PHYSICAL SCIENCE 101 PHYS/CHEM101 - SYLLABUS – SPRING 2016 INSTRUCTOR Name: Dr. Joseph W. Howard – “Joe” Office/Phone: Henson Science Hall 305E, 410-548-5393 eMail: Office Hours: MWF 1 – 2:00p.m., TR 10:30 – 11:30a.m. TEXTBOOK Physical Science: “Conceptual Understanding of Chemistry & Physics” – The 101 Group; Salisbury University, Dept. of Physics & Chemistry (Spring 2016 Edition). Physical Science: Laboratory Manual – The 101 Group, Salisbury University, Depts. of Physics & Chemistry (Spring 2016 Edition). The text and the required lab packet are available at the Salisbury University Bookstore. OBJECTIVE The purpose of this course is to introduce students to fundamental concepts of physical sciences. The course will emphasize practical applications, especially those that integrate all of the natural sciences. The topics covered are listed under “Tentative Schedule of Lecture Topics” at the end of the syllabus. This course satisfies Group IV General Education Requirements. This course is cross-listed with CHEM 101. COURSE PHILOSOPHY I want you to enjoy Chemistry/Physics 101. The material we will be covering is fascinating and applicable. Its implications can be observed in almost everything you interact with everyday. In order to make this class as interesting and useful as possible, I will need to get feedback from you. Please feel free to ask questions in class and to come by my office during office hours. Howard Physical Science 101 Syllabus Fall 2016 POLICIES Attendance: Attendance is required at all lecture and lab classes. You must notify your laboratory instructor in advance if you are unable to attend a lab. Although formal attendance will not be taken in lecture, students are expected to attend class. Students are responsible for material covered and announcements made in class. Cell Phones: Please turn off your cell phones during the class lecture. You may not talk or text on the phones in the classroom during lecture. Having a cell phone out during a quiz or exam (even if it is turned off) will not be allowed. Writing Requirement: Students will be required to complete writing assignments given as homework and in laboratory. The University requirements of “writing across the curriculum” will be met by many of the activities during the semester and we expect the students to demonstrate proficiency in writing logically, legibly, and lucidly. Calculators: You will often need to use a calculator for quizzes and exams. You will need a nonprogrammable calculator that you should bring to every class. Using a programmed calculator in a quiz or exam to store information not available to the entire class, including solutions or equations, is considered cheating. A cell-phone calculator is not allowed. Students with Disabilities: Any student in this course who has a disability that may prevent him or her from fully demonstrating his or her abilities should contact us personally as soon as possible so that we can discuss accommodations necessary to ensure full participation in this class and facilitate educational opportunities. ACADEMIC INTEGRITY Academic integrity is at the heart of education because there is no doubt that honor and the quest for knowledge are inexorably intertwined. Salisbury University is an academic community dedicated to the achievement of intellectual growth where the pursuit of freely exchanged ideas and active study is an essential element of academic excellence and development. Students and faculty are expected to meet the highest possible standards of personal, ethical, and moral academic conduct. These standards require personal integrity, a commitment to honesty without compromise, as well as truth without equivocation. Academic trust means respecting these truths and principles, without which no university can exist. Academic Dishonesty: This instructor adheres to the policy of academic dishonesty as it appears in the college catalog and outlined in the student handbook. Important Notice: Although you may discuss the coursework with your classmates, all work handed in must be your own. Copying another person’s work is plagiarism, and will be considered cheating. I encourage you to talk with others in order for you to get a general understanding of the work. However, each person must work out detailed solutions individually. Howard Physical Science 101 Syllabus Fall 2016 EXAMINATIONS Exams will be given during regular class periods and will cover material from the lecture, textbook, and laboratory. If a student has a legitimate excuse for missing an exam, s/he must notify the instructor in advance. EXAM I EXAM II EXAM III FINAL EXAM Friday, February 19th