Lesson 6 - Never Too Old to Play Word Internet

Desktop Publishing
Student Instructions
Online Class - Fall 2003
Ms. Cheryl Darce, Instructor
Desktop Publishing
Lesson 6 - Never Too Old To Play
Using the following web sites or web sites of your own, research toys over the past 100 years.
1. What was your favorite toy to play with as a child? What information can you find on that
toy? How much does it cost to make your favorite toy; compare the cost to manufacture to retail
cost. Is the toy still made today?
2. What are some of the toys that were developed over the past 100 years?
3. Have toys really changed much over the past 100 years?
4. What is the oldest toy that you can find? What materials were use to make some of these
toys? How much did some of these toys cost?
5. What are some collectable toys? How much are they worth?
**Write a paper answering the above questions. You may use pictures in your paper. Make sure
that you make a "Title Page" and a “Works Cited” page listing all of the web sites of where
you obtained your information.
Possible Web Sites:
Dr. Toy: http://www.drtoy.com
Lego World: http://www.lego.com/worlds.asp
Barbie: http://www.barbie.com
Matchbox: http://www.matchboxtoys.com
Crayola: http://www.crayola.com
Cool and Classic Toys: http://www.quincyshop.com/toys.html
The Latest Craze: http://www.pokemon.com
The Toy Zone: http://www.TheToyZone.com
Fads Online: http://www.bandal.com
The Santa Barbara Antique Toy Site: http://antiquetoys.com
Toy Time: http://www.etoys.com
Internet Collectible Awards: http://www.collectiblenet.com
Desktop Publishing - OnLine Class Lesson Plans
Lesson 6: Never Too Old To Play
Curriculum Area:
Grade Levels:
Louisiana Framework:
ELA-1-H5 using the various purposes for reading (e.g., enjoying, learning, researching, problem
solving) to complete complex projects. (1, 2, 4)
ELA-2-H1 writing a composition of complexity that clearly implies a central idea with
supporting details in a logical, sequential order; (1, 4)
ELA-3-H2 using the grammatical and mechanical conventions of standard English; (1, 4, 5)
ELA-5-H4 using available technology to produce, revise, and publish a variety of works; (1, 3,
ELA-5-H5 citing references using various formats (e.g., parenthetical citations, endnotes,
bibliography); (1, 4)
Technology Strategies:
9-12-C Demonstrate knowledge and skills of Internet use and other resources consistent with
acceptable use policies including the legal consequences of plagiarism and the need for
authenticity in student work through an understanding of copyright issues. (5)
9-12-E Explain and use advanced terminology, tools, and concepts associated with software
applications, telecommunications, and emerging technologies. (1,3)
9-12-G Refine knowledge and enhance skills in keyboarding, word processing, desktop
publishing, spreadsheets, databases, multimedia, and telecommunications in preparing and
presenting classroom projects. (3,6)
9-12-J Use appropriate technology to locate, retrieve, organize, analyze, evaluate, and
communicate information for problem solving and decision making. (1,2,4)
9-12-K Evaluate the usage of technology and the processes involved during and upon completion
of individual and group projects. (2,5)
Learner Objectives:
The learner will be able to:
explore toy resources on the Internet
compare and contrast toy of yesterday and today
create an information timeline (optional)
Never Too Old To Play Instruction Sheet with directed web sites
Sample Illustration of Document
Technology Connection:
Microsoft Word
Lesson Procedures:
A. Motivation:
1. Everyone has played with a toy at some point in his or her life. Today there are a wide
variety of toys on the market for children to play with. Some toys have changed greatly while
some of our old favorites remain the same. What are were some of your favorite toys that you
played with as a child. Are these toys still available today? What do you think are some of the
oldest toys? How much do some of today’ toys cost? In this lesson you are going to research
some of your favorite toys and write a paper on your findings. You will also research to find the
oldest toy and some collectable toys. You may add pictures and WordArt to your paper.
B. Lesson Procedure: (At the computer)
1. Using the following web sites or web sites of your own, research toys over the past 100
years and answer the following questions in paragraph format. Make sure that you include a
Title Page and a Works Cited page showing the web sites that were used.
a. What was your favorite toy to play with as a child? What information can you find
on that toy? How much does it cost to make your favorite toy; compare cost to manufacture to
retail if possible? Is the toy still made today?
b. What are some of the toys that were developed over the past 100 years?
1) Toy Inventions – http://inventors.about.com/library/inventors/bltoy.htm
2) Inventors & Inventions – http://www.enchantedlearning.com/inventors/fun/shtml
3) Ancient Toys – http://www.musee-du-jouet.com/ancient.htm
c. What is the oldest toy that you can find? What materials were used to make some of
these toys? How much did some of these toys cost?
d. Have toys really changed much over the past 100 years?
e. What are some collectable toys? How much are they worth?
2. Other Possible Web Sites:
a. The Santa Barbara Antique Toy Site: http://www.antiquetoys.com
b. Dr. Toy: http://www.dtoy.com
c. Lego World: http://www.lego.com/worlds.asp
d. Barbie: http://www.barbie.com
e. Matchbox: http://www.matchboxtoys.com
f. Crayola: http://www.crayola.com
g. Cool & Classic Toys: http://www.quincyshop.com/toys.html
h. The Latest Craze: http://www.pokemon.com
i. The Toy Zone: http://www.TheToyZone.com
j. Fads Online: http://www.bandal.com
k. Toy Time: http://www.etoys.com
l. Internet Collectible Awards: http://www.colletiblenet.com
C. Additional Activity
1 Have the student create a timeline showing some of the popular toys over the past 100
years. Allow students to insert pictures and use a variety of WordArt, color, etc. (Time Line
Instructions are included with the student instructions.)
Rubric showing the grading scale for Lesson 6
Final Project
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