…no pain at all…” Candy
said, matter of fact.
“But…can you find it?” Terry was now more focused on the problem at hand. Candy’s
steadiness was rubbing off on him.
“That is the problem…we are not in a place where it can be found easily without the
proper contacts…except…”
“The medical school at St. Andrews!” they both said, in unison.
“I will still need some sort of prescription or authorization…” Candy mused.
“I will handle that…I just have to make a couple of telephone calls…then I will go get
it…” Terry said at once.
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
“No, Terry…you stay with her…go move the mountains and secure it; then I will go get
it…I will bring William back with me…and by the way…”
“Yes, Candy?” Terry’s heart warmed despite his worry for the first time all day, upon
hearing the care in her voice.
“Get out of those wet clothes or you will catch a cold!” she ordered, sounding like
Mother Grey, he couldn’t help noticing. He then realized that perhaps Mother Grey
wasn’t so bad after all…she had to be stern with all of us, to provide some sort of order in
our chaotic adolescent lives.
Eleanor Baker’s eyes opened up slowly again… Her mind was in a fog of
disorientation. Where was she? What time of day was it? What day was it? Everything
was a blur, except for one thing…the pain. She had never felt so weak, tired and listless
in her life…the only powerful thing was the mortal pain in her entire body…she had been
in tolerable pain for months now, but now it was literally overwhelming her.
She felt his presence close to her. Her heart was calm now, knowing he was there.
“Terrence…my son…” she called out to him. She could barely see him. He was sitting
next to her. He took her hand.
“Mother…” Terry wept, his heart heavy with the immensity of the sadness hitting it. He
kissed her hand, devastated from the rapid weight loss from the suffocating cancer. It felt
cold and her veins hardly pulsed with life giving blood.
“T…Terrence….my dear, sweet boy…Terry…Candy…” she rasped, feeling her life ebb
with each breath she took.
“Mother…please don’t speak…she’s coming with morphine…it will help you feel
Eleanor smiled wistfully, taking in the handsome face of her only child for the last time.
“Don’t give up yet son…give her time…give Candy time…” she gasped, with her last
breath. A tear formed at the corner of her eye as they closed, her mouth exhaling quietly.
“No!!! Oh, dear God…NO!!” Terry cried out.
“Terry! I’ve got the mor…” Candy tore in, with the precious pain killing opiate.
William Albert was a few steps behind her. She stopped once she saw the tableau in
front of her.
The vial of morphine dropped with a deafening crash onto the floor.
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
– The Second Afternoon –
It was quiet return to Grantchester Manor after Eleanor’s funeral the following
Sunday of her passing. “I have to go back now, Mum “ William Albert said, giving
Candy a hug. Both he and Candy had spent those terrible hours up until then with Terry,
at Grantchester Manor, not wanting to leave him alone to mourn. “Mr. Terry…I am so
sorry…I don’t know what I would do if I were to lose my Mummy…you have every right
to feel her loss so terribly…” he said. Again, as he had done in the past few days, he
gave him a warm, heartfelt embrace.
“Thank you, son…you don’t know how much that means to me…” Terry said, grateful
for the young man’s words and sentiment…funny, I feel like more and more like his
father, even though I am nothing of blood to him…
They sadly watched William leave in his Jaguar, back to St. Andrews.
“Tea, Terry?” Candy asked as they started to walk back into the stately house. She didn’t
know how much longer she was going to stay there, now that Eleanor was buried.
However, she didn’t want to abruptly leave. She had promised Eleanor as much.
“That would be lovely…” he answered, blankly. He was emotionally spent. He had
never felt so anguished about a person’s death. Not even Suzanne’s passing had done this
to him. Thank God she is with me, at least, even if she still is still so stand offish.
Still, the past few days she had spent there in his home had given them a chance to
interact without being so guarded. Candy was very considerate of him, discreetly taking
care of his every want and need, yet providing him enough space to grieve. It was as if
she intuitively knew he wanted to be alone, or perhaps she remembered that he liked to
be alone at times. Despite this, there was a cordial, comfortable easiness in their
interchanges….he couldn’t help thinking that in almost 15 years of marriage to Suzanne
Marlowe, even Candy as she was right now, still a bit distant, was closer to him that his
wife had ever been. But just when he thought or hoped that perhaps she was finally back
to where they were before they had to break up, there was a slight look, a slight tone of
voice, a slight body posture that told him otherwise.
