Age Level: Focus: Lesson Planning Sheet Name______________ Date______Period___ Devise a lesson plan that focuses on cultural diversity and ethnicity. You will need to identify the age level and focus such as social studies- geography or world languages. See Links for Standard Course of Study Goals Washington State Resources: Cultural Competence- What is it? Cultural competence is the ability to successfully teach students who come from cultures other than our own. It entails developing certain personal and interpersonal awareness and sensitivities, developing certain bodies of cultural knowledge, and mastering a set of skills that, taken together, underlie effective cross-cultural teaching. See page one of this document to explain why cultural competence is important. Watch this clip to see how teachers need to have culturally responsive teaching Teaching Children From Diverse Backgrounds: Standards Cultural Diversity Washington State,GLE&gl=40 o Click on World Language and Grade Level Click List them below. Subjects included in this Lesson Plan: ( Focus)______________________________________ Description of activity: Write a comprehensive paragraph. Approximate time required: ______________________________ Standard Course of Study Goals and Objectives: We will use the state learning standards: Social Studies World Languages.,GLE&gl=40 You must find a minimum of 2 standards or Grade Level Equivalents for this assignment. . Social/Studies World Language Teacher's Lesson Goals/Objectives: Materials/Resources Needed: Pre Activities: ( What do they need to know before they do this activity) Bullet a detail list of required previous knowledge Activity: Describe the activity- Bullet or write a comprehensive paragraph Guided Practice: (What will you help them do?) List step by step Independent Practice: (What will they do on their own?) List step by step Closure: (How will you know that they grasped the concepts? Might include a follow-up activity) Assessment: Be sure you can measure accomplishment. Helpful links: Cultural Contributions CBA- classroom based assessment- Use this to get an overview of expectations for elementary level students. Grading Rubric: Cultural Diversity Lesson Name___________________________ Focus Topic Date. Criteria Brief Description of activity/Approximate time required Comments Points. _____10 Standard Course of Study Goals and Objectives listed and identified EARL’s or National standards Teacher's Lesson Goals/Objectives ______/10 Materials/Resources Needed/ {Pre- activities listed and described. _____/15 Sample of activity shared that would exemplify the lesson and provide a guide for expected student behavior. Activity Description- enough detail given to clearly describe the plan Independent Practice- time allowed and facilitated Closure Activity Assessment Total _____/10 ______25 _____/10 ____10 _____/5 _____/5 _____/100