SO31061_32606_DBMS_A.. - University of Technology Sydney

Faculty of Information Technology
Department of Software Engineering
Subject Outline
32606 (one outline per code after assessor
approves basic design) – Database Principles
Autumn 2005
Number of Credit Points:
There are two formal contact sessions for each student per week: a two-hour
lecture and a one-hour tutorial/laboratory. In the lecture sessions, topics
from the recommended text are covered, with complementary material from
other sources being used where necessary.
Tutorial sessions are used to support the lectures with illustrative examples
and exercises. Some sessions will be conducted in the faculty’s computer
Concurrently, you will work on practical exercises and assignments (manual
and online). Please note that you are expected to put in significant
additional study and practice time of your own, in order for you to develop
the practical skills necessary to fulfill the subject objectives. For a 6 credit
point subject, a student is expected to put in approximately 10 hours of work
per week. Classtime of 3 hours per week for this subject means that an
average student should be doing about 7
hours per week of study on
their own. Students who do not put in the requisite time and effort on a
regular basis are unlikely to pass the subject.
Students are expected to use the university’s online learning environment
UTSOnline as part of their learning experience for this subject.
Software tools to be used in the subject include PostgreSQL, a database
management system, MS-Access, used as a front-end to PostgreSQL,
AsseSQL (online SQL test software) and other web-based applications that
offer students the opportunity to develop their SQL skills.
Assumed Knowledge:
It is assumed that students are familiar with basic system analysis concepts
and have basic software skills.
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Handbook Entry:
This subject introduces you to database modeling, design and implementation concepts and
techniques. Database design techniques, including the Entity-Relationship modeling and
relational database design, are explored. Relational database theory and the implementation of
a relational database are studied, as well as simple and advanced database query techniques,
using the Structured Query Language (SQL). Database transaction management and database
security will also be discussed. Design and query techniques discussed in lectures are
supported by an assignment and practical exercises
By the end of the semester, the student should:
appreciate the main issues related to the design and management
of structured data;
have attained basic conceptual and logical database design skills,
including the abilities to produce an Entity-Relationship (E-R)
model from specifications and to perform the transformation of the
conceptual model into corresponding logical data structures;
be able to apply data normalisation principles, and be aware of the
impact of data redundancy on database integrity and
be able to distinguish between good and bad database design, and
recognize the fundamental role the database plays in effective
software applications;
have developed a good working knowledge of SQL and the
abilities to construct queries and maintain a simple database;
be familiar with the principles of database transaction management
and database recovery.
This subject introduces you to the fundamentals of effective database
design and implementation, which underpin the development of functional
software applications. You should already be familiar with coding, testing
and some aspects of designing software. You now need to learn how data
is structured and managed in an organisation in a way that can be used
effectively by software applications and users. This subject teaches you to
appreciate the significance and the challenges of good database design and
Introduction to Database Systems
Relational Data Model
Introduction to SQL: simple queries
SQL: aggregate functions, simple joins
SQL: complex joins, simple subqueries
SQL: data modification statements, set operators, views
Conceptual database design (basic E-R modelling)
Extended E-R modelling
Logical design: E-R transformations
DB Admin tools e.g. authorisation and access control, DB backup
and recovery
Transactions Management
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You must gain a final subject mark of 50% or more in order to pass the
The Faculty’s policy is to award a final subject mark of 44 Z, or the
student’s actual mark, whichever is the lower, for failure of compulsory
assessment items.
The table below summarises the assessment tasks, the due dates, a
description of the purpose of each assessment task and the percentage
contribution to the student’s final mark, for the weighted mark calculation.
Due Date
SQL Test
Week 7, Fri.
22nd April
database implementation
and queries with SQL objective 5
Week 13,
Fri. 3rd June
data modeling and
database design objectives 2, 3 and 4
evaluates objectives 1
through 6
Total Mark
SQL Test
The first assessment task evaluates your use of SQL, and is thus focused on
your accomplishment of objective 5.
The test is to be taken online. You will be given ample opportunity to
practice doing tests with the online software prior to the actual, marked test.
No supplementary online SQL test will be offered.
NOTE: it is very important that you practice using SQL regularly as much
as possible during the semester. You will not do well in the SQL test if you
do not invest adequate time and effort of your own into doing sufficient
practical SQL exercises beforehand.
This assessment task is directed towards your attainment of objectives 2, 3
and 4, and thus deals with E-R modeling and database design. The detailed
assignment requirements will be given out to you during semester.
The assignment is to be your own work. It is NOT a groupwork assignment.
