Readers and Writers Lunch - St Columba's, Springwood

Newsletter Volume: 37
2nd September, 2009
Phone: (02) 4754 1022
Diary Dates:
Term 3
22ndJuly –
2nd October
Week 10
Friday 2nd October
 Staff Retreat Day
 Pupil Free Day
Term 4
19th October –
18th December
Week 1
Monday 19th October
 Return to school
Tuesday 20th
HSC starts
22nd & 23rd
Yr 10 Silver DOE
Week 2
28th 29th October
Leadership Camp
Week 4
10 & 11th November
School Certificate
No: 15
Fax: (02) 4754 3558
Dear Members of the St Columba’s community,
This week we will farewell our Year Twelve students. We celebrated the final school
assembly last Tuesday and we will hold the Graduation Mass and Awards on Wednesday
evening. This Year 12 is a cohesive group who have brought great spirit to our school
community. I think of them as simply good people. I pray that they have the opportunity
to make a difference in the world. I pray that their lives are purposeful, rich with meaning
and blessed.
I would like to thank, our School Captains Madeleine King and Darcy Gorman for their
great leadership during the year and to our School Council members Indara Gould, Jack
Gorman, Olivia King and Patrick Sidoti for providing support and direction. I would like
to also thank our House Captains and Vice Captains for the tremendous work done with
the Houses this year. We have been truly blessed. In addition, I would like to recognise
each member of Year 12 who has worked hard to achieve his/her individual goals.
Our prayers go with our class of 2009 and as they continue their journey, may they
always know the loving embrace of God.
I would like to share this prayer for Year 12 with you:
Gracious God, we ask special blessings upon our young people.
They are our future and our hope.
Bless them with inquiring and discerning minds, loving hearts, and lively imaginations
that they may see a future shaped with peace
and a world that reflects values that are acceptable in your sight.
May they go forth to act justly, love tenderly and walk humbly with their God.
We ask this in Jesus' name.
At the end of this term we farewell Mrs Kate Sanderson. Mrs Sanderson has served our
school community over the past fourteen years with great distinction. She has been a
Year Co-ordinator at St Columba’s since 2002 and I know that there are many young
people and their families who have experienced her care and concern. She is a passionate
teacher of English and Religious Education. We wish Mrs Sanderson and her family
every blessing and happiness as they embark on the next stage in their lives. We will miss
Mrs Sanderson very much.
I wish each and every member of our community a happy and safe holiday.
Distinguished Academic works with school
On Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, we are thrilled to have the opportunity to work
with Professor Stephen Heppell. Stephen is a world- recognised expert in learning and
he will work with both students and staff. Professor Stephen Heppell is an online
education policy adviser for He has very considerable global experience in
policy, research, practice, new technologies, learning and more.
If you would like to know about his work, his web page is worth a visit, We thank the Parramatta Catholic Education Office for giving us the
opportunity to work with Stephen.
Staff Appointments
Congratulations to Mr Ross Gawthorne who has accepted the position of Year Coordinator. He will replace Mrs Sanderson for the rest of the year. Mr Greg Malone will
be the acting Year 7 Co-ordinator whilst Mr Paul Holmes takes long service leave and
Mrs Peta Sparkes will be the acting Curriculum Co-ordinator whilst Mr Randall Noney takes long service
Debating Success
Congratulations to our Year 8 debating team and their coach Mr Hill for the win last week in the grand final.
They debated Springwood High. Both teams were undefeated.
Readers and Writers Lunch
Last week I attended the thank you lunch for the readers and writers. These students provide a great service
for our students who need support with their literacy or are eligible for special provisions in our public
examinations. I thank each and everyone of them as well as Mrs Seers and her team. Service at work.
Cyber Bullying Forums
Thanks to Mrs Sherry Lappan, our Student Care Co-ordinator and Mrs Cath Newton, the Chairperson of the
PCSG for organising this wonderful day and evening. The quality of the presentations from a representative
of the Federal Police was comprehensive and relevant. We received very positive feedback from both the
students and the parents who attended. More forums will be organised.
School Fees Reminder
Thank you to the families who have finalised their school fees for Term 3. These fees
were due on 28th August.
Please be advised that unless alternative arrangements have been made with the
Principal or the Business Manager, fees are payable in accordance with the Diocesan
School Fees Policy which states “all fees are due and payable within 30 days of the
date the school account statement is issued.”
If you are having difficulties with the payment of your school fees, please contact the
school office to arrange an appointment with the Principal to discuss payment options.
All outstanding fees will be forwarded to the Catholic Education Office for their attention which may result
in action being taken by a debt collection agency.
School fees can be paid by Bpay, Postbillpay, cash, EFTPOS or cheque.
Mrs Roselee Vion
Senior School Officer – Fees
St Columba’s History Tour
On Friday, 25th Sept 7B went on a tour of the school with Mrs Redman and Mr Langford for history. In class
we had been learning about St Columba’s history and how it used to be a seminary for training priests. We
had a look at where everything used to be in the school and how it has changed.
