* * *
One Great Hour of Sharing
On March 14 th , we’ll receive the One Great Hour of Sharing offering. This is the 1 st
of 4 special offerings that we will take for the UCC this year.
The One Great Hour of Sharing offering supports our denominations efforts in national and international mission programs, such as; health, education, agricultural development, disaster relief and refugee assistance .
Worship & Events
March 3 rd
– Wednesday
evening Lenten service
Meal 6pm and worship at
7pm in the fellowship hall
March 4 th
– Bible Study 7pm
March 7 th – Worship and
Music Ministry, Rest Haven
March 10 th
- Wednesday
evening Lenten service
Meal 6pm and worship at
7pm in the fellowship hall
March 11 th
– Blood Mobile,
Jerusalem Lutheran Noon-
Pottsville Soup Kitchen
Ministry 4:30-7pm
March 14 th – Worship and cele-
bration of Baptismal anniv.
Acolyte training & fellow-
ship time following worship
March 15 th – Help at the Food
Pantry 8:30am
March 16 th
– Consistory Mtg.
March 17 th
- Wednesday
evening Lenten service
Meal 6pm and worship at
7pm in the fellowship hall
March 18 th
– Bible Study 7pm
March 19 th
– Help at the Food
Pantry 1pm
March 21 st
– Memorial Service
for Pastor Rose Hoffman
Sch. Haven H.S. Auditorium
March 23 rd
– S.H. Council of
Churches mtg. 7:30pm
March 24 th - Wednesday
evening Lenten service
Meal 6pm and worship at
7pm in the fellowship hall
March 25 th
– Bible Study 7pm
March 28 th
– Spring caroling
Leb. Valley College Choir @
St. John’s UCC Fredericks-
burg 3pm
April 1 st
– Maundy Thursday
Lenten service
Meal 6pm and worship at
7pm in the sanctuary
April 2 nd
– Good Friday,
Reading of the Crucifixion at
11:45am in the sanctuary
Tenebrae worship service
7pm in the sanctuary
April 4 th
– Easter Sunday
Easter Dawn service 6:40am
on the church lawn
Easter Communion Breakfast
@ 7:15am in the fellowship
Easter service of worship and
communion @ 10:30am in
the sanctuary
* * *
—John Wesley
—John Vincent
Worship News
We continue our journey to the cross during the month of March, with worship and communion on March 7 th
. Here we pause on this the mid-way point of the Lenten season (the 3 of six Sundays in Lent), to be refreshed and renewed at Christ’s table to continue the difficult rd journey of self-examination and repentance.
On March 14 th
, we will celebrate the baptismal anniversaries of those who were baptized in
March, and on March 28 th
; we will celebrate Palm Sunday with the blessing of the palms.
Our Wednesday evening Lenten services also continue throughout the month with worship beginning at 7:00 PM in the fellowship hall.
* * *
Special Offerings in March
Our communion offering for the month of March will be designated for Haiti earthquake relief.
Through our affiliation with the United Church of Christ, we are able to ensure that 100% of your donation will go to the relief efforts in Haiti, because all administrative costs are covered through our contributions to OCWM.
Also this month (March 14 th ) we’ll receive the offering for One Great Hour of Sharing.
* * *
For March:
Paper Products (paper towels, toilet tissue, napkins, etc.)
We will be helping at the
Sch. Haven Food Pantry–
Monday, March 15 at 8:30 AM and also on
Friday, March 19 at 1:00 PM
* * *
Soup Kitchen
We will be helping at the
Pottsville Soup Kitchen on Thursday, March 11 from
4:30 – 7:00 PM.
If you would like to help, or need more information on this ministry, please speak to Rae Ann Borger.
The April Communion offering has been designated to support the mission work at the Soup Kitchen.
Holy Week
Our Maundy Thursday service (April 1 st
) of worship and communion will begin at 7:00 PM in the sanctuary. A Lenten supper will precede the service at 6:00 PM in the fellowship hall. This year’s service will close with Pastor Brad performing a monologue in the role of Pontius Pilate.
Services continue Friday morning (April 2 nd
) with a reading of the crucifixion story at 11:45
AM in the sanctuary, and a Tenebrae candlelight service at 7:00 PM.
On Easter Sunday (April 4 th ), we will celebrate Christ’s resurrection with 3 services. At dawn
(6:40 AM), we’ll gather on the church lawn for a time of praise, prayer, and reading of scripture.
Our Easter breakfast will begin around 7:15 AM in the fellowship hall, with our Easter breakfast service of worship and communion to follow around 8:15 AM. After Sunday School, at our regular worship time (10:30AM), we’ll gather in the sanctuary for a service of worship and communion.
We hope everyone will be able to take part in some or all of these services, during this most holy time in the church year.
The Parables of Jesus Series Continues…
….as part of our Wednesday evening Lenten services, throughout the month of March.