Friday, April 1st (no fool’n) Monday, May 2nd Thursday, May 12th, 8:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. QUIZZES Quizzes will be given at the discretion of the instructor. These quizzes will be entirely unannounced, however, you can count on roughly a quiz every week. In computation of the final grade, the lowest (or one missed) quiz will not be counted. There are NO make-up quizzes. A quiz can be given at the beginning, middle, or end of a class period. In addition, a quiz can be given both at the beginning and end of a class. Always arrive to class prepared to experience a quiz on current class content. LABORATORY Laboratory work will be handed in each period for grading of that week’s lab activity. For further details regarding the laboratory experience, consult with your laboratory instructor. ***Important Note: LABORATORY ATTENDANCE IS MANDATORY. You may make-up one missed lab at the end of the semester. A missed lab, unless made-up, will be graded as a zero for that day. Each additional lab that you miss beyond two lab activities will result in 10 percentage points (10%) being deducted from your final COURSE grade. For further details about this policy see your laboratory syllabus and instructor. EXERCISES & PROBLEMS I have prepared exercises and problems (E&P) to help you prepare for your quizzes and exams. In fact, a substantial portion of each weekly quiz will come directly from these E&P. To succeed in the course you will need to keep up with this work!! The E&P related to each day’s material are listed on the tentative schedule. You should work the E&P after we cover the material in class and before the following class period. If you have problems with them, seek help! You may discuss the problems with your classmates, with the SI group, and with the instructor during office hours. Occasionally E&P will be collected to count as a quiz grade. Due dates will be announced in class at least one class period before the assignment is due. Here are some suggestions for how to get the most knowledge and help out of the Exercises & Problems: Howard Physical Science 101 Syllabus Fall 2016 Read the problems as soon as you get them. You don’t have to spend any time working on them; just think about them as you read and study the material. Don’t procrastinate!! Don’t wait until the last minute to do E&P questions. In particular, you will have an opportunity to ask questions in class to help you further understand the work. Many students find that it is very helpful to attempt the problems even before the material is discussed in the class lecture. Ask Questions!! If you are having problems with the E&P questions, seek help!! You may discuss the problems with your classmates as well as with me during office hours. SUPPLEMENTAL INSTRUCTION Supplemental Instruction (SI) is offered for this course and provides you with the opportunity to attend up to 3 hours of structured study sessions per week. SI sessions are facilitated by an undergraduate student who has taken this course and excelled in the course material. Your SI leader will facilitate discussions and activities that encourage you to practice, discuss, and ask questions about the most recent lecture material. Your SI leader will supply you with dates and times of each SI session. You can also find out more information about your SI leader and session information at, or by stopping by the Center for Student Achievement (GUC 213). GRADING Course grades will be calculated as follows: Three Semester Exams (15 % each) Final Exam (comprehensive) Laboratory Quizzes In class work 45% 15% 20% 15% 5% ------ Total = 100% GRADE SCALE**: THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA WILL BE USED FOR DETERMINING LETTER GRADES: 90 -100% = A: Superior Work. Student demonstrates a thorough and complete understanding of the subject. 80 - 89% = B: Excellent Work. Student demonstrates an above average understanding of the subject. 70 - 79% = C: Good Work. Student demonstrates an average understanding of the material. 60 - 69% = D: Fair Work. Student demonstrates below average understanding of the material and has completed most of assignments. 