Even now, as they were walking back together, not saying much yet feeling very much
between them, there was a space…there was a hidden friendliness and understanding
there, but there was still a space between them, a space that she wanted and kept.
They arrived at the private sitting room, the one they had sat in that stormy afternoon
back in the Summer of 1913. Candy asked Mark, Terry’s valet, to prepare a tea service.
It was brought posthaste. She poured some for Terry, prepared it in the way she knew he
liked it and she silently held it out to him, with a small and comforting smile.
He didn’t even take the cup she was offering, so numb and lost in his grief he was.
It pained Candy to see him thus. Had it been like this when Suzanne passed away? she
wondered…had it been like this…when…when they…she couldn’t finish the thought. It
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
was too painful and the desolate, piercing coldness of that unexpected snow storm in
New York would possess her again if she didn’t stop.
“I never thought it would end like this for her…” he said sorrowfully at last, his tears
streaming. He had been stoic during the funeral, but now, in the privacy of his inner
sanctum and with his Muse, he could finally let himself go.
Candy’s heart went out to him. “Oh Terry…I’m so sorry…” she said. The tenderness in
her voice was the same she used to have for him, so long ago. She put down the teacup.
Hesitantly, she placed her hand gently on his in a consoling pat.
“I’m truly all alone now…” he said, his heart heavy. As much as he wanted to hide
behind one of his walls, he could feel the tears streaming out of his eyes. He could not
shut it off now. Try as he might, he could not get behind his fortification. He was crying
out for help now….crying out for a safe, trusted harbor in which he could spill his deep
sorrow and misery into…he didn’t want to go behind a wall now…he needed someone to
shoulder this burden with him…
Candy felt a strange shudder in her body. As much as she didn’t want to do it…but she
had been silent and in denial for so long …she wanted to comfort him, they way she had
wanted to do when she knew he had fallen into despair after their breakup. She could
feel his need and now she wanted to be there for him. For once, the young Candice won
the battle of wills.
“No Terry, you are not alone…I’m here with you…” she whispered gently, taking his
face and looking into his deep blue eyes, wracked with pain.
“Are you? You’ve done nothing but rebuff me since the day our paths crossed again…”
he replied, unsure, losing himself in the vastness of her green emeralds, which had once
given him a secure haven and so much peace. He now noticed that there was that glow
again in them…that glow from so long ago…from that first summer…
“No, Terry…you are not alone…” she repeated softly, earnestly, and gave him a slight
kiss on the lips. She had meant to kiss his cheek but it landed mostly on his mouth. She
didn’t know what possessed her to do that, other than it was the first impulse she felt.
That single, seemingly simple gesture suddenly opened them up to each other.
They both overlooked how surreal this was…it was in defiance of what would be
considered proper behavior after a funeral…however, there was something that
demanded them to reaffirm life and love to each other, to the world and to the universe
that they could not stop what had been flung open. Stunned and delighted; forgetting his
grief the very moment she opened herself to him, Terry responded in kind…then he took
her on and she did not do anything to stop him. Cautiously at first, salted with their tears,
their lips and mouths tasted each other again mutually as if it was for the first time, and in
a way it was…repeating over and over and over…the kiss then prolonged itself, more
confident, then more intimate, then deeper, ardently deeper…Their embrace became
closer and closer, hands caressing, exploring, breaths quickening, satisfying sounds
emanating from them.
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
Walls of resistance and isolation came crashing down, veneers of self-denial were no
more…eagerness, anticipation, desire, hunger, liberation of repressed feelings manifested
themselves unbridled, and in full force…quickenings and languidness in strange
juxtaposition… contact with bare skin…denudement of souls…a binding intimacy. A
circle forming, tighter and tighter that needed to be broken, a sweet ascent that kept
building and building… a wave that crested and crashed with terrific force; a liberating,
reaffirming life energy exploding, bursting into a million pieces of light. A mysterious
calmness and peaceful repose; a pure and karmic fulfillment….a wondrous feeling of
being at home…of finally being home.
