3 Vertical Sentence

3 - Vertical Sentence
By the end of the lesson each student will be able to form a new sentence with synonyms for the indicated words.
Standard Reference: R1C4Vocabulary PO 6. Determine the meaning of common synonyms, antonyms, and homonyms.
ELP Standards Vocabulary: The student will demonstrate knowledge of vocabulary by:
PE-9: identifying
word pairs as
antonyms or
synonyms using
picture clues.
(math, science, social studies)
E-9: identifying and
classifying word pairs as
antonyms or synonyms
of known, grade-level
B-9: completing
antonym and
synonym word
LI-9: explaining word
pair/analogous relationships
(e.g., bravery: courage ::
smooth: sleek, etc).
(math, science, social studies)
(math, science, social studies)
HI-9: completing and
explaining analogous
relationships (e.g., bravery:
courage :: smooth:
(math, science, social studies)
(math, science, social studies)
Rationale for Lesson Based Upon Student Data:
Lack of vocabulary in terms of synonyms often prevents struggling readers from comprehending text.S
Standards and Objectives
Teacher Behavior
Presenting Instructional Content
Student Behavior
Activities and Materials
Academic Feedback
Introduce the sentence and talk with the students
about the meaning. Use TPR if helpful to develop
Student repeat sentence
with motions to a partner
and chorally as a group.
Partner and group
Think, Pair Share: Ask the students to think about
some other words that could be the same or about
the same (synonym) as the underlined word.
Vertical Sentence chart
Share ideas with a partner
and the group when called
Prior to instruction, teacher will prepare a chart with
the target sentence and the word(s) underlined that
are targets for synonyms. Teacher should look up
possible synonyms for the target word(s) and record
on a post-it.
Repeat an indicated
Identify synonyms for
selected words orally
using a complete
Always require students
answer in a complete
Share with a partner. Call on several to provide
answers. Record answers on the chart under the
underlined word. Add any additional the students
might have missed. Repeat for any other indicated
words in the sentence.
Orally identify best fit
for a synonym based on
shades of meaning.
Think aloud for the students about the shades of
meaning for each synonym proposed. Give
examples. Ask the students to share with a partner
the “best fit” for the sentence. Call on a student to
give the best fit and explain why. If more than 1
synonym is proposed for best fit, have the student
indicate their agreement/disagreement with thumbs
up/thumbs down. Reread the sentence with the
students with the new synonyms.
Student partner and choral
Direct the students to write the outcome sentence in
their composition book..
Student written response.
Write the outcome
sentence with the
synonyms substitution.
A synonym for ___ is
Partner and group
Always require students
answer in a complete
Use the frame: I
propose___ is the best
synonym for this
sentence because_____.
Partner and group
Written sentence with
synonyms substituted.