0 - 59% = F: Unsatisfactory Work. Student does not demonstrate and adequate understanding of the subject and has not turned in all assignments. **The instructors reserve the right to lower some, or all, of these cut-off grades. Howard Physical Science 101 Syllabus Fall 2016 IMPORTANT NOTICE If your grade will affect any of the following: 1) whether you receive or retain a scholarship (athletic or otherwise); 2) your eligibility to participate in any university sponsored activity; 3) your continuing progress within an academic track; 4) your standing within the education department and/or student teaching requirements; 5) your standing with your fraternity, sorority, the university, or any other student organization; NOW IS THE TIME TO BECOME CONCERNED - NOT AT FINAL EXAM OR AFTER FINAL GRADES HAVE BEEN DETERMINED!! Please do not wait until the last minute, when it will be too late for anyone to help you! Also remember, we are here to learn and most of all have FUN!! TENTATIVE SCHEDULE OF WEEKLY L ECTURE TOPICS Date Week One: Mon. 1/25 – Fri. 1/29 Week Two: Mon. 2/1 – Fri. 2/5 Week Three: Mon. 2/8 – Fri. 2/12 Week Four: Mon. 2/15 – Fri. 2/19 Week Five: Mon. 2/22 – Fri. 2/26 Week Six: Mon. 2/29 – Fri. 3/4 Week Seven: Mon. 3/7 – Fri. 3/11 Week Eight: Mon. 3/14 – Fri. 3/18 Week Nine: Mon. 3/21 – Fri. 3/25 Week Ten: Mon. 3/28 – Fri. 4/1 Week Eleven: Mon. 4/4 – Fri. 4/8 Howard Topics Readings E&P Lab for week 1 Intro M Science, scales, pp. 2 – 14 W Fundamental particles Units, sci. notation, pp. 15 – 22 E&P#1: 1-5 F Prefixes, factor label method pp. 15 – 22 E&P#2: 1-7 M Motion, acceleration pictures pp. 31 – 38 E&P#3: 1-2 W Acceleration pictures and free fall pp. 31 – 38 E&P#3: 3-5 2 Meas., units F M KMT Freefall pp. 23 – 30 pp. 48 – 56 W Forces & Newton’s laws pp. 64 – 84 E&P#4: 1-3 3 Speed F Forces & Newton’s laws pp. 64 – 84 E&P#4: 4-7 M Conservation of momentum pp. 85 – 97 W Conservation of momentum pp. 85 – 97 E&P#5: 1-5 M Collisions pp. 85 – 97 W Energy pp. 98 – 114 F Energy conservation pp. 98 – 114 E&P#6: 1-4 5 Forces E&P#7: 1-4 M Energy conservation pp. 98 – 114 E&P#7: 1-4 W Heat and Temperature pp. 115 – 126 E&P#7: 5-6 F Heat and phase change pp. 127 – 1134 E&P#8: 1-3 M E&P#8: 4-6 SHM and waves pp. 135 – 148 W Density, Charge pp. 149 – 165 E&P#9: 1-4 F Physical & Chemical changes pp. 166 – 171 E&P#9: 5-7 M W F Spring Break (Woot!) 6 Energy 7 Heat No Lab M Physical & Chemical changes pp. 166 – 171 E&P#9: 5-7 W Structure of atom, isotopes pp. 166 – 171 E&P#9: 5-7 F Structure of atom, isotopes pp. 166 – 171 M Mass and moles pp. 171 – 173 E&P#10: 1-4 W Introduction periodic table pp. 174 – 187 E&P#10: 5 F 4 Newton’s Laws EXAM #1 (2/19) : E&P #1 – #4 F 8 Problem Solving 9 SHM EXAM #2 (4/1) : E&P #5 – #9 M Bohr Model, Light pp. 174 – 187 E&P#11: 1-3 W Electron configurations pp. 187 – 199 E&P#11: 4-6 F Periodic trends pp. 200 – 213 E&P#12: 1-3 Physical Science 101 Syllabus 10 Periodic Table. Fall 2016 Week Twelve: Mon. 4/11 – Fri. 4/15 Week Thirteen: Mon. 4/18 – Wed. 4/22 Week Fourteen: Mon. 4/25 – Fri. 4/29 Week Fifteen: Mon. 5/2 – Fri. 5/6 M Compounds and Lewis structures pp. 214 – 233 E&P#12: 4-6 W Compounds and Lewis structures pp. 214 – 233 E&P#13: 1-2 F VSEPR pp. 234 – 239 M VSEPR pp. 234 – 239 E&P#13: 3-6 W Polarity and forces pp. 244 – 253 E&P#13: 4-6 F Intermolecular Forces pp. 256 – 261 M Intermolecular Forces pp. 256 – 261 E&P#13: 4-6 W Consequences pp. 262 – 263 E&P#13: 7-8 F Solutions pp. 253–255, 264–268 E&P#14: 1-4 Chemical reactions Chemical reactions Week Sixteen: Thurs 5/12 13 Molec. Models pp. 273 – 290 pp. 273 – 290 Make-ups Review Review Review Mon. 5/9 Final Exam: 12 Precip EXAM #3 (5/2) : E&P #10 – #13 M W F 11 Acids FINAL EXAM: Thursday 5/12 at 8:00 – 10:30 am SEMESTER’S LECTURE TOPICS Scales o Macro, Micro, Nano Motion o Speed o Acceleration Kinetic Molecular Theory o Solids, Liquids, Gases Newton’s Laws of Motion o Newton’s First Law, Newton’s Second Law, Newton’s Third Law Momentum & Energy o Momentum o Conservation of Momentum o Work & Energy o Power Thermal Energy o Temperature o Absolute Zero o Heat & Thermal Energy o Specific & Latent Heat Periodic Motion o Vibrations & Waves o Wave Motion o Longitudinal & Transverse Waves o Sound Waves o Resonance Electricity o Charges o Charge Interactions o Forces Between Charges Structure of the Atom o The Elements o The Electron o The Atomic Nucleus Howard o Protons & Neutrons o The Quantum Model o Electron Configuration Light Waves o Electromagnetic Spectrum Elements of Chemistry o Phases of Matter o Physical & Chemical Properties o Classification of Matter The Periodic Table o Organizing the Elements o Metal, Nonmetals, & Metalloids o Atomic Groups & Periods o Periodic Trends Chemical Bonding o Metals & Alloys o Ionic Bonds o Lewis Structures o Covalent Bonds o Molecular Polarity Molecular Mixing o Solutions o Surface Tension Solubility o Units of Conversion Chemical Reactions o The Chemical Reaction o Energy & Chemical Reactions Acid & Base Reactions o Acids & Bases Defined o Acid Strength o Acid, Basic, or Neutral o The pH Scale o Acid Rain & Basic Oceans o Buffers Physical Science 101 Syllabus Fall 2016