KERTAS CADANGAN SEMAKAN KURIKULUM PROGRAM UNTUK PERTIMBANGAN SENAT UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MARA 1. TUJUAN Tujuan kertas cadangan ini adalah untuk memohon kelulusan Senat bagi penyemakan kurikulum program Diploma Pengurusan Maklumat yang dijalankan oleh Fakulti Pengurusan Maklumat di empat kampus negeri iaitu UiTM Kelantan, UiTM Kedah, UiTM Johor dan UiTM Sarawak. 2. NAMA PROGRAM AKADEMIK YANG DISEMAK Diploma Pengurusan Maklumat (IS110) 3. FAKULTI YANG MEMOHON Fakulti Pengurusan Maklumat 4. PERINGKAT PENGAJIAN Diploma 5. TAHUN DIMULAKAN PROGRAM 1999 6. TARIKH SEMAKAN KURIKULUM YANG TERAKHIR YANG TELAH DIJALANKAN SEBELUM INI 2003 7. JUSTIFIKASI SEMAKAN KURIKULUM KE ATAS PROGRAM INI i. Keperluan Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi Pada masa ini jam kredit bergraduat adalah 98 jam. Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi telah menetapkan bahawa jam kredit minimum untuk program diploma adalah 90 jam Penyemakan ini telah menetapkan kredit bergraduat kepada 92 jam. 1 ii. Pemantapan Kurikulum Semakan ini juga dibuat untuk memantapkan kurikulum sedia ada berasaskan maklumbalas daripada tenaga pengajar, pelajar dan juga pihak industri setelah program dilaksanakan beberapa semester. iii. Melaksanakan OBE Menggubal kurikulum mengikut asas dan prinsip Outcome-Based Education sepertimana yang diarahkan oleh Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi. 8. KONSEP, PROSES DAN KAEDAH SEMAKAN KURIKULUM YANG DIJALANKAN Kesedaran terhadap menentukan survival permintaan terhadap nilai dan sesebuah kepentingan organisasi professional dalam maklumat telah bidang dalam meningkatkan pengurusan maklumat. Justeru itu, sebagai fakulti yang terulung dalam bidang Sains Pengurusan Maklumat di negara ini, Fakulti Pengurusan Maklumat seharusnya proaktif terhadap perkembangan ini dengan bertindak untuk mengemaskini kurikulum bagi menghasilkan graduan yang berkualiti dan versatil. i. Kerangka semakan adalah dengan merujuk kepada garis panduan yang telah ditetapkan oleh MQA dan KPT. Diantara perkara yang diambilkira ialah jumlah minimum jam bergraduat 90 jam seperti yang telah tetapkan oleh KPT dan ketiadaan tempoh minimum 3 tahun seperti yang telah diwajibkan sebelum ini. Diantara cadangan dalam semakan ini ialah untuk memendekkan tempoh bergraduat dari 3 tahun (6 semester) kepada 2 ½ tahun (5 semester) dengan jam bergraduat 92 jam. Selain dari itu, semakan ini juga telah mengambilkira pendekatan Outcome Based Education (OBE) seperti yang telah disarankan oleh KPT. 2 ii. Maklum balas daripada pihak industri dan pihak-pihak yang berkepentingan juga telah diberi perhatian serius semasa proses semakan ini dilaksanakan. Beberapa siri dialog dengan pihak industri samada dalam bentuk formal dan tidak formal telah diadakan dan hasil serta maklumbalas telah di ambil tindakan sewajarnya. iii. Maklumat dan hasil maklumbalas penilaian program oleh Pemeriksa Luar. Cadangan kurikulum baru ini juga telah mengambilkira maklumat dan maklumbalas dari Pemeriksa Luar. Cadangan kurikulum baru ini juga telah dibentangkan kepada Pemeriksa Luar Fakulti Pengurusan Maklumat. 9. OBJEKTIF PROGRAM i. Berpengetahuan dalam bidang pengurusan maklumat dan berkebolehan untuk mengunakan maklumat sebagai sumber yang strategik. ii. Mengamalkan prinsip-prinsip pengurusan kualiti, berpegang kepada etika dalam penyediaan perkhidmatan maklumat yang akan memberi impak yang positif terhadap pengguna, organisasi dan masyarakat. iii. Berkeupayaan untuk berkomunikasi secara efektif dengan ahli dalam profesyen serta menjadi pemimpin dinamik yang mampu menerapkan literasi maklumat kepada masyarakat di peringkat kebangsaan dan antarabangsa. iv. Berkemahiran dalam penggunaan ICT bagi menghasilkan dan menyampaikan perkhidmatan dan produk yang berkaitan dengan maklumat dalam sektor pendidikan. 