1ST CONTINENTAL CONFERENCE ON THE EMPOWERMENT OF AFRICAN WOMEN IN MARITIME Luanda 25th – 26th March 2015 I. INTRODUCTION The 1st Continental Conference on the Empowerment of African Women in Maritime (herein WIMAFRICA 2015 was initially scheduled to be held in December 2014, by initiative of the WIMA-Angola Association herein, AMMPACA (acronym of its Portuguese designation - Associação das Mulheres Marítimas, Portuárias e Atividades Conexas de Angola). However the Ebola outbreak that severely affected the region of West and Central Africa, in the last quarter of 2014, led to the event to be postponed to the end of the first quarter of 2015. Currently, women around the world are conducting various activities in all fields of activity for the commemorations of the 20th anniversary of Beijing Platform For Action. These celebrations focus in rallying people around gender equality and women’s empowerment in order to mobilize governments and citizens to build a world in which gender equality is a reality, through a global debate on the empowerment of women and girls as a way of development of humanity. AMMPACA’s initiative is, therefore, in line with the current worldwide campaign "Beijing + 20: Promoting Women - Promoting Humanity" which marks the celebration of the twentieth anniversary of the Fourth World Conference on Women (held in Beijing 1995). II. BACKGROUND INFORMATION On the Launch of the Inaugural Africa Maritime INDABA (25th October 2013), which occurred during the 2ndmeeting of the Heads of Africa Maritime Administrations (MARADS) held in Sandton, South Africa from the 22nd to the 23rd October 2013, representing Angola, Cameroon, Democratic Republic of Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Kenya, Liberia, Nigeria, Mozambique, Sierra Leone, South Africa, and Zambia, in conjunction with representatives and ship owners from the several countries and bodies of our continent; The Chairperson of the African Union Commission Dr. Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma encouraged the Maritime Women from all African regions and nations to develop and/or join Women Maritime Associations of their own, throughout the continent. Inspired by Dr. Zuma’s call to action, the WIMA-Angola Association decided to explore the viability of convening a continental conference in order to provide a forum for open dialogue regarding the promotion of African Women’s role and status in the Maritime Sector, develop an exploratory, non-exhaustive African Maritime Women common agenda or platform of action, and set up the basis for the creation of an adequate continental institutional framework to support its implementation. III. WIMAFRICA2015 CONFERENCE THEME: “AFRICAN MARITIME WOMEN: TOWARDS AFRICA’S BLUE ECONOMY (2050 AIM Strategy / Agenda 2063) The Conference theme, “African Maritime Women: Towards Africa’s Blue Economy (2050 Aim Strategy / Agenda 2063), is also in line with the Theme of the 24th Ordinary Session of the Assembly of the AU, which has been hold at its Headquarters in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, on 30-31 January 2014 under the theme: “Year of Women’s Empowerment and Development Towards Africa’s Agenda 2063”. This aims to pave the way for the Maritime Women Associations of the various African Regional Economic Communities (RECs) to benefit from experiences of each other as well as to develop a common platform and adopt a proper institutional framework for pursuing the objectives of the Conference detailed in the following paragraph. IV. OBJECTIVES & EXPECTED OUTCOMES 1. OBJECTIVES The main objective of this Conference is to offer for the 1st time, an opportunity for the representatives of maritime women associations from all over the continent to share their experiences as women maritime workers, exchange their ideas, develop solutions to common problems and thereby; To address issues such as (i) the economic emancipation of the African Maritime Women (and ii) reinforcement of role of Women in the leadership of the African Maritime Sector through the creation of a critical mass of Maritime Women with a developmental mindset in order to effectively contribute to the realization of the Agenda 2063 of the African Union. 2. EXPECTED OUTCOMES The expected outcomes of this Conference are the following: i. The Adoption of a Resolution / Declaration on the establishment of the African Women in Maritime, utilizing the synergies of the already existing sub-regional women maritime associations (i.e. the Association of Women Managers in the Maritime Sector in East and Southern Africa (WOMESA), the Network for Professional Women in the Maritime and Port Sectors of the West and Central Africa (NPWMPWCA), and the Arab International Women’s Maritime Forum for the Middle East and North Africa (MENA & AIWMF); ii. Adoption by the Conference of the Africa's Women in Maritime Platform of Action: Towards Africa's Blue Economy - a common agenda for the empowerment of the African maritime women, based on the strategic objectives and specific actions for maritime gender empowerment that are contained in the 2050 AIM Strategy / Agenda 2063. 