Summer Physics Assignments

Summer Physics Preparedness Packet
Mr. Aten
I.D. Number:
Physics 1
Parents’ Phone:
Physics is the study of the interactions between matter and energy. It is a natural
science, a laboratory, and a theoretical science. It is the study of the physical world
and deals with observations, theories, experiments and laws in ways that most
people are not used. To ensure you are better prepared for studying the physical
world in the same fashion, please complete this packet over the summer. This
packet is due within the first week of school. This packet will be worth regular and
extra credit points, based on completion. Do note that the Safety Contract (last
page) must be completed and signed by all students enrolled in a science course.
Signing it now will save time, effort, and paper.
Log on to Mac Arthur’s web site: Follow the links >Staff
>Aten > Physics Supplementals. Locate, download and read the Word document,
Experiment Guide. Then answer the following questions for each
section. For more information, help, science links, on-line tutorials,
or to contact Mr. Aten, log on to his website at: and following the links >Staff >Aten. Lines
for questions or comments that you might want answered or
discussed in class is available at the bottom of each page.
Summer Preparedness Packet
Developing Proper Laboratory Habits
1. In your own words, and based on what you read,
what is so important about the laboratory
experience in science?
4. One of the more common explanations of the
source of error in any experiment is, “human error.”
Why is this explanation wholly inadequate?
2. Describe the three type of errors that can occur in
scientific experiments.
5. An experiment where distances are measured can
have systematic errors if the devices measuring
those distances are not calibrated correctly. Why do
these errors vanish if differences in distances were
3. One of the most common mistakes made during
any experiment is for the experimenter to not read,
understand, and follow the experimental purpose
and steps. Which type of error is made by this and
6. Why can the random errors never be eliminated
completely from any experiment?
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Summer Preparedness Packet
1. What quantity is being measured by each of these
measurements (i.e. current, power, temperature)?
2. Express each measurement in terms of base units
(e.g. 44 kg 44000 g or 44 x 103 g).
