المملكة العربية السعودية وزارة التعليم العالي جامعة سلمان بن عبد العزيز كلية العلوم والدراسات اإلنسانية بالخرج Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia Ministry Of Higher Education Salman bin Abdulaziz university College of Science and Humanities Electromagnetic (1)نموذج مفردات مقرر Physics: القسم تعليمات مهمة هـ1435\1434 ............. :الفصل والعام الجامعي مواعيد المحاضرة الوحدات المعتمدة المستوى رقم ورمز المقرر Sunday from 8 to 11 3 third 2210 phy -11( من األحد الي األربعا:الساعات المكتبية ) عدا ذلك موعد مسبق12 35 : رقم المكتب Dr. Mariam Hamza:مدرس المقرر salemhamza2004@yahoo.com:ايميل مدرس المقرر وصف المقرر وأهدافه الغياب يحسب منذ اليوم االول للدراسة وينبغي عليك حضور من المحاضرات%75 على االقل وإال سيتم حرمانك من دخول االختبار النهائي تقدم اعذار الغياب لرئيس القسم بما ال ساعة من72 يتجاوز ،الغياب عن المحاضرة ولن يقبل أي عذر بعد ذلك لن تقبل الواجبات واألبحاث المسلمة بعد انتهاء الوقت المحدد للتسليم وسيرصد صفرا لمن يتأخر في تسليمها سيحال الطلبة المخلين بالنظام داخل القاعة الى لجنة التاديب الطالبي Course Description: 2210 phy Eelectromagnetic (1) (Credit 3) Introduction to basic concepts in electricity and magnetism. The principles and laws necessary for electric force and magnetic force are also covered. Prerequisite: 1080 phy. Course Objectives By the end of this course it is expected that the student should be able to: Understand and know the concept of electric charge, electric potential, and the magnetic field of electric current. Understand the Coulomb’s law, Gauss’s law, Ohm’s law, and Faraday´s Law. Define the current, direct current circuits, electric power, resistance, the capacitance, the magnetism and types of magnets. Describe and draw the direct current circuits. Apply the laws of Coulomb, Gauss, Ohm and Faraday to solve problems in electromagnetic (1) course. search for scientific literature relevant to a specific topic in electricity and magnetism Calculate and describe the electric force, magnetic forces and magnetic field. Communicate effectively in English, both oral and written form. Work effectively in groups in tutorials. مخرجات التعلم )حصيلة التعلم(المتوقعة عند دراسة هذ المقرر a. Knowledge: The student has to: Mention Concept of the electric charge, electric potential, and the magnetic field of electric current. Acquire scientific ideas, and theories of Coulomb’s law, Ohm’s law, and Faraday´s Law. Understand the Gauss's law, electric potential, and their applications. Define the current, direct current circuits, electric power, resistance, the capacitance, the magnetism and types of magnets. b. Cognitive Skills: The student has to: Recognize and using theories and the principals of electricity and magnetism in electromagnetic (1) course. المملكة العربية السعودية وزارة التعليم العالي جامعة سلمان بن عبد العزيز كلية العلوم والدراسات اإلنسانية بالخرج Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia Ministry Of Higher Education Salman bin Abdulaziz university College of Science and Humanities Analysis and summarizing information in electric current, direct current circuits, the capacitors, and the magnetism. Problem solving by using Coulomb’s law, Gauss’s law, Ohm’s law, and Faraday´s Law. Describe and calculate the electric field, magnetic forces and magnetic field. c. Interpersonal Skills and Responsibility: Learn effectively from a range of resources, including; lecture textbooks, and websites. Work effectively in groups in tutorials. Act responsibly in personal and professional relationships. The ability to work effectively individually and in team. d. Communication, Information Technology and Numerical Skills Communicate effectively in English, both oral and written form. Ability of presentation appropriate for differing issues in electricity