Breianna Gilchrist.
We learnt about the B Block and the original use of the rooms in the Quad. I found it really fascinating
seeing how our school has changed. Eliza Whittaker
Year 7 learnt lots. Mia Vallieres.
It was a great experience. Something we will always remember. Grace Field.
It was a great tour. Jacob Ward
I thought that the foundation stones were interesting. Oliver Morley-Sattler
We had some ghost stories too. Connor Isaksen
We spent time outside and not in the classroom and it was educational. Vanessa Cocks
We learnt a lot about our school’s history. Reily Russell
Mr Nevin told us about some of the ghost stories. Emily Hampson
The sundial near the flagpole was interesting. John Gates.
We wrote down information on sheets. Alison Britten
Staff and Students on Stage!
Have you ever wondered what would happen if Cinderella, Red Riding Hood,
Rapunzel and Jack (of the Beanstalk) met up in the woods? And what really
happens in “Happily Ever After”?
Stephen Sondheim and James Lapine attempt to answer these questions in
their intriguing musical “Into the Woods”.
Year 11 students Tiana Catanzaro and Hannah Christie are currently
completing thier Entertainment work placement with Penrith Musical Comedy
Company’s production of “Into the Woods”. While their focus is working as
stage hands, they also have been asked to take on small roles in the show. They will be joined on stage by
their Drama teacher, Miss Nicole Beaver, as “The Baker’s Wife”.
The show will run over the first two weekends of Term 4.
Also look out for St Columba’s students in the BMMS production of “The Sound of Music”. Zan Cross (Yr
10) and Jamison Wurf (Year 7) feature as Von Trapp children in this family favourite.
Left to right:
Jamison, Zan
Debating News: St Columba’s Wins Grand Final!
Last Thursday, St Columba’s Yr 8 Debating team were crowned
champion team in the Blue Mountains Debating Competition after a
brilliant, closely fought debate against Springwood High. The
competition, involving 8 schools coming from as far afield as
Glenmore Park High to the east and Lithgow High to the west, is
prestigious and both teams in the final had remained undefeated
through the three rounds of normal competition, so a quality contest
was expected. And we weren’t disappointed.
The topic for the debate was “That television gives us a warped
view of life” and St Columba’s won the toss and took the
Affirmative side. First speaker Natalie Hissey expressed the team
line that TV, in its focus on the imaginary, unrealistic or
unattainable, whether in children’s shows, adolescent dramas or advertising gave us a warped view of life.
Rhiannon Walker, second speaker, demonstrated that shows like Sex and the City presented immorality as
the norm and were warping our views and morals, at the same time rebutting Springwood’s examples of
“reality TV”. Alysha Dyson did a great job in rebutting the Negative’s examples and restating the team’s
case. Dominic Lasaitis, team adviser, provided cogent points to help with rebuttal. The adjudicator spoke
glowingly of both teams’ efforts and announced that St Columba’s had won the debate.
St Columba’s has had a great deal of success with debating this year, with our Yrs 9 and 11 teams making
the Semi-finals but were beaten by quality teams and our Yr 7 and 10 teams, although not making the finals,
debated through the year with great skill and ability. Congratulations to every student who has represented
the school in debating and to all the students who assisted as chairpersons and timekeepers. Special thanks to
Mrs Weaver who accompanied the debaters to Lithgow High, Blue Mountains Grammar and Springwood
High for earlier rounds of the competition.
Picture shows the successful debaters: Alysha Dyson, Natalie Hissey Rhiannon Walker and Dominic
Lasaitis with Mrs Horan and Mr Hill.
Mr John Hill
English Co-ordinator
National Chemistry Quiz
Congratulations to all the students who entered the recent National Chemistry
Quiz. The following students performed exceptionally well and will receive
their awards at a School assembly;Year 11 Adrian Morris (Credit), Luke
Noney(Credit), Caleb Pace(Credit), Luke Strasiotto (Credit), Eilish Bailey
(Distinction), Benjamin Pronger (High Distinction), Celia Sullohern (High
Distinction), Year 12 Joseph Gleeson (Credit) Daniel Sloan (Distinction)
Tomas Kavanagh (High Distinction) Well done, "Student Chemists"!
Creative Arts Night
Thank you to all the students, family and
friends who attended and supported our
Creative Arts Night this year. There was
an overwhelming response to the night,
with constant glowing comments made
about the outstanding and innovative works
produced by our students.
Many thanks to all the students who helped
with the displays, the set up of the halls,
electronic media, hospitality and especially
to the dedicated teachers, Ms. Noonan,
Mrs. Pranjic, Mrs. Vandermolen, Mrs.
Whybrow, Mrs Nicholson, Mr O’ Doherty,
Mrs Forsyth, Mr Link, Miss Beaver and Ms
Ede, whose work with the students
throughout the year and their assistance in preparing for the night made it a highly successful event.