We began the study on Feb. 24 th
with an introduction to the parables.
But don’t worry if you missed it , you won’t be lost or behind, because each Wednesday evening is different. Each week, we’ll explore, in-depth, a different parable.
Please join us at 7:00 PM in the fellowship hall for a time of worship and study focusing on the parables of Jesus, as we discern together questions of faith, grow in spirit, and listen for God’s voice speaking to us.
The study was produced by Lancaster Theological Seminary’s Continuing Education
Department, and written by the seminary’s Professor of New Testament Studies, Dr. Greg Carey.
* * *
Men’s Group
The men's group will be painting the upstairs hallway and the back of the sanctuary on
Saturday morning, March 20 . We'll meet at 7 AM for breakfast at the Friedensburg Country
Restaurant. Please mark your calendars!
Council of Churches
Delegates for the Council met January 26 th
at the Church of the Nazarene in Sch. Haven.
According to the Treasures report, the Council finished 2009 with a budget surplus of just over
$12,000. According to the report, just of $6,000 was spent on emergency assistance, just under
$1,000 to operate the blood bank and nearly $15,000 to operate the food pantry in 2009. So far in 2010, income has continued to outpace expenses and there has been just over $2000 spent on the emergency assistance and food pantry programs.
It was reported that 103 pints of blood were collected in January and that 140 households
received food from the food pantry on the 15 th
of the month. A year-end report from the food pantry and the blood bank was given to each church. In 2009, 760 pints of blood were collected and 1947 boxes of food were handed-out. 95 walkers raised $5000.75 at the Crop Walk and as a church; we donated 1271 food items to the pantry.
In new business it was approved to spend $250 to share in the cost of the Nittany Neighbor dinners as an outreach to the PSU-Schuylkill community. Also, the Council approved to spend
$250 to plant a tree in memory and appreciation of Pastor Rose Hoffman. Members of the
Church of the Nazarene are inviting members of the community to attend Pastor Rose’s memorial service on Sunday afternoon March 21 st
at the Sch. Haven H.S. auditorium at 3pm.
* * *
Free Lectures
The Penn State Schuylkill
Religious and Philosophical Forum resumes March 26 th with Imam Anwar bin Nafea
Muhaimin, CEO of Masjid Quba Inc. as the guest speaker. Imam Nafea Muhaimin will speak about the Islamic community as the forum continues its focus on community and religious diversity. The presentation is free of charge and begins at noon in the R. Michael Fryer Conference Center.
Also this month (March 11 th
), Lancaster Theological Seminary will host the
Swander/McCauley Lectures with both Professor of Religion and Society Derek Hicks and
Worship Professor Valerie Bridgeman making presentations.
LVC Choir
Palm Sunday afternoon (March 28 th ) at 3:00 PM, the Lebanon Valley College concert choir will be performing at Pastor Brad’s home church, St. John’s UCC in Fredericksburg.
All are invited to attend. There is no charge; however, the choir will be accepting a free will offering. If you need directions or would like more information, please contact
Pastor Brad.
The concert should be a great way to begin our Holy Week journey.
* * *
On March 21 st , as we continue our Lenten journey, we will hear the story of Mary’s anointing of Jesus from John’s Gospel. Luke records a similar story, but rather than Mary, Luke identifies the woman simply as a “sinner”. Therefore as “sinners” ourselves, on this day we will begin our worship time with the hymn, “Jesus! What a Friend for Sinners” (also known as “Our Great
Savior”) written by John Wilbur Chapman in 1910 to the exhilarating tune, “Hyfrydol”.
As a teen, Chapman used to attend 2 Sunday schools each week. One on Sunday mornings, and a 2 nd
on Sunday afternoons at Grace Methodist Episcopal Church in Richmond, Indiana. It was at Grace where at age 17, following a lesson by a guest speaker, that he decided to dedicate his life to serving Christ.
Chapman went on to become an outstanding pastor, writer, hymnist and leader in his denomination. He is probably best remembered for his crusades not only in the U.S., but around the world.
It was in the midst of these endeavors that he wrote this great hymn, celebrating the wonderful and varied roles of Jesus; as a friend of sinners, a source of strength in weakness, a very help in times of sorrow, as well as guide and keeper. “Hallelujah! What a Savior!” as the hymn expresses.
The information for this article came from the book, “Then Sings My Soul,” by Robert J.
* * *
Youth News:
Summer Camp at Mensch
Summer camp will be right around the corner, and if you’d like a preview of the upcoming
2010 summer program at Mensch Mill, check-out the brochures in the back of the sanctuary, or the one posted on the Young Adults Bulletin Board. Or, feel free to check-out the camp’s website ( www.menschmill.org
) for more details, registration forms, changes and additions.
