

Matt Hardie

Discovered by Chaim Weizman a russian scientist during WWI by preforming the fermentation of glucose

Which produced a sugar with 6 carbon atoms which was the creation of acetone

Acetone is naturally produced in the body during certain metabolic processes

It is naturally occurring after an event like a forest fire, exhaust from a vehicles and burning waste, etc.

Acetone is synthesized and used in nail polish remover, plastics, paint, adhesives, inks and resins

It is the building block in organic chemistry

The synthesis of acetone changed during

WWII as is was industrialised for the war to make cordite which was a compound very similar to gun powder

It became a very popular substance in labs after the war and is now used in the creation of many different every day items

Direct- paint, nail polish removers, plastics, adhesives, inks and resins

Indirect- used to synthesize methyl methacrylate and may other compounds, it is used as a solvent in many substances

High levels of exposure can cause death, comas, seizures, respiratory damage, kidneys and the skin inside your mouth can be damaged

Mid exposure can cause irritation to the eyes, nose, mouth, tongue, headaches and in some cases intoxication.

Some indirect risks include smoking cigarettes or breathing in second hand smoke.

To manage the risks work in a ventilated area, wear face masks, eyewear and gloves

The most similar alternatives would be ethyl acetate or hydrogen peroxide which would have less effects on workers.

Chem Spider


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