3 10. HASIL PEMBELAJARAN PROGRAM i. Kebolehan untuk memperolehi dan mengaplikasi pengetahuan dalam kemahiran maklumat, pengurusan dan ICT. ii. Kebolehan untuk berkomunikasi dengan efektif dengan professional maklumat dan masyarakat. iii. Kebolehan untuk mengenalpasti, memperbaiki dan menyelesaikan masalah berkaitan ICT. iv. Kebolehan pengurusan untuk menggunakan maklumat dalam sistem dan merekabentuk pendekatan dan menilai prestasi operasi maklumat. v. Kebolehan untuk bertindak secara berkesan sebagai seorang individu dan juga dalam kumpulan professional maklumat. vi. Kebolehan untuk melaksanakan tanggungjawab social dan etika sebagai profesional maklumat. vii. Kebolehan untuk mengenalpasti keperluan kepada pembelajaran sepanjang hayat dan memilikki keupayaan melaksanakannya. viii. Kebolehan untuk berfungsi dengan kemahiran pelbagai disiplin di peringkat separa professional. ix. Kebolehan untuk sentiasa melengkapkan diri dengan pengetahuan tentang isu-isu semasa berkaitan dengan bidang pengurusan maklumat. 4 11. PERBANDINGAN STRUKTUR KURIKULUM SEBELUM DAN SELEPAS SEMAKAN Ringkasan perbandingan struktur kurikulum diantara sebelum dan selepas semakan kurikulum adalah seperti di lampiran Struktur Kurikulum. 12. PERUBAHAN KURIKULUM YANG DILAKUKAN i. PERTUKARAN NAMA DAN KOD KURSUS TANPA PERUBAHAN KANDUNGAN DAN UNIT KREDIT Bil Kod dan Nama Kursus Sebelum Semakan Kod dan Nama Kursus Selepas Semakan 1. IMD101Information Skills 2. IMD102Foundation of Information Studies IMD103IT in Information Management IMD101Introduction To Information Skills IMD102Introduction To Information Management IMD103Information And Communication Technology Application IMD155Foundation of Records Management IMD156Access to Information IMD157Communication Skills For Information Professional 1 IMD202Promotion of Information Products and Services IMD205Multimedia for Information Presentation IMD206Instructional Media Application IMD256Management of Record 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. IMD254Foundation of Record Management IMD201Access to Information IMD151Human Communication in Information Agencies IMD202Promotion of Information Products & Services IMD153Introduction to Multimedia IMD154Instructional Media Applications IMD354Managing Record Catatan 5 Center Centers 11. IMD204IT in Information Agencies IMD257Information Technology Application in Information Agencies 12. IMD301Introduction to Cataloguing IMD302Foundation of Archives Administration IMD353Reference & Information Services on Information Agencies IMD301Foundation of Cataloging 13. 14. ii. IMD302Foundation of Archives IMD307Reference and Information Services for Information Agencies KURSUS-KURSUS YANG MENGALAMI PERUBAHAN UNIT KREDIT TANPA PERUBAHAN KANDUNGAN Bil. Kod dan Nama Kursus Unit Kredit Sebelum Semakan Unit Kredit Selepas Semakan Catatan Tiada Tiada Tiada Tiada 6 iii. KURSUS-KURSUS YANG MENGALAMI PERUBAHAN KANDUNGAN Bil. 1. 2. Kod dan Nama Kursus Sebelum Semakan Unit Kredit Sebelum Semakan IMD152Management of Internet Resources IMD203Support Services and Maintenance I 3 iv. 3 KURSUS-KURSUS Kod dan Nama Kursus Selepas Semakan (Jika nama atau kursus ini berubah) - Unit Kredit Selepas Semakan (Jika unit kredit kursus ini berubah) 3 IMD255Technical Support Services and Maintenance for Information Agencies 3 BARU YANG Catatan DIMASUKKAN DALAM KURIKULUM YANG DISEMAK 1. Kod dan Nama Unit Kredit Semester ditawarkan 3 1 3 3 3 3 Catatan Kursus 1. 2. 3. MGT162Fundamentals of Management IMD207Communication Skills for Information Professionals II IMD208Introduction to Web Content Management and Design 7 4. 5. IMD306Management of Libraries and Resource Center IMD308Extension Services for Information Agencies v. KURSUS-KURSUS 3 5 3 5 YANG DIGUGURKAN SELEPAS SEMAKAN KURIKULUM 1. Kod dan Nama Unit Kredit Semester ditawarkan 3 1 3 3 3 4 3 5 3 5 3 6 3 6 Catatan Kursus 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. IMD104Principles of Management IMD255Technical Support & Services IMD251Support Services & Maintenance II IMD303Concept of Programming IMD305Preservation of Information Material IMD351Contemporary Issues in Information Studies IMD352Management of Information Agencies 8 vi. RINGKASAN PINDAAN KURIKULUM LAMA Pindaan Kursus yang kekal kandungan Kursus yang diubah kandungannya Kursus baru yang dimasukkan dalam kurikulum Kursus yang digugurkan daripada kurikulum Jumlah BARU