KH thi TN mon Tieng Anh 2014

Năm học 2013 - 2014
I. Mục đích:
- Củng cố kiến thức bài học và rèn luyện các kỹ năng cơ bản theo yêu cầu của bài
- Chuẩn bị tốt kì thi tốt nghiệp năm học 2013-2014.
II. Nội dung kế hoạch:
1. Thời gian thực hiện: Theo phân phối chương trình chính thức của Sở GD&ĐT.
2. Thời gian: 1 tháng 4 năm 2014 đến 25 tháng 5 năm 2014 = 8 tuần
3. Thời lượng: 8 x ……tiết/tuần= ……. tiết
3. Địa điểm: Trường THPT Lý Thường Kiệt
4. GV dạy: Các GV được phân công giảng dạy khối 12.
III. Biện pháp thực hiện:
- GV căn cứ theo định hướng bám sát để thiết kế giáo án.
- HS chuẩn bị trước ở nhà các vấn đề GV đã giao.
- Trên lớp: HS trình bày, GV hướng dẫn và chốt lại.
IV. Tổ chức thực hiện:
1. Đối với Tổ chuyên môn:
- Xây dựng kế hoạch ôn tập cho môn Anh văn năm học 2013-2014 theo kế hoạch
của nhà trường.
- Thảo luận, xây dựng nội dung và phương pháp ôn tập.
- Thường xuyên kiểm tra, có đánh giá rút kinh nghiệm về công tác bồi dưỡng trong
các buổi sinh hoạt tổ chuyên môn, từ đó có thể điều chỉnh nếu cần.
2. Đối với GV:
- Tích cực tìm tòi, trau dồi kinh nghiệm bồi dưỡng; tích cực sưu tầm tài liệu, bộ đề
liên quan…
- Định hướng tài liệu tham khảo cho học sinh (lớp CLC).
- Đảm bảo bám sát phân phối chương trình của Sở GD&ĐT Hà Nội , bám sát theo
nội dung và kĩ năng trong kế hoạch cụ thể dưới đây.
- Đầu tư thích đáng vào giáo án và giờ dạy; linh hoạt trong thiết kế giáo án cho phù
hợp với đối tượng của lớp dạy.
- Các đồng chí giảng dạy phải thực hiện nghiêm túc, có hiệu quả kế hoạch ôn tập đã
đề ra.
V. Kế hoạch cụ thể: TỔNG SỐ TIẾT DỰ KIẾN: 35 TIẾT
Số thứ tự
Nội dung
Số lượng tiết
Thứ tự tiết
OT1, OT2
OT3, OT4, OT5
OT6, OT7
Reported speech
OT8, OT9, OT10
Passive voice
OT11, OT12, OT13
OT14, OT15
OT16, OT17
OT18, OT19
OT20, OT21
More structures
OT22, OT23
More structures
OT24, OT25
Test 1
OT 26,
Test 2
OT 27,
Test 3
OT 28
Test 4
OT 29,
Test 5
OT 30,
Test 6
OT 31,
Test 7
OT 32,
Test 8
OT 33,
Test 9
OT 34,
Test 10
OT 35,
Long Biên, ngày 15 tháng 3 năm 2014
Năm học 2012-2013
(Hiện Tại đơn)
Khẳng định
Phủ định
Nghi vấn
Bị động
Nhận biết
Khẳng định
Phủ định
Nghi vấn
Bị động
Nhận biết
(Quá Khứ đơn)
S + V-ed/2
S + V[-s/es]
S + don’t / doesn’t + V(inf)
Do / Does + S + V(inf) …?
…am / is / are + V-ed/3…
- always, usually, occasionally, often, …
- every : every day, every year…
- once…, twice…, 3 times…
(Hiện Tại tiếp diễn)
S + am / is / are + V-ing
S + am not / isn’t / aren’t + V-ing
Am / Is / Are + S + V-ing …?
…am / is / are + being + V-ed/3…
- now, at present
- at the / this moment
- Sau câu mệnh lệnh :
Keep silent! The baby is sleeping
S + didn’t + V(inf)
Did + S + V(inf) …?
…was / were + V-ed/3…
- yesterday
- last : last week, last Sunday…
- ago : two months ago, five years ago…
- in the past
(Quá Khứ tiếp diễn)
S + was / were + V-ing
S + wasn’t / weren’t + V-ing
Was / Were + S + V-ing …?
…was / were + being + V-ed/3…
- At that moment
- When / As + (simple past):
When I came, she was crying.
- While :
A dog crossed the road while I was driving.
