Subject - Oakgrove Integrated Primary School

Pupil Monthly Learning Plan and Self Assessment:
Name: _______________________ Class: P5
Date: Sep/Oct ‘12
Tick: Green = I have achieved. Orange = I’m almost there. Red = I need more help
Level 2/3
Learning Objectives
I can take part in class discussions.
I can read aloud with expression.
I can orally answer comprehension questions.
I can write in full sentences remembering to use a capital letter and full stop.
I can learn my weekly spellings.
I have revised and understood Stage 3 Linguistic Phonics.
I understand what a synonym is.
I understand what nouns are.
I can use a dictionary properly.
I can recognise the difference between prose and play scripts.
I can investigate the difference between fact and fiction.
1 can write a recount piece of writing.
1. I can take part in class discussions.
2. I can read aloud with expression.
3. I can orally answer comprehension questions.
4. I can write in full sentences remembering to use a capital letter and full stop.
5. I can learn my weekly spellings.
6. I have revised and understood Stage 1 and 2 Linguistic Phonics.
7. I can answer comprehension questions orally and in simple sentences.
8. I can write a simple story using a word bank to help me
9. I can use full stops correctly.
10. I can write a recount piece of writing.
11. I can write a Halloween Acrostic Poem.
Complete Spelling Programme
Nelson Fiction Unit 1-3 (Homes, Fairy
Stories, Animal Homes)
Nelson NF Unit 1-3 (Homes, Fairy Stories,
Animal Homes)
Linguistic Phonics programme
Paper squares
Treetops comprehension
Complete Spelling Programme
Treetops comprehension
My success
Miss Quinn’s
Level 3
Level 2/3
Miss Quinn’s
Level 2/3
1. I can take part in class discussions.
2. I can report back on information gathered on a topic.
3. I know how to plan a piece of writing.
4. I can orally answer comprehension questions.
5. I can read aloud with expression.
6. I can learn my weekly spellings.
7. I can write a ‘recount’ self evaluate it using the success criteria.
8. I can identify and use verbs and adverbs correctly.
9. I can write using paragraphs.
10. I know how to use speech marks.
11. I can write a short story.
12. I can write a short scene of a play and act it out.
Nelson Blue (gp1)
Units 2 and 3 Fiction and Non-fiction
Linguistic phonic resources and activities
‘A’ sounds
Whiteboards, Phonic challenge cards
1. I can recall number facts to 20. N2.4
2. I can recall my two,three, five and ten times tables. N2.6
3. I can add 1 or 2 to any number within 50.
4. I can order numbers to 100. N2.9-2.11
5. I can add numbers within 50 using various materials.
6. I can carry out simple shopping activities using coins up to £1. N2.7
7. I can sort and name 2D shapes. S3.1
8.I can tell the time using half past, quarter to, quarter past and o clock.
Times tables CD
Number connections
Hundred square
NHM 2 (Autumn term)
Number bingo
Unit B1
1. I can quickly recall number facts to 20. NA 3.1
2. I can recall my two, five and ten times tables.
3. I can add/subtract 10 to any number within 100. NA3.4
4. I can add/subtract numbers within 100 using materials and the hundred square.
5. I know that the hundreds digit in a 3 digit number has a higher value than the tens and
units. N2.13
6. I can read and write numbers to 1000 in figures and words. N 2.9
7. I can carry out shopping activities including giving change, using coins up to £1.
8. I can measure lengths to the nearest half metre, draw & measure lengths to the nearest
cm and can use a tape measure.
NHM teaching file (Autumn term) and
Money , coin strips
everyday objects for practical activities,
Hundred squares, times tables songs
Level 3
The World
Around Us
The Arts
1. I can read and write numbers up to 10,000. NU3.2
2. I can mentally add/subtract 2 digit numbers (multiples of 10) to 100. N3.5 N3.9
3. I recognise all coins and notes up to £20. N3.15
4. I can convert pence to pounds.
5. I can measure in centimetres and metres. M3.6
6. I can quickly recall my 3, 4 and 5 times tables. N3.10
7. I am beginning to solve numerical problems independently.
8. I can find the area of shapes by counting squares where the answers are an exact
number of squares and half squares. MA3.
9. I can find the area of regular shapes by multiplying the length by breadth. MA4.2
10. I can recognise and name 3-D shapes – cube, cuboids, sphere, cylinder, and cone.
11. I can recognise and describe, with prompting, 3-D shapes describing the shape of
faces, the number of edges, faces and corners. SH3.3
1. I understand the importance of exercise, a balanced diet and good personal hygiene.
2. I can recognise and name different types of sea shells.
3. I can locate Greece on an atlas.
4. I can use books and the internet to carry out research on life Ancient Greece.
5. I can recognise some letters of the Greek alphabet.
NHM 62-68
NHM 84-91
NHM 122-129
NHM 236-241
NHM 346-355
Coins and notes
Measuring apparatus
Times Table CD
Apex Problem solving activity book
1. I know my primary colours and can mix them to create different shades.
3. I can create a bookmark and decorate with my name in the Greek letters of the
4. I can sketch in detail various seashells.
5. I can create my own mythical creature.
6. I can name the main percussion instruments.
7. I can create a simple rhythm pattern
8. I can play B, A, G on the recorder.
9. I know how to stretch properly at the beginning of my PE lesson.
10. I can participate in pairs and teams in PE games.
11. I can take part in Olympic style games.
1. I can retell the story of Creation.
2. I can write my own prayer of thanks.
3. I understand that Forgiveness is an option when resolving conflict.
Ancient Greek Resource file
Tissue paper and cardboard
Library books
1. I can name things that I am good at.
2. I can create an acrostic poem using my name.
3. I understand that everyone is unique.
4. I can work in a group.
1. I understand the use of the Six Thinking Hats and can use them during debating
sessions and circle time.
Living, Learning Together (YR 5 red book)
“Myself and My Attributes”
Ancient Greek file
Developing Science
Mirrors, Language,
WELB RE Guide Book
Children’s Bible
Forgiveness Ed resource file
Skills/Personal 2. I can take part in class meetings using the Thinking Hats in order to create the class
1. I can create folders in ‘My documents’.
2. I can use search engines to carry out research for our topic.
3. I can make a short photo story on facts about Ancient Greece.
ICT Suite