Note Taking Guide Race 2 Days 1) Race vs. Ethnicity Race: a category of people who share ____________________________________________________________ Ethnicity: a shared cultural ________________________________and/or_______________________________ 2) Race is a social construct Caucasian, African-American, Asian, Native American, Pacific Islander, these categories are _______________________ __________________________________________________________________. Race is a ___________________________________________. This means that race is not a scientific fact. Scientifically we are all a part of the same race-____________________________________ Although people commonly think of races as sharply distinguishable and fixed biological entities, their boundaries are in fact set by ________________________________________________ Criteria we use to distinguish race are _________________________________________ 3) In what year did the U.S. census allow Americans to mark more than once race? 4) Prejudice and Discrimination Stereotypes: A ____________________________________________________________________________ about the members of a group Hinder social interactions, _____________________________________________________ about others Prejudice- refers to _________________________ (Fear, anger, strong dislike, hatred, other negative emotions towards a group) Discrimination – refers to ___________________________________________s (Unequal treatment based on group membership ) Racism – refers to discriminatory beliefs or actions ________________________________________________________ Reverse Discriminationspecific form of discrimination ________________________________________________________________________ or majority group Modern RacismA ___________________________form of racism that involves the belief that serious discrimination in America _________________________________________ belief that racial inequality is the ________________________________________________________ group members 5) Types of Discrimination: Individual any behavior on the ____________________________________________________________________________ which leads to ______________________________________________________ on the basis of race or other factors Example: 6) Types of Discrimination: Institutional Any _______________________________________________________________________ within a social institution that ____________________________________________________ one group ____________________________________ that result in unequal treatment or ____________________________________________________________________ for minorities May be _____________________________________or subtle and perhaps ______________________________ Example: 7) Sources of prejudice and discrimination 1. Cultural transmission theory: focuses on how prejudice is transmitted through culture from ______________________________________________ child learns prejudice in the same manner he or she learns how to ___________________________________________ building blocks for prejudice are contained with a society’s culture and transmitted naturally to the child through home and community in the form of: _____________________________________________ ____________________________________________-this refers to the _____________________________________ members of one group would allow or desire with members of another group. 2. Group identification theory: focuses on how prejudices are tied in with an individual’s racial and ethnic ____________________________________ human groups are drawn together through common interests, develop a view of themselves as ___________________________________ and tend to _____________________________________________________ A person’s __________________________________________________________ by either accepting an exaggerated view of the value of their own group, or by downgrading the value or importance of another group. In other words, pride in one’s group may become __________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ 3. Personality theories Assert that those with _________________________________________ have higher __________________________of holding prejudice beliefs. Authoritarian personality: rigidly ___________________________ uncritical of authority within their group preoccupied with _____________________________ _______________________________________________ raised by excessively ________________________________________________ and disciplinarian adults have a highly antidemocratic view of the world which can lead to________________________ views of other groups 4. Frustration-aggression hypothesis Ethnic prejudices develop in ______________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ in their daily lives. Ethnic groups provide ________________________________________ for hostility and frustration people experience 8) Robert Merton’s Typology of Racism and Discrimination a. All weather liberal: unprejudiced non-discriminator. Someone who: b. Fair weather liberal: unprejudiced discriminator (if in a setting where others discriminate may also discriminate)Someone who: c. Timid bigot: prejudice non-discriminator. Someone who: d. All weather bigot: prejudice discriminator. Someone who: 9) How did the concept of race begin?