Khẳng định
Phủ định
Nghi vấn
Bị động
Nhận biết
(Hiện Tại hoàn thành)
(Qúa Khứ hoàn thành)
S + has / have + V-ed/3
S + had + V-ed/3
S + hasn’t / haven’t + V-ed/3
Has / Have + S + V-ed/3 …?
…has / have + been + V-ed/3…
- just, already, ever, yet, recent(ly), lately
- since, for : since 1995, for 9 years
- so far, up to now
S + hadn’t + V-ed/3
Had + S + V-ed/3…?
…had been + V-ed/3…
- after + (past perfect), (simple past)
- before + (simple past), (past perfect)
Khẳng định
Phủ định
Nghi vấn
Bị động
Nhận biết
(Tương Lai đơn)
(Tương Lai hoàn thành)
S + will + V (inf)
S + will have+ V-ed/3
S + won’t + V (inf)
Will + S + V (inf)…?
…will be + V-ed/3…
- tomorrow
- next… : next week, next Monday
S + won’t have + V-ed/3
Will + S + have + V-ed/3…?
…will be + V-ed/3…
- by the end of this month
- by + (simple present)
- in the future
Khi chia động từ cần chú ý sự hòa hợp của chủ ngữ (S) và động từ (V):
* S1 + and + S2 => số nhiều. Ví dụ : Tom and Mary were late yesterday.
* Each, every, no + noun => số ít. Ví dụ : Each boy and girl has a textbook. No student is present
* (N)either + S1 + (n)or + S2 => chia theo S2. Ví dụ : He or you are the best student.
* S1, as well as + S2 => chia theo S1. Ví dụ : John, as well as you, is responsible for that report.
* Chủ ngữ là danh từ chỉ đo lường, giá cả, tiền => số ít. Ví dụ : 5,000 dollars is a big sum of money.
* Đại từ bất định (everyone, something, nobody…) => số ít. Ví dụ : Everybody is in the room.
Ex 1: Underline the best part to complete each sentence
1. Almost everyone _________ for home by the time we arrived. (leave / left / has left / had left)
2. Last night Tina _________ in bed when suddenly she heard a scream. (read / was reading / has read /
had read)
3. When their first child was born, they _________ for three years. (had been married / had got married /
had married / got married)
4. By the age of 25, he _________ two famous novels. (wrote / writes / had written / has written)
5. _________ spaghetti every day when you _________ in Italy? (Were you eating - lived / Did you eat
- lived / Did you eat -were living / Do you eat / are living)
6. Sorry, I can’t go with you tonight because I have to work on a night _________. (time / shift / period
/ dawn)
7. They are discussing the _________ to establish a new national park. (design / formation / aim /
8. My parents always _________ hands to give us a happy family. (connect / link / join / combine)
9. Mary is unselfish girl because she is _________ to help others without thinking of any benefit. (ready
/ delighted / willing / unwilling)
10. All the members in my class are very _________ of one another. (support / supportive / supporting /
11. My younger brother is as _________ as a monkey. (mischief / mischievous / mischievously
12. There are three theories to the wild _________ of the dog. (ancestor / founder / commander /
13. She _________ to my letter with a phone call. (offers / answers / responds / reminds)
14. The conical hat is one of the _________ of the Vietnamese culture. (signs / marks / symbols / labels)
15. The groom and the bride _________ their wedding rings in front of the altar. (change / exchange /
turn / take)
16. It’s normal to have friendly conversations _________ people that they have just met. (to / towards /
with / upon)
17. Most of _________ celebrate birthdays and give presents at birthday parties. (Americans / the
America / American /the Americans)
18 "You look beautiful in that dress.” - "Last night she told me _________ beautiful in that dress." (you
looked / you look / l’ll look / I looked)
19. We’ d better find out _________ the train left. (if / has / does / did)
20. "Should we tum left or go straight ?" - "Hmm. I’m not sure which way _________." (do we turn /
should we turn / to tum / it turned)
21. You should _________ your hand when you want to give your opinion. (rise / increase / decrease /
22. Shaking and bowing one’s head are non-verbal _________ of communication. (forms / ways /
means / methods)
23. I complimented her _________ her wonderful performance. (at / on / with / up)
24. In some rural areas, health care _________ by a small number of doctors and nurses. (is providing /
is being provided / provides / provided)
25. The report _________ soon. (publishes / is published / will be published / will publish)
26. How often _________ your car serviced since you bought it? (do you get / did you get / had you
gotten / have you gotten)
27. Children in Vietnam start their _________ education at school when they are six. (independent /
compulsory / free / imperative)
28. Each school year in Viet Nam is divided into 2 _________. (periods / stages / spans / terms)
29. A _________ is a detailed plan for a course of study offered in a school, college. (programme / plan
/ curriculum / curricula)
30. Our company has _________ all over the world. (agencies / headquarters / twigs / sprigs)
Ex 2: Put each verb in brackets into a suitable tense.
