حمل الملف

‫اململكة العربية السعودية‬
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Higher Education
‫وزارة التعليم العايل‬
Salman Bin Abdulaziz University
‫جامعة سلمان بن عبد العزيز‬
College of Engineering In
Wadi Addawasir
‫كلية اهلندسة بوادي الدواسر‬
For more information visit: http://faculty.sau.edu.sa/n.sooppy
Course Descriptions
: ‫القـــــسم‬
1435\1434 - ‫ الــثاني‬: ‫الفصل و العــام الجــامــعي‬
‫مواعيد المحاضره‬
‫الوحدات المعتمده‬
‫وصف المقرر و اهدافه‬
‫رقم و رمز‬
MATH 2030
Infinite series, convergence and divergence of infinite series, integral test, ratio test,
root test and comparison test. Conditional convergence and absolute convergence,
alternating series test. Power series. Taylor and Maclaurin series. Double integral
and its applications to area, volume, moments and center of mass. Double
integrals in polar coordinates. Triple integral in rectangular, cylindrical and
spherical coordinates and applications to volume, moment and center of mass.
Vector fields, line integrals, surface integrals, Green’s theorem, the divergence
theorem. Stoke’s theorem.
‫مخرجات التعليم المتوقعه عند دراسه هذا المقرر‬
· Provide students with principles of Calculus ( Series and Multiple Integrals )
· Increase student ability and skills of problem solving of Calculus.
· Train student to practice intellectual skills of Calculus.
· Application of principal and theories of Calculus.
· Increase student experience and skills of Calculus.
‫األنشطه الفصليه المـــطلوبة‬
· Homework , Quiz and activities
· First quarter exam
· Second quarter exam
· Final exam
‫التقييم و توزيع درجات المقرر‬
‫الدرجة المقررة‬
‫نوع التقييم‬
‫اختبارين فصليين‬
‫مشاركه و واجبات‬
‫اختبار نهائي‬
‫المراجع و المصادر المتاحه للمقرر‬
 Howard Anton, "Calculus with analytical geometry", John Wiley &
Sons, Last Edition.
1 Dr. Nisar. K.S
‫اململكة العربية السعودية‬
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Higher Education
‫وزارة التعليم العايل‬
Salman Bin Abdulaziz University
‫جامعة سلمان بن عبد العزيز‬
College of Engineering In
Wadi Addawasir
‫كلية اهلندسة بوادي الدواسر‬
For more information visit: http://faculty.sau.edu.sa/n.sooppy
1435 -1434 ‫جدول توزيع المحاضرات علي الفصل الدراسي الثاني‬
Test -1
‫موضوع المحاضره‬
Infinite series, convergence and divergence of
infinite series
Integral test, ratio test, root test and
comparison test.
Conditional convergence and absolute
Alternating series test. Power series. Taylor
and Maclaurin series..
Double integral and its applications to area,
volume, moments and center of mass.
Double integrals in polar coordinates.
Triple integral in rectangular
Cylindrical and spherical coordinates and
applications to volume,
‫الحادي عشر‬
Test -2
Moment and center of mass.
‫الثاني عشر‬
Vector fields, line integrals, surface integrals,
Green’s theorem, the divergence theorem.
Stoke’s theorem.
‫الثالث عشر‬
2 Dr. Nisar. K.S
‫الرابع عشر‬
‫الخامس عشر‬
‫اململكة العربية السعودية‬
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Higher Education
‫وزارة التعليم العايل‬
Salman Bin Abdulaziz University
‫جامعة سلمان بن عبد العزيز‬
College of Engineering In
Wadi Addawasir
‫كلية اهلندسة بوادي الدواسر‬
For more information visit: http://faculty.sau.edu.sa/n.sooppy
Course Descriptions
: ‫القـــــسم‬
1435\1434 - ‫ الــثاني‬: ‫الفصل و العــام الجــامــعي‬
‫مواعيد المحاضره‬
‫الوحدات المعتمده‬
‫رقم و رمز‬
MATH 2440
‫وصف المقرر و اهدافه‬
Column and row vectors, the product of vectors, matrices and their combination
with vectors, the addition and multiplication of matrices. The solution of linear
equations, the inverse of square matrix, permutation matrices. Systems of
equations and inequalities, matrix algebra, determinants. Linear dependence and
linear independence, properties of matrices. Inverse and adjoint matrix, matrix
functions of a single variables, solution of systems of linear equations, introduction
and properties, the solution of linear systems by elimination rank of matrices,
eignvalues and eignvectors, introduction, properties of eignvalues and eignvectors,
applications, diagonalizable matrices, block diagonal and Jordan forms, review and
miscellaneous exercises .
