PHYSICAL GEOLOGY Syllabus H. G . Churnet Professor Lecture: Mon., Tues., Wed., Thurs., Fri., 9:50 - 11:30 e-mail: GEOL 111, section 001 1st AM Summer, 2004 111 Bretske Hall Office phone: 755-4407 Text: Davidson, J. P., Reed, W. E., and Davis, P. M., 2002, Exploring Earth (2nd Edition), Prentice Hall, web page: Lecture: 3 credit hours. Prerequisite: 2 years of high school algebra or MATH 106;. Corequisite: Physical Geology Lab (Geology 181), or permission of the department head Course Description: Geology 111 is an introductory course in geology with emphasis on geologic materials (e.g. minerals, rocks), geologic processes and events (e.g. mountain building, earthquakes, volcanic activity), and geologic features (e.g. oceans, landforms). Topics are discussed in the contexts of geologic time, plate tectonics, and historical developments. Grading Policy: 3 tests 20% each 60%; Homework 10%; Final exam 30%. Each test is successively cumulative and the final comprehensive of materials covered in class. Upon written request by student, I will drop the lowest of the three tests. Missed tests may not be made up unless absences are excused. TENTATIVE Date M May LECTURE SCHEDULE T W T F 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 17 18 19 20 21 24 25 26 27 28 May June 31 1 2 3 Topic Introduction , Fundamental principles, geol., time Unconformity. The Sun-Earth system The sun-earth system, Origin of the Earth Earth as a differentiated planet Test 1. Atoms and minerals Minerals (cont'd), review Minerals Igneous rocks, Igneous intrusions Igneous intrusion s,volcanoes and volcanism Test 2. Sedimentary structures and rocks Metamorphic rocks - Submit HW#1. Field Trip Geophysical properties, Seismic velocity variation; HW-1 Gravity and magnetism Plate tectonic theory Deformation of rocks, folds and faults Making and breaking plates Destroying plates and building continents Test 3. 7-10, (1-6, No class, Memorial Day Earth's water Submit Hw#2 earth's resources FINAL EXAM Chapter(s) Snow fall,6 yearbooks,6, 1 1, 2 2 3 3 3. fig. 4-30 4 4 4 4 5 5 7 8 9 10 and p. 453-463) 11 16 10, 11, 16, (1-9) Attendance Policy: Students are expected to be present in all classes. Find homework on the web at: 111/Assignments.html ATTENTION: If you are a student with a disability and think that you might need special assistance or special accommodation(s) in this class or any other class, call the Office for Students with Disabilities/College Access Program at 755-4006 or come by the office, 110 Frist Hall. This syllabus is tentative; students are expected to keep informed of changes.