Chem 1151 Review

CHM1151 Review
Summer 2007
This review covers material that you should be familiar with before progressing to CHM1156. If
you have difficulty with this material, other than just ‘knocking off the rust,’ I strongly urge you to
review the early chapters in the textbook. It is imperative that you know this material so that we
focus on new concepts this semester.
1. Write the empirical formula for the ionic compound formed from the following ions:
a. calcium and bromine
b. ammonium and sulfate
2. Predict whether each of the following compounds is molecular or ionic.
a. Ag2SO4
b. CH3OH
c. Tl(NO3)3
3. Provide the chemical formulas for the following compounds:
a. copper(I) oxide
b. potassium peroxide
c. sulfurous acid
d. tetraphosphorous hexasulfide
4. Provide the proper chemical names for the following compounds
a. NaHSO3
b. Cr2(CO3)2
c. K2CrO4
d. H2CO3
5. Write the balanced chemical equation for the following reaction:
Solid calcium carbide reacts with water to form an aqueous solution of calcium hydroxide
and dicarbon dihydride (also known as acetylene)
6. The molecular formula of allicin, the compound responsible for the characteristic smell of
garlic, is C6H10OS2. What is the molecular mass of allicin? How many moles of allicin are
present in 5.00 mg of this substance? How many molecules of allicin are in 5.00 mg of this
substance? How many atoms of sulfur are present in 5.00 mg of this substance?
7. Rachel, a CHM1151 student, combined 30.0g of benzene and 65.0g of bromine to prepare
bromobenzene: C6H6 + Br2  C6H5Br + HBr. If her experiment produced 56.7 g of
bromobenzene, what was her percent yield?
8. Alloys, or metallic mixtures, of mercury and another metal are called amalgams. Sodium in
sodium amalgam reacts as follows: 2Na(s) + 2H2O(l)  2NaOH(aq) + H2(g). If a 15.23 g sample
of sodium amalgam evolves 0.108 g of hydrogen, what is the percentage of sodium in the
9. A compound that dissolves in water to form an aqueous solution and is an excellent
conductor of electricity is always present in water as
a. covalent molecules
b. acid molecules
c. base molecules
d. salt molecules
e. ions
CHM1151 Review
Summer 2007
10. Which of the following is a weak base?
a. HClO
b. LiOH
c. Ba(OH)2
d. KOH
e. NH3
11. All of the following are weak acids except:
a. HClO2
b. HClO
c. HBr
d. H2S
e. HC2H3O2
12. Which of the following ionic compounds is insoluble in water?
a. (NH4)2CO3
b. AgBr
c. CuSO4
d. KI
e. LiNO3
13. Each of the following pairs contains strong acids and weak acids, respectively, except
a. H2SO4 and H2SO3
b. HNO3 and HNO2
c. HCl and HF
d. HClO4 and HClO2
e. H3PO4 and H3PO3
14. Which of the following is a weak electrolyte in aqueous solution?
a. H2SO3
b. HNO3
c. HBr
d. HClO4
e. NaOH
15. All of the following are strong electrolytes in aqueous solution except
a. Na3PO4
b. H3PO4
c. NaOH
d. KCl
e. NaH2PO4
16. Why is the concentration of molecular HCl in a 0.100 M solution of HCl essentially zero?
17. Assign the oxidation states to all elements in the following compounds.
a. Cr2(SO4)4
b. Hg2(BrO3)2
c. Mg(H2PO3)2
CHM1151 Review
Summer 2007
18. Write the molecular, complete ionic, and net ionic equations for the following aqueous
reactions. Include the phase for each substance. Make sure to indicate if there is no
chemical reaction observed.
a. The reaction between cobalt(II) chloride and sodium sulfate
b. The reaction between sulfurous acids and iron(III) hydroxide
c. The reaction between phosphoric acid with a dilute solution of calcium hydroxide
19. What is the concentration of the sulfate ion in a solution made from 500 mL of water, 10 g of
CaSO4, 10 g of Na2SO4, and 10 g of (NH4)2SO4?
20. How much precipitate is formed when 6.0 g of Na2CO3 is mixed with 6.0 g of CuSO4 in
water? What is the identity of the precipitate? Is any reactant left over? If so which and how
much (in g)? If the experiment yielded 4.0 g of one of the products, what is the percent yield
of the reaction?
21. Calculate ΔHorxn for the combustion reaction of ethanol, C2H5OH, shown below given the
following data:
ΔHof C2H5OH (l) = -276.98 kJ/mol ΔHof H2O(l) = -285.5 kJ/mol
ΔHof CO2(g) = -393.5 kJ/mol.
C2H5OH (l) + 3 O2 (g)  2 CO2 (g) + 3 H2O (l)
Is this reaction exothermic or endothermic?
Is this reaction a redox reaction?
22. Acetone, C3H6O, is a commonly used organic solvent that is the main component of nail
polish remover. Its Lewis structure is:
H C  C C H
a. What is the total number of valence electrons in the acetone molecule?
b. How many σ bonds are in the acetone molecule?
c. How many π bonds are in the acetone molecule?
d. How many non-bonding pairs of electrons are in the acetone molecule?
e. What is the hybridization of the left carbon atom in the acetone molecule?
What is the hybridization of the middle carbon atom in the acetone molecule? __________
g. What is the hybridization of the right carbon atom in the acetone molecule?
CHM1151 Review
Summer 2007
23. For each of the following molecules, draw the Lewis structure, calculate the formal charges
on all atoms, determine the geometry around the central atom and determine if the molecule is
polar or nonpolar.
Lewis structure
Formal Charge
Polar (P) or
Nonpolar (NP) ?
S on left = _____
C = _____
S on right = _____
H on top = _____
H on left = _____
O = _____
H on right = _____
F on top = _____
F on top left = _____
F on top right = _____
I = _____
F on lower left = _____
F on lower right =____
Thanks go to Dr. Scott Kassel for the development of most of this document.