Air Masses & Fronts WebQuest

Name:______________________________________ Date: ______________________ Per:______
Exploring Air Masses and Fronts in Weather Web Quest
Click on the link to each website for sections A-C. Answer the corresponding questions in complete
Click here to begin your quest, in order to better understand what air masses and front are
and how they impact weather. After visiting the site above, answer the following questions:
Air Masses
1. What is the definition of an air mass?
2. How are air masses classified?
3. What is a front?
4. What are the 4 types of fronts?
Click here to view animations of all four of these fronts. Sketch each type of front,
labele the air masses and the direction of travel and explain what is occurring in each
animation and the type of weather that front creates.
Cold Front
5. Sketch and explain what happens during a cold front?
6. What happens if the cold front moves under extremely warm and moist air? Warm and less moist
Warm Front
7. Sketch and explain what happens during a warm front?
8. What type of weather follows a warm front?
Stationary Front
9. Sketch and explain what happens during a stationary front.
10. Describe the weather that may be involved with a stationary front.
Occluded Front
11. Describe the air masses involved in an occluded front. Sketch what is occurring in this type of
12. What type of weather follows an occluded front?
C. Click here to see the symbols used on weather maps to depict various fronts.
13. Diagram, color, and label each symbol.