Candy felt Terry’s body resting near hers, exhausted with the intensity of their
love expression and with what surely was fatigue from Eleanor’s funeral and loss. She
looked at the old oak beams of the ceiling of that ancient ancestral home of the
Grantchester’s and felt the warmth of the fireplace on her bare skin. This was the way it
was meant to be, from the ages…you and him…bound together as one, from time
immemorial…the thought flashed in her mind. She sighed happily at the revelation.
Suddenly, like a dash of cold water on her languorous, dreamy trance…“Dear
God…what have we done…what have I done?” she asked herself, shocked. She rapidly
tried to find an answer in her mind to justify what had just happened between them. She
abruptly got up and started to get dressed. She had to get out of there.
Terry awoke from his brief respite, startled by her movement.
“Candy…darling…where…where are you going?” he asked, surprised. Nothing had
been more evident of the deep, true love they shared than its physical consummation after
so many years of longing and the affirming moment they just lived together. Now more
than ever, Terry knew Candy was the true love of his life. No one had ever brought him
such bliss, such completeness, such an ephemeral taste and glimpse of the divine in his
“I can’t believe you’ve made an adulteress out of me, and on the day of your mother’s
burial…satisfied, now?” she shot back. Terry couldn’t tell if the mad flush of her cheeks
was from the afterglow of their shared intimacy or from furious embarrassment.
“What!! Is that what you think…Candice…love…nothing is farther from the
truth…besides how can we be adulterers if we are both widowers and unattached?” He
decided to leave the part out that she had initiated it, although he did nothing to stop her.
“Easy for you to say…you’ve had hundreds of lovers! Now I guess you finally found out
what it was like to have me…so now leave me alone…”
“Never!! How can you say this to me, when you just told me that I wasn’t alone!” He was
hurt by the accusation, because it was far from being true. He had barely been intimate
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
with Suzanne, and never in the way he had just been with Candy and certainly not with
his co stars…he had always been strangely faithful only his Muse and their shared
memories. Only in his dreams had he ever possessed her the way he had just done. His
supposed amorous exploits were just rumors from the scandal pages he so despised and
now bitterly cursed.
“That was before you took advantage of me, you creep! I’m not one of your second-rate
actresses!!” Tears were rolling angrily down her face. She herself didn’t know why she
was acting like that. It was as if she was inhabited by someone else she didn’t know.
He took her arm and said, “Are you out of your mind, Candice?…tell me…did I make
you feel cheap?…did my caresses feel empty?… did my kisses ring hollow?…did my
warmth make you cold….did my tender endearments only for you sound like acting…did
my pouring of myself into you feel like just another bodily function!!” he challenged in
an injured voice. He stood before her, his eyes hurt and bewildered with pain. How
could she say that? To him? When he had done the most honest, vulnerable and heartfelt
display of his feelings for her?
Her lips trembled. Truth was, she had never felt as intimately fulfilled as she had with
Terry. It had never been that way with Albert. With Albert it had always been pleasant,
perhaps virtuous…but with Terry it was different. She had felt, for a split second at their
most heated exchange, how their souls briefly welded together and she had seen a
glimpse of eternity. It was a strange mixture of godly and animal. It was explosive and
calming at the same time. It was so profound, so passionate, so inexorably predestined
and so damn right that it frankly scared her…she did not know she was capable of
harboring such responses, emotions and feelings in her. Silently, avoiding him, she
finished dressing, put her shoes on and left the room.
Terry, flummoxed, saw her leave. What was happening?. He had never felt so spiritually
and morally wounded and vulnerable in his entire existence than he did at that very
moment…was this another abandonment in is life? No, not again, please dear God…not
now…not her…not now that I finally tasted heaven and redemption with her. Not now
that I finally felt complete for once in my life!
“Don’t give up, yet son…give her time…” he seemed to hear his mother’s final words
echo in his mind.
Terry sighed. Candice was still a bit of a prude, he finally realized. When she forgot all
about that, she was able to abandon herself completely to what she knew was right and
real…he knew, from what they had just experienced together. She didn’t realize how
delectably sensual she was. But one thing was certain…he was going to make an honest
woman out of her, as soon as possible. He had wanted to marry her the minute he found
her again…but it had been a strange, long road to this point, and now there was one final
obstacle, which he realized he would have to overcome…But with Freckles’ temper, how
soon would she let him near?
