The Reflective Cover Letter - School District of Clayton

Writing Workshop
Spring 2013
DUE: End of Class on March 12, 2013
Document Title: CYOAP Cover Letter LAST
2-3 typed pages, single-spaced, 12 pt., 1” margins.
On the first line, left-hand side, the date (March 12, 2013).
Then return 3 times.
The letter should begin: Dear Dr. Pierce,
Then return 3 times and begin your letter.
The letter should:
 Demonstrate self-assessment; provide evidence of the your ability to be reflective.
 Point to specific examples from your CYOAP piece that provide evidence of the list below.
 Help me see your CYOAP as you believe it should be seen.
Include discussion of the following topics. Address each numbered section in a separate paragraph.
1: Description
 What was the topic of your piece? Why did you choose this topic?
 What was your thesis? How did you address this thesis in the piece of writing?
 What elements of style did you play with? How did you use those elements? How did you address them in
your piece?
2: Process Reflections
 Talk about the process you took in writing this piece. Talk about how this piece affected or did not affect
how you write.
 Explain the relationship between your process and your product—between what’s on the page and how it
got there.
 If you had more time, what revisions would you make? For example: What other research would you
consider? Are there points in your argument that you feel are weak or under developed? Are there parts of
your narrative that tell more than show?
3: Self-Reflections
 Discuss how you displayed the following character traits when writing this piece:
o ZEST -- approaching life with excitement and energy; feeling alive and activated
 Actively participates
 Shows enthusiasm
 Invigorates others
 How was your “Zest” when writing this piece? What do you need to do to address this better
when working on later assignments?
o GRIT -- finishing what one starts; completing something despite obstacles; a combination of
persistence and resilience.
 Finishes whatever he or she begins
 Tries very hard even after experiencing failure
 Works independently with focus
 How was your “Grit” when writing this piece? What do you need to do to address this better
when working on later assignments?
 Discuss the writing/thinking risks you've taken in this piece, the experimentation in which you've indulged,
and the results of those ventures.
At the end of the letter should be an appropriate salutation/closing:
(your signature)
(Your email address)