Berlin Community School 6 Science Teacher: Grade 6 Month September 2010 Content Skills A. Identify broken safety rules 2010 A. 12 question T/F Safety Quiz - Change False statements to make them True B. Vocabulary B. Defining of terms, review terms B. Completed Foldable, Vocabulary Quiz C. Minerals C. Describe characteristics that all minerals share. C. Explain how minerals form. D. Mineral Identification E. Uses of Minerals D. Describe physical properties used to identify minerals. D. Identify minerals using physical properties such as hardness and streak. 2010 2010 E. Describe characteristics of gems that make them more valuable than other minerals. E. Identify useful elements that are contained in minerals. October 2010 Assessment A. Science Safety A. Vocabulary A. Defining of terms, Review of Terms B. The Rock Cycle B. Distinguish between a rock and a mineral. B. Describe the rock cycle and some changes that a rock could undergo. C. Igneous Rocks C. Recognize magma and lava as the materials cool to form igneous rocks. C. Contrast the formation of intrusive and extrusive igneous rocks. C. Contrast granitic and basaltic igneous rocks. Materials Glencoe Science: Earth Materials and Processes C. Growing Crystals Lab- salt and sugar C. Class Discussions D. Virtual Lab - Teacher Observation with Student Participation D. Performance of various identification tests E. Gemologist Presentation - Participation and Observation by Teacher, Smithsonian Institute Website E. Class Discussions B - E: Reading Outline Worksheets, Online Chapter Review, Chapter Test: M/C, Fill in the Blank, Short Answer A. Completed Foldable and Vocabulary Quiz Glencoe Science - Earth Materials and Processes B. Student Created Rock Cycle Diagram Rock Sample Kits C. View/identify various igneous rock samples. 1 of 7 6 Science Grade 6 Month Berlin Community School Content Skills Assessment Materials 2010 D. Metamorphic Rocks D. Describe the conditions in Earth that cause metamorphic rocks to form. D. Classify metamorphic rocks as foliated or nonfoliated. 2010 E. Sedimentary Rocks E. Explain how sedimentary rocks form from sediments. E. Classify sedimentary rocks as detrial, chemical, or organic in origin. 2010 November 2010 D. View/identify various metamorphic rock samples E. View /identify various sedimentary rock samples. A - E: Reading Outline Worksheets Online Chapter Review Chapter Test: M/C, Fill in the Blank, Short Answer, Diagram Completion A. Vocabulary A. Defining of Terms and Review of terms A. Completed Foldable, Vocabulary Quiz A. Student Created Vocabulary Crossword B. Continental Drift B. Describe the hypothesis of continental drift. B. Identify evidence of seafloor spreading. 2010 B. Pangaea Puzzle B. Class Discussions with section review questions C. Seafloor Spreading D. Theory of Plate Tectonics C. Class Discussions with section review questions C. Explain Seafloor Spreading. C. Recognize how age and magnetic clues support seafloor spreading. 2010 D. Class Discussions with section review questions D. Compare and contrast different types of plate boundaries. D. Explain how heat inside Earth causes plate tectonics. 2010 B - D: Reading Outline Worksheets, Teacher Created Online Chapter Review, Chapter Test: M/C, Fill In the Blank, Matching, Short Answer, Diagrams Glencoe Science - Earth Materials and Processes Various websites for animated examples of the break-up of Pangaea, seafloor spreading, and motions caused by plate tectonics. D. Recognize features caused by plate tectonics. 