St. Francis’ Canossian College Curriculum Planning for E.P.A. / Economics Form 5 Economics Subject Teachers: Miss L.Chan, Mrs P.Yeung, Miss E. Wong No of Cycles per cycle: 5 Department Head: Miss L. Chan Subject Objectives At the end of the course, students should be able to 1. recall the basic terminology of Economics, essential facts relating to Economics and economic institutions. 2. understand and interpret economic information presented in numerical, verbal and diagrammatic forms by using the basic economic concepts and analysis; as well as to translate such information from one form to another. 3. apply basic economic concepts and analysis to economic problems and issues. 4. distinguish facts from values and to make reasoned decisions. 5. organize and present economic ideas and statements in an accurate and logical way. Teaching Resources Textbooks, workbooks, worksheets, question banks, fact sheets; Reference books, past papers; Newspaper cuttings, magazines, government publications; Wall charts, posters, transparencies; Audio tapes, video tapes, CD-ROMs, internet resources. Assignment: Workbook, Textbook Exercise, Past papers, Collecting information, news report and other exercises. Evaluation: Performance in Class, Assignments, Quizzes, Tests and Examinations 1 Topic/Objectives 1. Introduction No. of Cycles Teaching Resources Activities Assignment Cycles 1-5 1.1 Meaning of GDP 1 1.2 Three approaches in measuring GDP 2 1.3 Other measurements of GDP 2 2. Business cycles Cycle 6 2.1 Unemployment 0.5 2.2 Inflation (deflation) 0.5 CD-ROM Worksheets Fact sheets Pamphlets Notes News articles Statistics Textbook Set: News articles related to GDP. Slide show on the purpose of computing GDP. Give hypothetical cases for students: based on definition of GDP, decide whether GDP is affected Demonstration on the computation of GDP Data-response questions Class practice Textbook Notes ETV programs New articles Pamphlets Worksheets Set: News articles related to unemployment, inflation and GDP fluctuations. Use hypothetical cases to illustrate the meaning of unemployment. Demonstrate how unemployment rate is calculated. Discuss: reasons for the changes in unemployment rate. ETV program on Unemployment Textbook Cartoons Fact sheets News articles Related HKCEE Questions: 98-7,9,11; 99-7,9,10,11; Search information from HK economy Textbook exercises. Past paper questions Workbook Cycle 5 First Test Textbook exercises Workbook Past Paper Questions Quiz about the Set: students are asked to do the cartoon exercises. Students report answers. Summarize the effects of inflation. 00-6,7,9,10; 01-6,9,11; 02-10,11,12 2 Topic/Objectives No. of Cycles 3. Money and Banking Cycles 7-8 3.1 Nature and functions of money 3.2 Types of money and Definitions of money supply 3.3 How currency is Issued in HK 1 Game cards Textbooks Notes Worksheets Old coins Banknote Bankbook Flow charts Set: Role-play on exchanges of goods. Bring out the meaning and disadvantages of barter, and the functions of money. Explain the evolution of money Show how money supply is calculated Use of flow charts to show the issue of money Complete worksheets 3.4 Types and functions of banks 3.5 The central bank 1 News headlines Video tape CD-ROM Notes Worksheets Set: ask students for the names of banks in HK Brainstorming functions of banks and types of banking services. ETV: the story of banks Point out the importance of a supervisory body of banks: central bank. Summarize functions of central bank Related HKCEE Questions: 98-6,9; Teaching Resources 99-5,6,11; Activities 00-5,10; 01-5,10; Assignment Textbook exercises Past paper questions Workbook Complete worksheets Quiz Collect information about monetary authority and banks in HK Collect news on the banking industries Textbook exercises. Past paper questions Workbook. Quiz 02-6,7,10,11 3 Topic/Objectives 4. Credit Creation No. of Cycles Teaching Resources Activities Assignment Cycle 9 4.1 Assumptions 4.2 Maximum Lending ability of an individual bank and the banking system Textbook Notes Worksheets Pictures Statistics Set: Show a picture illustrating the idea of credit creation. Use balance sheets to show the process of credit creation. Statistics showing the deposits of the HK banking system and the currency in public circulation Class practice Textbook exercises Past paper questions Workbook Cycle 9 Common Test Textbooks Worksheets Pamphlets Budget ETV News articles Set: Brainstorming on types of government expenditure in HK. Use of flow charts to summarize the types of government taxes. Demonstration: computation of salaris tax. Complete worksheets ETV on 2000 budget. Discussion: Effects of the 2000 Government Budget on the HK economy Collect Pamphlets for the recent budget. Past paper questions Textbook exercises Workbook Quiz Cycle 13 Third Test 5. Public Finance 5.1 Sources of Government revenue 5.2 Classification of Taxes 5.3 Principles of Taxation 5.4 Aims and Effects of taxation 5.5 Types of Government Expenditure Cycle 10-12 Related HKCEE Questions: 98-5; 99-8,10; 00-8,9; 01-7; 02-8,12 4 Topic/Objectives No. of Cycles 6. International Trade Cycles 13-14 1 6.1 Why trade occurs 6.2 Theory of Comparative advantage 6.3 Terms of Trade and gains from trade 6.4 Trade protectionism 7. International Finance 7.1 Types of exchange rate systems 7.2 Linked exchange rate system 7.3 Balance of payments accounting Teaching Resources Worksheets Textbook Notes News articles 1 1 8. Overall revision Cycle 17 9. Mock Exam Cycle 18 Set: select objects from students’ desks. Bring out the importance of trade. Questions for discussion: Given the case of HK, find evidence of trade and reasons for trade. Computation of gains from trade. Students complete worksheets. News article: discuss reasons for protectionism . Assignment Textbook exercises Related HKCEE Questions: 99-9; 00-11; 01-9; 02-9,12 Workbook Quiz Find data on trade from on /index.html Cycles 15-16 1 Activities Textbook Notes Worksheets Pictures Statistics Pamphlets ETV News articles Set: Show banknote of foreign currencies. Brainstorming: why do we need foreign currencies Explain the 2 types of exchange rate system News articles: why does exchange rate change? Use of Flow chart to illustrate the linked exchange rate system. New articles on Balance of trade in HK and China Data response questions on Balance of payments accounting . Related HKCEE Questions: 98-8,10,11; 99-6,10; 01-8; Textbook exercises Workbook Quiz Summer Assignments 5