MSL 402 Spring Final
Name: CDT Mascolo
1. Military Customs and Courtesies are an important part of Army traditions. Answer the following questions:
What is the main difference between a dining in and a dining out? (2 points)
A Dining is specifically for the members of a unit or organization while Dining out is for spouses and dates as well.
When is it acceptable to depart a social event (by Army courtesy)? (2 points)
When the Commander leaves.
Name three taboos in regards to a receiving line. (3 points)
1. Do not go through holding a drink _
2. Go through the line first, your date should _
3. Not introducing your date first _
2. How many unified combatant commands are there? _____ 10 ____ (1 point)
3. List the 5 regional unified commands. (5 points) a. USCENTCOM b. USEUCOM c. USPACOM d. USNORTHCOM e. USSOUTHCOM
4. Who are the 4 primary members of the National Security Council? (4 points) a. John Michael McConnell b. Robert M. Gates c. Stephen J. Hadley d. Michael Mullen
5. What is the new combatant command that is being formed in Oct 2008? (1 point) a.
6. In the Chain of Command, who does the combatant commander report directly to? (1 point) a. Inspector General
7. Why is the Army transforming to a modular force structure? Give at least 1 advantage.
(5 points)
The Army is changing to a modular force structure because the Army will then be able to deploy units at a brigade size level with out having to attach additional elements to it to make it effective
8. List the 3 types of Brigade Combat Teams. (3 points) a. Heavy b. Infantry c. Stryker
9. List the 5 types of Support Brigades. (5 points) a. Aviation b. Fire c. Sustainment brigades d. Surveillance e. Maneuver Enhancement Brigades
10. List 2 reasons/benefits (explain) for a unit to do a staff ride. (4 points) a. Build unit cohesion. This is because this is a time where the staff can spend time together with out having to work. b. Gain a historical technical background. Seeing what the commander saw from the ground level can help the staff understand why some tactical decisions were made.
11. What are the 3 phases of a staff ride? (3 points) a. preliminary study b. field study c. integration
12. Why is it important as a future Army officer to study cultures / be sensitive? List at least one level of culture and define it; list and explain at least 2 American sources of culture. (8 points)
It is important for Army Officers to study culture because of the nature of war. War is no longer two armies fighting each other it is trying to win the hearts and minds of the occupied population. If Army officers do not understand cultures they will have a negative social impact. A social impact is best explained as how the
Armies presence in a region affects the community as a whole and what the community thinks about the army. In many cultures religion greatly affects the social impact. In American society, the individual aspect of culture is extremely important because Americans are greatly centered on who they are. This is also true with the economic aspect. Americans also greatly respect and idolize money.
13. You are deployed to Iraq and have to meet with the tribal mayor in the local town.
List at least 4 customs of the Arab culture you need to keep in mind when you do this meeting. (8 points) a. It is offensive to step away if some one enters your personal space.
b. Shake hands with all males first, but not with a very tight grip. c. Expect food to be offered, modestly say no then take it.
d. Eat and Drink with RIGHT hand only.
14. You are redeploying from theater. You are currently at a staging base in Kuwait where your unit’s equipment is located and must move to the port. Prepare the OPSEC
Plan for this mission. (reference AR 530-1) (21 points total)
Identify Critical Information requirements: (list 3) 6 points)
Our Unit is convoying to the port
Our primary mission is movement
We are recently redeploying
Conduct analysis of the threat: (list 2) (4 points)
Chances of attack are low as we are in Kuwait
Chances of attack are low because we are simply moving
Conduct analysis of the vulnerabilities: (list 1 vulnerability, identity 2 possible OPSEC measures to negate the vulnerability) (5 points)
Soldiers telling their family where we are going o Have their first line leaders ensure they don’t tell their family o Don’t tell them specifically where we’re going until they need to know
Perform Risk Assessment: (define what you would do during this stage) (3 points)
In the risk assessment I would cover not only his ability to collect the information but also his capability to process and exploit it. In order to complete the risk assessment, it is necessary to combine all the information I have. This process will help me see where I can make better security changes.
Apply and Monitor countermeasures: (define what you would do during this stage) (3 points)
I would find where I can make better changes then begin making them. I would watch and modify them as time goes on.
15. What is the Army’s regulation on Soldier bloggers from a deployed theater? How does this apply to family members? (5 points)
Soldiers cannot blog about what their organization considers to be critical information, where it is located, who is responsible for it, how to protect it, and why it needs to be protected. This applies to the family as well.
16. Why are some of the benefits of the Army working with NGOs? List 3 benefits. (6 points) a. The NGO’s are not associated with violence. b. Gives specialized groups the ability to work where they are needed. (EG redcross helping immunize a community) c. helps reflect American Culture
17. List 3 examples of host nation support. (3 points) a. Supporting NGOs from the nonhost when possible b. agreeing to international standards c. Will mutually consider when planning training operations
18. What is NEO? Who does it normally involve? Who has the authority to initiate this?
(8 points)
The NEO stands for NonCombatant Evacuation and Repatriation Operations. This means that Americans can be evacuated from a combat zone into the United States under the authority of the Deputy Chief of Staff.
19. List 2 functions of a Base Defense Center at a FOB. (2 points) a. Coordinates defense of a FOB b. coordinates and integrates into area security operations
20. You have just met your PSG. Over the next 30 days, explain how you are going to develop a PLT Command team with your PSG. Expand and provide detail. (20 points)
The fist thing I would do is spend some time watching how the PSG currently runs the unit and how effective the unit is running. I will review what equipment is assigned to my platoon and review the files of my individual soldiers. Then I will watch my squad leaders in action. Once I have a good feeling for my platoon I will do my initial counseling with my PSG. This will mostly high light how we need to work together to accomplish the common goals. At this time I will not have any specifics. I will have the PSG talk about the strengths and weaknesses of our platoon as a whole and what he thinks we need to do better. While this is happening I will mention what I saw but keep it in accordance with what he saw. I will then ask what he expects my job is and to explain his so we have a basis of understanding. Within a few days of the initial counseling I will meet with the PSG and the squad leaders to talk about what we talked about earlier. This is the time where I want to open the floor with the squad leaders to allow my self and the PSG to work with them openly.
Once again I will have the squad leaders tell me what the specifics of their jobs are and what they think mine is. Once there is an understanding of who is supposed to do what we should be able to work together.
21. You have just arrived at your new unit. List 10 tasks that you need to do in the first 30 days and purpose for each of these tasks (expand on this; provide detail). (30 points)
IE – Task: Meet with the motor sergeant. Purpose: discuss the maintenance history of the platoon, find out what platoon equipment is on the deadline report, receive the CO maintenance SOP.
Task: Read battalion policy letters
Purpose: You need to know the policies
Task: Read the SOPs
Purpose: You need to know how things run
Task: Read TOE and MTOE
Purpose: This will ensure you know the procedure for maintenance
Task: Visit ACS (Army Community Services)
Purpose: You need to know what’s available for your soldiers
Task: Meet all of the FRG (Family Readiness group) Leader
Purpose: They will help take care of your soldiers
Task: Meet your Company and Battalion commander
Purpose: They will help you understand their priorities and this will allow you to make your own.
Task: Initial Counseling with PSG
Purpose: Break the ice and make an initial understanding
Task: Write your platoon memorandum
Purpose: This will let your soldiers know what kind of leader you will be
Task: Attend Company and Battalion training meetings
Purpose: This will allow you to know what’s going on and where your platoon stands in the scheme of things
Task: Get your equipment squared away
Purpose: In the event you will be attending training with your platoon you don’t want to have to mess around with gear trying to get issued what you need.