Russia and the Republics: Map Lab 1. Label the following countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Estonia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan. 2. Look at the comparing data chart on p. 337. Compare the size and population of Russia and the Republics to the United States. How many times larger is the land area of Russia and the Republics than that of the United States? How do their populations compare? How would the population densities compare? 3. Look at the Regional Data File on pp. 342-343. How do the GDP’s of Russia and the Republics compare to the GDP of the United States? _________________________________________. How do the numbers of televisions and passenger cars compare with those of the United States? _____________________________. From these statistics, what conclusions can you draw about the standards of living in the republics? What inconsistency do you see between the infant mortality rate and the number of doctors in the republics? (compare to the U.S.) Northern Landforms --Label the following landforms and describe some important characteristics of each. (pp. 345-346) 4. Northern European Plain – Why is the Ukraine called the region’s breadbasket? What percent of the region’s 290 million people live there? The 3 largest cities are: _______________ (Russia’s capital), ___________________, and _________ (Ukraine’s capital). Locate and label these cities on your map The Ural Mountains separate the Northern European Plain and the West Siberian Plain. (Draw and label) 5. West Siberian Plain Why do the rivers flow toward the Arctic Ocean (north)? 6. Siberian Plateau7. Russian Far East It contains the ______________ Peninsula and the ______________& _______________Islands. (put these features on your map) Southern Landforms -- Label all italicized features on your map. (pp. 346-347) 8. Caucasus Mountains stretch across the land that separates the ___________ and __________ Seas. The mountains form a border between Russia and Transcaucasia. 9. Describe the following: Transcaucasia Central Asia- Rivers and Lakes (pp. 347-348) The main drainage basins in Russia and the Republics are the Arctic Ocean, Barents Sea, Caspian Sea, Pacific Ocean, Sea of Okhotsk, Baltic Sea, Black Sea, and Aral Sea. (label on your map) --Label the following rivers on your map. List which basin each river drains into and describe some of the important characteristics of each. 10. Ob River11. Volga River--Describe some important characteristics of each of the following lakes. 12. Caspian Sea13. Aral Sea14. Lake Baikal (label on map)Regional Resources (pp. 348-349) 15. What are some of the resources that have been developed in Russia and the Republics? 16. Why might extracting and transporting the region’s resources be difficult? 17. Why might workers be unwilling to take jobs in Siberia? Climate (350-352) 18. What are the two major climate types of Russia and the Republics? 19. What effects does continentality have on the region’s climates? 20. Describe the following four vegetation types found in Russia and the Republics: Tundra Forest (include taiga) Steppe DesertHuman Geography (pp. 354-356) --Briefly describe the following 21. Coping in Siberia- 22. Trans-Siberian Railroad-