a. 2.37 N
a. 2.37 mm
b. 4.14 kg
b. 4.14 cm
c. 32.6 K
c. 32.6 km
d. 9.02 s
d. 9.02 Mm
e. 6.54 MW
e. 6.54 TW
f. 85.3 mW
f. 85.3 GW
g. 15.2 mg
g. 15.2 W
h. 11.8 kJ
h. 11.8 nW
i. 2.22 L
i. 2.22 L
j. 0.77 ng
j. 0.77 fg
k. 6.28 cm
k. 6.28 pg
l. 7.56 ms
l. 7.56 mg
m. 66.4 pF
m. 66.4 kg
n. 0.04 Hz
n. 0.04 Tg
o. 43.3 km
o. 43.3 Pg
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Summer Preparedness Packet
1. State how many significant digits are represented in each measurement.
a. 2.387 m
i. 390.0 L
b. 114.14 g
j. 0.80 mm
c. 43.66 K
k. 0.080 cm
d. 902 s
l. 0.0800 m
e. 60.3 W
m. 1.48x103 K
f. 100.8 T
n. 6.505x107 J
g. 75.00 g
o. 8.00x10-5 N
h. 1200 J
p. 2.110x10-6 A
2. Solve the following experimental calculations to the correct number of significant digits.
a. 6.3 m + 7.22 m + 3.75 m =
c. 443.7 mL – 441 mL =
b. 15.8 s + 14.982 s + 6.232 s =
c. 1287 m/s – 590 m/s =
c. 8.03x103 kg + 7.3x103 kg =
d. 1.072x104 km – 7.5x103 km =
3. Solve the following experimental calculations to the correct number of significant digits.
a. 4410 m x 3122 m =
d. 36.5 L x 7.22 m x 3.75 m =
b. 57 m x 7.013 m x 3.882 m =
e. 17.3 g / 44.75 cm3 =
c. (6.3 kg x 9.80 m) / 51.62 s2 =
f. 122.3 N / (9.01 m x 14 m) =
4. Solve the following experimental calculations to the correct number of significant digits.
a. (328 kg + 822 kg) x 14 m =
(157 s2 – 127 s2)
b. 328 kg·m + (822 kg x 14 m ) =
(157 s2 – 127 s2)
c. 328 kg·m + 822 kg x 14 m =
157 s2
127 s2
d. 328 kg + 822 kg x 14 m =
157 s2 x 127 s2
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Summer Preparedness Packet
Precision, Accuracy, and Experimental Difference
Power indicates the rate at which work is done. The power output of a motor indicates the maximum amount of
work that can be done in a certain amount of time. An experiment was conducted to measure the power output
of a motor. A weight was tied to a string and lifted to a pre-measured height. The time to lift the weight was
also measured. The power was then calculated in Watts using the formula:
Power = weight x height
Weight was measured in Newtons. Height was measured in meters, and time in seconds. Power was then
calculated in Watts. The data from this experiment was written in tabular form below. Notice that standard
weights were used, so their values are known to accurate precision. The values for the height and time were
measured and have some doubt (precision). The following steps determine the precision of the experiment.
Weight =
10.0 N
Height =
2.00 m ± 0.02 m
Time =
6.25 s ± 0.05 s
Hmax =
Hmin =
Tmax =
Tmin =
1. From the data listed above, what is the largest value the height could ever have been measured (Hmax = H +
precision)? Smallest value (Hmin = H – precision)? What is the largest value the Time could ever have been
measured (Tmax = T + precision)? Smallest value (Tmin = T – precision)?
2. Using the maximum and minimum values for the height and time, and using the value for the weight,
calculate the maximum value for the power (the largest value for the power using the worst measurements
that can be obtained in the experiment).
Powermax = weight x heightmax
Pmax =
3. Using the maximum and minimum values for the height and time, and using the value for the weight,
calculate the minimum value for the power (the smallest value for the power using the worst measurements
that can be obtained in the experiment).
Powermin = weight x heightmin
Pmin =
5. Calculate the experimental power of the motor (P = ½(Pmax + Pmin)).
value =
6. Calculate the experimental power of the motor (P = ½(Pmax – Pmin)).
precision =
7. Express the power of the motor and the precision of the experiment in the form Power = value ± precision.
Power =
8. It is sometimes more beneficial to express the precision as a percentage of the value
(precision = precision x 100 / value).
Power =
Watts ±
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Summer Preparedness Packet
The previous steps were used to calculate the precision of the experiment for measuring the power of a motor.
The next calculation is for determining the accuracy of the experiment. This can be done ONLY when a known
value is provided. In this case, it is known that the motor has a factory-determined value of 3.16 Watts. This
known value can be compared to the experimental value (determined on the previous page).
Accuracy = |Valueknown – Valueexperiment| (100)
1. Determine the accuracy of the experiment. In doing this, only the experimental value is used from the
previous page. There is no need to add or subtract the precision from this experimental value. Also, the
known value is 3.16 Watts.
Accuracy = |Valueknown – Valueexperiment| (100)
Accuracy =
If the calculations were done correctly, the accuracy in this experiment is less than the precision (expressed as a
percent). This indicates that the experiment is an acceptable means of determining the power of any similar
motor, because the known value of the motor’s power is within the range of error for this experiment. Also
notice that the precision is considered small (less than 5%). This indicates a very precise experiment.
If the accuracy is greater than the experiment’s precision, then the experiment would be considered a failure –
even if the precision was still considered small. If the known value is beyond the range of error for this
experiment, the experiment results are incorrect.
If the accuracy is less than the experiment’s precision, but the precision is considered large, the experiment
could be considered a success, but some refinements need to be made to reduce the margin of error in the
2. Answer:
Accuracy =
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Summer Preparedness Packet
Math Practice
Physics is not mathematics (Rule 6), but there is a tremendous amount of mathematics used in physics. The
following problems review some math skills you will need for this course. These also are math skills you
should already have acquired.