and magnetism. Use the internet as a means of communication and a source of information. Skills in searching for scientific literature relevant to a specific topic in physics. االنشطة الفصلية المطلوبة Class discussion and quiz, course reports, and Tutorials problems التقييم وتوزيع درجات المقرر الدرجة المقررة نوع التقييم 2X 15= 30 degree ) متعدد، موضوعية، اختبارين فصليين (مقالية 10 degree مشاركة وواجبات 60 degree )) متعدد، موضوعية، نهائي ((مقالية المراجع ومصادر المعرفة المتاحة للمقرر Text book: D. Halliday, R. Resnick, and J. Walker, Fundamental of physics, J. Wiley & Sons, (8th Ed.) (2007). F. T. Ulaby, Fundamentals of Applied Electromagnetics, Prentice Hall; 5th Ed., (2006). W. H. Hayt, Engineering Electromagnetics with CD, (McGraw-Hill Series in Electrical Engineering), McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math; 7th Ed., (2005). R. A. Serway and R. J. Beichner, Physics for Scientists and Engineers with Modern Physics (6th Ed.), John W. Jewett, ISBN-10: 0534408427 | ISBN-13: 978-0534408428, (2003). D. K Cheng, Field and Wave Electromagnetics, Addison-Wesley; 2nd Ed., (1989). C. A. Balanis, Advanced Engineering Electromagnetics, Wiley; (1989). http://media.wiley.com/product_data/excerpt/7X/04717327/047173277X.pdf http://www.lightandmatter.com/bk4a.pdf http://www.freebookcentre.net/electronics-books-download/Electricity-and-Magnetism-(part-3).html المملكة العربية السعودية وزارة التعليم العالي جامعة سلمان بن عبد العزيز كلية العلوم والدراسات اإلنسانية بالخرج Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia Ministry Of Higher Education Salman bin Abdulaziz university College of Science and Humanities http://ifile.it/30vibu4/cheng-field http://www.amazon.com/Fundamentals-Applied-Electromagnetics-FawwazUlaby/dp/0132413264/ref=cm_lmf_tit_2/190-4164503-1763619 جدول توزيع المحاضرات على الفصل الدراسي مالحظات موضوع المحاضرة Introduction and Course description The electric field and potential difference: Electric charge, electric force Coulomb’s law. Electric field. Analysis of electric force. Gauss’s law and its applications. The Potential Energy and Potential Difference. Electric Potential and Potential Energy due to Point Charge. Motion of charged particle. The Capacitance and dielectrics Capacitors in series. Capacitors in parallel. Energy of a charged capacitor. Dielectric materials and dielectric constant. The relation between the induced charge and dielectric constant. االختبار الشهري االول اليوم والتاريخ األحد 1435 \ 4 \ 2 المفهوم الرجاء العودة الى توصيف المقرر االسبوع االول األحد 1435 \ 4 \ 9 الثاني األحد 1435 \ 4 \ 16 الثالث األحد 1435 \ 4\ 23 الرابع األحد 1435\ 5\ 1 الخامس األحد 1435 / 5 / 8 السادس األحد 1435 \ 5 \ 15 السابع األحد 1435 \ 5 \ 29 الثامن The Electric Current and the resistance Electric current and Ohm’s law Resistors in series. Resistors in parallel. Electrical energy and thermal energy. The Electromotive Force and Internal Resistance Kirchhoff’s Laws and its applications. Charging and Discharging Processes in RC األحد 1435 \ 6 \ 6 األحد 1435 \ 6 \ 13 التاسع العاشر المملكة العربية السعودية وزارة التعليم العالي جامعة سلمان بن عبد العزيز كلية العلوم والدراسات اإلنسانية بالخرج Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia Ministry Of Higher Education Salman bin Abdulaziz university College of Science and Humanities Circuits. Magnetism and Electromagnetism Magnetic force and magnetic field strength األحد 1435 \ 6\ 20 اإلختبار الشهري الثاني Biot-Savart’s law and its applications. Ampere’s law and its applications. Faraday’s law and its applications. اختبار أعذار في حالة الغياب في اإلختبارات الشهرية الحادي عشر األحد 1435 \ 6\ 27 الثاني عشر األحد 1435 \ 7\ 5 الثالث عشر األحد The magnetic properties and magnetic materials. 1435 \ 7 \ 12 الرابع عشر