2 of 7 6 Science Grade 6 Month December 2010 Content Berlin Community School Skills A. Defining of terms A. Completed Foldable, Vocabulary Quiz B. Forces Inside Earth B. Explain how earthquakes result from the buildup of energy in rocks. B. Describe how compression, tension, and shear forces make rocks move along faults. B. Distinguish among normal, reverse, and strike slip faults. B. Class discussions with review questions B. Directed Reading Questions B. Inquiry-based lesson on seismic waves C. Explain how earthquake energy travels in seismic waves. C. Distinguish among primary, secondary, and surface waves. C. Describe the structure of Earth's interior. C. Class discussions with review questions C. Features of Earthquakes D. People and Earthquakes E. Volcanoes A.Vocabulary B. Ocean Water Catastrophic Events Inquiry Based Lesson A - D: Reading Outline Worksheets, Teacher Created Online Review Test, Chapter Test: M/C, Matching, Modifies True/False, Short Answer E. Worksheet Packet - Graded E. Review volcanoes A. Defining of terms, Review of terms B. Identify the origin of the water in Earth's Oceans. B. Explain how dissolved salts and other substances get into seawater. B. Describe the composition of seawater. C. Ocean Currents C. Explain how winds and the Coriolis Effect influence surface currents. C. Discuss the temperatures of coastal waters. C. Describe density currents. D. Ocean Waves and Tides Materials Glencoe Science: Earth Processes and Materials D. Class discussions with review questions D. Explain where most earthquakes in the United States occur. D. Describe how scientists measure earthquakes. D. List ways to make your classroom and home more earthquake-safe. January 2011 Assessment A. Vocabulary A. Foldable A. Vocabulary Quiz Glencoe Science: The Water Planet B. Directed Reading Questions/Student responses C. Lab "Temperature and Salinity" C. Directed Reading Questions/Student Responses C. Activity "Temperature and Salinity: How They Affect Density of Water" D. Graded Worksheets 3 of 7 6 Science Grade 6 Month Content Berlin Community School Skills D. Describe wave formation. D. Distinguish between the movement of water particles in a wave and the movement of the wave. D. Explain how ocean tides form. Assessment Materials B, C, D, - Teacher Created Reading Comprehension worksheets E. Test Preparation E. Review skills and concepts A-D. E. Online Chapter Review Chapter Test: M/C, Matching, Short Answer, Diagrams F. Defining of new terms. F. Completed Foldable F. Vocabulary Quiz G. Differentiate between a continental shelf and a continental slope. G. Describe a mid-ocean ridge, an abyssal plain, and an ocean trench. G. Identify the mineral resources found on the continental shelf and in the deep ocean. A. Describe photosynthesis and chemosynthesis in the oceans. 2010 A. List the key characteristics if plankton, nekton, and benthos. A. Compare and contrast ocean margin habitats. G. Virtual Lab - Oceanography G. "Mapping the Seafloor" Graphing Activity to create profile of Ocean FloorObservation/Final graph of student work F. Vocabulary G. The Seafloor February 2011 A. Life in the Oceans B. Ocean Pollution B. List five types of ocean pollution. B. Explain how ocean pollution affects the entire world. 2010 B. Describe how ocean pollution can be controlled. C. Dichotomous Keys and Classification C. Create a dichotomous key for use in classifying potato chips. A. Class Discussions A. Directed Reading Questions/Student Responses A. Ocean Animal extra credit assignment Glencoe Science: The Water Planet B. Completion of teacher created reading comprehension worksheets for each reading section. B. Pollution Brochures - Created in Computer Lab - Internet research B. Arctic Oil Spill Simulation A - B: Reading Outline Worksheets, Teacher Created Online Chapter Review, Chapter Test: M/C, Fill in the Blank, Short Answer C. At least 9 different varieties, flavors, shapes of potato chips. C. Accurate use of student created keys by other groups. D. Meter sticks and metric rulers D. Metric Measurement D. Measurement packets of items to measure, then convert and through teacher 4 of 7 6 Science Grade 6 Month Content Berlin Community School Skills D. Practice metric measurement through hands-on activities. March 2011 A. Radiation From Space A. Explain the electromagnetic spectrum. A. Identify the differences between refracting and reflecting telescopes. A. Differentiate between optical and radio telescopes B. Space Exploration - Early Space Missions Assessment Materials observation Glencoe Science: Astronomy A - C. Reading outline worksheets Vocabulary Matching Quiz Online Chapter Review Chapter Test: 25 Questions, M/C, Fill In The Blank, Short