R.L. Stevenson Middle School School Academic Plan SY 2008-09 Rev. 1/11/2008 Goal 1. Improve Student Achievement through Standards-Based Education Objectives: Provide standards-based curriculum, instruction, and assessment in all classrooms; increase proficiency in reading, mathematics, and science for all students; ensure that all students demonstrate the six General Learner Outcomes; and, ensure students will be caring, responsible, contributing participants in a democratic society. Prioritized Strategies (see School Strategic Plan for measures and annual benchmarks) (SW 6) (SW/SI 9) Continue the use of consistent formative assessment strategies throughout the school. 1. Pilot Pinnacle Gradebook for consistent standards-based grading practices. 2. Determine the consistent research based instructional strategies to be implemented in the school. 3. Rationale (SW 1): Data from the Hawaii State Assessment, Quarterly Formative Assessments, and school-wide discussions on performance indicate the need for stronger standards-based instruction and assessment to enable our students to achieve AYP. Student performance (SAT) data shows that our students perform well on norm-referenced tests. They do not do as well on criterion-referenced tests (HSA). The constructed response items in reading comprehension, reading response, and Math are our low performing areas. Funded Enabling Activities (SW 2) (SW/SI 4) (SW 6) (SI 8) 1. Professional Learning Communities: Provide opportunities for teachers to share and build professional learning communities. (PLC) Provide Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) professional development for teachers. Outcomes (SI 5) Initial Intermediate a.100% of teachers will participate in professional development to understand the importance of PLC. a.100% of teachers will use PLC concepts/strategies to articulate instructional, curricular and assessment needs. Expenditure Lead (SI 7) SALT Timeline Description July 2008 $36,000 WSF $12000 Title I 33% of teachers (Gr. 8 Teams) will participate in AVID training which incorporates Marzano’s instructional strategies along with key Writing,Inquiry,Collaboration,Reading (WICR) strategies. b.3.33% improvement on each subsequent QFA from 1st quarter baseline. July 2008 AVID Summer Institute July 2008 Reading, Math and Science teachers will continue to be provided with more professional development opportunities to improve teachers’ content understanding , instructional strategies and the use of formative assessments to help students become better problem a.100% of teachers will implement strategies as evidenced in SLC binders. b.Students become better problem solvers and show a 3.33 improvement on each subsequent QFA from 1st quarter Est $ Amount (SI 3) Read Math Science Depts. Leila NakaReading H.Slovin,&M. Olson-Math UH MED,Cmplx Rsrce GEAR UP $17000 Queens Grant solvers and promote deeper student understanding 2. ) Formative and Summative Assessments: Pinnacle Gradebook: School-wide Implementation -Teachers will use Marzano/Complex developed rubrics and establish 4 data points for trend reports. Refine Common Formative Assessments CFA to reflect achievement on HSA. 3. Standards Based Education Provide opportunities for teachers to articulate and share effective examples of standards based education. 4) Best Practices: Provide opportunities for teachers to improve the use of research-based “best practices” in their instruction: Best practices survey, note taking, and graphic organizers. baseline. a.100% of teachers will utilize Pinnacle Gradebook and Marzano’s Trend Reporting b. End of term grades will reflect what the students have learned. Teacher SALT July 2008 a. All departments will have CFA that reflect appropriate benchmarks according to the Quarterly benchmark maps. b. 3.33% improvement on each subsequent QFA from 1st quarter baseline. Teachers a. 100% of teachers will use and update Lotus Notes Curriculum Mapping software. 100% of curriculum maps will align with available HCPS III benchmark maps. a. 100% of classrooms will display student work with RLS cover sheet, which includes standards, benchmarks, GLOs, and criteria/rubric. 70% of classrooms will display student work matching classroom teacher’s curriculum map. a. 100% teachers will submit Instructional Inventory based off of Marzano’s Classroom Instruction That Works. 100% teachers will implement note taking format in their classrooms. 100% teachers will implement graphic organizers in their classrooms. SALT July 2008June 2009 SALT July 2008June 2009 b. 3.33% improvement on QFA per quarter Marzano 4800WSF Pinnacle gradebook 1,300WSF H. Slovin, M. Olson CRDG Assessment Matters Conference. Leila Naka July 2008 AVID Summer institute Title I School Improveme nt funds 07-08 $12,000 WSF 07-08 $8000 5) Interventions: Non-proficient students, within subgroups disadvantaged and SPED, will be identified and targeted through Hawaii State Assessment (HSA) scaled scores between 270-310 in Reading/Math and receive appropriate services: Develop an inclusion model plan SPED Students will attend Regular Education classes -All SPED Students will participate in the HSA, regardless of proficiency level. - Reading teacher(s) will continue to transform their classrooms into problem solving environments. Math teacher(s) will continue to transform their classrooms into problem solving environments. TOTALS/SUMMARY a. Greater than 50% of SPED students will be in regular education courses for more than 40% of the time b. 3.33% increase of SPED students will show improvement on the QFA every quarter. a. Targeted students will be placed in appropriate reading classes. Achieve 3000 will be implemented in Gr.6, SPED and targeted reading class. All English classes will use the My Access writing program b.3.3 % of targeted students will improve from approaching to meets on the QFA every quarter. Principa l/ Leaders hip Team Reading Teacher s Consult ant/Trai ner July 2008 Leila Naka Complex team WSF $283,344 Title 1 $141,672 My Access WSF $15000 Leila Naka Complex team Title I $5,000 H. Slovin, M. Olson CRDG Title I $10,000 a. Targeted students will be placed in appropriate Math classes b.3.3 % of targeted students will improve from approaching to meets on the QFA every quarter. $546,116 Goal 2. Provide comprehensive support for all students Objectives: Provide a focused and responsive system of supports to strengthen the social, emotional, and physical well-being of all students; provide students with expanded learning opportunities that support standards-based education through partnerships with families and the community. Prioritized Strategies (see School Strategic Plan for measures and annual benchmarks) (SW 9) Refine the Continuous Integrated Monitoring and Improvement Process (CIMIP) to ensure quality services that meet the needs of special needs students. 