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
- Return to Innocence –
Persistence can be a gift or a curse, depending on which end you are on. In
Terry’s case, he was the persistent one…it was a matter of serious wooing and courting
after a couple of weeks of silence. He figured if he put some time between what had
transpired between them, it would be less raw in Candy’s mind. He started first by
secretly meeting with William and telling him what he had in mind. The young man was
more than overjoyed to hear Terry’s plans and pledged his blessing and support. Having
him as an accomplice emboldened Terry. Then he started sending her sending her dozens
of roses, to the delight of the local florist in Kinross who had his Christmas in
August…first yellow, the ones that signify friendship, then white, which signify purity;
then red, which signify passion. They would be bearing his private card with his ducal
cipher on it, and nothing else. Too many words or love sonnets would surely backfire if
he wasn’t careful at first. He also sent lemon curds, Devon Clotted Cream, chocolate
truffles and Mark’s handmade scones…perfect for her afternoon teas and to satiate the
sweet tooth he knew she had always had. Then, when he felt the timing was right, he
started barraging her with love quotes that he would pick out and write in his boldest
handwriting using his finest vellum with his embossed personal coat of arms.
After a few weeks, William Albert had let him know that her initial fury (and a few
tossed bouquets and sweets that went straight to the garbage) had turned to curiosity and
then had turned into anticipation of what was coming next from him.
He then sent a note, with a wreath of white Eglantines, saying
“Such is my love, to thee I so belong,
That for thy right myself will bear all wrong54”
It was the last weekend in August, and Terrence Graeme Grantchester, his Grace
the Duke, decided to pay the Muse of Andrew House a visit.
A beloved face received him.
“I’ll go get Mummy, straight away….” the young man said.
He decided to wait in the grand hall. From the skylight streamed down warm light from
the Scottish afternoon.
He could hear her footsteps approaching on the marble, and drew in her scent that
preceded her.
The Bard, of course!!
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
“Oh…it’s you Terry…William wouldn’t say who it was…sometimes he’s like a Cheshire
cat with a bird in his mouth…” Candy’s voice did not give a hint of what was on her
mind. It was pleasant, yet neither inviting nor overly warm or eager. At least she has not
asked me to leave he thought. It was as if nothing had happened between them. Terry
didn’t know if that was a good sign or a bad sign.
“He’s a fine young man…I wouldn’t change him one bit…” Terry’s voice was full of
honor for the person he considered his own son.
“It is a joy to be his mother…Albert would have been so proud…”
“I am sure that wherever Albert is, he is looking down quite pleased….”
“So, to what do I owe this visit?” Candy was curious as to where this conversation was
leading up to. Terry was still trying to find a hint in her voice, but it was neither here nor
“I have come…I have come because I have an invitation to a wedding…” he started. For
the first time in his life, Terry didn’t know what to do with his hands.
“Oh? Where is it?”
“At St. Salvator’s Chapel at St. Andrews…have you been there?” She hasn’t thrown me
out yet…can I dare hope now? His stomach queasily turned in anticipated anxiousness.
“No, I haven’t…” she replied.
“It is a very old Chapel…from the fifteenth century…it is built in late Scottish Gothic
style…and survived the Reformation and near destruction…quite lovely and tranquil,
really, despite its past…it has some beautiful stained windows…”
“I see…sounds charming…”
“It is…” he enthused, gaining confidence.
“When is…when is this wedding??” she asked, wondering why he was there inviting her.
“This Sunday, at 11 o’clock in the morning…”
“Don’t they hold services at that time?” she asked, quizzically.
“Well, they are making an exception…someone important is getting married…”
“Really? Who is getting married?” Again, she was wondering whom did they know in
common that he was there inviting her…or maybe it was a fellow professor?
“We are…” Terry said, his eyes looking gently into hers. They were just about bursting
with his love for her.
