Consultation On Ecodesign Requirements For Professional Refrigeration: Process Chillers Instructions Welcome to the questionnaire on Ecodesign of Refrigeration Process Chillers. Please look carefully at the following before you start filling in the questionnaire: General Introduction – introduces the process and explains why this product and four other refrigeration products are subject to possible regulation Questionnaire (this document) – summarises the proposed regulatory requirements for process chillers and the questions for stakeholders Annex 1: SEPR calculation method for process chillers Annex II: SEPR calculation spreadsheet tool for process chillers (please download from our website Process Chillers: basic information What is the consultation about? Possible mandatory requirements applicable to process chillers (CE-marking) What is the definition of “process chiller” for this new Regulation? A ‘process chiller’ is a factory-built piece of refrigeration equipment which is primarily intended to cool down and maintain the temperature of a liquid (water or brine) using a vapour compression cycle within a refrigeration process, including at least a compressor and an evaporator within a “package”. This includes: Refrigeration process chillers sold with an integral condenser, and refrigeration process chillers intended for use with a remote condenser, condensing unit or refrigeration system. Refrigeration process chillers intended for use with air-cooled or water-cooled condensing. Page 1 of 26 Refrigeration process chillers sold with or without the coolant circuit hardware1. Refrigeration process chillers intended for use at high, medium or low operating temperature. Refrigeration process chillers of all cooling capacities. THE FOLLOWING ARE EXCLUDED Refrigeration process chillers which are not factory-built units, i.e. are field erected (built insitu from components purchased separately by the installer) Refrigeration process chillers exclusively intended for use with evaporative condensing Refrigeration process chillers using absorption technology Notes: a) 'Operating temperature' means the temperature of the cooled liquid at the outlet of the evaporator ("temperature of the water or brine leaving the evaporator") b) ‘Low operating temperature' means that the chillers is intended to function at an operating temperature between -25°C and -8°C with the reference point at -25°C c) ‘Medium operating temperature' means that the chillers is intended to function at an operating temperature between -12°C and +3°C with the reference point at -8°C d) ‘High operating temperature' means that the chillers is intended to function at an operating temperature between +2°C and +15°C with the reference point at +6°C Basic rationale behind the proposal Available evidence indicates that the average cooling capacity of process chillers is in the range of 220 – 260 kW and that energy efficiency increases with the cooling capacity. The market is mostly driven on price, and new technologies allowing energy savings are perceived as too expensive by most users (e.g. electronic expansion valve, high efficiency compressors, improved or larger heat exchangers, economiser). Hence it is proposed to encourage sales of more energy efficient equipment through gradually rising mandatory minimum requirements. 1 The coolant circuit hardware is the ancillary equipment designed to drive the refrigerated liquid through the coolant circuit and usually includes a circulation pump and a liquid buffer tank. Refrigeration process chillers sold without the coolant circuit hardware are known as “split chillers” and included into the scope of the present Regulation. Page 2 of 26 As the majority of process chillers have condensing units located outdoors, significant energy savings can be achieved by controlling the condensing temperature to float downwards in cooler ambient conditions, as well as matching capacity to cooling demand. Good performance can be revealed through assessing the seasonal efficiency. Hence minimum requirements are specified for SEPR and not COP (see below). PROPOSED REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS Please be aware that only products complying with the values in the table below would be allowed to be placed on the EU market. Minimum values are set only for medium and low-temperature models with only information requirements for high-temperature