1. Solve for x.
a. 128 = 18 + 5x
b. 787 = 52 + 105x
c. 324 = x + 44(3)
d. 1188 = x + 113(15)
e. 392 = ½(42 + 56)x
f. 1680 = ½(77 + 35)x
g. 561 = ½(x + 362)3
h. 168 = ½(17 + x)6
i. 1112 = 13(8) + ½ x (12)2 x =
j. 488 = ½(14 – 8)x2
k. 272 = x2 + 2(12)27
l. 112 = 72 + 2(9)x
b. 6740 = 2y + 64x – 31z
2. Solve for x.
a. y = 20 + 5x + 2z
y = 3z + 37(3)
y = 74 + z(15)
z = 6(7) + 12
z = 13 + (15)2
c. 615 = ½(3y2 + 7z)x
d. 1234 = ½(18y + 35)x
y = 3z + 37(3)
y = 74 + z(15)
z = 6(7) + 12
z = 13 + (15)2
3. Solve for x and y for each triangle. Remember the definitions of the trig functions:
sine  = side opposite [y]
cosine  = side adjacent [x]
tangent  = side opposite [y]
hypotenuse [h]
hypotenuse [h]
side adjacent [h]
y = h sin()
x = h cos()
h = 20.0 m
 = 30º
h = 20 m
 = 37º
 = 60º
h = 20.0 m
h = 20.0 m
h = 20.0 m
 = 53º
 = 45º
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Summer Preparedness Packet
Math Practice (cont’d)
Physics is not mathematics (Rule 6), but there is a tremendous amount of mathematics used in physics. The
following problems review some math skills you will need for this course. These also are math skills you
should already have acquired.
4. What is the sum of all the x values from section 3?
xtotal =
5. What is the sum of all the y values from section 3?
ytotal =
6. Just for fun, use Pythagorean theorem on xtotal and ytotal (htotal2 = xtotal2 + ytotal2).
What is the value for what is now called htotal?
htotal =
7. One more “fun thing”, using the tangent function, determine the value of  that has a tangent equal to the
ratio of ytotal to xtotal (tangent  = ytotal).
8. Answer:
htotal =
98.2 m
45 °
If any of your answers do not match, an error was made. Try contacting someone for help (parent, classmate,
teacher). This can be done using Edmodo, a ‘social networking site’ for educators, their students, and district
personnel. It is currently on a trial basis for use in Physics class. You can chat with each other, provide encouragement
and help on assignments, request help, ask questions, discuss solutions, or anything physics or science related.
Student Sign Up
To participate in an Edmodo group, students need to create their own account. The process has been
simplified by not requiring students to enter an email address. Here’s how to sign up:
Step 1: Visit and click on the student sign-up link. It
Step 2: Enter the code 4rcr68
and complete the registration form. Student email addresses are optional
and not required for students.
Step 3: You should now be signed up for your teacher's (Mr810) Edmodo group,
ready to start posting in Edmodo.
, and
Posting to Edmodo
Once you are logged into Edmodo you are ready for your first post in Edmodo. You will notice the post
bubble at the top of the screen. This is where all posting occurs. Posting options include notes, links, & files.
To post a note in Edmodo, all you have to do is type your message in the message box, and then type a
group, student name, or another teacher name in the "send to" box. When you are typing in the "send to" box, it
will give you suggestions with what group or other users that you can send to.
Replying to a post
Replying to a post is as simple as clicking the reply link below a post. Type your message and click the reply
Replying to a post
One thing to be stressed with Edmodo is everything you post in MacScience is private by default, however,
remember that while using Edmodo, from any computer, no matter what the location, District 61’s Computer
Use Policy still applies. Proper use and etiquette is expected and improper use will be reported.
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Summer Preparedness Packet
Learn ‘em Love ‘em Live ‘em
Physics exists to teach us critical thinking – nothing else is important.
