MONSIGNOR WILLIAM BARRY MEMORIAL LIBRARY General Information or Hours, Phone & Email/Web Contacts Library Circulation Reference IT Support Desk Monday-Thursday: 7:30am - Midnight Friday: 7:30am-10:00pm Saturday: 8am-10:00pm Sunday: Noon – Midnight 1-800- 756-6000, ext. 3760 (305) 899-3760 Monday-Thursday: 8:00am – 10:00pm Friday: 8:00am-6:00pm Saturday: 10:00am-6:00pm Sunday: Noon –8:00pm 1-800- 756-6000, ext. 3772 (305) 899-3772 Monday- Friday 8:30am – 9pm 1-800-756-6000, ext. 3604 305-899-3604 I n t e r / I n t ra L i b ra r y L o a n 1-800- 756-6000, ext. 3943 IT Support Online (305) 899-3943 All enrolled Barry students, faculty and staff have a BarryNet account, which provides access to e -mail and online resources from campus as well as off-campus. In order to ac cess the Barry Library catalog , electronic databases and related instructional technolog y resources from off campus, you must have access to the following: A computer with Internet access, preferably running Windows 95 or higher (Note: In order to have access to the Internet/World Wide Web, you must purchase Internet service from an Internet Service Provider (ISP) such as AOL, BellSouth, Sprint, ATT, etc. Internet browser software such as Internet Explorer (IE) or Netscape HOW TO GET STARTED: OBTAINING A B ARRY N ET ACCOUNT DETERMINING YOUR B ARRY N ET USERNAME AND PASSWORD: Your BarryNet Account and Password: When using REMOTE ACCESS to connect to BarryNet, a username and password is needed. This is the same username and password used to check your email and logon to PC’s on campus, such as in the Library and Computer Lab. Students: You can look up your correct username and create a password by navigating to and selecting Change Password. Then select Don’t Know Your Password link. On the next screen select look up username utility and follow the instructions to create your password. You will be prompted to change your password every 90 days ---please choose a password of six (6) characters or more. It must contain at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, and one number. Your password must not contain any part of your email username, first name, or last name. Attention returning students: when changing your password, please remember that you cannot use your previous password! 1 THE BARRY MEMORIAL LIBRARY COLLECTION Off-campus students have access to all of the resources of the Library. Patrons can use a variety of subject specific databases to find journal articles that have been written on their research topics . To access these databases, select the Article Databases Sorted by Subject link. To find which of the cited journals are owned by the Barry Library, do a Journal Search in the Barry Online Catalog (BLISSWeb) link or to search for full-article text in the library’s electronic journal collection, use the Electronic Journal Directory . BLISSWeb (Barry Library Information Services System Web) is the computerized online catalog of the library’s holdings. BLISSWeb can be searched from computers in the library, as well as at home and other off -campus sites with Internet access. Remember —you MUST have an active BarryNet account to access BLISSWeb and other Barry Library resources. To access all of these resources on the Library’s web site from an off-campus, personal computer, visit, or , and login with your username and password. Then, select the link “LibraryWeb”. Borrowing books as a Distance Student: Interlibrary Loan Borrowing materials from the Barry University Library InterLibrary Loan (ILL) is the service by which books and journal articles owned by the Barry Library are sent to your off-campus site directly from our Library. You can make ILL requests by completing an online form located in the Library homepage under the link “Request an Interlibrary Loan.” Please remember that in order to enter this page, you must login to your BarryNet account. If you want to request journal articles (not books), scroll down to the bottom of the ILL web page. You have the following options for requesting articles: 1) E-mail delivery to your Barry E-mail account using Adobe Acrobat Reader (faster turn around delivery). Don’t forget that you have a BarryNet account that already includes an e-mail address. 2) Pick up your article at the off-campus site indicated in the form. 3) Send article by U.S. Postal mail to your house or office (Please include home/office address). For options 2 and 3, you will receive photocopies that you can keep. MICROFICHE/MICROFILM: If you need a document that is in microfiche or microfilm, Barry Library will make a copy of this document, and send it directly to you by U.S. Postal Service. When the book arrives at the off-campus site, patrons must pick them up there. You must present a valid Barry student or faculty/staff ID card to borrow materials. Under no circumstances will books be sent to patrons’ homes. If you borrow a book from the Barry Library, you can keep it for 3 weeks, and you may renew it only once more. All books must be returned to the off-campus site by the due date. When you can't get the item you need: Borrowing materials from other libraries When the Barry Library does not own a particular book or journal article, you can request it through an InterLibrary Loan to be made to another library. In this instance, the Barry Library will borrow it from other libraries using cooperative arrangements. You can make ILL requests at your off campus site office by filling out the form at the ILL web page. When our Library borrows materials from other libraries, it is important to bear in mind that the lender library determines delivery date. The loan period for books borrowed from other libraries is determined by the lending library. Submit your request as early as possible as it takes 2 4 weeks for delivery. Please read about requesting journal articles in the section above called "Borrowing materials from Barry University Library. "When the book arrives at the off campus site, patrons must pick them up at the administrative office for the appropriate off-campus site. You must present a valid Barry student or faculty/staff ID card to borrow materials. Under no circumstances will books be sent to patrons' homes. All books must be returned to the off campus site by the due date. For assistance, please contact Kenneth Venet at August 11, 2006 2