‫مخرجات التعليم المتوقعه عند دراسه هذا المقرر‬
· Provide students with principles of Linear Algebra and Matrices
· Increase student ability and skills of Linear Algebra and Matrices.
· Train student to practice intellectual skills of Linear Algebra .
· Increase student experience and skills of Matrices.
‫األنشطه الفصليه المـــطلوبة‬
· Homework , Quiz and activities
· First quarter exam
· Second quarter exam
· Final exam
‫التقييم و توزيع درجات المقرر‬
‫الدرجة المقررة‬
‫نوع التقييم‬
‫اختبارين فصليين‬
‫مشاركه و واجبات‬
‫اختبار نهائي‬
‫المراجع و المصادر المتاحه للمقرر‬
 Gilbert Strang, "Introduction to Linear Algebra", WellesleyCambridge Press, Last Edition..
3 Dr. Nisar. K.S
‫اململكة العربية السعودية‬
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Higher Education
‫وزارة التعليم العايل‬
Salman Bin Abdulaziz University
‫جامعة سلمان بن عبد العزيز‬
College of Engineering In
Wadi Addawasir
‫كلية اهلندسة بوادي الدواسر‬
For more information visit: http://faculty.sau.edu.sa/n.sooppy
1435 -1434 ‫جدول توزيع المحاضرات علي الفصل الدراسي الثاني‬
‫موضوع المحاضره‬
Column and row vectors, the product of
Matrices and their combination with vectors,
The addition and multiplication of matrices.
The solution of linear equations, the inverse of
square matrix, permutation matrices.
Systems of equations and inequalities, matrix
algebra, determinants.
Linear dependence and linear independence,
properties of matrices
Inverse and adjoint matrix, matrix functions of
a single variables.
Solution of systems of linear equations,
introduction and properties
the solution of linear systems by elimination
rank of matrices
introduction for eignvalues and eignvectors
Properties of eignvalues and eignvectors,
Test -1
Test -2
Diagonalizable matrices, block diagonal and
Jordan forms
4 Dr. Nisar. K.S
‫الحادي عشر‬
‫الثاني عشر‬
‫الثالث عشر‬
‫الرابع عشر‬
‫الخامس عشر‬
‫اململكة العربية السعودية‬
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Higher Education
‫وزارة التعليم العايل‬
Salman Bin Abdulaziz University
‫جامعة سلمان بن عبد العزيز‬
College of Engineering In
Wadi Addawasir
‫كلية اهلندسة بوادي الدواسر‬
For more information visit: http://faculty.sau.edu.sa/n.sooppy
Course Descriptions
: ‫القـــــسم‬
1435\1434 - ‫ الــثاني‬: ‫الفصل و العــام الجــامــعي‬
‫مواعيد المحاضره‬
‫الوحدات المعتمده‬
‫رقم و رمز‬
MATH 2040
‫وصف المقرر و اهدافه‬
Introduction to differential equations, equations with separable variables,
homogeneous equations, exact equation, the linear equation of first order,
linear equation of second order, direct deduction, comparison theorems.
Linear equations with constant coefficients, inhomogeneous case,
methods of undetermined coefficients and variations, Variation of
parameters, systems of differential equations. Odd & Even Fourier Series,
Fourier Integral.
‫مخرجات التعليم المتوقعه عند دراسه هذا المقرر‬
· Provide students with principles of differential equations
· Increase student ability and skills of solving differential equations.
· Train student to practice intellectual skills of differential equations.
· Increase student experience and skills of differential equations.
‫األنشطه الفصليه المـــطلوبة‬
· Homework , Quiz and activities
· First quarter exam
· Second quarter exam
· Final exam
‫التقييم و توزيع درجات المقرر‬
‫الدرجة المقررة‬
‫نوع التقييم‬
‫اختبارين فصليين‬
‫مشاركه و واجبات‬
‫اختبار نهائي‬
‫المراجع و المصادر المتاحه للمقرر‬
 Morris Tenenbaum,Harry Pollard, "Ordinary Differential
Equations: An Elementary Textbook for Students of Mathematics,
Engineering, and the Sciences", Dover Publications.
5 Dr. Nisar. K.S
‫اململكة العربية السعودية‬
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Higher Education
‫وزارة التعليم العايل‬
Salman Bin Abdulaziz University
‫جامعة سلمان بن عبد العزيز‬
College of Engineering In
Wadi Addawasir
‫كلية اهلندسة بوادي الدواسر‬
For more information visit: http://faculty.sau.edu.sa/n.sooppy
1435 -1434 ‫جدول توزيع المحاضرات علي الفصل الدراسي الثاني‬
‫موضوع المحاضره‬
Introduction to differential equations,
Equations with separable variables,
Homogeneous equations
Exact equation
Test -1
The linear equation of first order
Linear equation of second order, direct
deduction, comparison theorems.