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
Candy felt her heart arrhythmic for a split second. Did she hear what he had just said
She said nothing for a few minutes. Terry continued to look at her, with the deepest,
most earnest affection. However, he was dying of nervousness…he felt his palms go
“Marry you! Who says I want to marry you…you are the biggest, self centered fool I ever
met, Terrence Grantchester!” she finally said. Her voice was a mixture of bewilderment,
frustration, anger, astonishment, disbelief …
“Call me what you like, love, but I will be waiting at that altar for you. For I know that
the lady I gave my heart and soul to years ago will finally return to become my true and
rightful wife…as she has always been…” he argued, gently.
“You’ll wait a long time, your Grace! Please take your nonsensical theatre acting and
drama elsewhere!!” she said, as she ushered him out of the hall and out through the
doorway, then slamming the door so fast that Terry could not get a word in.
Terry, befuddled by her reaction, turned around was about to try to go back in, but then
decided not to. He sighed, then looked up to the heavens and said, “Mother…It is all
now in your hands…”
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
- The End of the Second Summer –
The small, 15th century chapel of St. Salvatore’s at St. Andrews University was lit
by the sun on its north side; its famous stained windows sparkling gaily in a kaleidoscope
of colors. Terry stood at the altar, patiently waiting. With him, his only witness, William
Albert Anthony Andrew. At his request, the organist in her balcony was at the ready. A
profusion of white eglantine roses decorated the altar and the candelabras were lit.
“Mum wouldn’t even talk to me, Mr. Terry…I tried…” William said, looking at his Patek
Philippe watch which had been his father’s. He was wearing the full Andrew kilt and had
brought his bagpipes…Terry had asked him to play Amazing Grace during the ceremony.
“I suppose that she suspects that I was your accomplice in all this before you declared
yourself to her and she’s never going to forgive me…”
“She’ll never be that angry with you, William…” Terry said.
“Hmmm…” William replied, absentminded. Where is Mum? William wondered to
himself. It had been over an hour since the appointed time…then again why am I
surprised, she would not hear anything I said in order to convince her to marry her true
love, Terrence Grantchester…
William had seen how she had thrown Mr. Terry out. He knew she had just
rejected his marriage proposal.
“Mummy, why did you throw him out? Don’t you want to be married to him, at last?” he
had asked.
“Stay out of this William!” She had shouted furiously at him. By the question, she
realized that William had been Terry’s co-conspirator in all this.
“But Mum, what is so unreasonable about his proposal? What is stopping you from
marrying the man you love?”
“Correction, William…loved…he is my past, and that is where he should stay….”
“But Mummy…” he pleaded.
“WILLIAM!!” She had never yelled at him with such violence before. She was angry
that William had been Terry’s accessory in this foolishness.
“Mum…has your obstinance blinded you to the very obvious and logical…has your
stubbornness now made you forget that you never had a cross word for me in your entire
life? What is more important to you, to do what is right in the eyes of others, or to do
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
what is true to you? You once had to make that decision, mum, and it made you so very
She was astounded by his grasp of what had happened between Terry and her, even if he
didn’t know the entire story. “I prohibit you to ever speak of this to me…” she said,
defiant, visibly shaking with annoyance at the topic and with her entire parental right
behind her. “…you should stop being a busybody and mind your own affairs…people
don’t like being told what to do…”
“I have been told I am like you, mummy…with one exception…” he pointed out,
somewhat sadly.
“Oh?” she demanded.
“You stopped being who you really were, a long, long time ago…I will never do that. I
am your son, and I will proudly carry on what was once one your best qualities…if you
choose to be something you are not out of spite towards life; then, not even I can
convince you otherwise…but know this mum, a worthy man who truly loved you and
truly loves you still, whose whole life has been devoted to you and to who you once were
and wholeheartly accepts who you are now, wants to be your life companion and bring
some closure to what was once denied the two of you…if you shut this open door to true
love and fulfillment, it will be by your own hand this time…not anybody else’s, not
life’s, not his…”
But Candy had gotten up in the middle of this and left the room, leaving William talking
to himself for the last third.
William looked over at Terry, who was dressed in his best navy colored summer
wool suit with an ascot tie. Terry looked over briefly at the stained glass window that
depicted the Madonna, with the detail of eglantines. He was wearing a small white
eglantine in his lapel.