Peratusan (%) Bilangan Kredit Bilangan Kredit 29 77 18 44 11 33 36% 5 15 16% 34 92 7 21 36 98 % Perubahan keseluruhan -6% %Purata perubahan 26% 9 13. SINOPSIS KURSUS-KURSUS SELEPAS SEMAKAN KURIKULUM SEMESTER Semester 01 NAME/ CODE Introduction to Information Skills IMD101 COURSE DESCRIPTION This course is designed to equip students with an overview of information resources and the skills requires to use them effectively. Through lectures, hands-on, assignments, and other methods, students will learn how to use library resources, such as, electronic indexes and databases, online services as well as develop strategies for conducting research. Introduction to This course is an introduction to the field of Information library and information science. Students will Management be exposed to its various concepts that will IMD102 include historical perspective, organization of information, types of information centers, information professionals and latest development in information technologies. Information and This course is designed to provide students Communication with the basic knowledge of computer, Technology applications and information systems. Application Students will acquire basic skills in the use of IMD103 personal computers and software applicable to the management of information and delivery of services in a wide variety of fields. Topics include the use popular productivity software such as spreadsheet, word processing and presentation graphics. Fundamentals This course introduces the various functions of Management of management such as planning, MGT162 organizing, leading and controlling. The subject will expose students about management in rapidly changing world, in the context of a free world market economy along with the adaptation of information. Prinsip-prinsip Kursus ini mendedahkan kepada pelajar Asas Islam mengenai Prinsip Asas Islam. Fokus utama CTU101 kepada Prinsip Asas Islam iaitu akidah, syariat, ibadat dan akhlak dengan menekankan kepentingan kefahaman dan penghayatan akidah serta perlaksanan syariat, ibadat dan akhlak dalam kehidupan seharian. Consolidating This course is designed for students whose Language Skills English language proficiency is at the basic BEL 120 or intermediate levels. It aims to raise their level of proficiency in the language to the intermediate level. This aim is achieved through the integration of the four. 10 Semester 02 Communication Skills for Information Professional 1 IMD157 Management of Internet Resources IMD152 Foundation of Records Management IMD155 Access to Information IMD156 Preparatory Course for MUET BEL260 Pemikiran dan Tamadun Islam CTU151 This course is designed to provide students with the skills to communicate successfully in personal, social and workplace interactions. It emphasized the essential skills of human communication including interpersonal communication and small group communication. It seeks to explain the basic principles and skills underlying all forms in communication. It also deals with the nature of the communication forms such as interpersonal and small group communication and emphasizes the skills that make possible more effective interpersonal conversation and relationships and small group participation and leadership. This course is designed to expose students with the knowledge about various types of the Internet resources for effective utilization. Students will also be trained to develop their information skills especially in searching, retrieving, selecting, evaluating and using the information from the Internet resources. This subject outlines the purpose of records management and defines the key terminologies, theories and principles underpinning records care. The module examines the importance of good records keeping in an organization be it of public or private sector. It also presents a rationale for developing an integrated records management program. It discusses the work involve in restructuring existing information and records and the outlines of key activities undertaken in records management. Examines the purpose, methods and tools access to information