Linear equations with constant coefficients,
inhomogeneous case
Methods of undetermined coefficients and
variations, Variation of parameters
‫الحادي عشر‬
Test -2
Fourier Series,
‫الثاني عشر‬
Odd & Even Fourier Series,
‫الثالث عشر‬
Fourier Integral.
‫الرابع عشر‬
6 Dr. Nisar. K.S
‫الخامس عشر‬
‫اململكة العربية السعودية‬
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Higher Education
‫وزارة التعليم العايل‬
Salman Bin Abdulaziz University
‫جامعة سلمان بن عبد العزيز‬
College of Engineering In
Wadi Addawasir
‫كلية اهلندسة بوادي الدواسر‬
For more information visit: http://faculty.sau.edu.sa/n.sooppy
Course Descriptions
: ‫القـــــسم‬
1435\1434 - ‫ الــثاني‬: ‫الفصل و العــام الجــامــعي‬
‫مواعيد المحاضره‬
‫الوحدات المعتمده‬
‫وصف المقرر و اهدافه‬
‫رقم و رمز‬
STAT 3201
Descriptive statistics: Statistical data classification; measures of central tendency
(mean, mode, median); measures of dispersion (variance, standard deviation,
coefficient of variation). The theory of probabilities with applications to science and
engineering: introduction; properties; applications. The random variables: Discrete and
continuous random variables; expected value and variance of random variables; sums
of discrete random variables; law of large numbers. Discrete & continuous distributions
or engineering applications; Joint, marginal, conditional distributions. Selected
distributions: Binomial, Poisson, Exponential, Weibull, Normal and Lognormal
distributions. Basic concepts and methods of statistics: sampling, sampling
distributions, parameters estimation, hypotheses testing. Analysis of variance;
Correlation, simple and multiple linear regressions. Statistical software & its application.
‫مخرجات التعليم المتوقعه عند دراسه هذا المقرر‬
· Provide students with principles Engineering Statistics (estimations, Hypothesis etc.)
· Increase student ability and skills of problem in Statistics.
· Train student to practice intellectual skills of Statistics.
· Application of principal and theories of Statistics.
· Increase student experience and skills of Statistics.
‫األنشطه الفصليه المـــطلوبة‬
· Homework , Quiz and activities
· First quarter exam
· Second quarter exam
· Final exam
‫التقييم و توزيع درجات المقرر‬
‫الدرجة المقررة‬
‫نوع التقييم‬
‫اختبارين فصليين‬
‫مشاركه و واجبات‬
‫اختبار نهائي‬
‫المراجع و المصادر المتاحه للمقرر‬
7 Dr. Nisar. K.S
‫اململكة العربية السعودية‬
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Higher Education
‫وزارة التعليم العايل‬
Salman Bin Abdulaziz University
‫جامعة سلمان بن عبد العزيز‬
College of Engineering In
Wadi Addawasir
‫كلية اهلندسة بوادي الدواسر‬
For more information visit: http://faculty.sau.edu.sa/n.sooppy
 R. E Walpole , R. H. Myers, "Probability and Statistics for
Engineers and Scientists", Macmillan Publishing, Last Edition.
1435 -1434 ‫جدول توزيع المحاضرات علي الفصل الدراسي الثاني‬
‫موضوع المحاضره‬
Descriptive statistics: Statistical data classification
Test -1
Test -2
measures of central tendency (mean, mode, median)
measures of dispersion (variance, standard deviation,
coefficient of variation).
The theory of probabilities with applications to
science and engineering: introduction; properties;
The random variables: Discrete and continuous
random variables; expected value and variance of
random variables; ; sums of discrete random
variables; law of large numbers.
Discrete & continuous distributions or engineering
applications; Joint, marginal, conditional
Selected distributions: Binomial, Poisson,
Exponential, Weibull, Normal and Lognormal
Basic concepts and methods of statistics: sampling,
sampling distributions,
‫الحادي عشر‬
parameters estimation, hypotheses testing.
‫الثاني عشر‬
Analysis of variance; Correlation, simple and multiple
linear regressions.
simple and multiple linear regressions.Statistical
software & its application.
‫الثالث عشر‬
‫الخامس عشر‬
8 Dr. Nisar. K.S
‫الرابع عشر‬