A hard-copy of your assignment must be submitted to the counter of the
Student Centre at the Faculty of Information Technology, Building 10, level 3
by the due date and time. The submitted assignment will be stamped with
the date it was received and you will be given a receipt – please retain this
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receipt, as you will need it to collect your marked assignment, or if there any
marking appeals. You will collect your marked assignment from the same
place 2-3 weeks after submission – the co-ordinator will notify you when the
marked assignments will be available.
Late assignment submissions will incur a penalty of 20% of the student’s
maximum possible mark per working day (ie. Mon-Fri) that they are
overdue. Assignments may not be submitted more than 3 days late under
any circumstances as the solution will be released at this time. Special
consideration, for late submission, must be arranged before the due date
with the subject co-ordinator.
Final Examination
The final examination will be held in the usual university examination time.
The exam is not open-book and students will not be allowed calculators or
any other aids. The examination evaluates objectives 1 through 6.
Your final exam mark will be calculated as a mark out of 50 e.g. suppose
that the exam consists of 30 possible marks and you get 15 correct out of 30
(50%), you will score 25 out of 50 (50%) as your final exam mark.
Under the University's Assessment Policy no supplementary examination is
required in this subject, and none is offered.
If, after marks are calculated by the above procedure, the subject's
failure rate is above 30%, then the original passing threshold of 50
will be lowered to 49, and any students who pass at that new threshold
will be awarded a mark/grade of 50/P. If the failure rate is still
above 30%, then the passing threshold of 49 will be lowered to 48, and
any students who pass at that new threshold will be awarded a
mark/grade of 50/P. This progressive lowering of the passing threshold
by 1 mark, and awarding of 50/P, will continue until the class failure
rate is less than or equal to 30%.
Online Support:
UTSOnline is the web-based online learning and teaching environment
being used at UTS in a variety of ways to support, complement and extend
student learning activities. Subject announcements, subject learning
materials and other information will be posted on UTSOnline. You may use
it for communicating with other course participants and staff, and you will
also be able to participate in online discussion forums related to the subject.
If you are having problems logging on to UTSOnline or forget your
password, contact the ITD helpdesk on x2222, email, or go to
the ITD support counter in Building 2, Level 2.
You must check the announcements on UTSOnline for this subject at least
once a week, preferably more often, as all student notices for this subject
will be given via this site. The subject co-ordinator will assume that every
student is checking these announcements regularly for updates.
The URL for UTSOnline is:
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Mannino, Michael V.: Database design, application development &
administration (second edition), McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 2004,.
(ISBN 0-07-121489-5 ).
Additional references and reading material will be handed out,
recommended during lectures or posted to UTSOnline when necessary
during the semester.
Subject Coordinator:
Raymond Lister
Office: CB10.04.551
Phone: 9514 1850
Face-to-face communication is the preferred way of communication with
the coordinator: consultation hours when you are free to come to the
coordinator’s office (or another designated place) and speak to him directly
are as above. Most questions are not so urgent that they cannot wait until
the next consultation times.
The coordinator will also be available by telephone, but students should
attempt to call only during consultation hours, not at other times. Voice
mail will not normally be returned.
Asking questions is one of the most productive ways to learn;
they are welcome, under appropriate circumstances. Questions
may be asked in lectures, but class size may preclude a full
answer. Questions are particularly welcome in tutorials,
laboratory sessions, and they are especially welcome in
discussion groups of UTSOnline, where the answer can be
shared by the entire class.
Use of E-mail
Any email you send for this subject should be addressed to:
While email is a convenient method for students to communicate between
themselves, it is a particularly inefficient way for students to communicate
with a staff member who teaches many students. There is not enough time
in a working day for a staff member to respond to many minor queries sent
by students via email. Therefore, do not communicate with the coordinator
via email, unless no other method of timely communication is available.
Email is the communication medium of last resort. Please use the
discussion forums for the subject on UTSOnline or see the staff member
during consultation hours in preference to sending emails.
If you wish to contact the co-ordinator, please observe the following
1. All email must have your subject number and a meaningful
description in the ‘Subject’ box e.g. ‘database: request for late
submission due to illness’.
2. Include your student number and name in the body of the email.
3. Students should begin any email to the staff member with an
explanation of why other mediums of communication cannot be
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used, otherwise the email may be ignored.
Please keep emails short and to the point. Please ensure they are
less than one screen size in length.
Do not use email to seek complex or non-specific information that
requires lengthy typing in reply.
If you need complex or general information then speak to the staff
member during class, immediately after class or during their
consultation times.
Don't assume that the staff member will immediately read or act
upon your email. He will read and act on it when she can.
Generally questions regarding assessment and the subject should
be raised in the lectures or tutorials, or on UTSOnline discussion
boards. This ensures that all students get the benefit of the
information given. Emails that are considered better answered in
class or in an online discussion board may not receive a response.