1. While I ( try) _________ to get my car started, a passing car (stop) _________ and the driver (offer)
_________ to help.
2. The police (pay) _________ no attention to Clare’s complaint because she (phone) _________ them
so many times before.
3. Mary (not wear) _________ her glasses at that time, so she (not notice) _________ what kind of car
the man
(drive) _________.
4. Tony (admit) _________ that he (hit) _________ the other car, but said that he (not damage)
5. Helen (feel) _________ tired, and while she (learn) _________ the lessons, she (fall) _________
6. Before that sport event at the Olympic Games 2004, no-one (hear) _________ of him.
7. Someone (eat) _________ all the cakes. I’ll have to buy some more.
8. My throat is really sore. I (sing) _________ all evening.
9. George (not be ) _________ back until six. Can you take a message?
10. By the time we reach home, the rain ( stop) _________.
Ex 3: Write the correct form of word given in each sentence.
1. To grow up peacefully children need a _________ environment. (CARE )
2. Nowadays there is a _________ of kinds of families and living conditions besides the traditional
3. My younger brother is very _________. He is willing to do what I ask. (OBEY)
4. It’s my _________ to look after my parents when they are old. (RESPONSIBLE )
5. Their _________ towards me shows that they love me a lot. (BEHAVE)
6. We will meet each other at the _________ room of Green Hotel. (RECEIVE)
7. She worked in _________ with her sister. (PARTNER)
8. My sister is a woman of _________ age. (MARRY)
9. They always value the close tie in human _________ shown in the villagers’ ways of living.
10.Their change of the plan is strange but I don’t think it’s _________. (SIGNIFY)
11. Being deaf and dumb makes _________ very difficult. (COMMUNICATE)
12. Telephone is one of the _________ means of communication. (MARVEL)
13. My father had a telephone _________ in his car. (INSTALL)
14. They have just had a(n) _________ with the manager about his decision. (ARGUE)
15. Ten minutes is a _________ length of time for a call. (REASON)
16. Find a job and end _________ on your parents. (DEPEND)
17. Ten of the _________ failed in that examination. (EXAMINE)
18. We received more than 100 _________ for this vacancy. (APPLY)
19. Our life is better and better thanks to the _________ science and technology. (ADVANCE)
20. No student in our class gets _________ treatment from our form teacher. (PREFER)
21. I’m in the 12th form so, I am still a / an _________. (GRADUATE)
22. Try not to be too _________ when you are not offered this job. (DISAPPOINT)
23. To persuade the interviewer you should ask your professor for a letter of _________.
24. Vietnam is one of the _________ countries in the world. (AGRICULTURE)
25. There is no _________ of water in this region now. (SHORT)
26. Inventing the first generator was one of Faraday’s _________. (ACHIEVE)
27. Illiteracy has been _________ in most of the mountainous areas in Vietnam. (ELIMINATE)
28. _________ reforms must be carried out constantly in our country. (ECONOMY)
29. Our government has encouraged foreign and domestic private _________. (INVEST)
30. We choose this car because it is very _________. (ECONOMY)
Để biến đổi một câu trực tiếp sang câu gián tiếp cần:
1. Đổi chủ ngữ và các đại từ nhân xưng khác trong câu trực tiếp theo chủ ngữ của thành phần thứ
2. Lùi động từ ở vế thứ 2 về quá khứ một cấp so với lúc ban đầu.
3. Biến đổi các đại từ chỉ thị, phó từ chỉ thời gian và địa điểm theo bảng qui định.
Bảng đổi động từ
Direct speech
Simple present
Present progressive
Present perfect (Progressive)
Simple past
Indirect speech
Simple past
Past progressive
Past perfect (Progressive)
Past perfect
Would/ Should
Could/ Might
Bảng đổi các đại từ chỉ thị, phó từ chỉ địa điểm và thời gian
That day
The day before
The day before yesterday
Two days before
The next/ the following day
The day after tomorrow
In two days' time
Next + Time
The following + Time
Last + Time
The previous + Time
Time + ago
Time + before
This, these
That, those
Right now
At once
Here, Overhere
There, Overthere
Ví dụ : - He said : “ I have lost my pen this morning.”
 He said that he had lost his pen that morning.
- She said to him: “I will go with you tomorrow.”
 She told him that she would go with him the next day.
- He said : “ I’ll come here to take this book.”