2 The main outcomes of this Conference, would take advantage of the existing institutional framework specific for women maritime at the sub-regional level. This means that the Federation would emerge from the framework of the pre-existing Maritime Women subregional bodies as the 3 existing Sub-regional Associations would exercise the leadership of the Africa Women Maritime Federation (WIMAFRICA), on a rotating basis. V. COORGANIZERS At the request of AMMPACA various national, regional and international organizations have expressed their intention to collaborate and cooperate in the preparation of WIMAFRICA 2015, among others: the Maritime Organisation of West Africa and the OMAOC - Abidjan, Cote D'Ivoire; the African Ship-owners Association - Pretoria, South Africa; the International Maritime Organization - London, United Kingdom; and several key areas of the African Union Commission (Addis Ababa, Ethiopia) have also been engaged in technically assisting the preparation of this event since the beginning. WIMA-ANGOLA Association takes this opportunity to present their most sincere thanks to all these institutions. Thanks are also extended to all Angola Government entities and other public and private agencies, not only from the Maritime Sector but also from several other Sectors, who cherished this initiative since its first steps, and have not spared any effort in order to ensure that the results of this project will be crowned with success. VI. PARTICIPANTS Representatives of all national and sub-regional Maritime Women Associations as well as women representatives of other sea related activities of the African continent are expected to attend the Conference. This includes women maritime workers from the public and private domain, including logistics, fisheries, and other activities related to the sea. DELEGATES: Each AU Member State is invited to be represented by two Delegates, one from the National Maritime Administration and the second a representative from the National Women in Maritime Association. In countries that do not have Maritime Women's Association a prominent figure of private sector may attend in representation of the female maritime entrepreneurs of her country. The Delegate’s participation is free of charge. GUESTS: All other interested stakeholders non-covered by the “Delegate” definition may also participate as “Guests”. Guest’s participation is subject to the payment of fee as detailed in the attached Nomination Form. The registration process is already underway. Participants are invited to send their registrations forms to their respective Sub-regional Maritime Women Organizations / Associations. However they may also submit their registration forms directly to the coorganizers institutions referred below (Please see nr 1 of paragraph XIV). 3 VII. SPEAKERS National, regional and international speakers will make their presentations on a range of topics affecting women working in the maritime sector such as “Role of African Maritime Women in the building of Africa’s blue economy”; ‘‘Gender equality and empowerment of women in the maritime sector”, “Economic emancipation of the African Maritime Women”, “Need of building national coalitions to combat ‘sea blindness’ (i.e. the loss of public and political awareness of the importance of the maritime sector”), etc. All speakers are kindly requested to submit a short abstract of their presentations, until 2 weeks previously to the Conference to be translated and circulated among the participants prior to the Conference. VIII. DURATION & VENUE The meeting will last two days and will be held at the University Campus of the School of Management, Logistics and Transport (ISGEST - Instituto Superior de Gestão, Logística e Transportes), located in the municipality of Belas in Luanda. Prominent figures of the Angolan Government and business sector as well as high representatives of relevant regional organizations and diplomatic missions accredited in the Republic of Angola, will attend the opening ceremony of this Conference. IX. AGENDA & WORKING PROGRAMME Please find the Agenda attached. It comprises a total of 7 (seven) topics, 3 (three) of which will be discussed in the first day of the Conference and the 4 (four) remaining on the second day, namely: 1st Day – 25/03/2015 1. African Maritime Women in the Context of Africa’s Blue Economy – (Continental, Regional and National Perspectives) 2. Maritime Women’s Role in the Transition from the MDG’s to the SDG’s – International Perspective 3. Specific Arrangements to Improve Maritime Education for Women in the Context of the Blue Economy – (Regional & National Perspectives) 2nd Day – 26/03/2015 4. Building a Common Platform for Empowering African Women in Maritime: Project Resolution and Action Plan for the Establishment of the African Federation of Women in Maritime-WIMAFRICA (Under the ownership of the 3 existing sub-reg. Maritime Women Assoc.: WOMESA, RMPMPAOC & AIWMF). 