INFORMAL GEOMETRY Mrs. Gray Rm 216 Materials 1. Textbook (please put a cover on your textbook)(there is also an online textbook) 2. Binder or Notebook and/or Folder 3. Notetaking Guide 3. Pencil with Eraser (Mechanical pencil is best) (All work should be done in pencil) 4. Scientific Calculator 5. Compass and Protractor and Straightedge(ruler) (these will be available in the classroom, but are not in the best shape, also you may want a set so you can use them outside the classroom) Grades 1. Homework Completion will be checked daily for completion – assignments are left in the notebook/binder show the process to get the correct answer, answer keys will be available for you to check your answers anything that you do not understand you need to get help with, whether that is a friend, parent, teacher, etc. if you are not able to get help before class, indicate at the top of the assignment which problems you did not understand and/or could not get the correct answer 2 pts – all problems are completed with work shown 1 pt – at least half of the assignment is completed with work shown no credit for assignments less than half completed or only answers shown 2. Homework Check after every 2 or 3 sections questions consist of a pg# and a problem taken directly from assignments binders/notebooks/folders are used textbooks and worksheets are not used 2 pts for each question, work has to be shown to get full credit 3. Notes Check same day as homework test questions will consist of a section# and an example/checkpoint number# or definition taken directly from notes 1 or 2 items are asked for from each section notes are used (usually in the notetaking guide) 2 pts for each question 4. Open Note Quiz after every 2 or 3 sections notes are used points vary (10 – 30) 5. Chapter Test every 2 to 3 weeks a review will be available a few days prior to the test to help prepare (2 extra credit points) one 3x5 note card with definitions and formulas(but no problems worked out) may be used for each test 100 pts for each test 6. Extra Credit 2 pts – challenge problem(s) at the end of the chapter test 7. Activities, etc points vary A B C D F 92 – 100 83 – 91 74 – 82 65 – 73 64 or below Make-up Work You are responsible for make-up work – if it is a school related or a prearranged absence you are responsible to get the work before your absence Get notes and assignments from fellow students or teacher Pick up necessary handouts and worksheets from the teacher or back table Arrange times with the teacher to makeup quizzes, tests, etc. Classroom Expectations 1. Be prepared for class bring all materials(please do not interrupt to ask for materials once the teacher has begun teaching) quiet, seated, and ready to work when the bell rings (you are marked tardy if you are not in your seat when the bell rings) 2. Be respectful be quiet and attentive when the teacher is leading class or other students are participating in class discussions respect other people and their property no food, candy, or pop is allowed on carpeted areas of the school, you will be asked to throw away any such items; plain water in a clear bottle is allowed on carpeted areas of the school including the classroom no personal electronic devices in the classroom, if these are visible or heard during class you will need to give it to the teacher and pick it up at the end of your school day from one of the assistant principals 3. Work hard during class as soon as the bell rings you are working until the end of the class period stay in your seat until the bell rings, do not congregate by the door take bathroom breaks, water breaks, etc. during passing periods, not during class(you will be allowed 3 breaks each quarter) Get help when you do not understand or are getting incorrect answers. Make sure you do your homework and do it correctly. If you need extra help I will be available before school (8:10am Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings and 7:30am Tuesday and Thursday mornings) and during 7th and 8th periods. school phone number: (701)323-4900 ext.6643 e-mail: Online Textbook: Go to Geometry Concepts and Skills 2010 Use all lower case letters!!!! Username: first name_last name Ex. user name: maryann_gray Password: last name password: gray Activation code is: 4905899-20 Good Math Websites: and kahnacademy) (these 2 websites have videos to help understand math concepts)