 He said that he would come there to take that book.
- They said to us : “You must do this work right now.”
 They told us that we had to do that work at once.
Lưu ý : Trong câu tường thuật, cần chú ý câu hỏi làm tân ngữ cho động từ tường thuật:
V (tường thuật)
Ví dụ :
wh- / how…
if / whether (câu hỏi Y/N)
S + V
“What are you doing?” asked my father.
= My father asked me what I was doing.
“Have you seen that film?” John asked.
= John wanted to know if I had seen that film.
He asked them “How many children do you have?”
= He asked them how many children they had.
Ex 1: Rewrite each sentence as indirect speech, using the verbs given in brackets.
1. "You’ll have to send the documents to the embassy, Mr.Brown." said the travel agent. (told)
2. "I’m taking the 5.30 train tomorrow evening." She said. (said)
3. "The engineer was called three times last week," she said to them. (told)
4. "Are you coming to the party tonight, Mary?” he said. (asked)
5. "I got my degree four years ago." Ben said to Lisa. (told)
6. "Why didn’t you go to school yesterday, Tom? the teacher said. (asked)
7. Sue said. "If I were you, I’d go by train." (advised)
8. "Would you like to have a cup of coffee with me?" Tom said to me. (invited)
9. "What kind of experience do you have?" the manager said to Claire. (asked)
10. "Sue, can you remember to buy some bread?" said Paul. (reminded)
Ex 2: Change the sentences into reported Speech.
1."It isn't so foggy today as it was yesterday", said the teacher.
2. Johnny said to his mother, "l don't know how to do this exercise."
3. "Don't come back before one o'clock", advised my brother.
4. "Be modest if you are a good pupil", said my father.
5. "We are waiting for the school bus at this moment. " said the children.
6. "Whose bicycle did you borrow last weekend ?" his mother asked him.
7. Paul said, "I must go home now."
8. My friend said, "Are you going to leave tomorrow?"
9. "Have you done your homework?" said our mother.
10. I asked Mary, "What time did you go to bed last night?"
+ [aux] + Vm(động từ chính)
[aux] + Be + V-ed/3
[by + O]
Ghi chú : - Động từ Be phải được chia cùng thì với câu chủ động hoặc cùng dạng với Vm.
- Trong câu bị động, bỏ [by + O] nếu O là me, you, us, them, him, her, it,
somebody, people…
Ví dụ :
are painting the fence
= The fence is being painted by them
a lot of souvenirs today.
= A lot of souvenirs are bought by tourists
The manager
should sign
these contracts.
= These contracts should be signed by the manager.
Ex 1: Change these sentences into Passive voice.
1. The boys broke the window and took away some pictures.
2. I’ll go by train and my friend will meet me at the station.
3. We put up a notice about the trip on the notice board yesterday.
4. The teacher is going to explain this problem to us.
5. How much did they pay you?
6. The police are following the suspects.
7. A woman I know has just told me about it.
8. A sudden increase in water pressure may break the dam.
9. Nobody knows anything about Brenda’s family.
10. Many people believe that air pollution is going to be much worse in the next decade.
Ex 2: Use the active or passive, in any appropriate tense, for the verbs in brackets.
1. The Amazon valley is extremely important to the ecology of the earth. Forty percent of the world’s
oxygen (produce) __________ there.
2. The game (win / probably) __________ by the other team tomorrow. They are a lot better than we are.
3. There was a terrible accident on a busy downtown street yesterday. Dozens of people (see)
__________it, including my friend, who (interview) __________ by the police.
4. The first fish (appear) __________ on the earth about 500 million years ago. Up to now, over 20,000
kinds of fish (name) __________ and (describe) __________ by the scientists. New species
(discover) __________ every year, so the total increases continually.
5. The government used to support the school. Today it (support) __________ by private funds as well
as by the tuition the students pay.
Ex 1: Rewrite the sentences, beginning with the words in brackets.
1. I’ll call the police if you don’t leave me alone! (Unless)
2. I didn’t have an umbrella with me and so I got wet. (If)
3. You press this button to stop the machine. (If)
4. If you see Peter, tell him he should be here at 8.00. (Should)
5. Provided that you leave an address we will be able to contact you. (Unless)
6. Without Jack’s help, I wouldn’t have been able to move the table . (If )
7. He would have lent you his car if you’d asked him. (Had)
8. If you changed your mind, you’d be welcome to join us. (Were)
9. They are having a row because she borrowed his tennis racket and lost it. (If)
10. Unless you save some money , you will never be able to buy a car. (Provided)
Ex 2: Supply the correct tenses of verbs given in these sentences.
