Study Guide for Test on Intro to Bio and Ecology

Ecology Review Worksheet
Chapter 2…Ecology
1. Definition of Ecology_________________________________________________________
2. List the levels of Ecology from largest to smallest:
Chapter 4…population Ecology
1. What affects a population growth?
2. What is a limiting factor?
3. Label the graphs in the boxes above them, using the choices below?
a. Age structure
b. Exponential population growth
c. Logistic population growth
CAPT yeast lab:
1. What is a “controlled” experiment? ___________________________________________________
2. What are the characteristics of Yeast?
3. What are ind. and dep variables of lab?
a. Ind Var: ______________________________________________________
b. Dep. Var: ______________________________________________________
4. What was the control trial: ________________________________________
5. What limiting factor(s) for yeast growth?________________________________
6. What were the yeast giving off in the test tube?_______________
7. What is this process called? ___________________________________________________________
8. What is this process used for? _______________________________________________________