Chemistry A/B MS.Y. DALLAS Room Hours: Monday- Friday 8:00 a.m. – 3:10 p.m. Phone Number: (818) 898-7600 Room #: 512 Chemistry 1 A/B (5th period Conference) Course Syllabus COURSE DESCRIPTION Chemistry A: This course is designed to acquaint students with topics in chemistry, including the science of chemistry, matter and energy, atomic structure, the periodic table, ionic and covalent compounds, chemical composition, chemical equations and reactions, and stoichiometry. Class activities will include discussion, problem solving, reports, and projects. Chemistry B: This course is designed to acquaint you with topics in chemistry, including states of matter, gases, chemical equilibrium, acids and bases, and organic chemistry. Class activities will include discussion, problem solving, lab experiments and reports, and projects RELEVANCE This course will provide a solid foundation for further study in Chemistry by helping students develop computational, procedural, and problem-solving skills. Cooking is chemistry. Everything you can touch or taste or smell is a chemical. Chemistry tends to focus on the properties of substances and the interactions between different types of matter, particularly reactions that involve electrons. If you know some chemistry, you can make educated choices about everyday products that you use. MATERIALS COMPOSITION BOOK/SPIRAL BOUND NOTEBOOK PENCILS/ERASERS HIGHLIGHTER WHITE-OUT BLUE/BLACK PEN GLUE STICKS USB FLASHDRIVE POLICIES AND PROCEDURES THIS COURSE WILL REQUIRE A COMPOSITION or SPIRAL BOUND NOTEBOOK (We will begin using this notebook the second day of class) Purpose of Notebook: The notebook will enable you to be organized, responsible, and independent students. It will be used for this Chemistry class ONLY; to take notes, class work, and homework. Notebook Evaluation: Notebooks will be checked on a daily basis but grading will be done periodically, and at least once per grading period. Lost Notebooks: If you lose your notebook you will have to purchase a new one IMMEDIATELY! Your grade in this course is dependent on this notebook and it will be extremely difficult to replace the lost work. Missing/lost assignments will lower your grade, therefore you must take excellent care of your notebook. NOTE: Inappropriate graphics (i.e. “Tagging”, gang related, profanity, etc.) will not be tolerated in or on the notebook, non-compliance to this will result in your notebook not being graded. You will then be required to turn in a more appropriate notebook with all assignments that are to be graded. WARM-UP Warm-ups will be assigned on a daily basis for the first 20 minutes of class. There is no make-ups for this assignment. Therefore punctuality and attendance are EXTREMELY important. Warm-ups are CST (California Standards Test) and concept based. CLASSWORK Classwork will be assigned on a daily basis. Work is expected to be completed in class and turned in at the end of the period or when specified. Incomplete class work assignments will automatically become homework. Chemistry A/B These tasks may be assigned as group work as well as individually. Classroom participation is expected and every student should come to class prepared to partake in the learning activities. STUDENT PARTICIPATION IS REQUIRED. HOMEWORK Homework will be assigned weekly. You will have 2 days to complete your assignments. For example, if homework is assigned on Monday, you will have Monday and Tuesday to complete the assignment in your notebook and have it ready for review/grading on Wednesday. QUIZZES Quizzes will be reviewing what was taught and learned through direct instruction, warm-up’s, homework assignments, classwork, and class discussions. CHEATING WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. Violation of this agreement will result in a grade of zero on the test/quiz. Pop-Quizzes: Pop quizzes can be issued at anytime during the week, month, or semester. Points serve as extra credit. MAKE-UP OR LATE WORK THERE IS NO MAKE-UP WORK. However, in the case of an excused absence, an assignment may be made-up/accepted late. This assignment must be completed and turned in at the next class meeting. Otherwise, student will receive a grade of zero for that assignment. In general cases, work is expected to be completed and turned in at the end of the course period. Assignments missed during an unexcused absence or truancy automatically receives a grade of zero. EXIT PROCEDURES * Please understand that the bell does not dismiss the class, we the teachers do. 1. 2. 3. Straighten your desks Check around your area for any papers/trash and throw it away Remain seated until you are dismissed by an adult ABSENCES/TARDINESS In the event of an excused absence it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to get the work you missed. This may be obtained from another student or from the instructors, via email or in class. Due to the fact that the class meets every other day, your missing assignment will be due upon the next class meeting. (Otherwise receive a zero for the assignment). You are considered tardy: 1. If you are not in your assigned seat when the bell rings. (Not near your desk, around your desk, up getting your notebook, etc. IN YOUR SEAT) 2. If you are caught outside of the door when the bell rings. You have until the last ring of the tardy bell to be inside of the class. Otherwise, you will not be allowed into class without a tardy slip from the Dean’s office or a note from an office/teacher explaining the reason for your tardiness. GRADING Assignments: Warm-up Classwork Homework Pop Quizzes “Exit” Quizzes 5 points (max.) 20 points (max.) 10 points (max.) 5 or 10 points (max.) 5 points (max.) (Extra credit) Grades will be based on a semi-traditional scale of: A = 100%-90% B = 89%- 80% C = 79%-55% F = 54%-0% * NOTE: There is no grade of “D” assigned in this class. A “D” is below standard. I want and expect more for you, and from you. Chemistry A/B CLASSROOM RULES 1. Respect Those Who Teach You ~ for they are there to help you, not argue with you. 2. Respect Your Peers ~ encourage, do not discourage. Acknowledge and respect everyone’s opinions, thoughts, and ideas. This will be a safe learning environment for ALL students and any kind of laughter, ridicule, or negative comments is NOT ACCEPTABLE AND WILL NOT BE TOLERATED, as type of behavior could discourage someone from trying. 3. Respect Yourself ~ a) By arriving to class on time and prepared to learn. b) By presenting yourself in a way that others will respect you c) By refraining from using profanity in class 4. There is to be NO Cell phones, Ipod’s, etc. on or in use during class. Texting is also an infringement on classroom rules and not allowed. Electronic Infractions: 1St Offense – verbal warning 2nd Offense – confiscation until the end of the day (i.e. 6th period) 3rd Offense – confiscation until parent conference 4th Offense – confiscation and turned in to the Dean’s office (let’s not get to this point!) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Every student is expected to arrive to class on time with all necessary materials (Pencil, pen ( blue or black ink, NOT red, green, or any other colors), notebook, textbook, completed assignment and any other assigned handouts). NOTE: Teachers will not supply writing utensils without collateral as specified by the teacher. This class is not designed to fail you, but in order to succeed, you have to take responsibility in your own education and do your job. I will not give you an “A”, nor will I give you an “F”. I do not give grades; therefore it is up to you to EARN THE GRADE YOU WANT! Signing below acknowledges that I have read this syllabus in its entirety and understand the parameters of the class. I also acknowledge that the teacher has the right to modify or change this course syllabus as needed. ______________________________ Student Name (Print) _________ _____ Date ____________________________________ Student Signature ____________________________________ Parent Name (Print) ____________________________________ Parent Signature ___________ Date Period