Answer, Labeling B. Identify human explorers in early space program B. Distinguish between natural and artificial satellites B. Differentiate between space probes and satellites. B. Explain the history of the race to the Moon. C. Space Exploration - Current and Future Space Missions April 2011 A. Vocabulary C. Explain the benefits of the space shuttle. C. Identify the usefulness of orbital space stations. C. Explore future space missions. A. Defining of terms, review of terms A. Completed Foldable A. Vocabulary Quiz - 12 matching B. Examine Earth's physical systems. B. Differentiate between rotation and revolution. B. Discuss what causes seasons to change. B. Class discussions 2009 C. Diagram of all 8 phases of the moon C. Virtual Lab - Teacher observation with Glencoe Science: Astronomy B. The Sun-Earth-Moon System C. The Moon - Earth's Satellite 5 of 7 6 Science Grade 6 Month Content D. Exploring Earth's Moon Berlin Community School Skills Assessment C. Identify phases of the Moon and their cause. 2009 C. Explain why solar and lunar eclipses occur. C. Infer what the Moon's surface features may reveal about its history. student participation C. Worksheet diagram - label and describe the eclipses D. Describe recent discoveries about the Moon. D. Examine facts about the Moon that might influence future space travel Materials D. Class discussions Online Research A - D: Online Chapter Review (Group) Reinforcement Worksheet Packet (Graded) 32 Question Chapter Test: Matching, Multiple Choice, True/False, Short Answer E. Planet Fact Cards Worksheets (Graded) E. The Solar System E. Compare the Sun-centered and Earthcentered models of the solar system. E. Describe current models of the formation of the solar system. E. Explain that gravity holds planets in orbits around the Sun. May 2011 A. Vocabulary (Chap 3) A. Defining of terms, review of terms B. The Inner Planets B. List the inner planets and their relative order from the Sun. B. Describe the important characteristics of each inner planet. B. Compare and contrast Venus and Earth. C.The Outer Planets A. Completed Foldable A. Vocabulary Quiz - 12 matching Glencoe Science: Astronomy B-D. Oral responses, class discussions, planet fact cards, worksheet completion, Student created Solar System Trivia Games, Online Chapter Review, 42 Question test: M/C, T/F, Labeling and Short Responses. C.Describe the major characteristics of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. C. Explain how Pluto differs from the other outer planets. 6 of 7 6 Science Grade 6 Month June 2011 Content Berlin Community School Skills D. Other Objects in the Solar System D. Describe where comets come from and how a comet develops as it approaches the Sun. D. Distinguish among comets, meteoroids, and asteroids. E. Vocabulary (Chap 4) E. Defining of terms, review of terms A. Stars A. Explain why the positions of constellations change throughout the year. A. Distinguish between absolute magnitude and apparent magnitude. A. Describe how parallax is used to determine distance. B. The Sun B. Describe the structure of the Sun. B. Explain how sunspots, prominences, and solar flares are related. B. Explain why the Sun is considered an average star and how it differs from stars in binary systems. C. Evolution of Stars Assessment E. Completed Foldable E. Vocabulary Quiz - 16 Term Matching A. Student and Teacher discussions. Materials Glencoe Science: Astronomy B. "Features of the Sun" Activity including student created diagrams of the Sun. B. "Yearly Mean Sunspot Numbers" Graph C. Virtual Lab - "Star Classification" C. Describe how stars are classified. C. Explain how the temperature of a star relates to its color. C. Describe how stars evolve. D. Galaxies and the Universe D. Identify the three main types of galaxies. D. List several characteristics of the Milky Way Galaxy. D. Describe evidence that supports the Big Bang theory. E. Test Preparation E. Review of Chapter Material (A-D) D. Photo identification D. Charactersitics of Milky Way E. Chapter Review Online Review Mind Jogger Video Quiz 40 Ques Test: M/C, Matching, Short Answer 7 of 7