models. SEPR is the seasonal energy performance ratio (see explanations below) Table 1 – Minimum requirements to be met by air-cooled process chillers Operating temperature Cooling capacity (kW) Minimum SEPR (°C) At +35°c ambient Tier 1 temperature From 1 January 2014 <300 kW n.a High >300 kW n.a <300 kW 2.24 Medium >300 kW 2.80 <200 kW 1.48 Low >200 kW 1.6 Minimum SEPR Tier 2 From 1 January 2017 n.a n.a 2.58 3.22 1.70 1.84 Table 2 – Minimum requirements to be met by water-cooled process chillers Operating temperature Cooling capacity (kW) Minimum SEPR (°C) At +30°c ambient Tier 1 temperature From 1 January 2014 <300 kW n.a High >300 kW n.a <300 kW 2.86 Medium >300 kW 3.80 <200 kW 1.82 Low >200 kW 2.10 Minimum SEPR Tier 2 From 1 January 2017 n.a n.a 3.29 4.37 2.09 2.42 What is SEPR? SEPR is the seasonal energy performance ratio of a chiller. It is calculated from the COP of the unit at four different ambient temperatures and cooling loads, called rating points. The required rating Page 3 of 26 points are specified in Annex 1 (SEPR calculation method), showing for each rating point the necessary part load ratio and air dry bulb temperature for the outdoor heat exchanger. A calculation tool is also provided to help suppliers calculate the SEPR from the 4 rating point measurements. Download Annex 2 from our website (SEPR calculation spreadsheet). To use the spreadsheet, please insert the declared cooling capacity and COP of the unit at the 4 rating points (A, B, C and D). The spreadsheet automatically calculates the SEPR. It would be extremely useful for you to use this tool to work out the SEPR of your best selling products – and see if they meet the proposed requirements! What is the test method? EN 14511:2011 Air conditioners, liquid chilling packages and heat pumps with electrically driven compressors for space heating and cooling. prEN 14825 Air conditioners, liquid chilling packages and heat pumps, with electrically driven compressors, for space heating and cooling. Testing and rating at part load conditions and calculation of seasonal performance. Please be aware that these standards will be updated to: • • allow calculation instead of testing under certain conditions include the method for measuring the SEPR (Seasonal Energy performance ratio). Please see the transitional SEPR calculation method in Annex 1. An SEPR calculation spreadsheet (Annex 2) will be available freely on-line for helping SME manufacturers to calculate their SEPR Under these proposals, what must I declare in my product declaration before I CE-mark my product? January 1, 2014 onwards, the following parameters shall be reported in the product documentation for all refrigeration process chillers (whatever the operating temperature): Intended operating temperature(s), expressed in °C COP at full load and +35°C ambient temperature and corresponding cooling capacity and power input, expressed in kW , with rating temperature of test liquid SEPR and corresponding cooling capacities and power inputs at all reference points A, B, C and D, expressed in kW , with rating temperature of test liquid Useful links European Commission ASERCOM Page 4 of 26 EPEE Eurovent CECOMAF ANIMA Page 5 of 26 Identification of the respondent A. What is your field of activity? ☐ Manufacturer of chillers ☐ Manufacturer of other refrigerating equipment ☐ Installer of chillers ☐ User of chillers ☐ User of other refrigeration equipment ☐ Other industry Please indicate: _________________________________________________ ☐ Other Please indicate: ________________________________________________ B. In which country is your company located? ______________________________ C. What is the size of your company (number of employees)? ☐ Micro (0-9) ☐ Small (10-49) ☐ Medium-sized (50-249) ☐ Large (more than 250) Page 6 of 26 Questionnaire 1. In order to estimate the energy savings that could be achieved through regulation, it is necessary to estimate the efficiency of typical products on the market today. The table below shows our estimates. Efficiency will only be widely known in terms of COP at this time, until SEPR is properly established. COP is refrigerating capacity (kW) divided by the electrical power used (kW) and measured according to European standards EN14511 (+32°C ambient temperature). AIR COOLED CHILLERS Temperature range Capacity range, kW Assumed Market average capacity for that range, kW Medium <300 kW 140 Typical (market average) COP Best achievable COP today on the market* Yes, I agree No, I don’t agree and I suggest the following value(s) If no, explain why below the table No, I don’t agree and I suggest the following value(s) If no, explain why below the table ☐ 2.39 2.54 Low >300 kW 450 2.48 <200 kW 110 1.34 ☐ ☐ 1.85 >200 kW 330 ☐ 1.5 * With best available technology, irrespective of price. WATER COOLED CHILLERS Temperature range Capacity range, kW Assumed Market average capacity for that range, kW Medium <300 kW 140 Typical (market average) COP Best achievable COP today on the market * Yes, I agree ☐ 2.72 2.89 Low >300 kW 450 2.81 <200 kW 110 1.52 ☐ ☐ 2.1 >200 kW 330 1.70 * With best available technology, irrespective of price. Page 7 of 26 ☐ 2. Process chillers are often situated outdoors and they experience higher ambient temperatures in summer and lower temperatures in winter. This affects their efficiency. Therefore, efficiency of these units is proposed to be regulated using the Seasonal Energy Performance Ratio (SEPR) instead of COP. a. Please have a look at explanations in the introduction and at Annex 1 explaining the SEPR calculation method . The method is meant to be used by manufacturers to provide comparable information on the energy performance of all chillers placed on the EU market. Therefore, it has to base on "standardised" use pattern and load profile. Do you agree that the proposed SEPR calculation method is acceptable to assess the energy performance of chillers over the year? ☐Yes ☐No (Please state why and what improvements you suggest): b. Please have a quick look at the SEPR calculation spreadsheet (Annex 2) that the European Commission proposes to provide on line free of charge to any interested manufacturer or installer. To use the spreadsheet, please insert the declared cooling capacity and COP of the unit at the 4 rating points (A, B, C and D). The spreadsheet automatically calculates the SEPR. Is this tool adequate to help you calculate your SEPR figures? ☐Yes this tool is adequate to help me work out SEPR ☐No the tool is not good enough and needs to be improved Comments/Suggestions:___________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ c. Do you agree that it is not necessary to set minimum efficiency requirements for COP, and those minimum requirements for seasonal efficiency are sufficient on their own? ☐Yes ☐No (Please state why and what improvements you suggest): Page 8 of 26 3. The proposed requirements will result in products with lower SEPR being removed from the market. The available evidence suggests that Tier 1 (January 2014) will affect a relatively small proportion of products; Tier 2 (January 2017) is more stringent but allows time for suppliers to improve their products before it comes into effect. It would be extremely useful for you to use the SEPR calculation tool to work out the SEPR of your best selling products – and see if they meet the proposed requirements! a) In your view, what proportion (in % of product sales) of the products YOU SELL OR MANUFACTURE would fail to meet the Tier 1 SEPR requirements? ☐0%-5% ☐ 5%-10% ☐11%-20% ☐21%-30% ☐31%-40% ☐41%-50% ☐Over 51% b) In your view, what share (in % of product sales) of the products YOU SELL OR MANUFACTURE would fail to meet the Tier 2 SEPR requirements? ☐0%-5% ☐ 5%-10% ☐11%-20% ☐21%-30% ☐31%-40% ☐41%-50% ☐Over 51% c) In your view, what share (in %) of all the products CURRENTLY SOLD on the whole EU market would fail to meet the Tier 1 SEPR requirements? ☐0%-5% ☐ 5%-10% ☐11%-20% ☐21%-30% ☐31%-40% ☐41%-50% ☐Over 51% d) In your view, what share (in %) of all the products CURRENTLY SOLD on the whole EU market would fail to meet the Tier 2 SEPR requirements? ☐0%-5% ☐ 5%-10% ☐11%-20% ☐21%-30% ☐31%-40% ☐41%-50% ☐Over 51% e) For your own business, is it achievable to adapt your product range and gather the performance information you need to meet the proposed requirements, given the remaining time before entry into force? Tier 1 takes effect January 2014; Tier 2 in January 2017. ☐Yes for Tier 1 ☐No for Tier 1 ☐Yes for Tier 2 ☐No for Tier 2 Additional comments/ justifications:________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Page 9 of 26 4. In your view, will the requirements affect any sub-segments of the market much harder than others? (For example any specific type of product, any specific cooling capacity range). If so, please state which and