1. We don’t go out unless it (STOP) __________ raining.
2. We (CALL) __________ the police now if he didn’t give me back the bike.
3. You would not be able to do this test well if your English (BE) __________ not good.
4. If we (NOT HAVE) __________ enough rain last year, we (NOT GROW) __________ rice well.
5. The men could not have caught those fish unless they (HAVE) __________ good nets.
6. He (NOT LEARN) __________ much if he did not work harder.
7. If you read this book carefully, you (UNDERSTAND) __________ it.
8. He (WRITE) __________ to you if he heard some news.
9. We really help him if he really (NEED) __________ us.
10. If he (NOT HAVE) __________ an accident last night, he (NOT BE) __________ in hospital now.
Ex 1: Combine the sentences , using relative clauses and insert commas where necessary.
1. Mary said that there should be a notice up warning people. Mary's children couldn't swim.
2.David is going to talk about careers. I’m sure you all know him.
3.I remember the day .I was afraid to use my new computer then.
4.Some people dream of a job. They can do the job without technology.
5.You sent me a present. Thank you very much for it.
6.There wasn't any directory in the telephone box. I was phoning from this box.
7.She refuses to use machines. This makes her work more arduous.
8. He paid me £5 for cleaning ten windows. Most of them hadn't been cleaned for at least a year.
9.The Earls of Euston were landowners in London. Euston Station is named after them.
10.Emilia and I shared a room. We spent nights talking there.
Ex 2 : Add the correct relative pronoun or adverb to complete the sentence.
1. She is one of the few people to ………….I look up.
2. The Newspaper is owned by the Mearson Group, ………….chairman is Sir James Bex.
3. The Titanic, ………..sank in 1922, was supposed to be unsinkable.
4. One of the people arrested was Mary Arundel, ……… a member of the local council.
5. Mai was looking for a dog ……….leg had been broken in an accident.
6. The earth, ……….is the fifth largest planet in the solar system, is the third planet from the sun.
7. Ha Noi, ……….thousands of tourists come to visit every year, is the capital of Viet Nam.
8. I don’t know the reason ………he was absent yesterday morning.
9. People ………..outlook on life is optimistic are usually happy people.
10. Do you remember the department …………we bought these shirts?
Ex 1: Rewrite the following sentences using the conjunction or phrase given in parentheses
1. He is rich but He isn’t happy. ( no matter )
2. Cars cause pollution but people still want them. ( although )
3. Mr. Nam was successful in his life although he came from a poor family. ( despite )
4. Though he is intelligent , he can’t do all these tests well. ( in spite of )
5. In spite of his much experience in machinery , he didn’t succeed in repairing this machine . ( Although )
6. Don’t shout at her in spite of her laziness. ( Though )
7.It was raining heavily but I went swimming . ( in spite of )
8. Though Lan is beautiful and intelligent, she is never proud of herself. (As )
Ex 2: Complete the sentences with the words given in the box
in spite
no matter when
1………………….their small size , the cameras take good pictures .
2……………….sick he was , he still turned up for his guitar lesson .
3……………… return , she waits for you .
4………………….of the fact that Henry Johnson is a dishonest, all of them believe him
5.Much ………..we admire their achievement , we don’t like them .
6.Sally was very sad , …………..she smiled and pretended to be having a good time.
7.George didn’t panic ………………he was alone and lost in the woods.
8………………..he chose , his parents were pleased with him.
G. SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION. Rewrite the following sentences.
1. I can't come because I have to look after my neighbor’s children.
- If I ..........................................................................................................................................
2."I wouldn't go swimming on a day like this, if I were you , Tom"
- Brian advised.........................................................................................................................
3. I haven't been to the dentist for two years.
- It is .........................................................................................................................................
4. People say that he has been all over the world.
- He is ......................................................................................................................................
5. I have to write letters , but I hate it.
- I hate.......................................................................................................................................
6.We went out in spite of the heavy rain.
- Although ...............................................................................................................................
7. It's nearly twenty years since my father saw his brother.
- My father...............................................................................................................................
8."You stole the money, Joe, didn't you!" said the inspector.
- The inspector accused.........................................................................................................
9.Although I admire Shakespeare's comedies, I cannot agree that they are any superior to his tragedies.
-In spite of............................................................................................................................
10.He gave me a lift to the station and I didn’t miss the train.
- If..........................................................................................................................................
11.When was America first discovered, Peter?" Mary asked.
- Mary asked..........................................................................................................................
12.If he doesn't start work right away, he 'll never finish it.
- Unless................................................................................................................................ .
13.The last time I played tennis was in 1990.
-I haven't............................................................................................................................. .
