CH437 CLASS 20 ULTRAVIOLET-VISIBLE SPECTROSCOPY 3 Synopsis. Effect of conjugation on spectra continued: empirical rules for conjugated polyenes, , -unsaturated carbonyl compounds and aromatic carbonyl compounds. The Woodward-Fieser Rules for Conjugated Dienes Although the max values of conjugated systems often requires difficult calculations using MO theory, they can be readily estimated using a set of empirical rules, depending on whether the basic chromophore is a conjugated diene or an ,-unsaturated carbonyl compound or a benzoyl derivative. These rules are considered next. For1,3-butadiene itself, the s-trans conformer is rather more stable than the s-cis conformer, but for other substituted dienes the reverse is usually the case, because of steric hindrance between substituents. In general, the extent of porbital interaction is rather greater in s-cis conformers than in corresponding strans conformers, leading to higher max values for the former, as indicated in diagram below. 1,3-Butadiene s-trans (major) s-cis (minor) max = 253 nm max = 217 nm 2-Methyl-1,3-pentadiene H H C C CH3 C H C CH3 H H C CH3 C CH3 C H C H H s-trans (minor) s-cis (major) max = 224 nm max = 263 nm WOODWARD-FIESER RULES: Conjugated dienes and trienes (in ethanol) max for * transitions. max6000-35000 /10-1m2mol-1 Base values acyclic and heteroannular dienes 215 nm homoannular dienes 253 nm acyclic trienes 245 nm Addition for each substituent -R alkyl (including part of a carbocyclic ring) -OR alkoxy -SR thioether -Cl, -Br -OCOR acyloxy -CH=CH- additional conjugation 5 nm 6 nm 30 nm 5 nm 0 nm 30 nm if one double bond is exocyclic to one ring if exocyclic to two rings simultaneously 5 nm 10 nm solvent shifts are minimal The following serve to illustrate the application of the Woodward-Fieser rules for conjugated dienes, etc. (1) CH3 CH3 C C CH3 H C (i.e. the s-trans form) C H H Base value 215 nm Alkyl groups: 3 x 5 = 15 nm Total 230 nm (Observed: 228 nm) CH3 (2) Base value 215 nm Ring residues: 3 x 5 = 15 nm Exocyclic double bond: Total 5nm 235 nm (Observed: 235 nm) CH(CH3)2 Base value (3) CH3 253 nm Ring residues: 3 x 5 = 15 nm Alkyl group: 5 nm Exocyclic double bond: 5 nm CH3 Total CO2H 278 nm (Observed: 275 nm) WOODWARD-FIESER RULES: ,-unsaturated carbonyl compounds (in ethanol) max for * transitions. max 4500-20000 /10-1m2mol-1 Base values ketones -C=C-CO- acyclic or 6-ring cyclic 5-ring cyclic aldehydes -C=C-CHO 215 nm 202 nm 207 nm acids and esters -C=C-CO2H(R) 197 nm Additional conjugation -C=C-C=C-CO- etc add 30 nm If an additional double bond is homoannular with another add a further 39 nm (i.e. in addition to the 30 nm already added above) Addition for each substituent (nm) -R alkyl (including part of a carbocyclic ring) -OR alkoxy -OH hydroxy -SR thioether -Cl chloro -Br bromo -OCOR acyloxy -NH2, -NHR, -NR2 (and higher) 10 12 17 17 17 35 35 15 25 6 - 30 30 80 12 30 6 95 17 30 12 25 6 - 31 50 12 25 6 - - If one double bond is exocyclic to one ring If exocyclic to two rings 5 nm 10 nm Solvent shifts Above values shifted to longer wavelength in water and to shorter wavelength in ‘less polar’ solvents. For common solvents, the following corrections (to value in ethanol) should be applied in estimating max. water +8 nm cyclohexane -11 nm methanol chloroform -1 nm dioxan -5 nm diethyl ether -7 nm hexane -11 nm The following serve to illustrate application of the Woodward-Fieser rules for ,unsaturated carbonyl compounds. O (1) C CH3 C CH3 C CH3 CH3 O (2) CH3 OCOCH3 Base value (acyclic enone) 215 nm - CH3 - CH3 x 2 10 24 Total 249 nm (Observed: 249 nm) Base value (6-membered enone) 215 nm Double bond extending conjugation 30 nm Total CH3 O 18 nm 302 nm (Observed: 300 nm Base value (6-membered enone) (3) CH3 CH3 39 nm Homocyclic diene '-Ring residue 215 nm Double bond extending conjugation x 2 60 nm Homocyclic diene 39 nm 5 nm Exocyclic double bond -substituent ' -substituent Total 12 nm 18 nm 349 nm (Observed: 348 nm) Empirical rules have also been devised (by A. E. Scott) for estimating max of the * transition in the UV-visible of benzoyl derivatives (R-C6H4-COX). SCOTT’S RULES: benzoyl derivatives R-C6H4-COX (in ethanol) max for major band Orientation EtOH calc (nm) Parent Chromophore: X = alkyl or ring residue X=H X = OH or O alkyl 246 250 230 Increment for each substituent: R = alkyl or ring residue R = OH, OMe, O alkyl/ring res. R = O- R = Cl R = Br R = NH2 R = NHCOMe R = NHMe R = NMe2 o-, mpo-, mpompo-, mpo-, mpo-, mpo-, mppo-, mp- 3 10 7 25 11 20 78 0 10 2 15 13 58 20 45 73 20 85 The following serve to illustrate the application of Scott’s rules to benzoyl derivatives. (1) Br Base value (ketone) O 246 nm o-ring residue 3 nm m-Br 2 nm Total 251 nm (observed: 253 nm) CO2H Base value (carboxylic acid) (2) OH HO 230 nm m-OH x 2 14 nm p-OH 25 nm Total 269 nm OH (observed: 270 nm) The Woodward-Fieser rules break down when applied to molecules that have some kind of strain (steric or ring strain) around the chromophore. They also give poor prediction of max for “cross-conjugated” molecules (molecules whose conjugation is extended other than at either end of the chromophore). In most cases, resonance (delocalization) is impeded due to distortion caused by strain, and so the Woodward-Fieser rules predict max values that are too high. Examples of molecules whose are not max are not satisfactorily predicted by the empirical rules include: O O