why. ☐Yes (Please state which and why): _______________________________________________________ ☐No 5. We estimate that the average purchase price of process chillers will increase by 1% to 3% with Tier 1 requirements due to small numbers of products affected and normal competitive forces constraining increases. The poorest performing products would need to improve and this can be achieved through improvements such as use of an electronic expansion valve, adding less than 3% to their production and installation costs, and therefore to their price. For complying with Tier 2, today’s better performing products would not have to change at all ; but for many poorer performing products, this could mean larger heat exchangers, more efficient fan motor etc. We have to estimate how the required improvements might affect the price of process chillers and compare to typical prices today. a) Do you agree with the following values? Temperature range High Medium Low Typical cooling Capacity, kW Typical Product list price € 2012 (excluding VAT) Estimated average price increase in 2014 to meet Tier 1 requirements Estimated average price increase in 2017 to meet Tier 2 requirements 140 I agree €18,000 3% 15% ☐ 450 €59,000 1% 10% ☐ 140 €28,000 3% 15% ☐ 450 €90,000 1% 10% ☐ 110 €31,000 3% 15% ☐ 330 €94,000 1% 10% ☐ I don’t agree and suggest alternative value(s) b) Is it reasonable to assume that most or all of the cost increases will be passed on to buyers? ☐Yes ☐No (Please state why): Page 10 of 26 6. The proposals will require some products to be tested to determine COP and SEPR. Testing will probably only be required for the process chiller(s) selected as typical of each product family. Performance of other products in the family can be determined by calculation from the results of the tested model, according to industry best practice methodologies (details to be agreed when updating EN14511 and/or prEN 14825). a) For complying with the proposed requirements, will you test the chillers you make or sell in your own test facility or pay for testing at an external (third party) facility? Please be aware that third party testing will not be required (up to each manufacturer to decide between third-party or in-house testing). ☐Own test facility – up to maximum cooling capacity (kW): __________ . ☐ External third party facility. b) If you test them externally, how much would this cost per product, in your view? Approximate capacity range of products which would need to be tested externally (kW) : ____________________________ Approximate cost per product for a test (EURO) : ____________________________ c) If you test them at your own facility, roughly how many man-days of your staff will it take to set up, test and prepare the report for each typical product? Approximate number of staff man-days per product for a test: __________________ 7. The proposed regulation will incur some other compliance and administrative costs on suppliers. We have estimated that this will cost a supplier approximately the amounts shown below. Does this seem a fair estimate? If not, please indicate what additional costs will be incurred and why. Additional technical documentation for each product: € 4,000 per product range to cover analysis and writing of new technical material. Additional CE marking, assuming small changes to existing metal label (purchase of new stamp): € 1,500 per product range. Changes to advertising and customer communications: Nil (done when other changes are required anyway) No other costs of compliance and administration are envisaged. Page 11 of 26 ☐Yes, this is fair. ☐No, this is not fair because: ______________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ 8. Do you foresee any significant impact(s) on the competitiveness of this sector resulting from the proposed requirements? ☐No ☐Yes Our preliminary assessment is for some positive and some negative impacts on competitiveness: Tier 2 might increase prices for cheaper products by 10% to 15%. This may also affect export prices. ☐Yes I agree. ☐No I disagree because______________________________________________ The regulation will encourage investment in product development and innovation ☐Yes I agree. ☐No I disagree because______________________________________________ The regulation will stop some poor efficiency (perhaps cheaper) imports ☐Yes I agree. ☐No I disagree because______________________________________________ Manufacturers will have more costs for testing and conformity. This applies equally to EU suppliers and importers. ☐Yes I agree. ☐No I disagree because______________________________________________ The sector has many SMEs who assemble products from components, and these will have to pay for external testing; whereas most large manufacturers already have in-house test rooms (which were/are very expensive to build, equip and run). ☐Yes I agree. ☐No I disagree because______________________________________________ There will continue to be plentiful supply of products that meet the requirements, although perhaps fewer at the lowest price levels. ☐Yes I agree. ☐No I disagree because______________________________________________ Page 12 of 26 Suggest here any other important competitiveness impacts to consider: _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 9. High temperature process chillers operate at the same temperature range as air-conditioning chillers (the liquid leaves the evaporator at +6°C). But they are considered to have a different use pattern and load profile over the year, and therefore to be characterised by different design and optimisation. Air conditioning chillers are very likely to be subject to a separate regulation for which the test methodology and legal requirements will be comparable but not necessarily identical. a) Do you agree that refrigeration process chillers account for around 20% of the total chiller market (which includes both air-conditioning and refrigeration applications)? ☐ Yes ☐ No Reasons, if No: _____________________________________________________ b) Do you agree that the majority of refrigeration process chillers (around 80%) are of the high temperature type (liquid leaving the evaporator at +6°C)? ☐ Yes ☐ No Reasons, if No: _____________________________________________________ c) It is proposed that the manufacturers will have to declare, for each model of high temperature chiller which they sell in the EU, whether it is "primarily intended" for refrigeration process or air conditioning applications, or both. This will determine whether the chiller has to meet the legal requirements applicable to refrigeration process applications (under the Regulation which is discussed here) or air conditioning applications (under a future Regulation), or both. Do you agree with this approach? ☐ Yes ☐ No Reasons, if No: _____________________________________________________ Page 13 of 26 d) Please indicate any additional issues that you believe need to be taken into account relating to having separate regulations for high temperature chillers for air-conditioning and process applications. _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ Any further comments: Thank you for your valuable input! Please return completed questionnaires to: or post to: The Enterprise Europe Network, Biopark, Broadwater Road, Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire, AL7 3AX. Page 14 of 26 Annex 1 to the European Commission stakeholder questionnaire on possible Ecodesign requirements for professional refrigeration products TRANSITIONAL METHOD FOR DETERMINATION OF THE SEPR (SEASONAL ENERGY PERFORMANCE RATIO) FOR CHILLERS USED FOR REFRIGERATION APPLICATIONS (DRAFT) 1 Definition of terms To be completed 2 General For the purpose of calculation reference SEPR as explained in Chapter 5 of this transitional method, the part load ratios mentioned below shall be based on the part load ratio formulas (1st column of the tables in this chapter) and not on the rounded figures as mentioned in the 2nd column of the tables. 3 Air-cooled process chillers For each application, units allowing or not a variation of the outlet water temperature with the outdoor temperature are considered. The variable outlet temperature shall only be applied when the control provides an outdoor air temperature dependant modification of the outlet temperature. The part load conditions for determining the reference SEPR are given in the following table. Table 1 – Part load conditions for reference SEPR calculation of air-cooled chillers on Low temperature application Outdoor heat exchanger Part load ratio Part load ratio (%) air dry bulb temperature (°C) Indoor heat exchanger Evaporator inlet/outlet temperatures (°C) Fixed outlet A 80% + 20%*(TA-TD)/(TA-TD) 100% 35 B 80% + 20%*(TB-TD)/(TA-TD) 93% 25 a / -25 C 80% + 20%*(TC-TD)/(TA-TD) 87% 15 a / -25 D 80% + 