14. “Have you seen my brother recently?” he asked me.
- He asked me ................................................................................................................... .
15.“Could you wait in the reception, please?” she asked me.
- She asked me .................................................................................................................. .
16. Terry will get over his illness. Then his work will be improved.
-Once..................................................................................................................................... .
17.There will be someone to meet you on arrival.
- When .................................................................................................................................... .
18. She read this letter and burst into tears.
-As soon as............................................................................................................................... .
19.I didn’t know about John’s departure.
- I didn’t know when ................................................................................................................... .
20.When you phone me, it was my lunch time.
-When you phoned me, I............................................................................................................ .
21. I started working for the company three years ago and now I’m still working here.
- I’ve ............................................................................................................................................... .
22.David went home before we arrived.
-When we..................................................................................................................................... .
23.I’ve only recently started wearing glasses.
-I didn’t ………………………………………………………………….................................... .
24.I haven’t been to the cinema for two years.
-The last time ………………………………………………………………................................. .
25.How long have Helen and Robert been married?
-When ………………………………………………………………….......................................... .
26.My responsibility is to take out the garbage every day.
- I am ............................................................................................................................................ .
27.The misunderstanding was my fault., so I apologize.
- I apologized ................................................................................................................................
28.She won the tournament, so I congratulated her.
-I congratulated her .......................................................................................................................
1. That boy’s sister sits beside me at school. (whose)
- That is ................................................................................................................................... .
2. Bananas, my favorite fruit, are very cheap in Vietnam. (which)
- Bananas .........................................................................................................................................
3. I’d like to meet Dr. Darnell. ( whom)
- Dr. Darnell ................................................................................................................................. .
4. His parents were very proud of his winning the first prize in physics competition. (which)
- He .............................................................................................................................................. .
5. Do you get on well with your next –door neighbor ? (who)
- Do you .......................................................................................................................................
6. My father is the first person I usually ask for advice. (whose)
- My father ................................................................................................................................... .
7. Hanoi, my home town, is the capital of Viet Nam . (where)
- Hanoi ......................................................................................................................................... .
8. Monday is my busy day. (when)
- Monday is ................................................................................................................................. .
9. Everyone was surprised at his early arrival. (which)
- He .............................................................................................................................................. .
10. My major, English, is spoken all over the world. (which)
- English ....................................................................................................................................... .
11.I don’t mind looking after her baby while she’s out.
- I .............................................................................................................. while she’s out..
12.Do you think the economic crisis is the fault of the government ? (blame)
-Do you ................................................................................................................................... .
13.I was sitting next to a boy in the exam . He told me the answer. (whom)
- The boy ............................................................................................................................... .
14.Bill’s typewriter had broken and he had to use a pencil.
- Bill .................................................................................................................................... .
15.Because of the accident, there were traffic problems that day. (resulted)
-The ................................................................................................................................. that day.
16.I bought a new typewriter . It cost me a lot of money. (which)
-The new ......................................................................................................................................... .
17." I hope you will forgive me for coming so late." the student said to the teacher. (apologised)
- The student .................................................................................................................................... .
18.Jack’s parents were here last week and gave us a present.
- Jack’s parents ................................................................................................................................ .
19. Can you give me a lift? I’ll be late otherwise.
- ....................................................................................................................................................... .
20. The police inspector said I had killed Mr. Burns
- ....................................................................................................................................................... .
1. Qui tắc cơ bản của việc phát âm các từ tận cùng với ‘s’, 'es;
Đuôi ‘s’, 'es; có 3 cách phát âm /s/, /z/, /iz/
I. ‘s’ được phát âm là /z/ khi đi sau các âm hữu thanh
Ex: bags/bœgz/, kids/kidz/, days/deiz/
Hữu thanh: b,d,g,v, ……, m,n l,r,w,+ toàn bộ nguyên âm
II. ’s’ được phát âm là /s/ khi đi sau các âm vô thanh (trừ 3 âm:s,
Ex: bats/bœts/, kits/kits/, dates/deits/
Vô thanh: p,t,k,,h ,s
III. ‘s’ được phát âm là /iz/ khi đi sau các âm: /s/, /z/, /∫ / /t∫ /d 3 / 3 /
Ex: washes/
/, kisses/kisiz/, oranges/
2. Qui tắc cơ bản của việc phát âm các từ tận cùng với ’ed’
1) Động từ tận cùng bằng ‘ed’ được phát âm là /d/ khi đi sau các âm hữu thanh (trừ âm d )
Ví dụ: rained /reind/, arrived , explained,
2) Động từ tận cùng bằng ‘ed’ được phát âm là/t/ khi đi sau các âm vô thanh (trừ âm t )
Ví dụ: walked, jumped, missed
3) Động từ tận cùng bằng ‘ed’ được phát âm là /id/ khi đi sau các âm d và t
Ví dụ: wanted, mended
Hữu thanh : b,d,g,v,m,n,l,r,w……+ toàn bộ nguyên âm
Vô thanh: p,t,k,f,s,ƒ,tƒ, h….
A. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the rest.
A. failed
B. reached
C. absorbed
D. solved
A. invited
B. attended
C. celebrated
D. displayed
A. removed
B. washed
C. hoped
D. missed
A. looked
B. laughed
C. moved
D. stepped
A. wanted
B. parked
C. stopped
D. watched
A. laughed
B. passed
C. suggested
D. placed
A. believed
B. prepared
C. involved
D. liked
A. lifted
B. lasted
C. happened
D. decided
A. collected
B. changed
C. formed
D. viewed
10) A. walked
B. entertained
C. reached
D. looked
11) A. watched
B. stopped
C. pushed
D. improved
12) A. admired
B. looked
C. missed
D. hoped
13) A. proofs
B. books
C. points
D. days
14) A. helps
B. laughs
C. cooks
D. finds
15) A. neighbors
B. friends
C. relatives
D. photographs
16) A. snacks
B. follows
C. titles
D. writers
17) A. streets
B. phones
C. books
D. makes
18) A. cities
B. satellites
C. series
D. workers
19) A. develops
B. takes
C. laughs
D. volumes
20) A. phones
B. streets
C. books
D. makes
21) A. proofs
B. regions
C. lifts
D. rocks
22) A. involves
B. believes
C. suggests
D. steals
23) A. remembers
B. cooks
C. walls
D. pyramids
24) A. miles
B. words
C. accidents
D. names
25) A. sports
B. plays
C. house holds
D. minds
26) A. technique
B. delicate
C. limitation
D. united
27) A. warmth
B. thought
C. other
D. north
28) A. much
B. number
C. cut
D. put
29) A. umbrella
B. cup
C. but
D. pollute
30) A. oxygen
B. supply
C. healthy
D. slowly
31) A. choose
B. child
C. change
D. chemistry
32) A. climate
B. time
C. timber
D. climb
33) A. hunting
B. honest
C. high
D. hill
34) A. pleasant
B. seat
C. heat
D. team
35) A. teacher
B. clear
C. reason
D. mean
B. Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from that of the rest.
A. cinema
B. compulsory
C. carefully
D. physical
A. computer
B. instruction
C. succession
D. communication
A. examination
B. requirement
C. philosophy
D. geography
A. scientific
B. competition
C. international
D. accomplishment
A. engineering
B. university
C. economics
D. scholarship
A. interest
B. intelligent
C. computer
D. dependent
A. environment
B. contaminate
C. development
D. expedition
A. again
B. journey
C. succeed
D. digest
A. chemistry
B. physical
C. carefully
D. compulsory
10) A. sociology
B. philosophy
C. psychology
D. economy
11) A. secondary
B. primary
C. fantastic
D. national
12) A. education
B. curriculum
C. technology
D. requirement
13) A. nomination
B. phenomenon
C. explanation
D. economical
14) A. keenness
B. science
C. demand
D. physics
15) A. university
B. geography
C. independent
D. academic
16) A. citizen
B. industry
C. business
D. engineer
17) A. aggressive
B. achievement
C. advance
D. government
18) A. essential
B. average
C. promotion
D. deliver
19) A. identity
B. security
C. creativity
D. ability
20) A. applicant
B. agency
C. educate
D. majority
21) A. resource
B. conversation
C. prevent
D. environment
22) A. pollution
B. successful
C. different
D. combine
23) A. university
B. international
C. opportunity
D. philosophy
24) A. memory
B. commercial
C. computer
D. geography
25) A. available
B. lecturer
C. socially
D. reference
(Tài liệu luyện thi do Bộ GD-ĐT ban hành)
Năm học 2012-2013
Ex 1: Rewrite the sentences, beginning with the words in brackets.
TASK 1:Rewrite the sentences , beginning with the words in brackets
1. Unless you leave me alone ,I’ll call the police.
2. If I had had an umbrella with me, I wouldn’t have got wet.
3. If you press this button , the machine stops .
4. Should you see Peter , tell him he should be here at 8.00 .
5. Unless you leave an address we will not be able to contact you .
6. If Jack hadn’t helped me , I wouldn’t have been able to move the table .
7. Had you asked him , he would have lent you his car .
8. Were you to change your mind , you ’d be welcome to join us.
9. If she hadn’t lost his tennis racket ,they wouldn’t be having a row.
10.Provided that you save some money , you will be able to buy a car.