and the mean of controlling available information resources at the national levels. Attempts to cover various efforts by national and international institutions and organizations to achieve global access to information This course equips students with the skills and strategies to perform effectively in the Malaysia University English Test. It covers major aspects of Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening. Kursus ini menjelaskan konsep Tamadun Islam dan sumbangannya kepada peradaban dunia. Kursus ini juga membincangkan Islam di Alam Melayu, system kekeluargaan, 11 Semester 03 Multimedia for Information Presentation IMD205 Instructional Media Applications IMD206 Promotion of Information Products and Services IMD202 Introduction to Web Content Design and Management IMD208 Communication Skills for Information Professionals IMD207 Semester 4 Technical Support Services and Maintenance for Information Agencies IMD255 kemasyarakat dan kenegaraan Islam seterusnya cabaran yang dihadapi oleh dunia Islam hari ini. This course discusses the theories and application of multimedia related to information presentation. It explores the techniques and skills in developing and producing interactive multimedia application using multimedia authoring tools. This course emphasizes on the understanding of the educational and instructional technology principles. It explores the techniques and skills in producing, using and evaluating instructional media material for teaching. This course introduces the general overview of promotional of information products and services. Students also will be exposed each of the method of promoting both information products and services. This course will be conducted by considering the informant of information and its value as an invisible asset in managing the information agencies. This course introduces students with the fundamentals of web content design and management. They will learn about the techniques on how to design a static web page using Hypertext Markup Language (HTML). This course is designed to provide students with skill in public speaking. Students will be exposed to the various types of public speaking and techniques to become an accomplished speaker. Students will also learn how to prepare good speeches, gathering materials for the speeches and using visual aids to give more impact to the speeches. This course is intended to provide students with the basic knowledge and skills on computer hardware and software including simple maintenance and troubleshooting in order to enhance their ICT knowledge and skills. In short, this course will bring students from the just-a-user level to the I-can-fix-this level for the computer hardware and software. In addition, students may learn on how to perform specific computing tasks such as buying the new computer, installing a new hardware and operating system and 12 Information Technology Application in Information Agencies IMD257 also maintaining the computer through instruction and discussion about its architecture, networking and troubleshooting. This course is intended to provide students with the basic knowledge and skills on computer hardware and software including simple maintenance and troubleshooting in order to enhance their ICT knowledge and skills. In short, this course will bring students from the just-a-user level to the I-can-fix-this level for the computer hardware and software. In addition, students may learn on how to perform specific computing tasks such as buying the new computer, installing a new hardware and operating system and also maintaining the computer through instruction and discussion about its architecture, networking and troubleshooting. Digital Resource This paper provides a broad concept of Center digital information in information agencies. It IMD 252 covers appropriate management aspects, ICT application and data communication technology. Furthermore, students will be exposed to automation and digitization of information agencies and its resources. Organization of This course is introduces to provide the Information students with the