5. Imperatives for Creation of African Women’s Wealth in the Maritime Industry: Perspectives of the 3 existing sub-regional Maritime Women Associations in Africa (WOMESA, RMPMPAOC & AIWMF-Middle East & North Afr. Assoc. MENA) as well as from the Shipping and Trading Perspective) 4 6. Agenda Item 6: Challenges & opportunities for Enterprising African Women in the Maritime Industry: Women Fishmongers, Ship-owners, Ship-Shareholders, Shipbuilders, etc. 7. Mentorship Programmes - Strategy for Addressing Institutional Barriers Drawn from Gender Stereotyping and Male Domination Within the Maritime Sector X. RESOLUTION & TERMS OF REFERENCE (TOR) FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE AFRICAN FEDERATION OF WOMEN IN MARITIME - WIMAFRICA (Under the Ownership of the 3 Existing Sub-Reg. Maritime Women Associations: WOMESA, RMPMPAOC & AIWMF). The project of this resolution will be presented at the beginning of the second day of work, under point 4 of the Agenda. Please note that the background paper for this Agenda item will be distributed to the participants, in the working languages of the African Union and in due time for all to intervene actively and productively in the discussions. Participants who might not receive the background paper for Agenda item 4, before traveling to Luanda, may obtain a copy upon registration for the Conference, in order to examine in detail its contents before it is discussed on the second day. If the participants reach consensus on the establishment of a future African Federation of Women in Maritime (WIMAFRICA), as it will be proposed in the presentation of this topic; Then the Chairperson of the plenary could propose the constitution of an ad-hoc drafting group to amend the project resolution in accordance with the recommendations of the plenary, so that the above referred Resolution and Terms of Reference (TOR) may be adopted by the Conference at the end of the second day. XI. CONCLUSIONS & FINAL RECOMMENDATIONS At the end of the works the Rapporteur will read the Conclusions & Final Recommendations. XII. DATE & VENUE FOR THE 2ND CONTINENTAL CONFERENCE ON THE EMPOWERMENT OF AFRICAN WOMEN IN MARITIME After the reading of the Final Recommendations, any country that may wish to offer to host the 2nd WIMAFRICA, can then request the floor to inform the date and venue of the next meeting of WIMAFRICA. IMPORTANT NOTE: The Organization of the 1st WIMAFRICA suggests participants to take into account geographical criteria, when choosing the country that will host the second meeting of WIMAFRICA. This would allow all the 3 existing sub-regional Women in Maritime Associations of Africa to feel the real ownership of this ambitious project. 5 XIII. MOTIONS OF THANKS & CLOSING ADDRESS The Conference will end with the reading of thanks motions, which will be followed by a brief closing statement. XIV. USEFUL INFORMATION 1. REGISTRATION African Maritime Women, and others, eventually interested in attending this event, are invited to register through the Maritime Women Organizations / Associations of their particular sub-regions, namely: WOMESA - for the countries of the East and Southern Africa; RPMMPAOC - for the countries of West and Central Africa and AIWMF-Middle East & North African Association (MENA) - for the countries of North Africa. Registrations forms can also be sent directly to any of the main co-organizers of the event, which addresses are as follows: - - AMMPACA: Email - ammpaca@gmail.com - Contact Point: Mrs. Maria Elizeth Faustino Email: infoimpa@impa.gov.ao / impa.sede.luanda@gmail.com / Cell: +244 916 393 849 REPANG/IMO: Email admin@angolaimo.org.uk / Tel: +44 (0)20 7486 1632 / Contact Point: Mrs Juliana Garcia, Email: julianagarcia27@hotmail.co.uk / Cell. +44 (0) 952719541 MOWCA: Email: abey58@yahoo.fr / infos@omaoc.org / Tel. 225 22 40 61 00, Contact Point: Ms Rita Contreiras; Email: rcont24@hotmail.com / Cell: +225 59 27 73 75 African Ship-owners Association: Email: wima@african-shipowners.org /Contact Point: Ms Funmi Folorunso/ Email: folorunso@gmail.com / Cell: +234 80231 47037 2. VISA PROCEDURES Regarding to the VISA procedures, please note that a specific letter will be forwarded to the Angola Embassy in your Country as soon as we receive your filled registration form and the copy of your passport. Participants and speakers are therefore, urged to email their registration forms and a copy of their passports to the Secretariat of their sub-regional Women in Maritime Associations or directly to any of the co-organizers mentioned in the previous paragraph. In case there is not an Embassy of Angola in your country, we will forward the copy of the passport to the emigration services at the Luanda Airport where arrangements have already been made for delegates in this situation to get their VISAs at the airport. THE ORGANIZATION OF THE 1st WIMAFRICA LUANDA FEBRUARY / 2015 6