Also, don’t forget that both the church and the Sunday School here at St. Paul’s offers registration reimbursement.
* * *
Regional Youth Event
“Take the Journey...Follow the Holy Brick Road” is the theme for this year’s Mid-Atlantic
Regional Youth Event, which will be held July 21 st
– 25 th
at Susquehanna University in
Selinsgrove, PA.
Youth ages 13-18 from UCC churches in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland and
Delaware will gather to worship and praise God together, learn from one another, hang-out, play games, make new friends and just have a blast, throughout this 4 day event.
Please see Pastor Brad for registration information. The super-duper early bird discount registration deadline ended Feb. 28 th
. But, additional early registration discounts are still available. The absolutely, positively, no more registrations after deadline is July 1 st
* * *
Help Wanted
Acolytes are needed to carry in and out the light of Christ during Sunday morning worship. No experience is
necessary and the pay is priceless. All boys and girls 8 years of age and older who are interested in filling this position; are invited to gather at the front of the sanctuary following worship on
Sunday, March 14 th for an acolyte training session. Parents, please contact Pastor Brad if you have any questions.
* * *
Blood Drive-
Please Give!
Jerusalem Lutheran Church in Sch. Haven on
Thursday, March 11 from
Noon to 6:00 PM
1 - Carol Sullivan
3 - William Heffner III
- Abby Sue Ulsh
- Cherie Powell
5 - Beth Satterwhite
- Sara Ella Krause
6 - Ashley Bechtel
9 - Joan Berkheiser
- Debbie Bailey
- William Mattes
12 - Sherry Erbland
13 - Adam Zimmerman
- Brianna Peiffer
15 - Harold Reber
17 - Barbara Jucker
19 - Russell Dewald
- Devon Moyer
20 - Edwin F. Yeich, Jr.
21 - Trudie Fagan
- Robert Edwards
- Lila Clauser
22 - Dana Clauser
24 - Harold Miller
- Michael Krause
26 - Kermit Fix
- Mark Edwards
27 - David Fique
28 - Clarence Fix Jr.
- Tammy Krause
30 - Sandy Kreager
- Irene Miller
31 - Rachel Moyer
- Carson Kerstetter
28 - Ernest and Gail Jones
Anniversaries will be celebrated during worship on Sun., March 14.
Parents, Godparents, and grandparents are urged to attend.
Nicholas Michael, son of Sherry and Marcus Erbland
Dylan Michael, son of Michael and Justine Reber
Grace Elaine, daughter of Sam and Megan Shawver
Eliza Lee, daughter of Jason and Brandi Kline
Trisha Lyn, daughter of Terry and Tracy Casady
Abigail Elizabeth, daughter of Jason and Tanya Zagar
* * *
What is faith?
“Sight is not faith, and hearing is not faith,
neither is feeling faith; but believing when we neither see, hear nor feel is faith; and everywhere the Bible tells us our salvation is to be by faith.
Therefore we must believe before we feel, and often against our feelings, if we would honor God by our faith.”
—Hannah Whitall Smith
Readings- March:
March 1 - March 7
(Third Sunday in Lent)
Isaiah 55:1-9
Psalm 63:1-8
I Corinthians 10:1-13
Luke 13:1-9
March 8 - March 14
(Fourth Sunday in Lent)
Joshua 5:9-12
Psalm 32
2 Corinthians 5:16-21
Luke 15:1-3, 11b-32
March 15 - March 21
(Fifth Sunday in Lent)
Isaiah 43:16-21
Psalm 126
Philemon 3:4b-14
John 12:1-8
March 22 - March 28
(Palm/Passion Sunday)
Passion Readings:
Isaiah 50:4-9a
Psalm 31:9-16
Philippians 2:5-11
Luke 22:14-23:56
Palm Sunday Readings
Psalm 118:1-2, 19-29
Luke 19:28-40
April 1
(Maundy Thursday)
Exodus 12:1-4, (5-10) 11-14
Psalm 116:1-2, 12-19
I Corinthians 11:23-26
John 13:1-17, 31b-35
April 2
(Good Friday)
Isaiah 52:13-53:12
Psalm 22
Hebrews 10:16-25
Hebrews 4:14-16, 5:7-9
John 18:1-19:42
April 3
(Holy Saturday)
Job 14:1-14
Lamentations 3:1-9, 19-24
Psalm 31:1-4, 15-16
1 Peter 4:1-8
Matthew 27:57-66
John 19:38-42
April 4
(Easter Sunday)
Acts 10:34-43
Isaiah 65:17-25
Psalm 118:1-2, 14-24
I Corinthians 15:19-26
Acts 10:34-43
John 20:1-18/ Luke 24:1-12
Young Adult Easter Candy Sale
The Young Adult group is once again selling homemade Easter candy.
Cost is $10/pound.
The delivery date is Sunday, March 28th (Palm Sunday).
