Sociology Final Review Ch. 1 1. Sociology: 2. Social Imagination: 3. Social Action: 4. Revolution: 5. Modernism: 6. Rational-Choice Theory: 7. Public Good: 8. Social Integration: 9. Structural Functionalism: 10. Symbolic Interactionism: 11. Conflict Theory (What is it and what two people is it based on) 12. August Compte: 13. Adam Smith: 14. Jeremy Bentham: 15. Emile Durkheim: 16. G.H. Mead: 17. Why is Sociology considered a science? 18. Who wanted to come up with a theory to sum up all other sciences? Ch. 3 19. Culture: 20. Material Culture: 21. Non-Material Culture: 22. Popular Culture: 23. High Culture: 24. Cultural Diversity: 25. Society: 26. Norm: 27. More: 28. Symbol: 29. Folkway: 30. Group Identity: 31. Assimilation: 32. Ethnocentrism: 33. Cultural Relativism: 34. Cultural Gatekeepers: 1 35. Counter Culture: 36. Internationalization: Ch. 4 37. Role: 38. Status: 39. Power: 40. Social Structure: 41. Macrosociology: 42. Microsociology: 43. Social Exchange Theory: 44. Symbolic Interactionism: 45. Symbolic Gesture: 46. Role Taking: 47. Front Stage/Backstage: 48. Impression Management: 49. Adam Smith: 50. Behaviorism: 51. Ethnomethodology: 52. Emile Durkheim: Ch. 5 53. Socialization: 54. Nature: 55. Nurture: 56. Tabula Rosa: 57. Desocialization/resocialization: 58. What are the agents of socialization: Ch. 7 59. Deviance: 60. Internalizing: 61. Catalyst: 62. Innovation: 63. Anomie: 64. Retreatism: 65. Secondary Deviance: 66. Social Control: 67. Sanctions: 68. Informal Sanctions: 2 69. Punishment: 70. What does power have to do with deviance? 71. What does Marx have to say about power and deviance? Ch. 9 72. Stratification: 73. Closed Stratification: 74. Prestige: 75. What are Marx’s two classes? Ch. 10 76. Race: 77. Ethnicity: 78. Ethnocentrism: 79. Displacement: 80. Minority Group: 81. WASP: 82. Segregation: 83. Prejudice: 84. Discrimination: 85. Racism: 86. Jim Crow Laws: 87. Non-violent Resistance: 88. Integration: 89. Salad Bowl: 90. What is the major cause of ethnocentrism? 91. How were most minority groups treated when they first came to the US? 92. Which ethnic group has traditionally held the most power in the US? 93. Affirmative Action: Ch. 11 94. Gender: 95. Sex: 96. Gender Role: 97. Gender Stereotyping: 98. Sexism: 99. The Glass Ceiling: 3