Roll No.__________________ 26 August, 2015 Sarhad University, Peshawar (Distance Education) Paper : Prudential Regulations for Banks - (A) FIN426 Examination: Final, Spring-2015 Total Marks: 70, Passing Marks (35) Time Allowed : 3 hours NOTE: Question No.1 is compulsory. Attempt any four questions from the remaining. All questions carry equal marks. Phones and other Electronic Gadgets are not allowed. Q1. Choose the correct answer. i. According to regulation ____________ Specific Credit Policy Banks/DFIs shall prepare a comprehensive SME Specific Credit Policy duly approved by their Board of Directors. a. SME R-1 b. SME R-3 ii. Which Regulation ________ of SME is Securities and Margin Requirements. a. R-8 b. R-5 iii. According to __________ regulation the rescheduling/restructuring of non-performing loans shall not change the status of classification of a loan/advance. a. SE R-7 b. SE R-9 iv. ML stands for_________________. a. Money Laundering b. Money lent v. ______________ means the person to whom or for whose benefit the funds are sent or deposited in bank. a. Beneficiary b. Banker vi. “FMU” means _______________established under the AML Act. a. Financial Monitoring unit b. Financial management unit vii. State Bank of Pakistan is a ______________ Bank. a. Commercial b. Central Q2. What documents are required for opening a Trust bank account?? Q3. Explain the Responsibility of the Beneficiary Institutions under AML/CFT regulation? Q4. Explain the short term and long term credit instruments of a Bank?? Q5. R-2 of prudential regulations for Corporate and Commercial defines limits in exposure against contingent liabilities. What are the two main concepts for recognizing contingent liabilities which are discussed in R-2? Q6. The customer has the right to terminate the relationship with a bank at any time and vice versa. State the reasons based on which the bank can close the customer’s account. Q7. Write short notes on any two of the following a. Small Enterprise b. Contingent Liability c. Underwriting Commitments Prudential Regulations for Banks - (A) FIN426-Spring-2015 Page 1 of 1