Synonyms Lesson Plan

Integrated Lesson Plan Format
Field Lesson
Name: Rachael Martin
Date taught: _April 17, 2012______________
Cooperating Teacher: _Emily Dailey/_______
A. Subject:_ Communication Arts______________________
C. Topic/Title: Synonyms_______________________
B. Grade level/age: First Grade______________________
D. Time Frame:_10:15-10:50 a.m._____________________
A. Grade Level Expectation(s)/ Course Level Expectation(s):
R3D1: Read and follow a simple direction to perform a task.
 Piece of paper with word on top
R1C1: Develop and apply decoding strategies to “problem-solve” unknown words
for each student
when reading grade-level instructional text.
 Writing utensil for each student
B. Student learning objective/s:
Students will give examples of synonyms.
Students will relate words with similar meanings, synonyms.
Students will follow directions to perform a simple task for the Roundabout game.
Students will predict what words mean throughout book, Stroll and Walk, Babble
and Talk
Synonym Match-up worksheet
for each student
7 pieces of pre-cut yarn for
each student
Glue for each student
Index card/sentence strip for
each student
Synonym songs:
Roundabout game idea:
Book: Stroll and Walk, Babble and Talk
Synonym word list:
Depth of Knowledge (DOK): check
1. recall
2. skill/concept
3. strategic thinking ______
4. extended thinking
Center or Time Block 1 & 2
Integrated Component: Music and Movement________________________
A. Opening:
We will be talking about synonyms today. We remember what synonyms are, don’t we? (words that have similar meanings).
Right! Great job!
Well, I have some fun songs that are going to help us remember synonyms and teach us to be creative with our writing and
speaking! Join me at the round table, and we will listen to some songs about synonyms.
(Teacher go to Select “My favorite words” from left scroll bar (Shakespeare-esc scene) and select
“Miniscule”, then it will automatically play “Fabulous” and “Humongous”.
B. Explanation:
 A synonym is a word that has a similar meaning to another word, right? (yes) Well, if I have the word talk (write
on board), what is a synonym? (speak, tell…) Good job!
 Now, (student’s name- draw name from can), can you give me a word? (write word on board) What is a synonym
for this word?
 (write a list of words on the board) (Draw names from can to write a synonym on the board for each word, words
may be used more than one time).
Example: WALK is on the board. (draw name) (Student) please write a synonym under the word walk.
Draw until everyone has had a chance to come to the board.
 Okay, come join me on the rug. We are going to read a fun story, called Stroll and Walk, Babble and Talk. (do book
walk and allow students to predict what will happen in the story)
 Read book to students.
 Discuss book and synonyms used in the book.
 Now, we are going to be playing a game called the ROUNDABOUT SYNONYM GAME.
 I am going to give each of you a piece of paper that has a word on the top, I want you to lay it on your desk, don’t
write on it yet. (give each student a paper and allow them to go to their desk)
 Next, I want you to please get a pencil out.
 The way the game is played is: I am going to give you 20 seconds at each desk, you will start with your own, you
will write a synonym for the word that is on your paper, and then when the bell dings, you will go to desk to your
right. You will have 20 seconds to write a synonym on that paper. We are going to do this until you are back to
your desk.
 Synonym Match-up worksheet
Students will each get a Synonym Match up worksheet and 7 pieces of pre-cut yarn.
They are to match up the synonyms, drawing a line with their pencil, and then they may glue the yarn to the
appropriate synonym match.
 By pre-service teacher: The roundabout activity sheet will be a method of assessment for the preservice teacher, as
well as monitoring students during activities.
 The worksheet is also a method of assessment for the preservice teacher.
Student self-evaluation of own learning: Students will have a blank index card (or sentence strip); they need to write
a pair of synonyms used in today’s activities.
D. Closing:
Raising your hands, who can tell me what a synonym is? (allow answers) Can you give me an example of a pair of
synonyms? (allow answers)
You have all done a great job listening and participating! I am very proud of each and every one of you.
Good job! Now, it’s time to line up for lunch.
Differentiated Instruction:
U: Utensils: The teacher could allow more items to be used around the classroom for students to master the concept of
R: Rate: The teacher could slow the pace for the game, allowing 30 seconds at each desk, if the students are having a difficult
time writing synonyms.
P: Place: If weather and resources allowed, the students could play Roundabout game outside or in the gym.
Synonym Match-up