Physical Geology Laboratory 101 Contact Information Instructor: John Turbeville Email ( Telephone 760-757-2121 ext. 6413 Office Hours: 8:30-9:30 on M/W in Room 4609. Home Page: Geology Laboratory is an opportunity to give you hands-on experience with geologic materials and the use of geologic methods and techniques in the laboratory and in the field. During each weekly meeting we will be working either in the lab classroom or at various nearby field trip sites. This course is designed to accompany Geology 101 (or Geology 101H) lecture. If you drop the lecture you must drop the lab. Some of the in-class portions of the course may be substituted for an online component at my discretion. There are two required items to purchase by the second lab meeting, both available at the college bookstore. 1. Laboratory Manual in Physical Geology (8th edition), by Busch & Tasa 2. Geology 101 Laboratory Worksheets Grades Your grade will be based upon your participation in lab, completion of your notebook, a midterm, and a final. You can use your class notebook for the exams. You will be working in groups during the labs but the midterm and final are completed as an individual. Please do not just copy answers from others in your group, as you will not pass the midterm, final or possibly the class. The lowest of your lab scores (10 points) will be dropped in computing final grades. 14 (approx) lab sessions at 10 points each Midterm Final Drop lowest lab grade Approximate total possible points = = = = 140 points 50 points 50 points -10 points 230 points Adjustments may be made to the point total above as necessary. Final grades will be assigned based on these cutoff percentages: A = 90%+, B = 80%+, C = 70%+, D = 60%+, F = below 60%. 5 points off total score if you don’t have your lab materials by the 2nd class meeting Points deducted for not being prepared Pre-labs (word-processed only) are worth 30% of your individual lab grades. These are not accepted late. Noted as * on schedule. Lab Procedures Before the lab Read the lab exercise in the lab manual/do the pre-lab if in the field (30% of your lab grade, word-processed only) before you come to class. I reserve the right to start doing pre-lab quizzes if people are not prepared. Be appropriately dressed for the lab you are about to complete. During the lab: A brief introduction to the lab by the instructor will help to explain some of the activities that you will complete in the lab. Be prepared by reading the lab and becoming familiar with it before we start. Do not disrupt other lab groups by excessive socializing etc. You must work with lab partners in groups of 3 or 4 (not any larger groups, please). You must have your own lab notebook, no sharing. You may not split labs among lab partners and recombine the parts later. In other words, you must complete the entire lab as a group. Please turn off your cell phone unless you are expecting an emergency. At the end of the lab: When your group has completed the lab exercise, turn in your completed and STAPLED lab. You will be assigned 10 points for the work done in lab if it is satisfactory. Points will be deducted for being disruptive, coming late, not being prepared, or incomplete/unsatisfactory work. Attendance: Attendance will be taken weekly. In most cases, you will not be able to receive credit for missed lab exercises, even if you have a reasonable excuse. This is because most exercises involve working together in groups, working with samples, or going on field trips; all activities that cannot easily be repeated at a later date. You must attend each lab at the scheduled time and place to receive credit for that lab. Your single lowest lab score will be dropped at the end of the semester, so you can miss one lab without penalty. Students with Disabilities Students with disabilities, whether physical, learning, or psychological, who believe that they may need accommodations in this class, are encouraged to contact Disabled Students Programs & Services as soon as possible to ensure that such accommodations are implemented in a timely manner. Authorization from DSP&S is required before any accommodation can be made. Their phone number is 795-6658 and they are located in Building 3000-Student Services, adjacent to Parking lot 3C. Field Trip Cancellation Policy If the weather looks REALLY threatening (not just raining some) on a day that is scheduled for a field trip, I will make a determination at least 2 hours before the lab time. Student Learning Outcomes 1. Identify common minerals, igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rock samples using physical properties, texture and composition in hand specimen. 2. Analyze and interpret data from geologic and/or topographic maps. 3. Interpret geologic features and sequences of events (including relative and radio-metric dating) in the field. GEOLOGY LABORATORY SCHEDULE Date Topic Chapter from Location lab manual & Time 1/25 Introduction / Geologic Measurement - OC4529, 2:00 pm 2/1 Mineral Identification & Mineral Uses 3 OC4529, 2:00 pm 2/8 Igneous Rocks 5 OC4529, 2:00 pm 2/15 HOLIDAY 2/22 Sedimentary and Metamorphic Rocks 6/7 OC4529, 2:00 pm 3/1 Geologic Time & Geologic Dating 8 OC4529, 2:00 pm 3/8 *Igneous Rocks Field Trip - 3/15 LAB EXAM 1 3,5,6,7,8 Calavera Hill, 2:15 pm OC4529, 2:00 pm 3/22 Dinosaur Tracks - 3/29 SPRING BREAK Oceanside Pier 2:15 pm 4/5 Topographic Maps 9 OC4529, 2:00 pm 4/12 Geologic Structures & Maps 10 OC4529, 2:00 pm 4/19 Geologic Hazards Field Trip - OC4529, 2:00 pm 4/26 *Beach Profile and Processes Field Trip - 5/3 Stream Processes 11 Grandview 2:15 pm OC4529, 2:00 pm 5/10 *Coastal Erosion Field Trip - 5/17 Earthquakes & Plate Tectonics 16 Stonesteps 2:15 pm OC4529, 2:00 pm 5/24 LAB EXAM 2 / Lab Notebooks DUE 9,10,11,16 OC4529, 2:30 pm Required preparation before each lab: read worksheets and lab chapter (if applicable). *Pre-Lab due