EYFS Best Fit summaries for Transition Document

EYFS Best Fit summaries for Transition Document: Specific Area: Understanding the World 2012-2013
22-36 months: Best Fit Profile – SEND
30-50 months: Best Fit Profile
40-60 months: Best Fit Profile
People and Communities
The 22 – 36 month child has a sense of his own immediate
family and in pretend play imitates everyday actions and events
from his own family and cultural background, e.g. making and
drinking tea. He is beginning to have his own friends and is
beginning to learn that he may have similarities and differences
that connect him to, and distinguish him from, others.
People and Communities
The 30 – 50 month child is interested in the lives of people who
are familiar to him and can talk about significant events in his
own life. He recognises and describes special times or events
for family or friends and knows some of the things that make
them unique. He can talk about some of the similarities and
differences in relation to friends or family. He is also beginning
to show interest in different occupations and ways of life.
People and Communities
The 40 – 60 month child enjoys joining in with family customs
and routines.
The World
This child enjoys playing with small-world models such as a
farm, a garage, or a train track and notices detailed features of
objects in his environment.
This child wants to know basic skills in turning on and operating
some ICT equipment. He operates mechanical toys, e.g. turns
the knob on a wind-up toy or pulls back on a friction car.
The World
This child comments and asks questions about aspects of his
world such as the place where he lives or the natural world. He
can talk about some of the things he has seen such as plants,
animals, natural and found objects. He may talk about why
things happen and how things work. He has a developing
understanding of growth, decay and changes over time and
demonstrates care and concern for living things and the
The World
This child looks closely at similarities, differences, patterns and
This child can complete a simple program on a computer. He
uses ICT hardware to interact with age-appropriate computer
This child knows how to operate simple equipment, e.g. turns
on a CD player and uses a remote control. He is interested in
technological toys with knobs or pulleys or real objects such as
cameras or mobile phones. He can make toys work by pressing
parts or lifting flaps to achieve effects such as sound,
movements or new images. He knows that information can be
retrieved from computers.
Birth – 11 mths:Best Fit Profile Complex SEND
8-20 months: Best Fit Profile –
Complex SEND
16-26 months: Best Fit Profile –
Complex SEND
People and Communities
The beginnings of understanding of People and communities
lie in early attachment and other relationships.
People and Communities
The beginnings of understanding of People and communities
lie in early attachment and other relationships.
People and Communities
The 16 – 26 month child is curious about people and shows
interest in stories about himself and his family.
The World
The birth – 11-month child moves his eyes, then his head, to
follow a moving object. He reacts with abrupt change when a
face or object suddenly disappears from his view. He looks
around a room with interest; visually scanning his environment
for novel, interesting objects and events. This child smiles with
pleasure at recognisable playthings and repeats actions that
have an effect, e.g. kicking or hitting a mobile or shaking a
The World
The 8 – 20 month child closely observes what animals, people
and vehicles do. He will watch a toy being hidden and try to find
it and looks for dropped objects. This child may become
absorbed in combining objects, e.g. banging two objects or
placing objects into containers. He knows things are used in
different ways, e.g. a ball for rolling or throwing, a toy car for
The World
This child explores objects by linking together different
approaches e.g. shaking, hitting, looking, feeling, tasting,
mouthing, pulling, turning and poking. He remembers where
objects belong and matches parts of objects that fit together,
e.g. can put a lid on a teapot.
The beginnings of understanding technology lie in babies
exploring and making sense of objects and how they behave.
The beginnings of understanding technology lie in babies
exploring and making sense of objects and how they behave.
This child anticipates repeated sounds, sights and actions, e.g.
when an adult demonstrates an action toy several times. He
shows an interest in toys with buttons, flaps and simple
mechanisms and is beginning to learn to operate them.