The proceeds will fund our mission trip this year and future Young Adult activities.
To place an order, please see any Young Adult member.
Order deadline is
Sunday, March 7th.
We will be making candy following church on
Sunday, March 7th and Sunday, March 14th.
Any help is appreciated!
For more information, please speak to Dana or Rob Clauser.
* * *
* * *
ANYONE interested in participating in Youth
Fellowship in 2010….
Please fill out this form, and stick it in Aaron and Krista Clauser’s mailbox.
1. Name of parents/family
2. Email _________________________
3. Interest for Youth Fellowship: (check all that apply)
____ Projects/Crafts/Activities done at church for the children to take home or give to the church
____ Group Trips
____ Community/Worldwide Service Projects
____ Other Suggestions:
4. Best days of the week/times to meet: _________________________
5. Any additional info: _________________________
Sunday School
Ten Sunday School teachers and officers met in our beautiful conference room on Tuesday,
February 2nd. We had a very productive meeting and are excited about all the activities planned for 2010. There will be lots of tradition, but, there will also be some thingsand new! Keep reading your newsletter for hints and updates, but, for now, be sure to mark your calendars for these important dates...
Palm Sunday, March 28, 2010 - The Young Adults will host an Easter Egg Hunt beginning at
2:00 PM. Hard-cooked colored and plastic eggs will be gratefully accepted!
Easter Sunday, April 4, 2010 - Join your church family and friends to celebrate our risen
SS Meeting, Tuesday, April 6, 2010 - 7:00 PM in the church conference room.
Mother's Day, Sunday, May 9, 2010 - The Sunday School students will honor the mothers in song and verse.
Memorial Day Service, Sunday,30, 2010 - Sunday School will dismiss at 10:00 AM so we can meet at the Veterans Memorial at the cemetery.
Camp Mensch Mill - Be sure to check out the great pamphlets on the programs offered at Camp
Mensch Millthe Young Adult bulletin board in the hallway outside the secretary's office. There are interesting getaways for all ages offered all year round, but, the summer programs are particularly varied and fun! There is financial aid available through both the Sunday Schoolthe
Consistory.is also available to arrange for fund raising opportunities to offset the cost of the camp. Information can also be found online at (insert
Mensch Mill web address here).
SS Meeting, Tuesday, June 1, 2010 - 7:00 PM in the church conference room.
Father's Day, Sunday, June 20, 2010 - Lots of fun and surprises in store for the dads (and the moms, kids, men, women, young, old, short, tall, etc., etc.)
Vacation Bible School, Monday, June 21 through Friday, June 25, 2010, Closing Program on Sunday, June 27th - Amy Rubinkam is the Coordinator again this year. Look forward to a week ofand adventure!
Sunday School Picnic, Saturday, July 10, 2010 - Turkey and ham will be served in the kitchen.
Good soup, hamburgers, hot dogs, ice cream, soda, candy, and snow cones outside. The Wehry
Family to entertain, a Bounce House and Fish Pond, and, hopefully no threatening thunderstorms will make for a good old fashioned evening of relaxation and fun! SS Meeting, Tuesday, August
3, 2010 - 7:00 pm in the church conference room. Promotion Sunday, August 29, 2010 - Sunday
School students will receive their Certificate of Promotion before starting in their new classes on
Sunday, September 5th. SS Meeting, Tuesday, October 5, 2010 - 7:00 pm in the church conference room. Reformation Sunday, October 31, 2010 - We will be participating in the recoginition of the 50th Anniversary of our church building and the dedication of the new building project, the elevator, and the anniversary banner . Make plans to celebrate all the history that has made St. Paul's the vibrant, growing, "living" church it is today, and to begin the future of what we can become! Annual Sunday School Meeting, Sunday, November 7, 2010 - Election of
Officers and adoption of the SS budget for 2011. SS Meeting, Tuesday, December 7, 2010 - 7:00 pm in the church conference room. Sunday School Christmas Program and Party, Sunday, December 12,
2010 - IF it doesn't snow! WOW! What a lot to look forward to! We'll keep you up to date with reminders right here so don't forget to check back often. And, remember, we're here every Sunday morning at 9:15 am> We look forward to seeing you then! "May your blessings outnumber the shamrocks that grow, may trouble avoid you wherever you go."Author Unknown Happy St.
Patrick's Day and Go mbeannai Dia duit!
SS Meeting, Tuesday, August 3, 2010 - 7:00 PM in the church conference room.
Promotion Sunday, August 29, 2010 - Sunday School students will receive their Certificate of
Promotion before starting in their new classes on Sunday, September 5th.
SS Meeting, Tuesday, October 5, 2010 - 7:00 PM in the church conference room.
Reformation Sunday, October 31, 2010 - We will be participating in the recognition of the
50th Anniversary of our church building and the dedication of the new building project, the elevator, and the anniversary banner. Make plans to celebrate all the history that has made St.
