Minutes: Executive Board Meeting
Holiday Inn Chicago Mart Plaza
August 22, 2014
Presiding: David Richmond, President
Submitted by Debra Baker, Secretary
Call to order: 4:05 PM
MEMBERS PRESENT: Richmond, Dowd, Swanson, Orfei, Sikora, Jaffary, Horan,
Vanlandingham, Cadero, Doulas, Porod, DeCourcey, Jones,P., Kuiken, Cabrera, Held, Reyes,
Hankins, Stewart, Shumpert, Essien, Shorter, Silverman, Ciaverella, Jaskot-Inclan, Swenson,
Robinson-Dukes, Jones,D., Sakanis, Baker, Carter, Winters-Palacio, Johnston, Ruggeri, Noonan,
Cox, Alexander, O’Connell.
STAFF PRESENT: Rowney, Pryor
President’s Report:
Richmond welcomed the group to the meeting and reminded everyone to sign the sign-in sheet located at the back of the room. He said that the meeting agenda and
Standing Rules of Conduct were sent to members of the Executive Board.
Jones: Motion 8-14-1: Move that we adopt the proposed meeting rules for the August 2014
Executive Board meeting. Second. Jaskot-Inclan: Point of Order: Jaskot-Inclan stated that the meeting rules are a violation of Roberts Rules of Order. Richmond: Roberts Rules can be modified by motion of the body. Jaskot-Inclan disagreed with Richmond’s statement and
Richmond overruled. She requested a Parliamentary Inquiry and the Parliamentarian stated that
Richmond was correct and references the section in Robert’s Rules that addresses this situation.
Dowd Motion 8-14-2: Move to call the question. Second. Motion Carried.
Motion 8-14-1 Carried.
Baker: Motion 8-14-3: Move that the 2014 General Membership Meeting be held on
Saturday, November 1 from 10:30 AM to Noon at Triton College. Second. Motion
Baker: Motion 8-14-4: Move that we approve the President’s Committee Chair appointments as listed. Second. Discussion.
Cadero: Motion 8-14-5: Move to call the question. Second. Motion Carried.
Motion 8-14-4 Carried.
Richmond continued his report and discussed the CCC release time issue and stated that he was able to resolve it and everyone received the release time that the Chapter Chair requested.
Recommendations for Spring 2015 release time should be sent to Vice President Robinson-
Dukes and she will make a motion at the next Executive Board meeting.
Baker: Motion 8-14-6: Move that we approve the minutes from the June 2014 Executive
Board meeting. Robinson-Dukes requested that it be added that Richmond stated that Rochelle and Brenda have been helpful in resolving outstanding grievances. Baker stated that her notes confirm that was said, and agreed it is an appropriate amendment.
Vanlandingham: Motion 8-14-7: Move to call the question. Second. Motion Carried.
Motion 8-14-6 Carried.
Motion 8-14-8: Move that line 30-31 on page 10 of the minutes be struck. Second. Motion
Baker: Motion 8-14-9: Move that the Executive Board authorize the Malcolm X Chapter to hold a special chapter election before the September House meeting in order to elect delegates and alternates to the House of Representatives. Second. Discussion.
Dowd: Motion 8-14-10: Move to call the question. Second. Motion Failed. Discussion continued.
Motion 8-14-9 Carried.
Officer Reports:
Rose Sakanis, Vice-President Suburban Classified: Report distributed. Sakanis congratulated the Morton Classified Chapter on their successful contract negotiations.
Sakanis: Motion 8-14-11: Move to change the date of the October 2014 Executive Board meeting from October 17 to October 10. Second. Discussion. Motion Carried.
Sakanis: Motion 8-14-12: Move to send 2 people from each classified/support staff chapter to the IFT PSRP Conference in Springfield on October 17-18, 2014 and pay expenses of one night lodging at the designated hotel, registration fee as determined by the IFT and traveling expenses including $75/car for those cars carrying 2 or more conference attendees. Second. Discussion. Motion Carried.
Rochelle Robinson-Dukes, Vice-President City Colleges: Report distributed. Robinson-
Dukes announced a correction in her report; J. Jones was able to retire. She discussed the ongoing Security negotiations.
Robinson-Dukes: Motion 8-14-13: Whereas the Security Brothers and Sisters at Chicago
City Colleges have been in an ongoing, contentious negotiation, since December 06, 2013, need our full financial and non-financial support. And whereas our Security Brothers and
Sisters need to be paid the full value of the stipend amount of $65.00 per negotiation meeting as passed and approved by motion at our February 2013 meeting for our negotiation union work as promised by Perry Buckley former CCCTU President. And
Whereas our Security Sisters and Brothers currently have no negotiation budget or strike
budget: I move that we support our brothers and sisters during negotiations and in the event of a strike or any other job action, we support them, with the necessary financial support. I further move that when these hardworking sisters and brothers are in negotiation meetings for four hours and operating on a shoestring budget that the CCCTU provide $15 for lunch for each participant on our team, per meeting. I further move that we provide full material and financial support during rallies, campaigns and/or a strike such as, but not limited to, photocopying flyers, pamphlet’s, laminated (weather tolerant) picket signs, “T” shirts, news media interview, bullhorns and other material that will help our security sisters and brothers throughout Chicago City Colleges move forward to victory. Be it resolved that in the event of a strike, we have each chapter in the CCCTU solicit funds for our striking sisters and brothers and that the CCCTU start a strike fund to support these brothers and sisters, separate from the option to take out loans from the
CCCTU credit union.
