Batmasters Club Success Plan.

Club Success
The Club Success Plan is a planning document for defining the goals of a club. Club
officers should create a Club Success Plan for their club in order to help them focus
their efforts and the efforts of the club as a whole during their term in office. In
particular, the Club Success Plan represents the club's stated criteria in defining
success for the club in the Distinguished Club Program.
Emma Wilson
Kris Clinton
Bradley Harris
Kelley Brown
Jim Sdoia
BATMasters Toastmasters Club 8317 / Memphis, Tennessee / Club Success Plan / version 1.1 23 September 2009
Club Success Plan
for the Toastmasters awards year 2010-2011
Version 1.1
Issued 23 September 2010
5:30pm 17 August 2010
Panera Bread, Germantown Parkway
Sgt of Arms
Emma Wilson
Bradley Harris
Kris Clinton
Jim Sdoia
Kelley Brown
Jamie Cochran
Notes by
Jim Sdoia
Part A.
Distinguished Club Program Plans
Point 1
Competent Communicator (CC) awards planned
Bradley Harris
August 23, 2010
Kelley Brown
July 06, 2010
Additional Competent Communicator (CC) awards planned
Projected Filing
Steve Anderson
July 01, 2010
Pam Liu
August 24, 2010
Irv Lammie
December 15, 2010
Emma Wilson
December 15, 2010
Point 2
Projected Filing
BATMasters Toastmasters Club 8317 / Memphis, Tennessee / Club Success Plan / version 1.1 23 September 2009
Part A.
Distinguished Club Program Plans continued
Point 3
Advanced Communicator (ACB, ACS, ACG) awards planned
Point 4
Point 5
Projected Filing
Kelley Brown
June 30, 2011
Bradley Harris (may be ACB or ACS or ACG)
December 15, 2010
Advanced Communicator (ACB, ACS, ACG) awards planned
Projected Filing
Jim Sdoia
Leadership (CL, ALB, ALS, DTM) awards planned
Point 6
Projected Filing
Steve Anderson (CL)
September 14, 2010
Bradley Harris (CL)
August 05, 2010
Additional Leadership (CL, ALB, ALS, DTM) awards planned
Projected Filing
Kelley Brown (CL)
December 15, 2010
Bradley Harris (ALB)
August 17, 2011
June 30, 2011
Emma Wilson
April 15, 2011
Kris Clinton
April 15, 2011
Jim Sdoia
January 15, 2011
Jamie Cochran
June 30, 2011
Points 7, 8
Four New Members, Four Additional New Members – Kelley – can look at this
and come up with a small plan please?
VPPR Mike Blumethal will ask Tyler Church and Kevin Loyd to form with him a
membership committee, plus possibly others, perhaps Anith Larson or John
Felkins. The committee will have met by 01 April 2010.
BATMasters Toastmasters Club 8317 / Memphis, Tennessee / Club Success Plan / version 1.1 23 September 2009
Part A.
Distinguished Club Program Plans continued
Point 9
Officer Training
In July-August officer training, the club reached the four-officers-trained status
required for the DCP, though not all officers attended. President Emma Wilson
will ensure every officer attends at least one session in the January training.
Point 10
Secretary Bradley Harris noted that the club officer list for 2009-2010 has been
Secretary (Bradley Harris) and Treasurer (Jamie Cochran) will not only file
memberships and reports on time, but will report to the club as soon as done.
Bradley Harris recommends…
filing six membership payments as soon as they are received, then filing the
rest at leisure, thus completing at the earliest possible opportunity the
requirement for filing, and
begin whining early (say, August and February) for membership reenlistment
Member Retention, Recruiting, New Member Orientation
We’re doing fine, say two of the three officers present. Though we sold 11
memberships this year, yet began and ended the year with 16 members, for a nil
net gain, two thirds of the officers present say that the reasons members leave is
beyond our control, including such issues as job transfer and the like. The third
officer partially disagrees.
Bradley Harris recommends that we do Moments of Truth (from the Successful
Club series) as soon as we can, and also canvass departed members as to reasons
for their leaving, and their recommendations.