20%*(TD-TD)/(TA-TD) 80% 5 a / -25 a -19 / -25 with the water f with a variable water flow rate; ); and TA,TB,TC and TD temperatures at reference points A,B,C and D respectively. Page 15 of 26 Table 2 – Part load conditions for reference SEPR calculation of air-cooled chillers on Medium temperature application Outdoor heat exchanger Part load ratio Part load ratio (%) air dry bulb temperature (°C) Indoor heat exchanger Evaporator inlet/outlet temperatures (°C) Fixed outlet A 80% + 20%*(TA-TD)/(TA-TD) 100% 35 -2 / -8 B 80% + 20%*(TB-TD)/(TA-TD) 93% 25 a / -8 C 80% + 20%*(TC-TD)/(TA-TD) 87% 15 a / -8 D 80% + 20%*(TD-TD)/(TA-TD) 80% 5 a / -8 a with the water flow rate as determined during “A” test for un with a variable water flow rate and TA,TB,TC and TD temperatures at reference points A,B,C and D respectively. Table 3 – Part load conditions for reference SEPR calculation of air-cooled chillers on High temperature application Part load ratio Part load ratio (%) Outdoor heat exchanger Indoor heat exchanger air dry bulb temperature (°C) Evaporator inlet/outlet temperatures (°C) Fixed outlet A 80% + 20%*(TA-TD)/(TA-TD) 100% 35 B 80% + 20%*(TB-TD)/(TA-TD) 93% 25 a /6 C 80% + 20%*(TC-TD)/(TA-TD) 87% 15 a /6 D 80% + 20%*(TD-TD)/(TA-TD) 80% 5 a /6 a 12/ 6 with the water flow rate as determined during “A” test for units with a fixed water flow rate or with a fixed with a variable water flow rate. Page 16 of 26 4 Water-cooled process chillers The part load conditions for determining the reference SEPR are given in the following table. Table 4- Part load conditions for reference SEPR calculation for water-cooled chillers for Low temperature application Outdoor heat exchanger Part load ratio Part load ratio (%) Inlet/ outlet water temperatures (°C) Indoor heat exchanger Evaporator Inlet / outlet temperatures (°C) Fixed outlet A 80% + 20%*(TA-TD)/(TA-TD) 100% 30 / 35 B 80% + 20%*(TB-TD)/(TA-TD) 93% 23 / a a / -25 a a / -25 a / -25 C 80% + 20%*(TC-TD)/(TA-TD) 87% 16 / D 80% + 20%*(TD-TD)/(TA-TD) 80% 9/a -19 / -25 a with the water flow rate as determined during “A” test for units with a fixed water with a variable water flow rate. Table 5 - Part load conditions for reference SEPR calculation for water-cooled chillers for Medium temperature application Outdoor heat exchanger Part load ratio Part load ratio (%) Inlet/ outlet water temperatures (°C) Indoor heat exchanger Evaporator Inlet / outlet temperatures (°C) Fixed outlet A 80% + 20%*(TA-TD)/(TA-TD) 100% 30 / 35 B 80% + 20%*(TB-TD)/(TA-TD) 93% 23 / a a / -8 a a / -8 a / -8 C 80% + 20%*(TC-TD)/(TA-TD) 87% 16 / D 80% + 20%*(TD-TD)/(TA-TD) 80% 9/a -2 / -8 a with the water flow rate as determined during “A” test for units with a fixed water flow rate or with a fixed with a variable water flow rate. Table 6- Part load conditions for reference SEPR calculation for water-cooled chillers for High temperature application Outdoor heat exchanger Part load ratio Part load ratio (%) Inlet/ outlet water temperatures (°C) Indoor heat exchanger Evaporator Inlet / outlet temperatures (°C) Fixed outlet A 80% + 20%*(TA-TD)/(TA-TD) 100% Page 17 of 26 30 / 35 12/ 6 B 80% + 20%*(TB-TD)/(TA-TD) 93% 23 / a a /6 C 80% + 20%*(TC-TD)/(TA-TD) 87% 16 / a a /6 D 80% + 20%*(TD-TD)/(TA-TD) 80% 9/a a /6 a with the water flow rate as determined during “A” test for units with a fixed water flow rate or with a fixed with a variable water flow rate. Page 18 of 26 6K for units 5 Calculation methods for reference SEPR 5.1General Formula for calculation of reference SEPR The calculation of the reference SEPR that applies to all types of units is given by the following formula: Reference SEPR = reference annual refrigeration demand divided by the annual electricity consumption. This annual electricity consumption includes the power consumption during active mode NOTE : for refrigeration application, on mode and standby modes do not exist. The appliance is running always. n SEPR h j1 j PR (T j ) PR (T j ) h j COP (T ) j1 PL j n (Eq. 1) Where : Tj = the bin temperature j = the bin number, with j n = the amount of bins PR(Tj) = the cooling demand of the building for the corresponding temperature Tj. hj = the number of bin hours occurring at the corresponding temperature Tj. COP(Tj) = the COP values of the unit for the corresponding temperature Tj. Page 19 of 26 Table 7 – bin number j, outdoor temperature Tj in oC and number of hours per bin hj corresponding to