Paul's the vibrant, growing, "living" church it is today, and to begin the future of what we can become!
Annual Sunday School Meeting, Sunday, November 7, 2010 - Election of Officers and adoption of the SS budget for 2011.
SS Meeting, Tuesday, December 7, 2010 - 7:00 PM in the church conference room.
Sunday School Christmas Program and Party, Sunday,
December 12, 2010 - IF it doesn't snow!
WOW! What a lot to look forward to! We'll keep you up to date with reminders right here so don't forget to check back often. And, remember, we're here every Sunday morning at 9:15 am>
We look forward to seeing you then!
"May your blessings outnumber the shamrocks that grow, may trouble avoid you wherever you go."
-Author Unknown
Happy St. Patrick's Day and Go mbeannai Dia duit!
Friendly Circle January Mtg.
The January meeting was attended by 7 members present. The agenda discussed was:
-Banquets– March 27 Cub Scouts (see Marion or Bonnie)
-Meat Pie Sale:
Non-members– April 9
Members (St. Paul’s)- May 7
Give orders to Bonnie Reber
-New Windsor Work Days-
April 15 and Oct. 14
Speak to Verna or Ardith
-Prices for 2010:
Pies (fruit, shoo-fly, etc.)
8” -$6.00
Meat Pies (all 9”)- $7.00
Mince Pies
8”- $8.00 / 9”- $10.00
Adults- $10.00
Children 6-12 - $5.00
Children 0-6 - Free
Funeral Dinners:
Non-members- $10.00
Members (St. Paul’s)- $6.50
-Coffee Hour– March 14 after church
-Everybody’s Birthday Party– March 23 at 7:00 PM
Jeri Jones Geological Services will be the entertainment– something for all ages– FUN!
-Red Geraniums for Pentecost
May 23– see Ardith Moyer to order
Cost to be announced (pay upon ordering)
-A new slicer will be purchased
-Mission: $150.00 to the Haiti Fund
-Lilies for Easter- $6.00
(see Ardith to order)
Cut off dates to order: March 1 and March 15.
Lilies are to be paid for when ordering.
A delicious snack was enjoyed. A member
* * *
Bible Study
Come join us– we are few in number– but, have some good discussions. We look at, and discuss the Bible texts for the following Sunday. We often get a whole new perspective on the
Scriptures. We meet in the conference room every Thursday evening at 7:00 PM (except when it is Pottsville Soup Kitchen night). There’s an empty chair waiting for you!
* * *
50 th
On October 24, 2010, we will be celebrating the 50 th Anniversary of our Church building.
We are planning a special afternoon worship service with a light supper to follow. If you are interested in helping with the planning or you have ideas for the celebration, please contact Lori
-Bethany Children's Home is thankful for all of its friends throughout the year that provide financial support to our on-campus residential and therapeutic programs. Your gifts help us to provide for the needs of 75-100 kids on a daily basis.
We thank you for your generous contribution of $196.00. Every gift to Bethany helps us provide each youth with a greater sense of self-esteem, self confidence, trust and security. The Bethany family works hard to help our youth lessen their anger and encourage them to positively overcome their challenges to have a successful future.
Together, we are making a difference in the life of a child and their families. Thank you for your care and concern of our children and programs.
Sincerely, Jonathan L. Henning Chief Relations Officer
-Dear Friends in Christ,
Happy Holidays from the Global Ministries Child Sponsorship Program!
Thank you for your continued support of this program. Enclosed is a letter and card from your sponsored child.
The Global Ministries Child Sponsorship Program is committed to aiding children at risk by providing a practical way for individuals and churches to extend a helping hand. Since the 1950s, this global ministry has been working to safeguard the future of children around the world. A commitment to sponsoring a child helps to provide housing, clothing, food, education, and basic health care until age eighteen.
The Global Ministries Child Sponsorship Program is a partnership between Global Ministries and the various participating centers around the world. Your donations help the partnering institutions provide services to sponsored and unsponsored children. Support of sponsored children is provided in ways that will not set them apart from their siblings, other children, and their classmates.
Please feel free to contact our program manager, Linda Lawrence, at (216)7 36-2100 or lawrencl@ucc.org if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you once again and may God bless you richly. Sincerely,
Monica Lloyd, Program Volunteer Child Sponsorship
* * *
An Irish
-Traditional Irish blessing
* * *
Orders for Easter lilies may be given to
Ardith Moyer or Verna Ebling.
First deadline for ordering: March 1.
Final deadline for ordering: March 15.
Cost per lily is $6.00.
Money is due at the time you place your order.
You may also complete the form below and mail with payment to the church office.