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
The jewel toned, bright colors of the bits of colored glass shining down into the chapel
seemed to each carry a memory of him and Candy and he seemed to be in the middle of a
zoetrope for a second, watching their joint love story replay back to him.
“She has always been obstinate and stubborn in her direction and mind, son…that was
and is one of the traits I adore in her…” Terry said calmly, coming out of his reverie. As
impatient as he was by nature and which seemed to worsen over the years, he felt quite at
ease. Was it the calm before the storm?
The bishop cleared his throat and said, “Your Grace…I can wait all day for you, but at
some poi…” he stopped, because the ancient front door creaked open.
As if it were a shy child interrupting a holy scene, Candy’s face poked in. Her eyes
seemed larger than usual, and they bore the look of the Candy of St. Paul’s during the
Scotland Holiday of 1913. The sun was directly behind her, an illuminating ray of light
that gave her a curious glow. She was dressed very demurely, a lovely white silk dress
with an overdress in diaphanous white silk organza, with a matching sun hat. She looked
years younger than her thirty something.
A Muse indeed, in every sense of the word.
Terry’s eyes shone at her. The Knight of Cups looked more gallant than ever.
“I was invited to a wedding ceremony…” she said timidly, closing the door behind her.
“You’ve come to the right place, Freckles…” Terry replied, smiling broadly.
The day that you love me
God’s Beatitude will fit into a kiss
Between me and you…55
In Spanish: El día que me quieras, para nosotros dos, cabrá en un solo beso, la beatitud de Dios. The song, el Dia que me
Quieras, was actually inspired by the beautiful poem from Amado Nervo (this is the last part), one of the most wonderful poets of
Latin America from the Romanticism movement. He was Mexican, from that state of Nayarit, b.1870 d.1919. Lived in Paris for a
time and was friends with Oscar Wilde.
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
After they were married, Candy told Terry that after his ill received marriage
proposal and her son William’s moving plea to her, she had wept for hours as she had
not done since they had broken up…she finally admitted to herself that he was the only
one she had ever loved with all her mind, heart, soul and body…even if Albert had been a
good, loving and endearing husband and she loved him in kind, it was nothing compared
to what she had always felt for Terry and how that had been confirmed that afternoon of
Eleanor’s burial…she then realized that she could no longer fight life anymore as she
had done for so many years…it had not done anything but close her off to her inner child
and to the new opportunities that were hers for taking…she realized how a life without
love and hope was empty, meaningless and barren…and she realized that she wanted to
believe in life again…and to hope…and to love…to finally love him…to finally love him
and have him as her true love and lifemate. ”In a way…” she told him, “…you did the
same for me that I had once done for you when we first met…”
Terry and Candy made up for the lost years splendidly. Terry took an extended
sabbatical from St. Andrews and they traveled the world, seeing many lands and
experiencing new cultures together. Candy in many of these places would stop and leave
small, meaningful markers, in honor of Albert, especially in the places she knew he had
wanted to go. The new Duke and Duchess of Grantchester traveled incognito but in style
and were quite happy about that. After a year of traveling they returned to Scotland,
where Candy gave birth to a boy, Terrence Graeme the Second and in the following year,
to a girl, Eleanor Candice. William Albert was a devoted and delighted older brother,
hoping to one day find a true love of his own to love so dearly and to start a family
with…he felt that Beatrice was that love, and he knew that his own story with her would
probably commence very soon…for the time being he continued being focused on his
studies, knowing that he would soon be rewarded…
It had been a long journey for Candice White Andrew and Terrence Graeme
Grantchester since their first meeting on the Mauretania on New Year’s Eve of 1912;
and the world was very different from the one that had seen them come together then
separate…but now their voyage together was calm, fulfilling and loving…their life trials,
from their past and their present lives, had been passed… no more was to be demanded
of them other than to mutually express and enjoy their undying, eternal and true love.
The world and the heavens above smiled on them and passed on their blessing to this
most deserving of couples…
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
Author’s End Notes
Where possible, I have made comments or footnoted items of historical nature, or
clarified timelines. It is my hope that in addition to the CC escapism, I can slide in some
educational trivia!!
