Curriculum Vitae

Short Vita
Marit Sæther Samuelstuen
Current position
Address work:
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Address home:
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Phone home/work:
Post doctoral research fellow
Department of Education,
Norwegian University of Science and Technology,
7491 Trondheim
Hans Osnesv. 6
7030 Trondheim
+ 47 72 56 56 45 / + 47 73 59 76 59
 Dr.polit. (PhD), Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) (Educational
Psychology), 2005.
 Cand.polit., NTNU (Educational Psychology), 1996.
National and International PhD Courses
Multivariate Data Analysis: A Model Testing Approach, (Research methods) NTNU, aug.92
Operationalizing and analyzing constructs in educational research, (Research
methods/psychometric theory) Institute for Educational Research, University of Oslo,
spring -99
Research and society (Scientific theory) NTNU, fall-99
Self-concept, motivation and self-regulated learning, NTNU, (educational psychology) fall
Research mediation, Department of Education, NTNU, spring -00
Multivariate Analyses, (Statistics) New York University, spring -00
Psychometric Theory, New York University, - spring -00
General linear model, (statistics) City University of New York, fall –00
Path analysis, Factor analysis, and Structural equation models, (statistics/psychometric
theory) City University of New York, spring –01
Self-regulation of Academic Learning and Motivation, City University of New York,
(Educational Psychology) spring –01
Mental Health Statistical Workshops (weekly), New York University, 2000/2001
Academic Positions
Research Fellow (Post doctor), NTNU, funded by the Norwegian Research Council (2006 –
present) (project: Learning in a Knowledge Society: Constructing Meaning from Multiple
Information Sources (CMMIS). Head of the project: Prof Ivar Bråten, PFI, UIO.
Visiting Scholar at the University of Gothenburg, funded by the Norwegian Research Council
(2007 – 2008). Ref: Prof Jan-Eric Gustafsson.
Associate Professor at Department of Education, NTNU (teaching statistics, research
methods, reading comprehension) (2005)
Assistant Professor at Department of Education, NTNU (teaching statistics, research
methods, and theory on text comprehension, reading skills and self-regulated learning)
(1996 – 2005)
Research Fellow, NTNU, funded by the Norwegian Research Council (1999 – 2005) (project:
Self-regulated learning and text comprehension in junior high school students)
Visiting Scholar at Department of Psychology, New York University, funded by the
Norwegian Research Council and NYU’s Mental Health Statistics Training Program (2000
– 2001). Ref: Prof Patrick Shrout.
Research Assistant at Department of Education, NTNU on the projects Task analysis and
learning strategies (1990-1995), and Task analysis and text comprehension (1996 – 1997).
Head of the projects: Prof. Nils Sovik, Dep of Education, NTNU
Administrative Practice
Taken part in the planning and organizing of the project: Learning in a Knowledge Society:
Constructing Meaning from Multiple Information Sources (CMMIS), funded by the
Norwegian Research Council (2006 – present)
Head of the project; Self-regulated learning and text comprehension in junior high school
students funded by the Norwegian Research Council (1999 – 2005). Planned, organized
and carried out the empirical studies marked with an upper-case letter b in the attached list
of publications.
Committee member of the faculty board, Faculty of Social Sciences and Technology
Management, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (2002 – 2005)
Committee member of the appointing authority board, Faculty of Social Sciences and
Technology Management, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (2004 –
Taken part in the planning and organizing of the Norwegian network for reading and writing
disabilities’ conference, 2001 [In Norwegian: Norgesnettet for lese- og skrivevansker],
Center for reading research, University of Stavanger, Norway.
Responsible for the courses in statistics and SPSS at the master’s degree and the bachelor’s
degree programs, Department of Education, Norwegian University of Science and
Technology (1997 – 1999). Varying administrative practise during the years as assistant
and associate professor (1997 – 2005).
Varying administrative practise working as a teacher in elementary school (1986 – 1990)
Leader for the “FAU” at “Hoeggen ungdomsskole” (2002/2003)
Professional Affiliations
European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI)
American Educational Research Association (AERA)
Scientific Conference Participation
EARLI biennal conference 1999, Göteborg, Sweden
EARLI biennal conference, 2001, Freiburg, Switzerland
EARLI SIG biennal conference, 2004, Valencia, Spain
EARLI biennal conference, 2005, Cyprus, Greek
AERA, annual meeting, 2006, San Francisco, US
EARLI SIG biennal conference, 2006, Nottingham, UK
EARLI biennal conference, 2008, Budapest, Hungary
Current Research Projects
Learning in a Knowledge Society: Constructing Meaning from Multiple Information Sources
(CMMIS) Funded by the Norwegian Research Council. Project Director: Prof Ivar
Bråten (2006-2009).
Programmatic Research on the Understanding of Texts (PRUT) Head of the project: Ivar
Bråten, PFI, UIO (2005 – present)
Self-Regulated Learning and Text Comprehension (SRLTC) Head of the project: Ivar
Bråten, PFI, UIO (2000 – present)
Self-Regulated Learning and Text Comprehension in Junior High School Students. Funded by
the Norwegian Research Council. Head of the project: Marit S. Samuelstuen (1999 –