- - - - - - - - cut - - - - - - - - -
Easter Lilies Order Form
Name _______________________________________________
Phone No. ___________________________________________
No. of Lilies __________________________________________
Placed in memory/honor of ______________________________

The weather hasn’t cooperated on some exercise evenings. We know after the winter comes
Spring. If you need some extra bounce, pep, and general well feeling– come to exercise class!
Speak to Judy Heim for more info., or come out on a Monday and Thursday evening from 6:30-
7:30 PM.
Exercise Group
“Clean Sweep Sale”
Has the winter weather worn out your broom? The Exercise Group has all natural, environmentally friendly corn brooms manufactured by Hamburg Broom Works for sale. The #6 household broom costs $14.00, and the heavy duty Warehouse broom is $17.00. When enough profits from the brooms are earned to replace the television on the portable stand, the sale is over. See a 'Cisor- Dave Heim, Fern Felty, Helen Michelson, Krista Clauser, or Judy Heim for your broom today .
* * *
The Memories Committee has formally set a meeting time. We will be meeting every other
Wednesday at 9 AM In March, it will be March 10 and March 24. We are currently working on various projects which include creating shadow boxes, organizing church articles and pictures not being displayed, and organizing photo albums. We still need to hang various pictures and organize the display case in the back of the sanctuary, as well as the one in the elevator hallway downstairs. There is a lot of work to be done. If you are interested in helping in any way, please feel free to join our group any time.
We are still looking for confirmation pictures for the following years: 1920, 1966, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1976, 1978, 1981, 1989, 1994, 2001,
2002, 2003, 2004. If you have a picture from one of these years, we would like to make a copy so we can complete our album.
We also only have small pictures of the following years: 1968, 1969, 1970, 1971, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1990, 1992, 1993,
1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 2000, 2009. Small is good, however, if you have a large picture for any of these years, please let us know.
If you have any ideas for the committee or anything to add to our church history collection, please contact Lori Moyer.
Ideas and
Helpers Needed
The church is beginning the process of designing and constructing a new banner. It will be to commemorate the 50th anniv. of the dedication of the new church building on
Oct. 23,1960 following the fire which destroyed the former church building in 1958.
We need ideas as to the design of the banner, and then helpers to construct it.
Contact Tom Nagle at 739-4363 or ktnagle@verizon.net to: submit ideas, submit designs, volunteer to help choose/finalize a design, volunteer to help construct the banner, volunteer to donate materials for the banner, etc. Any help in any manner will be greatly appreciated.
* * *
The quilters have a beautiful patriotic (red, white, and blue) quilt in the frame. It was put together by Evelyn and will be sent to Andrews Air Force Base, to be used on a bed to cheer our returning veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan.
It’s beautiful– stop in and see it. We hae some time slots open, if you want or need anything fixed or quilted. See Marion or Fern. Come join us on a Tues. between 9 AM and 12 Noon.
It Snowed!!
I really shouldn’t be surprised that we had a good amount of snow here on the “hill”. I heard
“old-timers” saying, “Summer Hill is always blown shut, sometime, before winter ends. Yes, it did blow around here, but not like it used to! The donuts got made (Yum!), and luckily no cancellation of worship services. Some weekly meetings had to be cancelled or re-scheduled. It sure was pretty around here. The white snow gave me pause to reflect on the life of Jesus’ purity; How He lived and gave us a perfect example of our lives. I’m looking forward to the Lenten suppers and services. I peeked in Pastor Brad’s office, and he’s doing the Parables of Jesus during Lent.
Even more of His examples to follow. We know with the Lenten season– Spring is not far behind, when we become more active and get moving into the “outside”.
The many activities continue here at St. Paul’s– no matter what the weather or season we’re in.
Hope to see you here– there’s something for everyone.
-to Mark and Lori Moyer for sponsoring the shut-in mailing for March
-to Elaine and Wilbert Moyer for putting together the weekly bulletins.
-to Shirley Reber, Verna Ebling, Pastor Brad, Bill Reber, Bonnie Reber, Maureen Ulsh, and
Ardith Moyer for putting together the February Newsletter.
-to Verna and Jack Ebling,
Ardith Moyer, Shirley Reber, Bill and Bonnie, Reber, and Rae Ann Borger for putting together the Annual Report.
-to Tom Nagle for his work on helping to update church office files
-Thank you to everyone for the gift card and all the good wishes and congratulations on our 50th
Wedding Anniversary coming up in April 2010.
Wilbert and Elaine Moyer
-to Brian Clauser for repairing the treads in the stairway and the baseboard in the sanctuary.
-to the Kreager and Moyer families for providing milk for the doughnut project, and to Linda
Clauser for the use of equipment.
-to everyone who helped make the doughnuts this year. 560 dozen were made.
-to the snow cleanup crew this month: Dave Heim, Don Borger, and Eric Reber
-to everyone who donated to the “Souper Bowl of Caring” food and monetary collection on Feb.
