Communique - April Sound Church

JUNE 2014
W. in G.S. Monday, June 8, 6 PM in the Fellowship Hall. This is our final
meeting for the summer and it will be our usual salad supper. Everyone is
asked to bring their favorite salad to share. Dowen will do the installation of
officers for next year.
June 24, 6:30 PM in the annex building.
Everyone is welcome.
MEN'S BREAKFAST: Saturday June 28th. The speaker
for this meeting will be Col. David Yebra who will speak on
"Leadership". Come at 7:30 A.M. for coffee and 8 for
breakfast. You will be out by 9 AM.
Meeting Sunday at 9:00 A.M.
Fellowship Class (Fellowship Hall) Doing a special study on Romans
Students of Scripture Class (Annex Classroom B)
Choir Devotional Time
APRIL SOUND CHURCH DAY SCHOOL: Tues and Thurs 9-3. Ages 18
months to 5 years. Contact the office for information. The summer session will
be from June 10 to July 31st. There will be a break in August and classes will
resume in the fall on September 2.
WEDNESDAY NIGHT they meet at the Church for
Food, Fellowship and Bible Study from 6:30-8 PM. Call (or text) Chris
Holder for more information. @832-976-6336
FATHER'S DAY, SUNDAY, JUNE 15. We will honor
the men in our church with a gift.
I hope you all like the new tagline
“God’s Heart – My Heart – One Beat” plus the new logo. We
hope to have window decals with the new logo soon. Hopefully you will put
one on your car! We are still looking for volunteers to teach Sunday School.
We are very flexible to find a schedule that fits our needs. DID YOU KNOW?
– our Pastor is a faithful blood donor having donated in excess of 10 gallons!
That’s helped a LOT of people. If you can help with the Helping Hands Golf
Tournament coming up on September 28th, please call the office. This effort
takes a lot of people to make it successful, but is also a wonderful resource
for funds for our Helping Hands mission. In 2013, we gave out $78,000.00
to help 342 families and we’re on a very active pace so far in 2014. Thanks
so much to Anita Kelly and Bev Schard and all of their volunteers who work
so diligently in this effort. Lee Reed – Chairman.
GOOD SAMARITAN COMMITTEE: Please call the church for little
handyman jobs if you need a helping hand. If we cannot fix it we will help
find someone who can.
REMEMBER TO RECYCLE Bring paper to April Sound POA, or the
Montgomery Library. Bring your aluminum cans, washed and bagged,
and, if possible, smashed,(for space) to the church.
ALTAR FLOWERS: if you have a special date in mind be
sure and let us know. The cost is $85 for one
June 8
June 15
June 22
June 29
David & Mary Lou Burton
Keenan Carraway
Cleo & Inez Carson
Joy Caviness
As we interviewed a client early in May to assist with her Entergy bill, the
power at MCEA went was returned in about 30 minutes and we carried
on. We were asked by MCEA to help an older lady who was in desperate
need but had no appointment. She had come during the power outage and
was willing to go back to her apartment and ask the manager to make copies
of the required paperwork. When she returned we provided assistance and
she was very grateful. We've said many times, the needs never end and our
church HELPING HANDS feel blessed to be able to help.
Bible School is planned for July 14-18th.
Our theme this year is "Shine". The
children will learn about the tower of Babel,
Stephen, Jesus calls the disciples, John
the Baptist and Paul. "Those who look to
Him are radiant" Psalm 34:5
Stacy is signing up volunteers right now. If you would be willing to serve is
some way for the week, please call the office and let us know. Online
registration is now available on our website or people may come by the office
to register.
A little girl who'd grown up in the city spent some of her summer vacation out
in the country. One starlit night, she and her dad stood gazing up into the sky
without any harsh streetlights obstructing the view. The girl, amazed by the
sparkling view, exclaimed, "If heaven is so pretty on the wrong side, I wonder
what it looks like on the right side!"
May today there be peace within.
May you trust God that you are exactly
where you are meant to be.
May you not forget the infinite possibilities
that are born of faith.
May you use those gifts that you have received,
and pass on the love that has been given to you.
May you be confident knowing you are a child of God.
Let this presence settle into your bones,
and allow your soul the freedom to sing,
dance, praise and love.
It is there for each and every one of us.
St. Therese of Lisieux (1873-1897)