John Felkins will do two presentations from the Successful Club series, both by 15
January 2010: Creating the Best Club Climate and How to Be a Distinguished
Other officers will be invited to do two presentations from the Successful Club
series, both by 15 January 2010: Evaluate to Motivate (soonest) and Going
Beyond the Club.
Part B.
BATMasters Toastmasters Club 8317 / Memphis, Tennessee / Club Success Plan / version 1.1 23 September 2009
Member Retention, Recruiting, New Member Orientation continued
Bradley Harris will do two presentations from the Successful Club series, both by
15 March 2010: Closing the Sale and Mentoring.
Each other officer is to deliver, per officership held, two programs from the
Successful Club series, all by 15 April 2010. This is so that we can adopt as our
goal that each officer should this year file both a CL and an ALB, for a total of at
least twelve leadership awards for the club from officers alone.
Non-officer members, including newer members, will be encouraged also to give
presentations from the Successful Club series, which will (i) assist them forward
on both the leadership and communication awards tracks, and (ii) help orient
newer members generally (as well as those intermediate members whom we may
have neglected somewhat in orientation), and (iii) tend to increase and hasten, this
year and in future years, opportunities for members to file awards.
VPE Emma Wilson will canvass officers from prior years to encourage them to
satisfy bottlenecks standing between these former officers and the ALB awards
they could and should still file for Batmasters based on their year’s or years’
officer service, the most common of these bottlenecks being (i) having never filed
a CL, and (ii) having yet to deliver one or both of the two “extra” speeches from
the Successful Club series or other allowable series. Those with zero completed
CLs will be encouraged to finish these and be given priority in filling meeting
roles and other needed opportunities. Our club (like most) has a backlog of such
possible awards it could file over the next year, all based on prior years’ work
now essentially abandoned or forgotten.
send each guest a follow-up e-mail and a posted card (responsibility: VPPR
Mike Blumethal)
work up a “visitor kit” comprising (i) pamphlets, (ii) a special welcome
message (devised by the VPPR), and (iii) a partially completed application
form, with either completed dues info entered or with instructions (overall
responsibility: VPMem Mike Blumethal)
prepare for use with the visitor kit a partially completed model application
form (stamped DRAFT) that has all club info filled in and dues information
filled in (responsibility: VPMem Mike Blumethal) to be kept in a file in the
train all members in using visitor kits and application forms in selling
memberships (responsibility: VPE Emma Wilson)
Display Club Progress Charts for CC Awards, CL Awards and Distinguished
Club Awards at all meetings. (VPE Emma Wilson)
Hold a last-meeting-of-the-month awards ceremony recognizing Toastmaster
accomplishments and initiating new members (responsibility: President and
We will
 acquire a guest book and use it weekly to record guest names and contact info
(responsibility: VPMem Mike Blumethal)
Part B.
BATMasters Toastmasters Club 8317 / Memphis, Tennessee / Club Success Plan / version 1.1 23 September 2009
Part B.
Member Retention, Recruiting, New Member Orientation continued
We will (continued)
deliver a speech on items members may wish to buy for themselves from the
TM Supply Catalog (responsibility for delegating this speech: VPE Emma
hold a barbecue social and speech fest in March, focusing on one or more
advanced manuals of the host’s choice
hold another similar speech-focused event in winter or spring
continue planning for Memphis TALKfest in October
plan a special Communicating on Television workshop, wherein Batmasters
and AllRounders members may begin and complete this advanced manual in
one day
The club will participate in each of the TI-organized membership contests.
Each member will be encouraged to hold membership contests of their own
devise at any time during the year, so that all members have a chance to complete
the CL manual and, in particular, the “bottleneck” requirement detailed on CL
manual page 51 that one must chair either a membership campaign or a PR
campaign in order to earn the CL.
We will review and amend the Club Success Plan monthly, at club officer
We will, in particular, look for new and creative chances to pick up missed
awards opportunities from prior years, and to set up the club for future years. We
also adopt as a principle that we’ll look for opportunities to benefit area and
division in our planning.
We will send this Club Success Plan and any revisions to all Batmasters members,
as well as to all C division officers and the D division governor.
— 30 —
Part C.