A special thank you also to the following staff members, Mr Pinkerton, Mrs Hannen, Mr Carpenter, Mr
Noney, Mr Pilgram, Mrs Novak, Mr Leggatt and Mr Nevin for their support and assistance in preparing for
this night.
Finally, congratulations to our talented students listed below. Their creativity showcased on the night are a
credit to our school and reflective of their interest, ability and dedication to their studies in the Creative Arts.
Drama students
Rosie Wells, Stephanie David, Paddy Kiernan, Will Flood, Elise Dale, Emily Austin Snape, Jaden Ellis,
Ryan Devlin, Benedict Kennedy-Cox, Gerard Hortense, Evan Brettoner, Ben Carter, Jack Gorman, Imogen
Leighton, Nick Balzer, Heidiannne Heim, Tom Bilby, Kelsey Mortimer.
Music Students
Ben Carter, Ryan Devlin, Daniel Di Biase, Rosie Glynn, Darcy Gorman, Benedict Kennedy-Cox, Jane
Kenny, Anthony Murphy, Penelope Swatton, Vince Varney
Visual Arts Students
Jessica Adams, Hayley Brodrick, Rebecca Bryan, Amy Bryant, Talara Calavassy, Jordan Cox, Elise Dale,
Stephanie David, Christopher Davies, Samantha Doorey, Julia Fuller, Indara Gauld, Elizabeth Glynn, Chloe
Harris, Isabella Howells, Jane Kenny, Sarah Keszler, Madeleine King, Olivia King, Kelly Launt, Victoria
McGavock, Genevieve Mort, Kelsey Mortimer, Alyssa Naccarella, Julia Scotman, Kate Shaw, Dominic
Sidoti, Sarah Standen, Mark Tomczyk, Lauren Turner, Anna Vallieres, Emily Wallace, Russell Ward,
Sophie Watt, Brendan Welch, Rosie Wells
Industrial technology students
Chloe Harris , Ben Frazer , Lachlan Hill, Joni Bennett
Mrs Margaret Rust
Creative Arts Co-ordinator
Life, Marriage & Family Centre
Year 10 students are currently studying the topic “Reverence for Life” as part of their
Religious Education course. The topic examines many life issues, with particular
emphasis on those connected with human reproduction. Families wishing to engage in
discussion about life issues may find the Life, Marriage & Family Centre website
useful. The Life, Marriage Family Centre of the Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney
issues a monthly e-newsletter – LMF News – which contains articles, podcasts, videos
and upcoming events. To subscribe, enter your details on the front page of their
Glenbrook Swimming Club - Your local family club
Registration for Glenbrook Swimming Club is now open for the 2009/2010 season. Why not give the
healthy sport of swimming a go? Whether it is for fun, fitness, competition or to prepare yourself for
the upcoming school swimming carnivals we cater for all ages and abilities. Monday Clubs nights are
fun starting with 25m events and longer distances. Monthly club BBQ’s, fun nights with pool
inflatable and free Stroke Correction classes are all available for members. New member registration
days at Glenbrook Pool:
 Saturday 26th September (10am – 12noon)
 Saturday 17th October (10am – 2pm)
 Monday 19th October (from 6.30pm).
New members bring proof of age. First regular Club night is Monday 26 th October at 6.45pm.
For information call 0413 428 380 or visit
SPECIAL OFFER: 2 free trial nights to see if you like it. Bring this advertisement and speak to our Information Officer
for detail.
Yoga for Teenagers
Increase your confidence, learn to focus and get fit all at the same time.
Learn how to beat exam nerves. Beginners to intermediate. Breathing practices, relaxation,
meditation and stress release.
Thursdays 6-7pm at Blaxland Community Centre, Hope St, Blaxland. Phone: Suzanne Ellis
Springwood School of Music
A reminder to all students that individual and group music lessons are available at school. Lessons are run by
Springwood School of Music. Individual lessons are $29 per ½ hour lesson. Group lessons are $11 per ½
hour lesson, and are held weekly. For more information, collect your enrolment forms at the Student Services
John Bell 'Singing global faith in local places'
John Bell will lead a workshop 'Singing global faith in local places' Wednesday 21st October, 2009, John Bell
is a world famous leader of new religious song and story from The Iona Community and The Wild Goose
Resource Group Leura Uniting Church Cnr Grose & Megalong Sts Workshop 7 – 9 pm Supper Cost: $15
(concession $12) Sponsored by the Blue Mountains Wellspring Community All welcome Details: Peggy &
Jim: 4758 8104
Dear Lord, I expect to pass through this world but once;
And any good thing, therefore, that I can do
Or any kindness that I can show to any fellow creature,
Let me do it now; let me not defer or neglect it,
For I shall not pass this way again.
Stephen Grellett (1773 -1855)