Back to School Night

Back to School Night
Ms. Krupit's Homeroom
Daily Times (except when it changes) – for Tuesday
through Friday
A. 7:55 – 8:07
Homeroom (the tardy bell rings at 8:00)
B. 8:07 – 9:05
Math (Tardy – 8:11)
C. 9:05 – 9:20
D. 9:20 – 10:10
Half the Class (Music T, W; Art: Th, F,)
E. 10:10 – 10:55 Half the Class (Music T, W; Art: Th, F,)
F. 10:55 – 11:15 Class
G. 11:15 - 11:55 Lunch
H. 11:55 – 12:55
I. 12:55 – 1:50
J. 1:50 – 2:05
K. 2:05 – 3:00
Practice work
1. star – meets my standards
2. please fix – earned credit, but needs improvement – fix and turn
back in
3. incomplete – no credit, needs to be redone and turned back in
4. not done – for some reason not all of the assignment was complete
before the paper was turned in
B. Graded assignments
1. Loses a half a grade if late
2. Looking for best effort
C. Homework chart
1. Stickers – (this month) smiley faces means on time, school items
means late, an “X” mean excused from the assignment, and
nothing in a box means that there is missing work for the day
2. Each date on the chart has a page in the red book
3. approximately a monthly basis
D. Homework Tour
1. Issued on the first day of the week
2. Return the next day signed for a class dollar and a copy
3. End of the monthly chart – only graded assignments listed and
due by Friday or a zero
E. Book reports
1. Two book report are required per month starting with September
2. I require one type per month, usually off of the alternative book
report list, while the other book report may be any type the
student likes (as long as I can tell that the book has been read)
3. What counts as a book depends on the student’s reading level –
tested each marking period – one- on- one time! Books that are
longer than what is expected for the student’s reading level will
give additional book credit, while books that are shorter will not
be counted as a full book.
4. SSR time every day – students must read!!!!
5. Reading Logs every week – 20 minutes per school night,
comments are required, student fill out the sheet, and parents
sign it.
6. Magazines or books that are to easy are allowed during SSR and
on Reading Logs when the month’s book reports are completed
and accepted. Students shouldn’t ever read books that are above
their reading level.
F. Friday Rewards – every week
1. All work in for the week – one piece of candy
2. All work for the month – one piece of candy
3. No late work – one piece of candy
4. Students with all their work in pull a dollar from the can for the
prize box
5. Students with all their work in get free
6. Students with missing work have time to complete it
7. I review with the students working what is missing after the others
are taken care of and release those who complete their missing
III Volunteering
A. Needed
1. someone for every first day of the week to fill homework folders
2. someone each month to set up book order packets
B. Classroom
1. no appointments needed
2. always work to do
C. At home work
1. let me know and I will send work home to do