1b. If you’re not thinking critically, you’re just not thinking.
Visualization is more important than units. Draw the picture, stupid.
Units, units, units.
Release the ego. Nothing ruins physics classes faster than physics classes.
Don’t get too excited that your answer is correct. The next problem is just around
the corner, and the chances are that it will be a killer.
Physics is not Mathematics – don’t treat it that way. Insanity lies down that road.
All physics problems are the same problem. The difficulty is realizing what that
problem happens to be.
There is a fine-line between hardcore and stupidity – try not to cross that line.
The universe is stranger, and simpler, than you can ever imagine. Get used to it.
9b. The only way to truly understand the universe is to be born as an 11th
dimensional being. In all likelihood, you weren’t that lucky.
10. If it’s stupid, but it works, then it is not stupid.
11. If you understand the following quotes…
“Mathematicians know everything about nothing.
Engineers know nothing about everything.
Physicists know something about something.”
– Albert Einstein
“Everyone else sux.”
– Richard Feynman
…then you don’t need the previous 10 rules. Honest.
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Summer Preparedness Packet
12. The laws of thermodynamics and conservation of energies regulate all natural
13. All theories must be consistent with all known physical laws, theories, and
14. All theories, hypotheses and observations must be verifiable and falsifiable.
15. Always establish the cause and effect relationship.
16. Complexity ought not be posited without necessity.
17. Words mean things. Read the instructions.
18. Never fall asleep while handwriting a report. (Don’t cram)
19. Never take anything for granted.
(Don’t cram)
20. Always anticipate.
(Don’t cram)
21. Always wear appropriate protective clothing in the classroom or laboratory, if
needed (i.e., e.g. protective eyewear, protective footwear, radiation suit).
21a. Always wear footwear in the classroom or laboratory.
22. Know how to use the safety equipment – eyewash fountains, safety showers, fire
blankets, fire extinguishers, emergency spill kits.
23. Never engage in horseplay, games, or pranks in the laboratory.
24. The instigator is almost never caught; the respondent almost always is.
25. The back of the room is never far enough.
26. Dispose of all waste materials using disposal procedures 26a or 26b.
26a. Throw it away (solids).
26b. Dump it in the drain (liquids).
27. Never perform unauthorized experiments. Demonstrate safe behavior.
28. Never run with sharp objects.
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Summer Preparedness Packet
Students will be removed from the laboratory by the teacher if:
their personal appearance or dress is such that they can cause injury or distraction to
themselves or others;
they are behaving in such a manner that they can cause injury to themselves or others;
they are not following the prescribed safety rules for the laboratory or the particular activity
being conducted;
they have not completed the pre-lab activities that are needed for them to work safely in the
, a student at
School, have read and agree to follow
all safety rules and regulations given by my teacher. I realize that following these rules is necessary
to ensure the safe operation of the school laboratory and to provide a safe environment not only for
myself, but for my fellow students and my teachers as well. I will, therefore, cooperate fully with
teachers and students to ensure that all of us work safely. I will act responsibly to look for possible
safety hazards and will immediately point out these hazards to the instructor. I realize that, as a
student, much of the responsibility for safety is in my hands. I understand that violation of these rules
may result in the loss of laboratory privileges and possible disciplinary measures.
Contact Lens Wearers
Wearing contact lenses in the laboratory is the subject of controversy because of the extra risk they
create in case chemicals enter the eye. Some experts believe that contact lenses should never be
worn in the laboratory. Other experts believe that contact lenses can be worn with proper eye
I will wear contact lenses in the laboratory. Yes____ No____. If yes, I realize the hazards associated
with the use of contact lenses and will strictly adhere to the eye protection requirement.
, parent or guardian of
contract and the attached rules.
, have read this safety
(parent / guardian)
(parent’s email)
For more information, assignments, science links, on-line tutorials, and Star Tripp’n’
episodes, contact Mr. Aten by phone, by e-mail, or by logging on to his website at: and following the links >Staff >Aten.
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