-On behalf of the Disaster
Response Ministry of South
Central Conference of the United Church of Christ, I wish to thank you for your thoughtful and generous gift of $798.00 which will be used to purchase materials and tools required for our rebuilding projects.
We are grateful for the thoughts and prayers that continue to come our way from the
Pennsylvania congregations, and hope that you will keep us in your prayers as we rebuild homes and rebuild hope.
Again, we thank you for helping us move forward with the recovery of New Orleans.
Peace, Rev. Alan Coe
Minister of Disaster Recovery
King of Kings

During Jesus’ earthly life, colored cloth was very expensive. Only royalty and wealthy people could afford it. When Jesus was arrested and sentenced to die, the soldiers set about humiliating him (see Mark 15:16-20, NRSV). They found a purple cloak — the color of royalty — and put it on him. Then they placed a crown of thorns on Jesus’ head. “Hail, King of the Jews!” they mockingly cried. The soldiers hit
Jesus with a reed and spat on him. They taunted him and knelt before him, pretending to honor him.
Despite what he endured, our Lord did end up a King — King of kings and Lord of lords.
* * *
“In the Cross, God descends to bear in his own heart the sins of the world. In Jesus, he atones at unimaginable cost to himself.”
—Woodrow Geier
A Holistic Church
When a pastor asked the congregation to express what the church meant to them, one couple wrote:
Our church may best be described as holistic, which means “the whole is much more than its parts.” Our church has many “parts”: a lovely campus, rooms for education, a great fellowship hall and a lovely sanctuary. There, the cross reminds us of God’s love, the altar reminds us of holy communion and the baptismal font reminds us of our faith.
In the sanctuary, we sing meaningful hymns, listen to our wonderful choir, hear God’s incomparable word, offer sincere prayers, give an offering and receive guidance for our bodies, minds and souls. Finally, there is the part we call service. We leave church each week to use our talents, time and resources in Christian service to a needy world. We care because God cares.
All in all, the “whole” of our church is much more than the sum of its parts. Ours is a holistic church striving to be holier.
‘Nones’ Are
Gaining Ground
According to the recent “American Religious Identification Survey,” 15 percent of Americans now identify with no religion. If the trend continues, experts predict that people with no religious affiliation could soon surpass the nation’s largest denominations.
“Nones aren’t a fringe group anymore and are now part of middle America,” says demographer and study coauthor Ariela Keysar, quoted in USA Today last year. “They’re present in every socio-demographic group.”
Although “Nones” reject organized religion, half still believe in God or a higher power.
Interestingly, Nones are the only major U.S. “faith group” consisting mostly of males.
Lead researcher Barry Kosmin said people have many misconceptions about Nones. “They’re not New Age searchers or spiritual or even hardened atheists. They’re a stew of agnostics, deists and rationalists. [They’re] skeptical about organized religion and clerics while still holding to an idea of God.”
Hearing about all the “Nones” gives us even more reason to go out and share our faith with someone.
The Cross is
Pivotal means crucial or absolutely necessary. Such is the cross on which Jesus died. It represents salvation from sin and death. To see sin in all its cruelty and depravity, look at the cross. The cross can jar a person to the core.
In his parent’s bedroom, a teenager noticed a picture he’d never paid attention to before. It was
a vivid scene of the Crucifixion. As the boy studied it, his emotions began to stir. He saw the helpless Christ dying, the helmeted soldiers bearing spears, the crowd seething with hatred. Jesus was pinned to the cross, bleeding and helpless. Mary stood nearby, consumed by grief.
The picture revealed sin and its results: suffering and death. What if the room had a different picture, with an empty tomb and an angel announcing Christ’s resurrection? Those represent that
God loves mankind so much he still wants to save us, no matter what we’ve done.
“May I never boast of anything except the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world” (Galatians 6:14, NRSV).
Symbols -

A rotating wheel symbolizes God’s divine force. Wheels with flames shooting out often portray
God’s throne, based on Ezekiel’s vision (see 1:1-18). Some artists also show a burning wheel when God sends Adam and Eve out of the
Garden of Eden.
* * *
Bible Quiz
An Old Testament prophet wrote the following words about Jesus: “He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he did not open his mouth; like a lamb that is led to the slaughter, and like a sheep that before its shearers is silent, so he did not open his mouth.”
Who wrote those words?
A. Amos
B. Jonah
C. Jeremiah
D. Isaiah
The Red-Faced Usher
When an elderly woman asked a church usher to seat her close to the pulpit, he tried to talk her out of it. “If you sit up front, you won’t be able to sleep,” he said.
The woman looked the usher square in the face and asked, “Do you know who I am?”
“No, I don’t,” he responded.
“Well,” she said firmly, “I’m the preacher’s mother.”