Ex 2: Supply the correct tenses of verbs given in these sentences.
1. stops 2. would call 3. were 4. hadn’t had / wouldn’t have grown 5. had had
6. wouldn’t learn 7. can understand 8. would write 9. needs 10. hadn’t had / wouldn’t be
Ex 1: Combine the sentences , using relative clauses and insert commas where necessary.
1. Mary, whose children couldn’t swim , said that there should be a notice up warning people..
2. David , whom I’m sure you all know , is going to talk about careers.
3. I remember the day when I was afraid to use my new computer
4. Some people dream of a job which / that / they can do without technology.
5.Thank you very much for the present which / that / you sent me.
6. There wasn't any directory in the box (which/that) I was phoning from./ from which I was phoning .
7. She refuses to use machines, which makes her work more arduous.
8. He paid me £5 for cleaning ten windows, most of which hadn't been cleaned for at least a year.
9.The Earls of Euston , after whom Euston Station is named ,were landowners in London.
10. Emilia and I shared a room where / in which we spent nights talking .
Ex 2 : Add the correct relative pronoun or adverb to complete the sentence.
1. whom 2. whose 3. which 4. who 5. whose 6. which 7. which 8. why 9. whose 10. where
Ex 1: Rewrite the following sentences using the conjunction or phrase given in parentheses
1.No matter how rich he is , he isn’t happy.
2. Although cars cause pollution , people still want them.
3. Despite coming from a poor family, Mr. Nam was successful in his life.
4. In spite of his intelligence, he can’t do all these tests well.
5.Although he had a lot of / much experience in machinery, he didn’t succeed in repairing this machine.
6. Don’t shout at her although she is lazy.
7. In spite of the heavy rain , I went swimming .
8. Beautiful and intelligent as Lan is, she is never proud of herself.
Ex 2: Complete the sentences with the words given in the box
3.No matter when
4.In spite
G. SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION. Rewrite the following sentences.
1. If I didn’t have to look after my neighbour’s children, I could come .
2. Brian advised Tom not to go swimming on the day like that / ..advised Tom against going…..
3. It is 2 years since I was last / last went to the dentist.
4. He is said to have been all over the world.
5. I hate writing letters.
6. Although it was raining heavily, we went out.
7. My father hasn’t seen his brother for nearly twenty years.
8. The inspector accused Joe of stealing the money.
9. In spite of admiring Shakespeare’s comedies, I cannot agree that they are any superior to his tragedies.
10. If he hadn’t given me a lift, I would have missed the train.
11. Mary asked Peter when America was first discovered..
12. Unless he starts work right away , he’ll never finish it.
13. I haven’t played tennis since 1990.
14. He asked me if I had seen his brother recently.
15. She asked me to wait in the reception.
16. Once Terry gets over his illness, his work will be improved.
17. When you arrive, there will be someone to meet you.
18. As soon as she read / had read this letter, she burst into tears.
19. I didn’t know when John would depart.
20. When you phoned me, I was having lunch.
21. I have been working for this company for three years.
22. When we arrived, David had come home.
23. I didn’t use to wear glasses before.
24. The last time I went to the cinema was two years ago.
25. When did Helen and Robert get married ?
26. I am responsible for taking the garbage every day.
27. I apologized for my misunderstanding.
28. I congratulated her on winning the tournament
1. That is the boy whose sister sits beside me at school.
2. Bananas, which is my favorite fruit, are very cheap in Vietnam.
3. Dr. Darnell is the man who I’d like to meet
4. He won the first prize in physics competition, which makes his parents very proud.
5. Do you get on well with the person who is your next-door neighbour.
6. My father is the first person whose advice I usually ask for.
7. Ha Noi, where I was born, is the capital of Viet Nam .
8. Monday is the day, when I am busy.
9. He arrived early, which surprised everyone / which made everyone surprised.
10. English ,which is spoken all over the world, is my major. / English, which is my major, is spoken all
over the world.
11. I don’t object to looking after her baby while she’s out.
12. Do you blame the government for the economic crisis.
13. The boy whom I was sitting next to in the exam told me the answer.
14. Bill, whose typewriter had broken, had to use a pencil.
15. The accident resulted in traffic problems that day.
16. The new typewriter which I bought cost me a lot of money.
17. The student apologized to the teacher for coming so late.
18. Jack’s parents , who gave us a present, were here last week.
19. Unless you give me a lift I’ll be late.
20. The police accused me of having killed Mr. Burns.