Westview Gold Instrumental Music Program
Westview Foundation
Dear Westview Gold Families:
In our continual effort to provide our new and returning Westview Gold Families with timely information, we wanted to notify you of the Fair Share Donation amounts for next year at this early time so that you can make your financial plans over the summer in anticipation of the beginning of the school year in August.
"What is the Fair Share Cost for your student to play music at Westview?”
Our music program at Westview strives to give students a life-long love for music and music making. In a perfect world, (like when we were in high school!), school programs received nearly adequate funding from the school district, and supplemental fundraising was minimal. Times have changed. While we are fortunate at Westview to have an administration and district office that are supportive of the arts and provide basic resources (classroom, instructor, and other limited resources), high school instrument programs have a tremendous number of operational needs that are not covered completely by the district.
Capital expenses are very high such as the cost of instruments, uniforms and sheet music. Operating expenses such as festival fees, copyright fees, instrument repair, uniform cleaning and transportation are essential and costly. The school district does what it can to equitably fund all programs - we must find ways to make up the difference. This year, that cost is approximately $100,000. Consequently, one of the ways we are seeking to "cover the gap" is by asking families to make a tax-deductible fair share donation to our program in the amounts and by the dates on the back of this letter .
Please know that Westview is not unique in its request for fair share donations. All four of Poway’s high school music programs depend on the collection of fair share donations to fund their programs, and even though Westview is a new program and has many start-up costs, our requested fair share donation amount is the same or similar to the amounts requested by the other high schools.
Your fair share donation is but one vital component to the success of our program, now in its fourth year and growing. To ensure that the Westview Gold attains all that it can be, families will need to contribute time, effort and, yes, money. We understand that all three of these personal resources are in short supply with our busy lives, but these contributions are all worth it as this outstanding group of students continues to grow and improve. Without your support, the Westview Gold will be greatly diminished.
Thank you,
Jennifer Wilson
Incoming President, Westview Gold Instrumental Music Boo sters
Westview Foundation is a not-for-profit organization as described in section 501c (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Our taxpayer ID number is 03-0462131
Westview Foundation 13550 Camino Del Sur San Diego, California 92129
Westview Gold Instrumental Music Program
Westview Foundation
Please make the following minimum donation amounts by the following dates:
Marching Band/Color Guard Students: a. Total Fair Share Cost per student is $300.00 for the Marching Season (Term 1)
Due September 15, 2005
Due October 15, 2005 b. Total Fair Share Cost for the Concert Season is $150.00 (Band students only – Term 2)
$150.00 Due December 1, 2005
Instrumental Ensemble Students:
Total Fair Share Cost per student for the Year: $200.00
Due September 15, 2005
Due October 15, 2005
Orchestra Students:
Total Fair Share Cost per student for the Year: $200.00
$100.00 Due September 15, 2005
Due October 15, 2005 $100.00
If you have any questions about the Fair Share Costs of your student or if there is a financial need, please contact Jennifer Wilson, Booster President at gwilson7@san.rr.com or (858) 484-
1122 or Joseph Taulane, Booster Treasurer at jpt@chem.ucsd.edu. Our goal is to make our program the best it can be, but to do that, we need your help.
Westview Foundation is a not-for-profit organization as described in section 501c (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Our taxpayer ID number is 03-0462131
Westview Foundation 13550 Camino Del Sur San Diego, California 92129