English A,B XII MGMT

Kathmandu BernHardt HS School
Fill the gaps in the sentences below with 'for', 'in', 'until' or 'by'.
a) I will finish my work ......... Monday.
b) We did some work ......... a couple of hours.
c) He stayed in bed........ lunch time.
d) He learnt to swim ........ two weeks.
e) They got the lunch ready--------- 12:30 p.m.
How would you describe people who are .........
a) reliable ? b)short-tempered ?
Balkhu, Kathmandu
First Terminal Examination- 2070
Set: A
Faculty: Management
Subject: English(004)
Class XII
Time: 3hrs
FM: 100
PM: 35
Read the passage and answer the questions given below:
A recent investigation by scientists at the US Geological survey shows that strange animal
behavior might help predict earthquakes. Investigators found such cases within a ten kilometers
radius of the epicenter of fairly recent quake. Some birds screeched and flew about widely; dogs
yelped and ran around uncontrollably.
Scientists believe that animal can perceive environmental changes several hours on even
days before the mishap. Animals were noted as being restless several weeks before a Tashkent,
Uzbekistan earthquake. An hour before the disaster domestic animals refused to go indoors, dogs
howled and barked furiously. In 1960 an earthquake struck in Agadir Morocco, Survivors recall
that stray in animals including dogs were seen streaming out of town before earthquake, and they
ran around wildly all night.
Usual animal behavior preceding earthquake has been noted for centuries. British Admiral
Robert Fitzroy reported huge flocks of screaming seabirds over conception, Chile in 1935. An
hour and a half later, dogs were seen fleeing and ten minutes later town was destroyed. Similar
stories of chicken running about in apparent states of panic, horses trembling and dogs barking
incessantly were recorded throughout eighteenth and nineteenth centuries by survivors of
earthquake destruction in India. Yugoslavia, Peru, Mexico and the United States.
In 1976, after monitoring bizarre animal behaviors, the Chinese predicted a devastating
earthquake. Although hundreds of thousands of people were killed, the government was able to
evacuate millions of other people and thus keep the death too at a lower level.
What is the report of recent U.S. Geological survey?
What was the animal behaviour before a Taskent, Uzbekistan earthquake?
Write down any three unusual animal behavours preceding earthquake?
What can man do with pet to escape from earthquake?
Why did the Chinese face a mass death toll in 1976?
Rewrite the following sentences with the words given, so that they mean the same:
a) He has lived a very interesting life.
He seems .......................................
b) She talked on the telephone for 20 minutes.
She spent .....................................
c) The minister said, " I am sure we'll win the next election."
The minister said that ..........................................................
d) After the new law was introduced, people wanted to take the drugs even more.
The new law encouraged ............................................................
e) Has anyone ever helped to you?
Have you ....................................?
Rewrite the following sentences below using must, can't or might/may:
a) Perhaps he wasn't writing a letter.
b) Perhaps they are living in Pokhara.
c) It's possible that they are visiting us.
d) I'm sure they have gone out.
e) Obviously they are not our enemies.
d)serious ?
f)pessimist ?
6. Rewrite the following sentences using 'If there's one thing.......... 'as given in the example:
Example: People who are cruel to animals upset me.
If there's one thing that upsets me it's people who are cruel to animals.
a) People who shout too much annoy me.
b) People who take my pen without asking infuriate me.
c) People who are with purple and green hair upset me.
d) I detest people who disturb when I'm working.
e) I loathe people who ring up early in the morning.
Fill the gaps with a suitable form of each of these words: 'impress', 'fascinate',
'depress', 'embarrass'.
a) I find politics really ................
b) Don't feel .............. Just go up and ask her to dance
c) I've always been ...... by the play of children. I could watch them for hours.
d) All the turnings look so similar. It's terribly ..............
e) All those rows of beautiful houses! Don't you find it very........ to live there?
Stating suitable qualification and experiences, Write a job application for the post of Accountant
in Bernhardt college.
Write an essay on ' Need of Ethnic Unity for Development'
10. Develop the following sentence into a paragraph to show your reactions.
I was very impressed by that restaurant……….
11. Write one paragraph about the advantages and disadvantages of having a telephone.[5]
12. Answer any five questions in brief:
a) Why do you think the reference to the alive but never-to-be-born fawn
sentimental?(Travelling through the dark)
b) Is death meaningful in the poem 'Full Fathom Five Thy Father Lies'?
c) What kind of love affair do you find between Alyohin and Anna? (About love)
d) How does the grandeur of God flame out? (God's Grandeur)
e) How does the writer describe the relation between Thomas and his wife? (A story)
f) What does the refrain of the boy "Now they are going to see who I am" mean? (The last
voyage of the Ghost Ship)
13. Answer any one of the following:
a) Why does the speaker say "I spit into the face of Time". Explain in detail
b) What's wrong in Nissani's view with a treeless Nepal? Is there anything you can do to help
in saving Nepal's remaining forest? Explain.
The End
c) I'm sure they are going to declare war.
d) Perhaps the show's melted.
e) May be he was delayed.