the reference refrigeration season j 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 Tj -19 -18 -17 -16 -15 -14 -13 -12 -11 -10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 hj 0,08 0,41 0,65 1,05 1,74 2,98 3,79 5,69 8,94 11,81 17,29 20,02 28,73 39,71 56,61 76,36 106,07 153,22 203,41 247,98 282,01 275,91 300,61 310,77 336,48 350,48 363,49 368,91 371,63 377,32 376,53 386,42 389,84 384,45 370,45 344,96 328,02 305,36 261,87 223,90 196,31 163,04 141,78 121,93 104,46 85,77 71,54 56,57 43,35 31,02 20,21 11,85 8,17 3,83 2,09 Page 20 of 26 56 57 58 36 37 38 1,21 0,52 0,40 NOTE: the bin of Strassbourg is used based on ASHRAE 2009 climate data. The refrigeration demand PR(Tj) can be determined by multiplying the full load value (PdesignR) with the part load ratio % for each corresponding bin. This part load ratios % are calculated in Table 1 to 6. Page 21 of 26 5.2The Calculation procedure for determination of COPPL values at part load conditions A, B, C, D In part load condition A (full load), the declared capacity of a unit is considered equal to the refrigeration load (PdesignR) COPPL(TA) = COPdesignR (Eq. 2) In part load conditions B,C,D, there can be 2 possibilities: 1) If the declared capacity (DC) of a unit matches with the required refrigeration loads, the corresponding COPDC value of the unit is to be used. This may occur with variable capacity units. COPPL(TB,C or D)=COPDC (Eq. 3) 2) If the declared capacity of a unit is higher than the required refrigeration loads, the unit has to cycle on/off. This may occur with fixed capacity or variable capacity units. In such cases, a degradation factor (Cd or Cc) has to be used to calculate the corresponding COPPL value. Such calculation is explained below . 5.2.1 For Air-cooled process chillers Calculation procedure for fixed capacity units For each part load conditions B,C,D the COP is calculated as follows: COPPL(TB,C,D)=COPDC*(1-Cd*(1-CR)) (Eq. 4) Where COPDC = the COP corresponding to the declared capacity (DC) of the unit at the same temperature conditions as for part load conditions B,C,D. Cd = the degradation coefficient for air-cooled chillers, determined as indicated in section CR = the capacity ratio The capacity ratio is the ratio of the refrigeration demand (PR) over the declared capacity (DC) of the unit at the same temperature conditions: Page 22 of 26 (Eq. 5) The determination of the Cd value: Option 1: fixed Cd value The value of Cd can be set once for all, between 0.1 and 0.25. This option takes into account the fact that the determination of the coefficient of degradation may be difficult, since the applications differ far more than in air-conditioning and heat pump units. Option 2: Cd value determined through testing When there is a cooling demand, the compressor is on and the total power consumption includes all electrical auxiliary devices. Once the set point is reached, the cooling demand is satisfied. The compressor is then off but there is still a remaining power consumption due to the other auxiliary devices (electronics, fans etc.). The degradation coefficient is due to two effects: 1) the power consumption of the unit when the compressor is off 2) the pressure equalization that reduces the cooling capacity when the unit is restarted. For determining the degradation factor Cd, the unit is cycled on for 6 min and then off for 24 min for an approximately 20 % part load by switching on and off the compressor. If it is not possible to make the measurements with the required uncertainty of measurement when using a cycling interval of 6/24 min, then another cycling interval shall be chosen but not representing a greater part load ratio than 50 % (i.e. 10/10 min). During this cyclic test, the delivered refrigeration capacity is integrated over the on/off interval. Then the cyclic COP is obtained by dividing the integrated refrigeration capacity (kWh) by the electrical energy used by the unit over the same on/off interval. The energy ratio (ER) is calculated by dividing the time integrated refrigeration capacity (kWh) by the refrigeration energy (kWh) that would have been delivered by the unit running continuously for the same time interval (i.e. 30 min). The degradation coefficient Cd is calculated as the ratio of the cyclic COP to the continuous (steadystate) COP (for the same ambient test conditions) according to following formula: Page 23 of 26 (Eq. 6) If the degradation coefficient