Fully embarrassed, the usher asked, “Do you know who I am?”
“No,” she answered.
“Good!” whispered the fellow. “Sit anywhere you want.”
* * *
Answer: D (See chapter 53, verse 7)
* * *
St. Paul’s UCC
Fundraising Committee
Quarts of Soup:
_________ Ham and Bean
_________ Beef Veg.
$3.50 per quart of soup
Sandwiches (Boats):
____Ham and Cheese
____Turkey and Cheese
$3.50 per sandwich
( Each sandwich contains 1/4 lb. meat and 2 slices of cheese on a 6” sandwich roll.)
Total Cost for order: $___________
***Please give the orders to Deb Clauser, Fern Felty, or the Church office.***

(Please indicate number of pies you are ordering – return form to any fundraising committee member, or to the church office.)
Cherry ______
Lemon Sponge______
$6.00 per pie
Orders due by April 11
Pick up- Saturday, April 17 from 10 – 11 AM
or after church on
Sunday, April 18
Any questions – see a
Fundraising Committee Member or call Deb Clauser 739-4786
Student Aid Fund Available to St. Paul's Members
Student Aid Fund loans are available for any member of
St. Paul's U.C.C. in need of financial aid for higher education.
Applications are available from:
Verna Ebling (385-2887) and
Ardith Moyer (739-4476)
The deadline to apply is April 30.
* * *
Homeowner’s Workshop hosted by State Rep. Tim Seip
Saturday, March 27
at the Cressona Mall
(in the space adjacent to the hallway to the mall restrooms.)
If you are struggling to meet your mortgage payments or are concerned that you will face foreclosure, then the first session of the workshop is for you!
If you are looking for assistance to renovate your home or to make energy efficient improvements, the second session of this workshop will help you get started.
Session 1– Noon
Session 2– 2:30 PM
Registration is free, but seating is limited. Please register by March 17 at 610-562-8435 or 570-
Children’s Home Used
Saturday, March 20
8:00 AM—1:00 PM
Womelsdorf, PA
Books, videos, coffee bar, and bake sale.
Donations of books and videos are now being accepted at the Bethany Children’s Home
Business Office.
* * *
Volunteers Needed
….to deliver meals in the
Sch. Haven area.
The Sch. County Meals on Wheels Program needs you.
Please help the senior citizens in the Sch. Haven area remain in their homes by helping to prepare, or delivering a hot, nutritious meal at noontime on Mondays, Wednesdays, or
Fridays. For more information, please call: Meals on Wheels at 570-624-3023 or 1-800-621-
At the present time, meals are delivered to about 50 senior citizens in the Haven area who cannot obtain or prepare meals.
Egg Hunt
Will be held on Palm
March 28 at
2:00 PM.
Donations of filled plastic and colored hard-boiled eggs are welcome and greatly appreciated. In case of inclement weather, the egg hunt will take place inside.
* * *
The choir rehearsals will be as follows during Lent:
Children’s Choir– 6:00 PM
Junior Choir– 6:20 PM
Senior Choir– following the Worship Service
Also Note:
During Lent, the Tone Chimes will be meeting on Wednesday evenings at 5:30 PM.
* * *
For those in charge of a tableDecorating for the Everybody’s Birthday Party can be done on Monday, March 22 from 6:30-7:30 PM, or on Tuesday, March 23 from
9:00 AM-12:00 Noon.
Everybody’s Birthday Party
March 23 at 7:00 PM.
* * *
Sat., Mar. 20, 9:30 AM - Noon “Sunday School-Where
Are We Headed?”
Led by Mary Sicher at Zion's
Red Church in Orwigsburg.
Several faith formation resources - "The Way of the
Child" and brand new "Faith Practices” - will be introduced. The excellent Pilgrim Press publication, "Faith Formation in Vital Congregations", specifically a chapter titled "Parents, et al" will be one of the foundations for the time together. The role that Grandparents and their spirituality can play in the faith formation of their grandchildren will also be a point of interest.
To register, please call the Zion's Red Church office at 570-366-1178 . All are invited to attend.
New Births
In Our Church
son of Jonathan Rodnick and Melissa Foster, was born on January 12, 2010 at 1:17 PM. Nathan was 8 pounds 1.5 ounces and 20 1/2” long.
He was born at the Pottsville
Hospital. Proud grandparents are Nicholas and Janet Rodnick and Sylvia Guldin.
son of Aaron and Krista Clauser, was born on Jan.18, 2010 at
11:32 PM. Bear was 8 pounds 8 ounces and 19 3/4” long. He was born at the Reading Hospital.
Proud grandparents are Donna Strohecker, and Brian and Cindy Clauser. Bear’s siblings, Kora,
Vera, Slate, and Lila were very excited to meet and hold him!
* * *
Spring Caroling on Palm Sunday
(March 28)
* * *