1. Revisit and reexamine the integration of the Arts throughout the school. 2. Provide a focused and responsive system of supports to strengthen the social, emotional, and physical well-being of all students. 3. Rationale (SW 1): Data from referral database, suspension rates, and school-wide discussions on performance indicate the need for transitions and target assistance to enable all, and especially below proficient students, to achieve and feel safe while in school. School Quality survey data indicate the need for school-wide expectations that encourage responsible involvement and positive behaviors that support an environment for optimum teaching and learning. Outcomes (SI 5) Expenditure Funded Enabling Activities Lead Timeline Initial Description Est $ (SW 7) (SI 7) Intermediate Amount 1) Target students who are approaching proficiency and a. 100% of teachers will implement Principa July 2008 SALT, WSF are in subgroup populations. strategies as evidenced in SLC binders. l/PBS Principal, $3,000 -Train teachers in scoring/analyzing the constructed b. Increase by 15% the number of cadre/C OCSIS response. students receiving CSSS of nonounselo workshops, proficiency results on the Hawaii State rs/SSC Supplemental Assessment material - After school tutoring for targeted students, (Digital a.PTT’s are hired and trained Aftersch August $15,000 Academy) b.3.33% improvement on ea. subsequent ool 2008 QFA from 1st qtr. baseline PTT’s Target AVID/Queens’ students-especially the least served students who are in the middle. 2) Use PBS to teach and learn expectations of behavior, interventions, recognition and rewards for positive behaviors -Develop school-wide behavioral expectations. Intervention: Teams have implemented universal PBS strategies. 1. Double lunch schedule has been implemented. Double lunch was suggested by the PBS committee to decrease the amount of referrals during the lunch period. Data showed that the amount of referrals during lunch was higher than any other time. -Establish a system of effective school/parent communication using various formats, including e-mail a. PPT’s are hired and trained b. 3.33% improvement on ea. Subsequent QFA from 1st qtr. baseline a. Behavioral expectations are posted and used. b. Increase by 15% the number of students reporting that they feel safe at school through PBS. a.Increase by 10% the number of parents responding positively to SQS #school AVID/ Queens PPT’s Principa l/PBS cadre/C ounselo rs/SSC August 2008 July 2008 AVID/Queens Coordinator $12,000 and Biannual Surveys/ safety and student well being TOTALS/SUMMARY $30,000 Goal 3. Continuously improve performance and quality Objectives: Continuously improve school quality and performance; continuously improve system quality. Prioritized Strategies (see School Strategic Plan for measures and annual benchmarks) (SI 1) (SI 2) 1. Continuously improve school quality and performance. 2. Continuously improve system quality. 3. Rationale: (SW 1) Data from various surveys ,(School Quality Survey, Open House Parent Survey ,Student Council Survey) of stakeholders indicate the need for all stakeholders to understand the vision and mission of RLS, standards-based achievement, and GLOs to enable school-wide support of students. Funded Enabling Activities (SW 2) (SW 3) (SW 4) (SI 6) 1) Teacher training, mentor assignment, team assignment in teaching and learning student support for standards-based instruction. -School-wide training in SB instruction and GLO’s to support student behavior, actions, and achievement. School-wide implementation of course cover sheet for Student Led Conferences.(cover sheet includes: HCPS III, GLO’s, criteria/rubric and goal setting. 2) Continue and improve existing communication systems to share student progress with parents and community. Four points of stakeholder interest: Open House, SLC #1, SLC #2, and Excellence Night will be held. Three Howard Hughes Medical Institute Science nights will be held for each grade level. The school newsletter (Buccaneer Tidbits) will be distributed weekly. Communication envelope will go home every Wednesday. Parents will be required to fill out a worksheet outlining what standards are being addressed and what their child has learned. Hold monthly SCC meetings to dialog and discuss school issues and concerns. Conduct coffee hours, parent nights, forums in conjunction with PCNC, Title 1, ESLL, and all parents. Science Fair/Health Family Night Grades in L.A.,Soc.Studies,Science ,Math ,others will be accessible to parents via the Pinnacle Electronic Gradebook Send home Parent notification letter informing them of school status (SI6) Outcomes (SW 2) (SI 5) Initial Intermediate Expenditure Lead (SI 7) Timeline Description a. Stakeholders are trained and teams are assigned. b. 100% of students will participate in Student Lead Conferences. b. 70% of classrooms display student work reflective of assessment strategies used as a result of SALT sharing. SALT/ Principal July 2008 By the end of the 1st quarter. a. 100% of teachers will include additional evidence from the classroom as evidenced in, Open House Boards, SLC binders, and Excellence Night. SALT July 2008 Queens Med Cnt 2nd-4th qtr. b. Increase by 10% the number of parents responding positively to SQS # for school satisfaction. Queens Coord. Est $ Amount WSF $1000 TOTALS/SUMMARY $1,000