From: Pat Widdowson

From: Pat Widdowson
Sent: Friday, August 26, 2011 3:47 PM
To: Amber Flippen;; Carla Coble; Dana Draughn;; Heather Horton; jodi southern; Joy Swann; Kathy White; LuAnne
LLewellyn; Paula Brinkley;;
Subject: FW: Elementary Computer Labs
From: Pat Widdowson
Sent: Friday, August 26, 2011 3:47 PM
To: alison york;; Denny Barr; Eric Riggs;; Jan
Varney; Molly Anderson; Sandra Scott;;;
Tracey Lewis;; Janet ATkins; Neil ;
Cc: Jill Reinhardt; Ashley Hinson; Chuck Graham; Terri Mosley; Heather Horton; Kathy White
Subject: Elementary Computer Labs
When I met with elementary and middle school computer lab instructors for a Rosetta Stone
meeting recently, the topic of vertical articulation of state computer skills became one piece of
the discussion. Because computer lab skills are paired with Rosetta Stone instruction in grades
3-8, the prioritization and time to teach computer lab skills was a question. It was noted that in
grades 6-8 Gen Yes will help with the computer lab articulation, but grades 3-5 needed
Mrs. Reinhardt and I have reviewed the new state Essential Standards for Information and
Technology Skills which is supposed to be the “taught” curriculum during this school year, and
we agreed that elementary computer lab instructors should teach the Technology as a Tool
and the Safety and Ethical Issues components (attached) of the new curriculum. The other
standards of Sources of Information, Informational Text, and the Research Process seemed to lie
more in the realm of the classroom teacher and the media specialist.
We understand that the standards will overlap especially during the development of multimedia products, but we would like for the 3-5 computer lab instructors to prioritize and to
work for student mastery in the Technology as a Tool and the Safety and Ethical Issues
Essential Standards.
Because the curriculum is new, we may need to meet with the elementary computer lab
instructors to define and clarify the language. In the interim, please forward this email to your
computer lab instructors and contact us to let us know how to best support computer lab
Thank you.
Pat Widdowson
Assistant Superintendent
Surry County Schools
336-386-4756 fax