I’ve also decided to write Terry’s surname as it actually is in England, Grantchester, a
small village on the other side of the river Cam from Cambridge. Turns out, there have
been titled families in England with the surname Grantchester over the
centuries…currently there is a Lord Grantchester, who is a Baron!!
Author’s Acknowledgements
This is my second CC fanfic. This time, I wanted to write what hopefully people will
think of as a worthy sequel to the open ended CC story we have been so stymied with all
these years!! It has been a joy to write, and thanks are in order for the following people:
For the creative spark
Thanks to my parents for giving me the writing bug in my genes, and to God for putting
it into my gestalt!
For the support
My sister Cristina, fellow CC fan and partner in crime for everything CC related (plus,
she’s the only one close to me who shares and understands the fascination…everyone
else just gives us a huh? expression). For my little family, especially my husband Peter
and my darling girls Victoria and Alexandra. To my cats, Pogi and Taz for the
companionship over the years and for being noble beasts, especially around the girls!
To Aleksandra in Lithuania, Mallory/Mamie in Canada, Lella in France and Alexa in
Seattle…Fellow CC comrades in arms and CC fan fic writers…your encouragement and
support has been most appreciated by me! I still can’t believe how wide and how far the
CC impact has been in the world and how many of us share the same sentiment!
I want to thank all of you who have read my fics and have dropped kind words of
appreciation to me. Your thoughts have meant a lot to me and have inspired me to keep
on writing and sharing my fanfics.
Thanks to the CC fansites that I stumbled upon that inspired my sister and I to open our
own (Candy Candy Nation); more notably: Candy Neige – Sophie’s, Candy Candy
Elaine’s, Aleksandra’s Candy Candy Page, Candy and Terry’s Paradise – Nila’s, ,
Cheers and Keep up the Good Work Spreading the CC gospel!!
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.
And in the end…
Thanks to you, dear reader for reading my fan fic. Please let me know your impressions
and comments at Subject: Second Summer. I hope it
provided you with a bit of ephemeral daydreaming about Candy and Terry!
Last but not Least
Thanks to Kyoko Mizuki and Yumiko Igarishi for writing and illustrating CC. Twenty
five odd years later, we are still as enthralled with this story as we were when we first
saw it!
And Finally
Thanks to Candy and Terry…may your love one day be fully realized and may the
waiting finally end (that includes us!!). Viva Candy y Terry!
About the Author
Lady Gato is the nom de plume for Ana Luisa Aldana. Born in the first half of
September 1967 in Zacapa, Guatemala; she was brought to San Francisco, California as a
3 month old baby. In 1978 at the age of 11 she returned with her family to Guatemala.
It was in 1980 that she saw Candy Candy the Anime Series for the first time (she saw it
several times over the years), transmitted on Canal 3 de Guatemala. She completed her
vocational schooling in Guatemala in 1986. In 1987 she returned back to San Francisco
to start pursuing University studies. In 1994 she earned a Baccalaureate in Business
Administration from Notre Dame de Namur University, and in 1998 she earned her
Master’s in Business Administration from the University of San Francisco. She has been
working as a Management Consultant for a global company for the last 7 years.
She is happily married to Peter Bloom (a gringo!) and the mother of two young
daughters, Victoria and Alexandra. Her interests include: Reading, Fiction Writing,
World Travel (countries visited have included England, France, Italy, Austria, China,
Hong Kong, Japan, Mexico, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Ecuador, Bahamas, Canada
and several US states and cities which include Chicago and New York, many times),
Fine Food and Drink, Fine Arts (Painting, Sculpture, Music, Ballet, Opera), Popular
Music, Media and Entertainment, Cats (big and small, wild and domesticated), Antiques
and Luxury Goods, History and Anthropology, Games (both Board and PC). She collects
CC comics and goods, Disney’s Robin Hood (1974 Robin Hood) items and The Black
Cat (from Spiderman) Comics and items and Sanrio’s Chococat items among other
A life long fiction writer, Second Summer is her second CC fanfic. She has also written
Rock Bottom.
Second Summer, a fanfic by Lady Gato (Ana Luisa Aldana). Copyright 2004-2005 Lady Gato and Candy Candy Nation.
Candy Candy characters copyright Mizuki and Igarishi, worldwide. Fiction for entertainment purposes only.