NOTE. Email that does not observe this protocol will not be answered.
Ms. Julia Prior
Assessors are nominated within the Faculty by the Responsible Academic
Officer (RAO). Assessors are responsible for ensuring that the Subject
Outline and assessment for a subject are appropriate and reasonable. In this
role, assessors liaise with Subject Coordinators, not Students directly.
Academic Standards:
Students are reminded of the principles laid down in the Statement of Good
Practice and Ethics in Informal Assessment in the Faculty Handbook.
Assignments in this Subject should be your own original work. Any
collaboration with another participant should be limited to those matters
described in the “Acceptable Behaviour” section in the Faculty Handbook.
Similarly, any group work should be the result of collaboration only within
the group. Any infringement by a student will be considered a breach of
discipline and will be dealt with in accordance with the Rules and By-Laws
of the University.
Students are not to give other students copies of their assessable work in
any form (hard copy or an electronic file). To do so is 'academic misconduct'
and is a breach of University Rule 5.3(1)(b). That is, assisting other students
to cheat or to act dishonestly in a submitted assignment.
Accidental submission of another students work as your own is considered
to be a breach of Rule 5.3(1)(a) in that you are acting dishonestly since you
should not have a copy of another student's work anyway.
The Faculty penalty for proven misconduct of this nature is zero marks
for the Subject. For more information go to;
If you think you need help with your English, or feel unable to express
yourself correctly in assignments, contact the English Language Study Skills
Assistance (ELSSA) Centre, Level 18 Tower Building, Broadway, phone
Academic Liaison Officers’ (ALO) are academics who help students with
special needs (students with temporary or permanent disabilities, students
with language problems who are from non-English speaking backgrounds,
or students who are primary carers).
If you require assistance with assessment tasks and exams, the Faculty ALO
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will help you negotiate special conditions with your Lecturers. For example;
• the use of a dictionary and extra time in exams if your first language is
not English (only available for your first two years at UTS)
• tests and exams printed in larger type if you have a vision impairment
• use of a lap-top if you cannot write because of an injury
• extra time to complete assignments if your studies have been disrupted
by illness or disability.
If you require it, the ALO will talk to all your Lecturers so that you don't
have to explain your circumstances to each of them individually. Privacy is
important and personal information is only passed on to university staff on a
"need to know" basis. Students with disabilities are encouraged to contact
the Special Needs Service for advice before contacting the ALO.
The Faculty ALO is Dr Daniel Chandron who can be contacted on
phone 9514 1827 and email <>.
Student support:
Information regarding support available to students undertaking this
subject is available at; <>
Support for learning and teamwork skills is available at;
<> and <>
Having problems?
If you are experiencing problems while undertaking this Subject then help
and assistance are available both within the Faculty and also within the
wider University. More information Is at;
You should attempt to resolve the problem through the following chain: 1.
Tutor, 2. Lecturer, 3. Subject Coordinator, 4. Head of Department, and
finally 5. the Responsible Academic Officer, (Associate Dean Education)
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Student Attendance:
The Faculty of Information Technology expects that students will attend all scheduled sessions for a Subject
in which they are enrolled.
Schedule: the topics’ order is subject to minor changes during the semester.
Commencing Number
28 February
Introduction to Database
Systems; Relational Data Model
Relational Data Model
continued and Introduction to
SQL, : Simple queries
Introduction to SQL continued:
aggregate functions, joins
No classes: Good Friday 25/3
No classes: Good Friday
Tutorial 1 – DB Intro and SQL
Lab 1 (Intro)
7 March
14 March
21 March
28 March
4 April
Vice-Chancellors' Week
No classes.
SQL: outer joins, set operators,
data modification statements,
11 April
Conceptual database design:
basic data modeling (ERDs)
Tutorial 3 - SQL
Lab 3 Tutorial 4 - SQL
Lab 2 (Joins and
Tutorial 5 - SQL
Lab 4
18 April
Extended data modeling
25 April
Faculty Non-Teaching Week
(Anzac Day 25/4)
2 May
Logical design: Normalisation
Tutorial 6
9 May
16 May
Normalisation cont
Tutorial 7 – ER modeling
Tutorial 8 – ext ER modeling
23 May
30 May
Logical design: E-R
Logical design: putting it all
Access control and authorisation
Transactions Management
Tutorial 2 – Relational Data
Model and Lab 2
Online SQL Test in Labs
22nd April
Tutorial 9 - Logical DB Design
Tutorial 9 - Part B
Assignment due
Fri 3rd June 1.30pm
6 June
Exam Review
Tutorial 10 – Transaction
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