Preparation of the Body

Section 2 - Preparation of the Body
Types and Aspects of Fitness
2. (a) Choose an activity from your course.
Name of activity _________________________________________________________________
Physical Fitness
Skill Related Fitness
Mental Fitness
Choose two of the above types of fitness. Explain why each is important in your chosen activity.
Type of fitness 1 _________________________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________________________________ (3)
Type of fitness 2 _________________________________________________________________
2. (a) Activities require different types of fitness.
Write down one aspect of fitness from each type below.
Type of Fitness
Aspect of Fitness
Physical Fitness
Skill-related Fitness
Mental Fitness
(b) Choose an activity from your course.
Name of activity _________________________________________________________________
Choose one aspect of fitness and explain why it is important to your activity.
Aspect of Fitness _________________________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________________________________ (3)
(c) Now select a different aspect of fitness from another activity.
Name of Activity _________________________________________________________________
Aspect of Fitness _________________________________________________________________
Explain why this aspect of fitness is important to this activity.
_____________________________________________________________________________ (3)
2. (a) Choose an activity from your course.
Name of activity _________________________________________________________________
Select two aspects of fitness which are important to your performance in this activity.
Aspect of Fitness 1 _____________________________________________________________ (1)
Aspect of Fitness 2 _____________________________________________________________ (1)
(b) How did aspect of fitness 1 affect your performance?
_____________________________________________________________________________ (2)
How did aspect of fitness 2 affect your performance?
_____________________________________________________________________________ (2)
2. (a) There are three types of fitness that are important in every activity.
Name an activity _________________________________________________________________
Choose one of the types of fitness ____________________________________________________
Give an example of an aspect of fitness from the type you have selected.
2. (a) You need to be fit in different ways to cope with the demands of performance.
You need:
Physical Fitness
Skill-Related Fitness
Mental Fitness
Choose two of the aspects.
Give reasons why each is important to your performance in an activity.
Activity _________________________________________________________________________
Aspect 1 ________________________________________________________________________
This is important because ___________________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________________________________ (2)
Aspect 2_________________________________________________________________________
This is important because ___________________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________________________________ (2)
2. (b) During your course you will have assessed your level of fitness in an activity.
What were the signs, in the activity, to show whether you were fit or were lacking fitness?
Description of sign showing fitness ___________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________________________________ (2)
Description of sign showing lack of fitness _____________________________________________
_____________________________________________________________________________ (2)
Testing an Aspect of Fitness
2. (b) Choose any aspect of fitness __________________________________________________
Describe a test for your chosen aspect of fitness
_____________________________________________________________________________ (2)
2. (c) Choose an aspect of fitness ____________________________________________________
Name a test for this aspect of fitness _______________________________________________ (1)
Describe this test
_____________________________________________________________________________ (3)
2. (c) How could you assess a specific aspect of your fitness during a training session?
Specific aspect of fitness being assessed ______________________________________________
Description of method of assessment _________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________________________________ (3)
Why method of assessment was appropriate
2. (d) You have gathered information about your level of fitness in an activity.
Explain why you gathered the information in the way you did and how you used this information.
Explain why _____________________________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________________________________ (3)
Explain how _____________________________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________________________________ (2)
Describing a warm-up
2. (d) Describe your warm-up before taking part in any activity.
_____________________________________________________________________________ (3)
Describing a Training Session / Training Programme
2. (c) Describe what you did to improve that aspect of fitness.
_____________________________________________________________________________ (3)
2. (e) Select any aspect of fitness and outline a training programme to develop it over a 6 week
Aspect of fitness __________________________________________________________________
Weeks 1 and 2
Weeks 3 and 4
Weeks 5 and 6
_____________________________________________________________________________ (6)
2. (d) Select one method of training you used to improve the aspect of fitness in (c).
Method of training ____________________________________________________________ (1)
Describe a training session using this method.
_____________________________________________________________________________ (4)
2. (b) Give a brief description of a programme of work to improve this aspect of fitness.
_____________________________________________________________________________ (4)
Monitoring your fitness level during training programme
2. (f) How did you know when to change your programme of work?
_____________________________________________________________________________ (2)
2. (b) What method did you use to monitor your programme of work?
Give two examples from this method of how you monitored your performance.
Example 1 ______________________________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________________________________ (2)
Example 2 ______________________________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________________________________ (2)
Principles of Training
2. (d) Explain how you used specificity in your programme of work.
_____________________________________________________________________________ (2)
2. (e) Describe how you used progressive overload to change what you did in your programme.
_____________________________________________________________________________ (3)
2. (e) How did you use the principles of training in your programme of work?
_____________________________________________________________________________ (3)
2. (c) Select three Principles of Training from the list below.
First Principle of Training __________________________________________________________
Describe how you used this principle __________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________________________________ (2)
Second Principle of Training ________________________________________________________
Describe how you used this principle __________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________________________________ (2)
Third Principle of Training _________________________________________________________
Describe how you used this principle __________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________________________________ (2)
2. (e) (i) How regularly should you train if you really want to improve your fitness for
_____________________________________________________________________________ (1)
(ii) What is likely to happen to your performance if you miss training or have gaps in your
_____________________________________________________________________________ (1)
Reassessment to check for improvement
2. (f) How did you assess your fitness after your training programme?
_____________________________________________________________________________ (2)
2. (f) How would you check to see if your programme of work was effective?
_____________________________________________________________________________ (2)
Performance improvement after training
2. (g) What difference(s) did you find in your performance after the programme of work?
_____________________________________________________________________________ (2)
2. (d) Describe two improvements your training programme made to you performance.
First Improvement _______________________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________________________________ (2)
Second Improvement _____________________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________________________________ (2)