Noonan: Call for the question to be divided. Second. Richmond explains that Robert’s
Rules allow for the Divided Question requiring only a second and it is considered a demand under Robert’s Rules.
Motion Part #1: I move that we support our brothers and sisters during negotiations and in the event of a strike or any other job action; we support them, with the necessary financial support. Second.
Noonan: move to amend the motion by striking “during negotiations”. Second.
Discussion . Motion Carried (standing vote).
Motion Part #1 after amended language change: I move that we support our brothers and sisters in the event of a strike or any other job action; we support them with the necessary financial support. Motion Carried.
Motion Part #2: I further move that when these hardworking sisters and brothers are in negotiation meetings for four hours and operating on a shoestring budget that the CCCTU provide $15 for lunch for each participant on our team, per meeting. Second. Discussion.
Jaffary: move to amend the motion by adding “that the chapter provides”. Richmond: I have to rule that motion out of order because the local can’t tell the chapters how to spend money.
Motion 8-14-14: move to call the question. Second. Motion Failed. Discussion continued.
Motion Part #2: Motion Failed.
Motion Part #3: I further move that we provide full material and financial support during rallies, campaigns and/or a strike such as, but not limited to, photocopying flyers, pamphlet’s, laminated (weather tolerant) picket signs, “T” shirts, news media interview, bullhorns and other material that will help our security sisters and brothers throughout
Chicago City Colleges move forward to victory. Second. Motion Carried.
Motion Part #4: Be it resolved that in the event of a strike, we have each chapter in the
CCCTU solicit funds for our striking sisters and brothers and that the CCCTU start a strike fund to support these brothers and sisters, separate from the option to take out loans from the CCCTU credit union.
Richmond asked if this motion is requesting strike pay. Jackson stated that he isn’t sure as he didn’t write the motion. Richmond: The question of strike pay cannot be answered here, and this part of the motion should be sent to the Finance Committee. This portion of the motion remanded to the Finance Committee.
Motion Part #5: Whereas the Security Brothers and Sisters at Chicago City Colleges have been in an ongoing, contentious negotiation, since December 06, 2013, need our full financial and non-financial support. And whereas our Security Brothers and Sisters need to be paid the full value of the stipend amount of $65.00 per negotiation meeting as passed and approved by motion at our February 2013 meeting for our negotiation union work as promised by Perry Buckley former CCCTU President.
Discussion: Richmond: Stated that we have 23 contracts and if all negotiators got that amount it would be an extreme expense. Vice President Robinson-Dukes asks that the union honor the commitment made by former President Buckley up to the point where Richmond took office. It is agreed that this portion of the motion be sent to the Finance Committee for evaluation along with the Strike Fund portion.
Rashid Carter, Treasurer: Report distributed.
Carter: Motion 8-14-15: move to admit new members to the union as listed in the packet.
Second. Amended by Baker to add 14 additional names to the list. Motion Carried.
Carter: Motion 8-14-16: Move that the Executive Board authorize up to $3,000 for mold removal and duct cleaning in the union office basement. Second. Discussion: Richmond added that that this amount of money will cover the mold removal, but if drywall has to be replaced it will be an additional cost. Motion Carried.
CM! Winters-Palacio, Grievance Chairperson: Report distributed.
Delwyn Jones, Vice-President Suburban Faculty: Report distributed. Jones reminded
Chapter Chairs to send copies of their chapter’s contracts and constitutions/by-laws to him.
Tony Johnston, Legislative Chairperson: Report distributed. Johnston stressed the importance of the upcoming election and encouraged all to participate in voter registration and get out the vote initiatives. Richmond stated that the COPE Committee and Legislative
Committee will bring their recommendations to the House of Representatives at the September meeting. IFT President Montgomery will address the body at the September meeting.
Cadero: Motion 8-14-17: Move that the union will send one person from each chapter to the September 13 th IFT Higher Education Constituency Council meeting and pay up to $75 in expenses. Second. Motion Carried.
Noonan: Motion 8-14-18: Move that the Executive Board encourage the CCC chapters to financially support the security members from each chapter in the ongoing contract negotiations. Second. Motion Carried.
Sharon Silverman announced that Olive Harvey’s Grievance Chairperson Barbara Brown has resigned. The Executive Board at OH has appointed Mel Anderson to take her place.
Jennifer Alexander announced that teachers in Galesburg have been on strike for a week. She encouraged all to make contributions to assist them.
Security representatives asked if the Security members were going to get a raise this year, as
Perry Buckley said they would. President Richmond stated that the Security contract expired at the end of December, 2013.
Motion to adjourn. Second. Motion Carried.
Meeting adjourned at 6:50 PM.