Riyadh Philanthropic Society for Science مؤسسة الرياض الخيرية للعلوم Prince Sultan University جامعة األمير سلطان كلية إدارة األعمال College of Business Administation COURSE Title: ACC201— Intermediate Accounting Instructor: Class Time: U & T 9:00-10:15 (U-8:00-8:50) Office Hours: Office No. (337) 3rd floor CBA Building Office Phone No. 8719 E-mail: jbidour@psu.edu.sa Prerequisites: ACC501- Introduction to financial Accounting Credit Hours: 3 Credit hours. Course Objectives and Description: This is the first part of the Intermediate Accounting topic and it is designed to equip students with a theoretical foundation for financial reporting, and conceptual framework necessary to understand the generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). The course is designed to provide an in depth study conceptual framework necessary to prepare, analyze, and understand financial statements. Then the course concentrates on the assets side of the balance sheet: cash and receivables. Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs): The intended learning outcomes of this course are: a) Knowledge and Understanding of: basic concepts and principles of financial accounting. procedures and processes of preparing financial statements for business organizations. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). accounting for various elements of financial statements and disclosure requirements. b) Subject Specific Skills: employ accounting concepts, procedures and processes and apply 1 them to different forms of business organizations. c) Intellectual Skills: exposure to case analysis. 3. Prescribed Text: Kieso, Weygandt and Warfield, Intermediate Accounting, 12th edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2007. 4. Course Contents: Chapter Weeks Allocated Content 1 Financial Accounting and Accounting Standards 1 2 Conceptual Accounting 1 3 The Accounting Information System Appendix 3B Income Statement and Related Information 4 Framework Underlying Financial 1.5 2.5 First Exam: To be announced later 5 Balance Sheet and Statement of Cash Flows 1.5 7 Cash and Receivables 1.5 8 Valuation of Inventories 1.5 Second Exam: To be announced later 10 &11 Property, Plant, Equipment and Natural Resources 12 Intangible Assets 23 Statement of Cash Flow 1 1.5 3 Final Exam: To be announced by the registration office 5. Course Assessment: In light of the Intended Learning Outcomes, assessment tools cover exams, quizzes and case studies. Exams will cover both theory and practice in the form of multiple choice questions and exercises. 2 Class Participation Homework & Assignments First Exam Second Exam Final Examination 10% 10% 20% 20% 40% All materials covered in the text, handouts, homework, or lectures are required. No make-up exams. Absences result in grade of zero for that particular exam. 6. Course Assignments: Chapter 2 3 4 5 7 23 Class Work E2-1, E2-2, E2-4 BE3-7, BE3-8, BE3-12, E3-6, *E3-22, *P3-9 BE4-7, BE4-8, BE4-11, E4-1, E4-6, E4-11, E4-13, E4-14, E4-15, E4-16 P4-7 E5-1, E5-2, E5-3, E5-10, E5-11, E5-12 E 7-2, E7-5, E7-13, E7-14, E7-16, E7-17 E23-1, E23-5, E23-6, E23-13, E23-14, P23-3 7. University Regulations: A. Withdrawal from Courses A student may withdraw from a course, as long as the academic load does not fall below 12 credits for a full time student. There are exceptional cases in which a full time student may carry less than 12 credit hours. B. Attendance, Participation & Assignments Policies Regular class attendance and class participation are necessary for successful completion of the course. A student whose absence exceeds SEVEN hours of lectures UTH (5 lectures MW) will be dismissed according to the university's regulations. While attendance will indirectly be considered in the determination of the participation mark, it will be used to influence the grade in marginal situations. You have the responsibility to contribute toward the learning, expected contributions include preparing the topics, arriving to class with assignments completed to the best of your ability, entering into class discussion and posing questions about course material you do not adequately understand. Assignments are to be submitted next lecture from which they are given. 3 You are expected to be in the classroom before it begins. If it is necessary for you to arrive up to 5-minutes-late to class, please enter the room quietly from a rear door – if available - to minimize disruption. However, 3 times of late arrivals are considered ONE absence for record purposes. If you are absent from a class session, it is your responsibility to become fully familiar with any information presented during that session. In this case, I recommend that you contact me. C. ACADEMIC INTEGRITY Students are expected to do their academic work without unauthorized help of any kind. Cheating, plagiarism or any other proven academic irregularity must be reported by the faculty member concerned to the Academic Disciplinary Committee for appropriate action. 4