basic concepts and IMD252 principles of organizing information. Students will expose to the various methods in organizing information and aware of the rules/standards in producing a systematic arrangement of informational materials for facilitating effective storage and retrieval. Electronic This subject discusses the theory and skills Publishing in publishing information electronically. IMD258 Students are required to produce electronic publications and other types of publication for information dissemination. Management of This course discusses the types, functions, Record Centers objectives and characteristics of records IMD256 centre. It explains the theory and applications of management related to planning, implementation and evaluation of information services in records centre. Extensive discussion on contemporary issues, such as strategic planning and human resource development, organizational structures, legislation on records management, resources sharing and information delivery 13 Semester 5 Foundation of Cataloging IMD301 Foundation of Archives IMD302 Reference and Information Services for Information Agencies IMD307 Management of Libraries and Resource Center IMD306 Extension Services for Information Agencies IMD308 also being included. This course is designed to provide students with an understanding of the basic concepts and principles of descriptive cataloging and classification. Students learn copy cataloging using online bibliographic databases. This course will provide the foundation of theories, methodologies and most significant problems relating to the archives management. This course is and introduction course to reference and information services in information agencies. Student will be exposing to the technique of reference activities and reference sources used in any information agencies and how to assist user in seeking information. This course will discuss the management principle and best practices in libraries and resource centers. Students will expose to the management techniques practices and roles of professional involve in the above agencies. This course will discuss the planning process, the roles of professionals in planning extension services. Students are required to plan and implement extension services for an information agency. . Students will learn the technique and methods used to plan and organize extension activities in information agencies. Students will be able to acknowledge information agencies on how extension services should be maintained. 14 14. IMPLIKASI KAKITANGAN, FIZIKAL DAN KEWANGAN i. Implikasi Kakitangan Untuk tempoh tiga (3) tahun pertama, dijangkakan tiada pertambahan kakitangan baru diperlukan. ii. Implikasi Fizikal Tiada iii. Implikasi Kewangan Tiada 15. KEAHLIAN DAN ULASAN LEMBAGA AKADEMIK FAKULTI TERHADAP SEMAKAN KURIKULUM PROGRAM 1) Prof Madya Dr. Adnan Bin Jamaludin 2) Dr. Zuraidah Binti Abdul Manaf 3) Dr. Azman Bin Mat Isa 4) Y. Bhg. Dato’ Prof. Dr. Raja Abdullah Bin Raja Yaacob 5) Prof. Dr Szarina Binti Abdullah 6) Prof. Madya Fuziah Binti Mohd Nazar 7) Prof. Madya Dr Sohaimi Bin Zakaria 8) En Abdul Rashid Bin Abdul Rahman 9) Pn. Nor Rashimawati Binti Tarmuchi 10) Pn. Aliza Binti Ismail 11) Pn. Sobariah Binti Awang Mukhtar 15 16. TARIKH KELULUSAN SEMAKAN KURIKULUM PROGRAM Nyatakan tarikh program diluluskan oleh pihak-pihak berikut:a. Jawatankuasa Kurikulum Fakulti: 27 Mac 2009 b. Lembaga Akademik Fakulti: Mesyuarat Pertama: 5 Ogos 2009 Mesyuarat Khas (dihadiri oleh 4 orang Ahli Senat): 29 September 2009 c. Senat: 5-7 Mac 2010 17. PERLAKSANAAN KURIKULUM BARU Julai 2010 18. KESIMPULAN/SYOR Semakan kurikulum ini dilaksanakan di atas maklumbalas dari berbagai pihak. Semakan ini dilihat lebih mantap dan kontemporari yang akan memberi manafaat yang lebih kepada graduan Fakulti Pengurusan Maklumat untuk berdaya saing dan kompetetif di pasaran pekerjaan. Kurikulum program ini juga telah diteliti dan diperkemaskan melalui beberapa proses serta telah mendapat kelulusan daripada pihak Lembaga Akademik Fakulti (LAF). Dengan ini ia dikemukakan kepada pihak Senat Universiti untuk mendapat kelulusan. 16