Ionic and Covalent Compounds and Formulas

Ionic and Covalent Compounds and Formulas
2.03 Name compounds and write formulas using IUPAC conventions.
 Use the state of matter symbols: (s), (l), (g), (aq)
Is there a metal or a polyatomic ion?
If YES = ________________________
If NO = _________________________
Write binary compounds of two nonmetals(COVALENT/MOLECULAR): use Greek prefixes (di-, tri-,
tetra-, …)
Write the prefixes for
Name the following covalent compounds:
* use a prefix for the first element ONLY if there is more than one
* always use a prefix for the second element
* name ends in -ide
SiF4 ____________________________________________(only one Si)
P4S5 _________________________________________________
CO _____________________________________________(only one C)
Write the formulas for the following covalent compounds:
diboron hexahydride ____________________________________
nitrogen tribromide ______________________________________
diphosphorus pentoxide __________________________________
Write binary compounds of metal/nonmetal (IONIC)
Need to know how to find charges from the periodic table
1. Which formula represents an ionic compound?
(A) NaCl
(C) HCl
(B) N2O
(D) H2O
2. Which formula correctly represents the
compound calcium hydroxide?
(A) CaOH
(C) CaOH2
(B) Ca2OH
(D) Ca(OH)2
3. Which metal will form a compound with the
general formula M2CO3 when it combines with a
carbonate ion?
(A) beryllium
(C) calcium
(B) aluminum
(D) lithium
9. If M represents a Group 1 metal, what is the
formula for the compound formed by M and
(A) MO2
(C) M2O3
(B) M2O
(D) M3O2
10. Element M is a metal and its chloride has the
formula MCl2. To which group of the Periodic
Table does element M most likely belong?
(A) 1
(C) 15
(B) 2
(D) 17
11. What is the correct name of the compound with
the formula NH4NO2?
(A) ammonia nitrite (C) ammonia nitrate
(B) ammonium nitrite (D) ammonium nitrate
4. Which is the formula for magnesium sulfide?
(A) MgS
(C) MnS
(B) MgSO3
(D) MnSO3
12. The chemical formula for nickel (II) bromide is
(A) Ni2Br
(C) N2Br
(B) NiBr2
(D) NBr2
5. The correct formula for calcium phosphate is
(A) CaPO4
(C) Ca3P2
(B) Ca2(PO4)3
(D) Ca3(PO4)2
6. What is the correct name of Fe2O3?
(A) iron (I) oxide
(C) iron (III) oxide
(B) iron (II) oxide
(D) iron (V) oxide
13. Atoms of metals tend to
(A) lose electrons and form negative ions
(B) lose electrons and form positive ions
(C) gain electrons and form negative ions
(D) gain electrons and form positive ions
7. Which formula represents sodium sulfate?
(A) NaSO4
(C) Na2SO4
(B) NaSO3
(D) Na2SO3
14. Which is the formula for the compound that
forms when magnesium bonds with phosphorus?
(A) Mg2P
(C) Mg2P3
(B) MgP2
(D) Mg3P2
8. Which formula correctly represents the
composition of iron (III) oxide?
(A) FeO3
(C) Fe3O
(B) Fe2O3
(D) Fe3O2
15. Which pair of atoms is held together by a
covalent bond?
(A) HCl
(C) NaCl
(B) LiCl
(D) KCl
Write the formulas for the following ionic compounds without transition metals:
lithium sulfite
beryllium chloride
sodium phosphide
Name the following ionic compounds with transition metals:
Co3N2 ____________________________________________________
FeCl3 ______________________________________________________
PbO ______________________________________________________
Write ternary compounds (polyatomic ions)
Write the formulas for the following ionic compounds with transition metals:
vanadium (V) phosphate
lead (II) sulfite
copper (I) carbonate
Name the following ionic compounds without transition metals:
K2CO3 _____________________________________________________
Al(CN)3 ____________________________________________________
Li3PO4 _____________________________________________________
Write, with charges, these polyatomic ions: nitrate, sulfate, carbonate, acetate, and ammonium.
Know names and formulas for these common laboratory acids:
HCl, HNO3, H2SO4, HC2H3O2, (CH3COOH)
16. A correct name for N2O3 is
(A) nitrogen (I) oxide
(C) nitrogen (III) oxide
(B) nitrogen (II) oxide (D) nitrogen (IV) oxide
23. What is the formula of dinitrogen tetroxide?
(A) N2O4
(C) NO2
(B) N2O3
(D) N4O2
17. Which of the following is the correct formula
for nitric acid?
(A) HNO3
(C) HF
(B) HNO2
(D) H2S
24. What is the name of MnS2?
(A) magnesium sulfide
(B) manganese (II) sulfide
(C) manganese (IV) sulfide
(D) manganese disulfide
18. The name of the compound KClO2 is potassium
(A) hypochlorite
(C) chlorate
(B) chlorite
(D) perchlorate
19. When a potassium atom reacts with bromine,
the potassium atom will
(A) lose only 1 electron (C) gain only 1 electron
(B) lose 2 electrons
(D) gain 2 electrons
20. What is the formula of nitrogen (II) oxide?
(A) NO
(C) N2O
(B) NO2
(D) N2O4
21. Which of the following is a molecular
(A) ZnCO3
(C) Na3N
(B) Li2SO4
(D) C6H6
22. What is the name for the compound CH4?
(A) monocarbon quadrahydride
(B) carbon tetrahydride
(C) carbon tetrahydrogen
(D) tetracarbon monohydrogen
25. What is the name of CBr4?
(A) carbon (IV) bromide
(B) tetracarbon bromide
(C) carbon bromide
(D) carbon tetrabromide
26. What is the formula for cobalt (VI) nitride?
(A) CoN2
(C) Co6N
(B) Co6N3
(D) Co3N6