Kathmandu BernHardt HS School
Balkhu, Kathmandu
First Terminal Examination- 2070
Set: B
Faculty: Management
Class XII
Subject: English
Time: 3hrs
Attempt all the questions:
1. Read the following passage and answer the following questions:
FM: 100
PM: 35
Will Judy be staying at home with the children and have to forget her career? Will Gino be
working twelve-hour a day to support his family? With the advance of modern technology, such a
scene is unlikely.
The present technological revolution will have a greater effect than the industrial revolution did,
according to Alvin Toffler, author of The Third Wave. Where we work, how we work, and how
we live will all be affected. For example, by the 1990s, with improved communications systems
and computers, over 15,000,000 Americans might be doing their jobs at home. An engineer could
possibly design a product, discuss it with colleagues in fifteen different cities, modify it, and
produce it in a factory and never once leave home!
This might change our cities dramatically. People might commune to the 'office' only once or
twice a week—or not at all. The rush hour 'crush' might become history. As people are to live
farther and farther from 'work', our cities might become less crowded, and our small towns might
have new life. There would probably be more leisure time, if less time were spent commuting or
waiting in lines in crowded supermarkets after work. People could be spending more time with
friends or family, or going out more often.
Family life might be very different too. Unlike today, children might have a chance to learn
about their parents' work first-hand. Knowledge might be passed on from parent to child, and
families might work together. The 'electronic cottage' might have similarities to the family
cottage industry of 300 years ago!
But now, Gino and Judy are probably thinking about other things: should they have a big
wedding or a small one? Should it be soon or should they wait? Should they live in his apartment
or hers? Some things will never change!
a) Will the technological revolution have a great effect, according to author of the book?
b) Where might an engineer be working?
c) What might happen to the rush hour 'crush'?
d) What might happen to small towns?
e) How might future family life resemble past family life?
2. Rewrite these sentences with the words given so that they mean the same.
a) He watches television a lot.
He seems .............................
b) Has anyone ever laughed at you?
Have you ...............................
c) He finished his paper in two hours.
It took ....................................
d) Gita said, "I'm going to Pokhara in Dashain. "
Gita said that ..........................................
e) Because of the economic crisis, the government had to take some decisive action.
The economic crisis forced ......................................................
3. Rewrite the following sentences below using must, can't or might/may:
a) Obviously he's been kidnapped.
b) I'm sure I wasn't dreaming.
Fill the gaps in the sentences below with 'for', 'in', 'until' or 'by'.
a) She painted the ceiling ....... six o' clock.
b) I dug the garden ......... a couple of hours
c) We discussed politics ......... three hours in the morning.
d) Tony played golf ....... four years.
e) He studied ......... three o' clock in the morning.
5. How would you describe people who are .........
Example: never buys you a drink? .....stingy
a) Expects good things to happen? ........
b) Has a high opinion of himself? ...........
c) Is careful not to hurt your feeling? .......
d) Takes no care of how other criticize him? ......
e) doesn't like going to parties?..................
6. Rewrite the following sentences using 'If there's one thing.......... 'as given in the example. [5]
Example: People who are cruel to animals upset me.
If there's one thing that upsets me it's people who are cruel to animals.
a) People who laugh at beggars infuriate me.
b) People who spit in the street offend me.
c) I detest people who interrupt when I'm speaking.
d) People who break promises make me angry.
e) People who smoke in restaurants annoys me.
7. Fill the gaps with a suitable form of each of these words: 'depress', 'impress',
offend', 'confuse'.
a) I don't really like her, but I find her strength of character rather.................
b) 'Look! How fast he's driving. I'm really .............
c) he's scratching himself again. It's terribly ..............
d) The nudists live in a camp feeling complete peace But I find them ..........
e) I found that TV documentary rather .......................
8. Write a letter to the editor of "The Kathmandu Post" saying how you feel about the growing
filth in Kathmandu every day.
9. Write an essay on "Probable damages of earthquake in Kathmandu."
10. Write in a Police description of your friend.
11. Give your reactions in a paragraph, to a film you have seen recently watched. Begin it with:[5]
I found the film rather boring...........................
12. Answer any five questions in brief:
a) What impression of grandmother does the speaker give in the poem "Grandmother"? (Grandmother)
b) Describe the violent love affair between the two servants.(About love)
c) Who is the speaker in the poem "Full Fathom Five Thy Father Lies"? What is his song
about? (Full Fathom Five Thy Father Lies)
d) Why were the authors impressed by the people of Karnali? (Hurried Trip to Avoid a Bad Star)
e) Draw a character sketch of Thomas, the writer's Uncle. (A story)
f) How and why does the old pensioner lament? (The Lamentation of the Old Pensioner)
13. Answer any one of the following:
a) What are the causes, consequences and cures of over population and deforestation? Explain
(Two Long-Term Problems: Too many people, Too few trees)
b) "The story describes the growth of an ordinary boy to an assertive young man." Explain
(The Last Voyage of the Ghost Ship)
The End