Cd has been determined for cooling (function) mode, it can be applied for heating (function) mode and vice versa. If the degradation coefficient Cd is not measured, a default value of 0.25 shall be used. Calculation procedure for variable capacity units Determine the declared capacity and COPPL at the closest step or increment of the capacity control of the unit to reach the required refrigeration load. If this step does not allow reaching the required refrigeration load, determine the capacity and COPPL at the defined part load temperatures for the steps on either side of the required refrigeration load. The part load capacity and the COPPL at the required refrigeration load are then determined by linear interpolation between the results obtained from these two steps. If the smallest control step of the unit is higher than the required refrigeration load, the COPPL at the required part load ratio is calculated using Eq. 4 as for fixed capacity units. The refrigeration load reached with capacity control of the unit shall be at least equal to the required refrigeration load. If the refrigeration load can not be met with capacity control, the step control mode in the calculation tool can be used where no coefficient of degradation is considered except for the lowest step. 5.2.2 Water-cooled process chillers Calculation procedure for fixed capacity units For each part load conditions B,C,D the COPPL is calculated as follows: (Eq. 7) Where COPDC = the COP corresponding to the declared capacity (DC) of the unit at the same temperature conditions as for part load conditions B,C,D. Cc = the degradation coefficient for water-cooled chillers, determined as indicated in section CR = the capacity ratio, as in Eq.5 . Page 24 of 26 Determination of Cc: Option 1: fixed Cc value The value of Cc can be set once for all at a fixed value between 0.1 and 0.25. This option takes into account the fact that the determination of the coefficient of degradation may be difficult, since the applications differ far more in refrigeration than in air-conditioning and heat pump units. Option 2: Cc value determined through testing For water-cooled chillers, the degradation coefficient Cc due to the pressure equalisation effect when the unit restarts can be considered as negligible. The only effect that will impact the COP at cycling is the remaining power input when the compressor is switching off. The electrical power input during the compressor off state of the unit is measured when the compressor is switched off for at least 10 min. The degradation coefficient Cc is determined for each part load ratio as follows: (Eq. 8) If Cc is not determined by test then the default degradation coefficient Cc shall be 0.25 Calculation procedure for variable capacity control units Determine the declared capacity and COPPL at the closest step or increment of the capacity control of the unit to reach the required refrigeration load. If this step does not allow reaching the required refrigeration load, determine the capacity and COPPL at the defined part load temperatures for the steps on either side of the required refrigeration load. The part load capacity and the COP PL at the required refrigeration load are then determined by linear interpolation between the results obtained from these two steps. If the smallest control step of the unit is higher than the required refrigeration load, the COPPL at the required part load ratio is calculated using Eq 7 as for fixed capacity units. The refrigeration load reached with capacity control of the unit shall be at least equal to the required refrigeration load. If the refrigeration load can not be met with capacity control, the step control mode in the calculation tool can be used where no coefficient of degradation is considered except for the lowest step. 5.3Calculation procedure for determination of COPPL values at other part load conditions, different than part load conditions A, B, C, D The COP values at each bin are determined via interpolation of the COP values at part load conditions A,B,C,D as mentioned in the tables of chapter 3 of this transitional method For part load conditions above part load condition A, the same COP values as for condition A are used. For part load conditions below part load condition D, the same COP values as for condition D are used. Page 25 of 26 Figure 1: Schematic overview of the SEPR calculation points Page 26 of 26